In my Dream Chapter 20
In my Dream
Chapter 20
The head of the Hyuuga council was walking through the streets of Konoha with his byakugan activated to prevent him from being followed.
The Hyuuga walked out into the forest outside the gates of Konoha. On the eastern side of Konoha, there was an abandoned house nobody visited. As he made his way into the house, he could see with his byakugan that two other people were in it.
Once inside, he went to the lower part of the house and carried out a couple of seals, revealing a hidden door. When he opened the door, it showed a flight of stairs leading even lower underground.
Once the Hyuuga descended, he was quickly met with two kunai at his throat.
“Calm down, it’s just me,” said the council member.
“Oh, maybe you should give us a notice before coming here next time. We thought it was someone else,” said one of the men, Hyuugas.
“I came to check on your progress,” said the council member.
“Everything is going along perfectly.”
“Yes, but I wish we had better knowledge of how to alter the seal.”
“He’s right. Having to alter the seal for specific people just so that it can stop their abilities is probably the hardest thing I’ve done.”
“So, how many seals have you been able to alter?” asked the council member.
“We will be finished with the last two by tonight.”
“Good,” said the council member, and then he stood there thinking.
“What are you thinking about?”
“I was just thinking that if Kiroshi were still alive, this plan would have gone into action long ago,” said the council member.
“Why is that, sir?”
“Because Kiroshi had already altered the seal for a specific person once before, and he did it quickly and easily,” said the council member.
“I had no idea that the caged bird seal had been altered. How come council member Kiroshi didn’t leave the procedure of altering the seal behind.”
“Because the branding of that seal was very secret, therefore, the altering of the seal also had to be kept secret,” they replied.
“Who was the seal for?”
“The seal was altered for one of the Hyuuga's members.”
“But isn’t the seal already for the Hyuugas?”
“Yes, but the seal was altered so I could seal up more than one's ability. But enough of that. Once you two are done, contact me,” said the council member and then left.
“Who do you think it was?” said one of the two men.
“I don’t, but I sure would like to know,” the other said as they returned to work.
Hanabi was outside her father’s office. Much had happened to her, and yet she still didn’t know that Naruto and his daughters had been kidnapped.
Hanabi needs to talk to her father about some issues brought up two days ago.
It was late at night, and Hanabi was at Joyce’s place; her body had been burning up all day. She knocked on the door when she arrived.
When the door opened, she saw her sister smiling.
“Hanabi, come in. I just put the girls to sleep,” said Joyce.
“Thank you,” she replied.
They both sat on the couch.
“Um, Joyce, I was wondering if you.” Hanabi couldn’t finish. She was embarrassed, and her cheeks were turning red.
Joyce immediately knew what she was wondering, “Oh, um, I'm sorry, Hanabi, but Naruto is on a mission. He won’t be back till tomorrow, but we could still talk, right?”
“Um, yeah,” muttered Hanabi.
“Well, you see, there's something I need to talk to you about and something I want to ask you,” said Joyce.
“What is it?” replied Hanabi.
“You see, about three weeks ago, Naruto discovered that he had a blood limit; he got it through his mother,” said Joyce.
“If he has a blood limit, then the girls have it too, right?” asked Hanabi.
“Yeah, along with the byakugan,” said Joyce with a big smile as she thought about her girls.
“Seeing how happy you are being a mother makes me want to be a mother. “Said Hanabi as she thought about her situation.
Joyce decided to get back to the issue. “Since the council found out that Naruto has a blood limit that is foreign to Konoha and Naruto is the only male with it, the council decided that under Konoha law, Naruto should have at least two wives so that the clan can grow faster,” said Joyce.
“T-two wives,” choked out Hanabi.
“Hanabi, I don’t want to see Naruto with another woman, but because of the law, the council says he must look for another wife,” said Joyce.
“What are you going to do?” asked Hanabi.
“Well, I was wondering if you would be Naruto’s second wife,” asked Joyce.
“But you said you didn’t want Naruto to be with another,” said Hanabi.
“Except you, Hanabi. We have already shared many moments, and I trust you. I know you’ll treat Naruto the way he should be, you’ll care for him the way I do, and you’re the only other person I want Naruto to be with,” said Joyce.
“Um, are . . . are you sure,” asked Hanabi.
Joyce nodded, “If it’s not you, then it’ll be someone else, and I would rather it be you.”
“Are you sure . . .” said Hanabi.
“Will you?" asked Joyce; Hanabi just nodded.
Hinata quickly hugged Hanabi, “Thank you.”
End of Flashback
That night, minutes later, Naruto arrived early from his mission, and Joyce gave him the news.
Hanabi knocked on the door.
“Come in,” said Hiashi.
Hanabi entered while her father motioned for her to take a sit.
“What do you need, Hanabi,” asked Hiashi.
“It’s about the position of head of the clan,” replied Hanabi.
“What about it,” said Hiashi.
“I’m afraid I won’t be able to take that position, Father,” answered Hanabi.
“Why is that?” asked Hiashi.
“Father Joyce told me that Naruto has a blood limit” “Hanabi said.”
“Does he. I don’t remember the fourth having one,” replied Hiashi.
“That’s because he got it from his mother,” said Hanabi.
“Let me guess, they implemented the bigamy law on him,” said Hiashi.
“Yes . . . . . . Father Joyce asked me to be his second wife,” said Hanabi.
“Did she? And that is why you can’t be the head of the Hyuuga?” said Hiashi with a confused look.
“You don’t think it's weird, father?” asked Hanabi.
“Me? You're the one who will be sharing a husband with your sister. Anyway, tomorrow you will be turning eighteen, so you can do what you want, and if it makes your sister and yourself happy, then so be it,” said Hiashi.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked.
“No, but now I need to find someone to take over as the head,” said Hiashi.
“Father, what about Neji?” replied Hanabi.
“Yes, but if I choose Neji, I would need to remove the caged bird seal, and I can’t just remove the seal on one branch member. I would have to remove it from every branch member, and the council won’t agree,” said Hiashi.
“Removing the birdcage seal is the only way. I’m sure if you look closely, you can find a way to have it removed for good,” replied Hanabi.
“Yes, I agree. If that is all you go,” said Hiashi.
“Yes . . . thank you, Father,” said Hanabi as she left the office.
Around the corner of the office stood an elder Hyuuga who had been listening to the conversation.
‘A foreign blood limit, uh, if we don’t know what that blood limit does, then we won’t be able to control Uzumaki, but I guess it won’t matter if the reports are right Uzumaki won’t be present during the council meeting, and as for the future leader of the Hyuuga there is no point in having a girl who wants to abolish the caged bird seal’ Though the Hyuuga elder and then walked away.
Naruto stood in between the three members of Akatsuki. The rain poured down on all four while thunder roared across the sky.
Naruto quickly charged at Pein. Once he was in front of him, Pein punched Naruto, but it went right through him, and Naruto just vanished.
Naruto appeared behind Konan and quickly ducked as she turned around with a punch to his face. Naruto punched her, sending her flying. In the process, he slashed his arm forward. As he did, a long, thin, sharp rock gushed out of the ground, headed right at Konan. But before it hit her, she split into several pieces of paper, and the stake went past her, striking three and breaking it in half.
A kick from Pein slammed Naruto into a tree. Before Pein struck again, Naruto performed a Jutsu, “Inner Shadow Jutsu,” making his shadow disappear.
When Pein landed a punch to Naruto’s stomach, it didn’t affect him. Naruto grabbed his arm and twisted it, making him fall to his knees in pain. Then, Naruto put some chakra in his hand and punched in pain.
Pein hit the ground, splashing up water and skidding several feet away from Naruto, ‘What was that? That bastard punched me twice, but he only threw one punch. He couldn’t have moved fast enough to punch me twice.
Naruto heard water splashing and turned to see Konan already launching her attack. Naruto dodged punches and blocked others. Naruto waited for a chance to counter.
Naruto grabbed one of her punches and pulled her forward, making her stumble in that direction.
As she did, with the other hand, Naruto threw a punch at her, and before it hit her, his arm and hand were covered with ice as hard as diamonds.
Pein looked at Naruto and noticed his shadow was gone, ‘Where is his shadow? That’s it; his shadow hit me the second time, and I couldn’t see it because it overlapped with his body. Any attack he lands will be felt twice.
Konan hit the floor hard with a hard punch to her back. Naruto looked over at Tobi, who seemed just to be standing there, “What’s the matter? Too scared to move?” said Naruto to Tobi. Tobi still didn’t do anything.
“Exploding Thunder Jutsu,” Pein tried to catch Naruto off guard, sending a considerable thunder down on him.
Naruto lashed out his arms as he started draining the thunder, leaving only a tiny amount surrounding his arms. He punched his arms into the ground and extended the thunder in his arms out like tentacles.
‘To have a better chance, I have to get rid of them one by one,’ he thought as he looked over at Konan, who was still on the ground. He lashed the tentacles out towards her, ripping them out of the ground; the tentacles took hold of Konan. Once in his grip, he held her tight.
‘Crap,” thought Naruto as he lost track of her.
“Summoning Jutsu,” Pein summoned a giant chameleon. Once there, it charged at Naruto. Naruto dodged it by jumping into the air. He got ready to perform a Jutsu when Konan slammed her leg on his back, sending him straight to the ground.
“Payback,” said Konan, still feeling the pain in her back.
‘Where the fuck did she come from’ thought Naruto.
A figure stood on a tree branch at a distance, holding his hand steady as he performed a seal.
“Naruto, I’m afraid I can’t help you much more than this,” said Itachi, his mange you are sharing activated.
Naruto stood up from the ground without any pain.
‘How can he get up like that? That attack should have dealt some damage, but he looks unfazed,’ thought Konan.
Naruto saw the confused face on Konan's, “The inner shadow jutsu I performed has many uses, and one of them is that it reduces any damage I take to the minimal.”
“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Everyone looked at Tobi as he screamed. He had broken loose from the jutsu he was on.
“ITACHI!” he screamed as he looked around. Tobi spotted him right away and quickly charged at him. Knowing he had been spotted, Itachi quickly left as Tobi chased him.
Naruto was confused, especially since he didn’t know that Itachi was against Akatsuki, ‘Oh well, one down.
Without Naruto's knowledge, three chameleons were charging at him. Naruto turned his attention from Tobi back to the fight and saw the three summonings charging at him. Before the three chameleons reached him, Naruto again waved his arms around, and suddenly, the ground opened into three giant mouths, swallowing up the three summonings.
Naruto turned and caught a punch from Konan, then flipped her and, in the process, slammed her to the ground. Then he flipped forward, slamming his foot to her stomach, as his inner shadow doubled the pain.
As Naruto got up, Pein made his move. Pein disappeared and appeared behind Naruto. Naruto turned around, but Pein grabbed him by the face before he could do anything and pounded him into a tree. On the other hand, he punched him repeatedly.
Naruto kicked him away, and while Pein stumbled back, Naruto spat oil in his face. Naruto charged at Pein, and as he got ready to punch him, a fire started to flare up around his arm and hand. Naruto punched Pein as hard as he could in the face. His face, full of oil, began to burn fast.
Once the rain helped put out the fire, Pain’s face was heavily burned.
Pein could feel the burns on his face, and it made him angry, “When the other return with the little girls, I’m going to kill them right in front of you, and then I’m going to kill you.”
“That’s if they returned,” said Naruto.
Pein cupped his hands together, gathering rain that fell, and splashed it on his face. After removing his hands, his face was completely healed from burns.
Naruto tried to move and take his stance, but when he did, he couldn’t move a single muscle.
“What’s wrong? Can’t move,” said Konan.
Naruto turned to look at Konan, who had her hands performing some seals.
‘She paralyzed me; I lost track of her again,’ thought Naruto.
“It’s over,” said Pein as he charged at Naruto with a Kunai in his hand, ready to strike his heart.
To be continued
Chapter 20
The head of the Hyuuga council was walking through the streets of Konoha with his byakugan activated to prevent him from being followed.
The Hyuuga walked out into the forest outside the gates of Konoha. On the eastern side of Konoha, there was an abandoned house nobody visited. As he made his way into the house, he could see with his byakugan that two other people were in it.
Once inside, he went to the lower part of the house and carried out a couple of seals, revealing a hidden door. When he opened the door, it showed a flight of stairs leading even lower underground.
Once the Hyuuga descended, he was quickly met with two kunai at his throat.
“Calm down, it’s just me,” said the council member.
“Oh, maybe you should give us a notice before coming here next time. We thought it was someone else,” said one of the men, Hyuugas.
“I came to check on your progress,” said the council member.
“Everything is going along perfectly.”
“Yes, but I wish we had better knowledge of how to alter the seal.”
“He’s right. Having to alter the seal for specific people just so that it can stop their abilities is probably the hardest thing I’ve done.”
“So, how many seals have you been able to alter?” asked the council member.
“We will be finished with the last two by tonight.”
“Good,” said the council member, and then he stood there thinking.
“What are you thinking about?”
“I was just thinking that if Kiroshi were still alive, this plan would have gone into action long ago,” said the council member.
“Why is that, sir?”
“Because Kiroshi had already altered the seal for a specific person once before, and he did it quickly and easily,” said the council member.
“I had no idea that the caged bird seal had been altered. How come council member Kiroshi didn’t leave the procedure of altering the seal behind.”
“Because the branding of that seal was very secret, therefore, the altering of the seal also had to be kept secret,” they replied.
“Who was the seal for?”
“The seal was altered for one of the Hyuuga's members.”
“But isn’t the seal already for the Hyuugas?”
“Yes, but the seal was altered so I could seal up more than one's ability. But enough of that. Once you two are done, contact me,” said the council member and then left.
“Who do you think it was?” said one of the two men.
“I don’t, but I sure would like to know,” the other said as they returned to work.
Hanabi was outside her father’s office. Much had happened to her, and yet she still didn’t know that Naruto and his daughters had been kidnapped.
Hanabi needs to talk to her father about some issues brought up two days ago.
It was late at night, and Hanabi was at Joyce’s place; her body had been burning up all day. She knocked on the door when she arrived.
When the door opened, she saw her sister smiling.
“Hanabi, come in. I just put the girls to sleep,” said Joyce.
“Thank you,” she replied.
They both sat on the couch.
“Um, Joyce, I was wondering if you.” Hanabi couldn’t finish. She was embarrassed, and her cheeks were turning red.
Joyce immediately knew what she was wondering, “Oh, um, I'm sorry, Hanabi, but Naruto is on a mission. He won’t be back till tomorrow, but we could still talk, right?”
“Um, yeah,” muttered Hanabi.
“Well, you see, there's something I need to talk to you about and something I want to ask you,” said Joyce.
“What is it?” replied Hanabi.
“You see, about three weeks ago, Naruto discovered that he had a blood limit; he got it through his mother,” said Joyce.
“If he has a blood limit, then the girls have it too, right?” asked Hanabi.
“Yeah, along with the byakugan,” said Joyce with a big smile as she thought about her girls.
“Seeing how happy you are being a mother makes me want to be a mother. “Said Hanabi as she thought about her situation.
Joyce decided to get back to the issue. “Since the council found out that Naruto has a blood limit that is foreign to Konoha and Naruto is the only male with it, the council decided that under Konoha law, Naruto should have at least two wives so that the clan can grow faster,” said Joyce.
“T-two wives,” choked out Hanabi.
“Hanabi, I don’t want to see Naruto with another woman, but because of the law, the council says he must look for another wife,” said Joyce.
“What are you going to do?” asked Hanabi.
“Well, I was wondering if you would be Naruto’s second wife,” asked Joyce.
“But you said you didn’t want Naruto to be with another,” said Hanabi.
“Except you, Hanabi. We have already shared many moments, and I trust you. I know you’ll treat Naruto the way he should be, you’ll care for him the way I do, and you’re the only other person I want Naruto to be with,” said Joyce.
“Um, are . . . are you sure,” asked Hanabi.
Joyce nodded, “If it’s not you, then it’ll be someone else, and I would rather it be you.”
“Are you sure . . .” said Hanabi.
“Will you?" asked Joyce; Hanabi just nodded.
Hinata quickly hugged Hanabi, “Thank you.”
End of Flashback
That night, minutes later, Naruto arrived early from his mission, and Joyce gave him the news.
Hanabi knocked on the door.
“Come in,” said Hiashi.
Hanabi entered while her father motioned for her to take a sit.
“What do you need, Hanabi,” asked Hiashi.
“It’s about the position of head of the clan,” replied Hanabi.
“What about it,” said Hiashi.
“I’m afraid I won’t be able to take that position, Father,” answered Hanabi.
“Why is that?” asked Hiashi.
“Father Joyce told me that Naruto has a blood limit” “Hanabi said.”
“Does he. I don’t remember the fourth having one,” replied Hiashi.
“That’s because he got it from his mother,” said Hanabi.
“Let me guess, they implemented the bigamy law on him,” said Hiashi.
“Yes . . . . . . Father Joyce asked me to be his second wife,” said Hanabi.
“Did she? And that is why you can’t be the head of the Hyuuga?” said Hiashi with a confused look.
“You don’t think it's weird, father?” asked Hanabi.
“Me? You're the one who will be sharing a husband with your sister. Anyway, tomorrow you will be turning eighteen, so you can do what you want, and if it makes your sister and yourself happy, then so be it,” said Hiashi.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked.
“No, but now I need to find someone to take over as the head,” said Hiashi.
“Father, what about Neji?” replied Hanabi.
“Yes, but if I choose Neji, I would need to remove the caged bird seal, and I can’t just remove the seal on one branch member. I would have to remove it from every branch member, and the council won’t agree,” said Hiashi.
“Removing the birdcage seal is the only way. I’m sure if you look closely, you can find a way to have it removed for good,” replied Hanabi.
“Yes, I agree. If that is all you go,” said Hiashi.
“Yes . . . thank you, Father,” said Hanabi as she left the office.
Around the corner of the office stood an elder Hyuuga who had been listening to the conversation.
‘A foreign blood limit, uh, if we don’t know what that blood limit does, then we won’t be able to control Uzumaki, but I guess it won’t matter if the reports are right Uzumaki won’t be present during the council meeting, and as for the future leader of the Hyuuga there is no point in having a girl who wants to abolish the caged bird seal’ Though the Hyuuga elder and then walked away.
Naruto stood in between the three members of Akatsuki. The rain poured down on all four while thunder roared across the sky.
Naruto quickly charged at Pein. Once he was in front of him, Pein punched Naruto, but it went right through him, and Naruto just vanished.
Naruto appeared behind Konan and quickly ducked as she turned around with a punch to his face. Naruto punched her, sending her flying. In the process, he slashed his arm forward. As he did, a long, thin, sharp rock gushed out of the ground, headed right at Konan. But before it hit her, she split into several pieces of paper, and the stake went past her, striking three and breaking it in half.
A kick from Pein slammed Naruto into a tree. Before Pein struck again, Naruto performed a Jutsu, “Inner Shadow Jutsu,” making his shadow disappear.
When Pein landed a punch to Naruto’s stomach, it didn’t affect him. Naruto grabbed his arm and twisted it, making him fall to his knees in pain. Then, Naruto put some chakra in his hand and punched in pain.
Pein hit the ground, splashing up water and skidding several feet away from Naruto, ‘What was that? That bastard punched me twice, but he only threw one punch. He couldn’t have moved fast enough to punch me twice.
Naruto heard water splashing and turned to see Konan already launching her attack. Naruto dodged punches and blocked others. Naruto waited for a chance to counter.
Naruto grabbed one of her punches and pulled her forward, making her stumble in that direction.
As she did, with the other hand, Naruto threw a punch at her, and before it hit her, his arm and hand were covered with ice as hard as diamonds.
Pein looked at Naruto and noticed his shadow was gone, ‘Where is his shadow? That’s it; his shadow hit me the second time, and I couldn’t see it because it overlapped with his body. Any attack he lands will be felt twice.
Konan hit the floor hard with a hard punch to her back. Naruto looked over at Tobi, who seemed just to be standing there, “What’s the matter? Too scared to move?” said Naruto to Tobi. Tobi still didn’t do anything.
“Exploding Thunder Jutsu,” Pein tried to catch Naruto off guard, sending a considerable thunder down on him.
Naruto lashed out his arms as he started draining the thunder, leaving only a tiny amount surrounding his arms. He punched his arms into the ground and extended the thunder in his arms out like tentacles.
‘To have a better chance, I have to get rid of them one by one,’ he thought as he looked over at Konan, who was still on the ground. He lashed the tentacles out towards her, ripping them out of the ground; the tentacles took hold of Konan. Once in his grip, he held her tight.
‘Crap,” thought Naruto as he lost track of her.
“Summoning Jutsu,” Pein summoned a giant chameleon. Once there, it charged at Naruto. Naruto dodged it by jumping into the air. He got ready to perform a Jutsu when Konan slammed her leg on his back, sending him straight to the ground.
“Payback,” said Konan, still feeling the pain in her back.
‘Where the fuck did she come from’ thought Naruto.
A figure stood on a tree branch at a distance, holding his hand steady as he performed a seal.
“Naruto, I’m afraid I can’t help you much more than this,” said Itachi, his mange you are sharing activated.
Naruto stood up from the ground without any pain.
‘How can he get up like that? That attack should have dealt some damage, but he looks unfazed,’ thought Konan.
Naruto saw the confused face on Konan's, “The inner shadow jutsu I performed has many uses, and one of them is that it reduces any damage I take to the minimal.”
“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Everyone looked at Tobi as he screamed. He had broken loose from the jutsu he was on.
“ITACHI!” he screamed as he looked around. Tobi spotted him right away and quickly charged at him. Knowing he had been spotted, Itachi quickly left as Tobi chased him.
Naruto was confused, especially since he didn’t know that Itachi was against Akatsuki, ‘Oh well, one down.
Without Naruto's knowledge, three chameleons were charging at him. Naruto turned his attention from Tobi back to the fight and saw the three summonings charging at him. Before the three chameleons reached him, Naruto again waved his arms around, and suddenly, the ground opened into three giant mouths, swallowing up the three summonings.
Naruto turned and caught a punch from Konan, then flipped her and, in the process, slammed her to the ground. Then he flipped forward, slamming his foot to her stomach, as his inner shadow doubled the pain.
As Naruto got up, Pein made his move. Pein disappeared and appeared behind Naruto. Naruto turned around, but Pein grabbed him by the face before he could do anything and pounded him into a tree. On the other hand, he punched him repeatedly.
Naruto kicked him away, and while Pein stumbled back, Naruto spat oil in his face. Naruto charged at Pein, and as he got ready to punch him, a fire started to flare up around his arm and hand. Naruto punched Pein as hard as he could in the face. His face, full of oil, began to burn fast.
Once the rain helped put out the fire, Pain’s face was heavily burned.
Pein could feel the burns on his face, and it made him angry, “When the other return with the little girls, I’m going to kill them right in front of you, and then I’m going to kill you.”
“That’s if they returned,” said Naruto.
Pein cupped his hands together, gathering rain that fell, and splashed it on his face. After removing his hands, his face was completely healed from burns.
Naruto tried to move and take his stance, but when he did, he couldn’t move a single muscle.
“What’s wrong? Can’t move,” said Konan.
Naruto turned to look at Konan, who had her hands performing some seals.
‘She paralyzed me; I lost track of her again,’ thought Naruto.
“It’s over,” said Pein as he charged at Naruto with a Kunai in his hand, ready to strike his heart.
To be continued
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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