Poems About Money Seeking Friendly Advice
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Poems about money seeking friendly advice. Friendly advice and comments have been requested for these poems.
Helping The Victims Of The Wildfires
The crisis in California is heartbreaking and it certainly is dire.
I donated $20.00 to the American Red Cross to help the victims of the wildfires.
I donated and I encourage you to donate too.
It will certainly be a kind thing for you to do.
The situation is horrible and there is no doubt.
Please donate to these people to help them out.
I donated $20.00 to the American Red Cross to help the victims of the wildfires.
I donated and I encourage you to donate too.
It will certainly be a kind thing for you to do.
The situation is horrible and there is no doubt.
Please donate to these people to help them out.
101 reads
no sparkle in eyes
even no tears of joy or elation
no unique line or curve
even no fluttering butterflies
no vomiting
no weird sensations
no pain in boobs
no flowing of pee's
every night filled with passion
can easily enter his pole in me
no difficulties
no pills
when I wore fake baby bump...
even no tears of joy or elation
no unique line or curve
even no fluttering butterflies
no vomiting
no weird sensations
no pain in boobs
no flowing of pee's
every night filled with passion
can easily enter his pole in me
no difficulties
no pills
when I wore fake baby bump...
118 reads
That sly Faux news.
trump the Dem's help to stem those waged, abused,
shout down " foster trust not negativity "
with disturbing muddles of sly faux news
Forge top-dollar truths to lies to help screw
a few more pennies from proles, just like me,
trump the Dem's help to stem those waged, abused,
Suggest threats against those with unliked views
enslave folk with debt then tell them they're free
with disturbing muddles of sly faux news,
Encourage votes for folk who should be in zoos
by damning...
shout down " foster trust not negativity "
with disturbing muddles of sly faux news
Forge top-dollar truths to lies to help screw
a few more pennies from proles, just like me,
trump the Dem's help to stem those waged, abused,
Suggest threats against those with unliked views
enslave folk with debt then tell them they're free
with disturbing muddles of sly faux news,
Encourage votes for folk who should be in zoos
by damning...
110 reads
not made for this
The more you've got it made
the less I feel I belong here
and I don't know how to tell you
I don't want the white picket fence dream
because I don't know how to explain
how lonely walking the line
makes me feel
I wasn't born to fit in
and I think I've always known that
but I still squish my soul
into ill fitting places
because some days
the need to belong
outways the instability
of true freedom
And the choices that have lead me
to this half life of ghosted dreams
and discontent ...
the less I feel I belong here
and I don't know how to tell you
I don't want the white picket fence dream
because I don't know how to explain
how lonely walking the line
makes me feel
I wasn't born to fit in
and I think I've always known that
but I still squish my soul
into ill fitting places
because some days
the need to belong
outways the instability
of true freedom
And the choices that have lead me
to this half life of ghosted dreams
and discontent ...
116 reads
cheap hotel room
Its got a comfortable bed
and rustic decor
but the view out my window
is a brick wall
and there's dead cockroaches
scattered across my floor
The complimentary coffee is bad
the shower's temperamental
but the walls of this room are thicc
and I can't hear anyone yelling
or fucking or playing loud music
while I'm trying to sleep
I'm glad I picked up groceries
for breakfast already
because the roach problem
isn't giving me much confidence
about their breakfast menu
and I'm not up for a...
and rustic decor
but the view out my window
is a brick wall
and there's dead cockroaches
scattered across my floor
The complimentary coffee is bad
the shower's temperamental
but the walls of this room are thicc
and I can't hear anyone yelling
or fucking or playing loud music
while I'm trying to sleep
I'm glad I picked up groceries
for breakfast already
because the roach problem
isn't giving me much confidence
about their breakfast menu
and I'm not up for a...
115 reads
Isreal, Notrael (5-7-5)
by Jemia
by Jemia
83 reads
1 Comment
trying to find the corner in a circular room
I threw a packet of dirty
bread rolls at the wall tonight
dirty because my child stole them
and emptied them on the floor
to play with like wheaty squishies
We don't have much food
and I reached the end of my patience
with the kind of unhinged scream
that should be reserved for serious issues
In the grand scheme of things
this is nothing
but in the day to day struggles
this was the culmination of everything
I can't control
And the worst part is
that vocal retching didn't help
bread rolls at the wall tonight
dirty because my child stole them
and emptied them on the floor
to play with like wheaty squishies
We don't have much food
and I reached the end of my patience
with the kind of unhinged scream
that should be reserved for serious issues
In the grand scheme of things
this is nothing
but in the day to day struggles
this was the culmination of everything
I can't control
And the worst part is
that vocal retching didn't help
228 reads
1 Comment
Mediocre Inc.
At what age did you find that mediocre's fine,
In corporate halls where the average thrives?
Playing the game with a heart that's malign,
Ignoring respect for the human lives.
Do just the minimum, meets expectations align,
Why strive for more when the soul rarely jives?
It's all about survival, your mental health's sign,
I'd rather close myself in my shell than live this hell.
In realms where misery loves company well,
I choose my own path, adventures to tell.
No more the facade, no more the corporate spell,
Embracing my...
In corporate halls where the average thrives?
Playing the game with a heart that's malign,
Ignoring respect for the human lives.
Do just the minimum, meets expectations align,
Why strive for more when the soul rarely jives?
It's all about survival, your mental health's sign,
I'd rather close myself in my shell than live this hell.
In realms where misery loves company well,
I choose my own path, adventures to tell.
No more the facade, no more the corporate spell,
Embracing my...
187 reads
Online Sales
Skipping through the tulips
selling my wares on eBay,
when I sold a miniature fish
but its tail suspiciously got away!
The customer said it was broken,
and sent me a picture to compare,
I could tell it wasn't the same fish I'd sent,
but there was no way to prove it and be fair.
So, I gave her back her money,
and I skipped through the tulips once again,
when along came another customer,
but it didn't turn out to be a win.
She complained about some stains,
on a vintage towel that I had sold her.
I stated, "it was in the...
selling my wares on eBay,
when I sold a miniature fish
but its tail suspiciously got away!
The customer said it was broken,
and sent me a picture to compare,
I could tell it wasn't the same fish I'd sent,
but there was no way to prove it and be fair.
So, I gave her back her money,
and I skipped through the tulips once again,
when along came another customer,
but it didn't turn out to be a win.
She complained about some stains,
on a vintage towel that I had sold her.
I stated, "it was in the...
179 reads
Ninety-Nine Cent Records
He bought himself some records,
Oh yes, he did.
Quite many, I do not kid.
For his mom to sell online,
a little more than just a dime.
Not much profit in this,
I whine.
But it does help pass the time,
listing old records on eBay
for the auction price of 99.
Oh yes, he did.
Quite many, I do not kid.
For his mom to sell online,
a little more than just a dime.
Not much profit in this,
I whine.
But it does help pass the time,
listing old records on eBay
for the auction price of 99.
176 reads
If you want to sell
your dirty old boots online
clean them up a bit
don't leave them for me to shine.
It's hard to make a buck
when I must do all the work
spit and polishing your old boots
drives me utterly berserk.
But then they’ll quickly sell
as they always do
and I’ll be happy as hell
to make a dime or two.
your dirty old boots online
clean them up a bit
don't leave them for me to shine.
It's hard to make a buck
when I must do all the work
spit and polishing your old boots
drives me utterly berserk.
But then they’ll quickly sell
as they always do
and I’ll be happy as hell
to make a dime or two.
148 reads
NATO's war
NATO's war.
It was on a bright day in 1949 the Washington treaty was signed and later called NATO.
This treaty was purely an American undertaken and designed to surround Russia with enemy troops and sow distrust of the Russia based on endless propaganda.
When the communist system collapsed one would think
NATO was no longer needed, but no, not so, because
that organization had changed its character from a passive watchdog to an aggressive mastiff.
The US administration had promised Russia under Gorbachev that NATO would not expand further eastward, but...
It was on a bright day in 1949 the Washington treaty was signed and later called NATO.
This treaty was purely an American undertaken and designed to surround Russia with enemy troops and sow distrust of the Russia based on endless propaganda.
When the communist system collapsed one would think
NATO was no longer needed, but no, not so, because
that organization had changed its character from a passive watchdog to an aggressive mastiff.
The US administration had promised Russia under Gorbachev that NATO would not expand further eastward, but...
#books #consumerism
#books #consumerism
154 reads
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DU Poetry : Poems About Money Seeking Friendly Advice