CVG (Charles V Gurley)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (21)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 25th October 2012
CVG joined 4533 days ago and last visited 4419 days ago
Comments 79
Forum Posts 28
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I have been writing about 14 years.  I've wrote about 1000 poems, write all the time.  I mostly write darker poetry, music fuels a lot of what I write in terms of mood.  My Writing is about life, depression, angst, social problems, but also happy.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Frost, Eminem, 2-pac, otep

About Me

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I am a messed up word jumble, looking for a fix to my broken self.  I love sports, movies, music, games, writing, art in general.  I LOVE Metal music, all kinds, any blends.  Also like rock, some rap, a little country (mostly johnny Cash)  I enjoy Gothic culture.  The darker, the better.  I am not bothered in the least by violence.  I also love animals, more than people at times.  

My Writing has always been my head shrink.  Music and poetry make love in my head.  I have published a E-book Called "Gift of Darkness" (Which I provided the link above) I invite everyone to check out the long preview.  I also have a second coming hopefully  by years end called "The Depression Pieces"  My goal with the written word is keeping me sane and hopefully helping people.

This was said about me [SO PROUD]

Charles V. Gurley (CVG)- Writing has always been his head shrink, as music and poetry makes love inside of his head. In a sense, he makes love to the reader’s minds often. The foreplay of dark emotions, relatable life lessons, and sexual tension, all written with permanent ink, that forever past the clouds in our minds, allowing us to Rest inside Silence. That is his gift to us!

[Thanks rain1courtel]

My Reading List

Full Reading List
My Sweet Suicide by vampirelover69
fuck you and your poetry by hemihead (hemi)
Blackest Of Clouds by NoMoreLove (Golden Bird)
Throat Punch Fuck by mysteriouslady
Drifting by mikeswan94 (Mike)
Affection by mysteriouslady

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (12)