What I find the most interesting when you use Tanka form is that you write in pairs. (Clowns and Drugs, Easel and Pearl, etc) I am always wondering if there is some kind of connection between them. Seems like more often then not they are not related...
Sometimes I can only try my best to have them in pairs, one complementing the other. But, it's hard when you're confined to a set of rules (5-7-5-7-7) of 31 sylabbles and most especially harder when you have to start your line with the first letter of the word you're trying to portray.
You are absolutely right with your observation. Thanks, as usual for your noteworthy comments.
It never cross my mind as this is the first time I encountered acrostic - thanks to you my friend.
What I'm trying to do really is create a modern form of tanka building it from a five-letter word since tanka consists 5 lines. I find it more challenging and a good mental exercise especially if we ask kids to do it this way. It's like doing scrabble on a higher level...:)
The conventional way as you know it centers only on topics of love and nature. I believe there's more to poetry than just restricted rules and forms. While it's good as a guide, it doesn't give us total control of what we need to express. Everybody should be able to do it in one way or another they deemed fit.
My poem, Clown and Drugs could actually be related...the subject is wanted for drugs and hiding in plain view as a clown.
I don't intend to write in pairs; it happens that we can only submit two poems every eight hours. If my thoughts happen to be related in both poems, then that's just mere coincidence. You just gave me a new idea...thanks!