
I smoked half a blunt and I woke up in China  
Addicted to saki and motherfucking Asian vagina  
They liked the skin tone but they loved the anaconda  
I fucked everything from MiLing to this Asian mix named Rhonda  
Any other man would had been a fucking gonna  
I fucked my way from Tibet to the bottom of Tonga  
I had to leave although I didn't wanna  
But a senorita called asking for El Grande Chimichanga  
We slammed tortillas from Brazil back up through Nevada and Arizona  
Bitch had me addicted to pussy cum, tequila, and ice cold corona  
A three way with an African chick took me to Barcelona on my way to Rwanda  
I almost went ghost at Heathrow with this Irish chick named Seana  
She tried tempting me with fish and chips, yeah royal head in a sauna  
Mugwort smoked out of a pipe and I didn't even have to charm her  
With a three hour lay over to get from here to over yonder  
Haha what could I fucking do there was no need to ponder  
In Scotland and Ireland we gave fast love it's drama  
Fucking and fighting like we were Somalians stranded in Ghana  
She ended up giving me a ride to the airport in her Honda  
I told her in the next life that is our karma  
I landed in Spain and ran balls deep up into this chick named Madonna  
For the duration of another lay over I was Poppy and she was Mama  
She said it took back breaking force just to calm her  
Hahaha I called 112 and told them to prepare for the trauma  
I finally slid home into Rwanda and a real dick hummer  
Stressed to impress I mean I couldn't be any fonder    
Intent to break her back and make her ass fucking wonder  
Why is he using popsicle sticks and duct tape as a fucking condom  
Written by I_IS_ME
Published | Edited 5th Sep 2024
Author's Note
This is not to be taken serious it's just bs, just keeping our mind busy  
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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