Pure Love Soul

Their eyes glisten in the moonlight as the sky's soft tears crash upon their faces
A thread holds them to each other as their hearts form one
The world burns around them as they lay on the misty grass, a bed for both souls
Actions replace the words they hold in their minds, so quiet, so gentle

Lips so full form a kiss to free themselves to each other once more, that fate will surrender
Eyes so deep to hold emotion of such joy, such sorrow should never break
Upon the bodies they hold so dearly close, skin so soft, rich evil shall envy
Clear to all that each others beaming hearts and souls are all they see in the darkness of time
Once upon the top they stood, high with smiles so clear and flawless

A kiss to bind their souls, forever shall they be with one another
As fate shall have it, ripped apart from each other in nightmare terrors of worst
Given the solution to all their problem, shall they lay together for eternity of flames
A story told by many, they shall rise to the grave of love
Blinded by each light of that, they shine so bright, miles to show
Clear as day though dark as night, time shines and passes of their love
Stronger and stronger it builds, as days grow old and pass over
Never shall they part for the soul binds together as one, one for one to hold dear

Never for seen, a tragic ending yet not to end but only start
It's last words are of those that stand alone, stars in a night of despair
Endless tears shine down the faces so longing, so shadowed
Memories flood to the bottom of the minds, held together forever, binding
Such sacrifice never seen, never to know, such happiness gone
They refrain from what was known, torn apart so harsh in happening, mind trance

They walk this road, hand in hand, smiles of one, nothing happening but that of their happiness
An eerie setting fogs over head though not enough to break them
Steps in unison together shall they be, together ends with none in mind
She sings their song as he holds her close, longing for the touch together
Their minds wonder only to now, as the future holds what they can not see
An embrace so close, only shall the warmth of them together free it

A presence lingers between them, neither they can see, so dark, so harsh
Pulled from a darkness it has crawled from, pulled by laughter, such joy, a disturbance to its mind
Though it can not be seen, he claws at them, though they can't feel
In its mind he slaughters them from the top of the mountain, they fall ever so freely

Dancing in the moonlight they surrender each others love to each other
So close, so blinded, they use their hands for words
A narrow path they follow to what they truly want, always, forever, eternity

As if nothing could hurt them, they walk in fates wake
A solid field between them and their worst nightmares, so tragic, such sorrow
Suddenly it's hard to breathe, they both fall, a stone path crumbles by their touch
Forever bound to the endless fall of their tragic love, they slip away
Tears as they watch each other being pulled away, pure love shall never slip away
Forever shall they stay bound through the soul, touch shall they not
Seen through their eyes are they not, feel through their hearts are they there
Written by PassionOfVengeance (Jacqueline R)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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