Image for the poem There You Stand

There You Stand

There you are standing, in your nightie of yellow
Taking your picture, enticing this fellow
You say that you're sleeping, sometimes in the buff
Without this silk nightie to cover your muff

I can see your sweet nipples, poking out in the top
I scan o'er your body, my thoughts won't let me stop
You take off the top, in the blink of an eye
The bottoms to follow, also saying goodbye

Now you are clothed, in what God gave to you
Alone, and without me, what are you now to do
You fondle your ta-tas, to make my loins burn
Pinching your nipples, taking each one in turn

As I am erecting, pointing up in the air
Your hands travel downward, and leave your fine pair
They move to the creases, twixt your now spreading thighs,
That are gathering moisture, before my very own eyes

Your fingers are fondling, the lips on each side
They are spreading, and showing, your now growing tide
I watch as you trimble, and shake with a fit
You spray out your juices, as you play with your clit

If I were there, you know where I would be
Kneeling before you, on both my bended knees
Moving your hands, to replace with my face
Would be licking and sucking, in that wonderful place

Then would stand and impale you, with my length and my girth
Slipping inside you, every inch I am worth
You would moan in acceptance, squeezing tight on my rod
Soaking my balls, as I stroke in your bod

My hot white is flowing, from the hole in my dick
It combines with your cum, that's surrounding my  prick
We both hold on tightly, as we finish the deed
We kiss, our tongues touching, we have satisfied need
Written by eightmore
Author's Note
You had to be there
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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