Dream within a Dream

Created in a dream,      
he steps through the haze      
standing before me      
a fantasy.      
I close my my eyes      
so I might imagine his touch.      
Surprised to feel him      
solid against me,  
no illusion.      
I look up only to fall into his gaze      
deep and meaningful.      
His smile radiating warmth.      
He takes me into his strong      
capable arms,      
and a feeling comes over me      
that I am safe.      
Cared for.      
I give in to trusting him,      
and let the walls fall away,      
opening my heart      
to possibilities.      
He pulls me closer,      
whispering words of affection      
with such sincerity      
that I forget to breathe.      
His hand brushes my cheek,      
grazes my shoulder,      
caresses my breast,      
and he wraps around me,      
holding me firm against him.      
He kisses with intensity.      
A glimpse of the passion he has to give.      
My entire being answers to his touch.      
Desire awakens within  me.      
He lays me back,      
exploring the contours of my body,      
sending shock waves of pleasure      
as he kisses his way down my curves.      
My mouth eagerly tastes      
the salty sweetness of his skin.      
Hands glide across the smooth surface      
of his muscled form.      
He reacts to me with fervor,      
and we fall deeper into each other.      
I rise and fall      
to his touch.      
His tongue licking moist      
sensuous trails      
that leave my skin alive      
and electric.      
Fingers probing with purpose,      
He finds me wet with longing.      
I tremble and open      
beneath his rigid perfection.      
Fully aroused      
he penetrates.      
I gasp,      
unaware that someone could fill me      
so completely,      
body and soul.      
Magic rolls over us      
as we move with need.      
We are consumed in this moment.      
The fire that builds between us      
burning hotter and more ravenous      
as our rhythm keeps time      
to the quickening pace of our hearts.      
I hold tight to him,      
afraid he may fade away      
before the night has given us      
our rapturous conclusion.      
Nothing holds any meaning      
as the climax comes.      
I shatter and burn      
Warmth spreads inside of me      
as his soul mingles with mine      
in his release,      
leaving traces of fever      
that I will find no cure for      
but to be with him again.      
Though morning melts away my dream,      
daytime does not diminish my thoughts of him.      
As night descends      
I anxiously await his touch.          
Written by Starlight_angel
Published | Edited 10th Oct 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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