Topic of Sex or Drugs Doesn't Diminish a Song's Value

No nudity, they say.
No drugs, they say.
No sex, they say.
Therefore, perfect song and video.
I don't respectfully disagree... I'm angry. Angry at this puritan bull crap.
Sometimes, I like the songs that just have the fluff; other times, it's those songs that dare to be controversial that I love.
I'll never understand this fucking world. Don't see what's wrong with me, a person who isn't offended by nudity. Isn't offended by the metaphors describing sex or lyrics about gangs seeking hard-hitting drugs.
Why is that less meaningful? Because it offends the faint of heart? Because sex is so dirty and vulgar? That drugs shouldn't be acknowledged of their existence? That nudity, by your puritan standards, is evil? Give me a break. Are you in kindergarten still needing to hold mommy's hand?
I guess according to you, your own body is the enemy, sex should be avoided at all costs, and drugs? Well, better not glorifying using them! I don't think people ever intend to glorify things, and if they do in your eyes, then you have a limited view of art and what it's meant to do- express.
A world too censored and squeaky clean for me.
A world screeching with its dumb, preachy messages.
Written by DarkPopPrincess (Princess Alia)
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