Questions Of My Heart

I whisper in your ear and tell u I love you
Tell me wats on your mind
How do u feel will I hear the words I love you come from your lips when you take me away with a gentle kiss or
when I feel the sweet cares from your finger tips

When you hold me close as if there's no tommorrow, I wounder do you feel the same way I do or pretend to act like you care
Longing to feel you touch I give in I give you my body to fill the void within yearning for attention your affection you give me but is it in vein because u have yet to tell me u love me

Is this a front where im the one being played or am I just a phase because this love game has gone on for many days
Days turned into months and I've fallen in love with u and thoughts of being yours forever and always but yet u haven't said you love me

In a state of confusion though your actions seem clear but the silenced words I long to hear haven't brought music to my ears
Show me that we have something real
I gave you all of me gave you my whole body and whats left of my heart but u still haven't told me u love me

Tell me I still hold a place in your heart
Tell me you'll never stray away and break my heart
Written by Poetic_justic705
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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