Image for the poem Behind Dark Doorways

Behind Dark Doorways

standing in the darkest shadows
played on by the moonlit night
through the shadowed windows
I, a haunting presence stuck in time

darkness reigns and shivers
in emptiness of my haunting presence
and I stand still unseen, unknown, unheard
just energy where souls have flown

I whisper my story in the empty halls
where spirits linger as darkness falls
once I was whole a pretty lass
in love with him love of my life

I adored even his shadow
longed for his company
pined for his loving embrace
he was my all my only  one

until one day I saw his truth
he loved no one except himself
he was with another woman
and then another and more

he cared for none
except his physical
gratification and smiles
on the morning after

I heard their moans
from their bedroom window
and I died inside
soon my knife ended them too

they hung me and ended my misery
soon the prison was demolished too
I stand here still stuck on haunted ground
reliving my crime again and again

I am just a ghost trapped in despair
I am just a shadow clear and bare
I have no warmth around me
just cold sadness smelling of the grave.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
Author's Note
Inspired by a competition.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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