Leroy Pt. 1

I know, I know, who writes a piece titled "Leroy." Here in the southeast I've only met a few "Leroys," and then only a few of them were people that you wanted to remember. But this piece is about one Leroy in particular and just one of the many roads that he took me down.
I had met Leroy a few summers before while on vacation, and he had always been there for me. We worked the same construction job initially, but he found a better job closer to home. This appealed to Leroy, who was four years older than me. I liked traveling, working outside, and learning new things from job to job. I was young at the time and it wasn't all about retirement and someone to rock the days away with.  
But this was the beginning of summer and we had known each other for a year or two. On my return trips home I had hung out with and even posed as his wing man on several occasions. But this week I had just been laid off and was returning home until another job kicked off.  
The first weekend no one knew that I was home, except family. But that Monday I was back hunting for a job, and that meant contacting Leroy. Everyone promised to check around their jobs and see if they could find something for me. Now it was just a matter of waiting and hanging around the house. Leroy called on Thursday saying, "let's hang out tomorrow night," and I agreed. He said, "I heard of a new spot, no craziness, okay?" I needed some change so I agreed.
Friday morning I finished moving out of my apartment and moving back home. I didn't know how long I'ld be unemployed and was trying to cut unnecessary bills. I stored everything into a storage unit and then went and banked half of my returned security deposit from the apartment. That was the good thing about maintaining your apartment, when you moved out you could recover your security deposit, and I needed it.  
I finished the day lounging about the house and waiting on Leroy to call later in the evening. I had laid out an outfit that was on point, you couldn't be a slacker hanging with Leroy. Leroy's game was tight in how he dressed, and how he talked to and treated women. He just had one weakness, he was obsessed with big-boned women. Please don't get it twisted, it wasn't a defect within his thinking or him thinking that he was doing them a favor. He wasn't looking at them as a sure thing or none of that crap. Leroy was in great physical condition, because he worked hard and was athletic. He wasn't rich but and then he was never bumming with his hands out. Leroy, my friend, believed in paying his own way.
Friday, and by the time that Leroy showed up and everything, I was wearing sweats. I never dress and sit around waiting for anyone. While I dressed, Leroy talked to my family and even share a drink with my uncle. Leroy was good people like that and people just took to him. When I came out we said good night to the family and sat off into the night. First things first, Leroy handed me a sack to roll up as he drove, and described this new spot. But it turned out that I had already been there on a solo mission. As we rode we smoked and talked on everything from my job search to local sports. Leroy told me that he was rolling solo again and that tonight he was out on the prowl. That was a hint and a half for my ass to be ready for my wing man role.  
As we parked out front of the club it came back to me why I liked this spot. There was plenty of lighting outside and the security was on point even in the parking area. You couldn't even enter unless you met their dress code. No one was loitering in the parking area, as I said no trouble. Just beautiful people out trying to have a good time and enjoy the fruits of their labor.  
As we entered one of the bouncers, a dude named Derek, shouted at me. We weren't that type of friends, but we were weed buddies. I had given him some and he had given me without any money exchanging hands. It was just two dudes that found a common denominator. As I walked by he said, "see you inside," meaning he had something for me. Leroy was like, "dam man the bouncers know your name." I explained it as we walked in knowing that Leroy is tight lipped. Just walking into this bitch is like walking the Red Carpet. But there was no show here, as I said everyone here was out to have a good time.  
After entering Leroy and I separated, we were friends but we both had different taste. As I said he loved women that were big boned, and I, well I saw Erica. She was someone that was hard to put into a category, she wasn't a friend but and then she was a friend. Hahaha, that bitch was fucking crazy, and yes we had that type relationship that I could use that word.
When we first met she told me her name and we became fast friends that night. We drank and danced while watching everyone and talking shit to each other. But then the next weekend I returned to the same club and couldn't remember her name. I mean right in front of everyone and in the middle of the club, that lady punched me punched me dead in my chest. I mean like she had taken some secret classes from Bruce Lee or somebody. I mean it didn't hurt or anything, but it was loud and caught me off guard. Then she grabbed my shirt leaned in and said, "my dam name is Erica." She said, "the next time that you forget my name we're going to fight in here like two men." Then she did the craziest shit, she kissed me on the lips and said, "now let's go get a drink." Fucking crazy shit, I run into the craziest people sometimes.  
While I was talking to Erica, about bs mostly, Leroy walked up. He waited until we finished talking and then he asked me if I could come over and join his group. This was undercover for could you please be my wing man again. I told him that I would be over in a minute, but Erica, I'm telling you this chick is crazy. She says into my ear, "when you don't come to the club I want you to see who I have to dance with."I was waiting for her to point someone out when Derek walked by and slid something into my hand. There was no conversation, he kept walking and I slid my hand into my pocket. Erica without knowing what just happened, bumped me and said, "there he is."  
My eyes followed her eyes and finger to the dance floor, and maybe the best dressed man in the entire club. The way that he looked both in dress and physique assured him dances all night. But this dude, I don't know if everyone knows who Gomer Pyle is, but this dude at least for the three dances that I watched him, reminded me of Gomer Pyle dancing. I watched as he jumped and spun lady after lady around that dance so fast, that they had to hold onto their wigs to keep them from flying off. Erica and I both had a laugh, then she took me outside and blazed one with me.  
When we walked back in we separated with her going in one direction and me going in another, Derek was all smiles, but I had only used his weed for a back up high. Erica always had the good shit and Derek's was sometimes iffy, so we smoked hers. I immediately headed over to Leroy and his crew, where he was seriously looking for his wing man.  
I found Leroy and his crew, yes two big bones, one named Denise and the other one named Tiffany. Leroy immediately identified who the problem was as far as he was concerned. I was introduced by my government name, no last name, this is Tiffany and "my" friend Denise. This meant that I was supposed to talk with Tiffany, which wasn't hard at all. She was a big bone but even in the darkness of the club she was beautiful. I mean her words flowed as if she was singing along with the music. I found out that Denise and her were lifelong friends, they had journeyed through school and college together. They were serious football and basketball fans, no chance either of them made the cheering squads. But they both joined in reciting rosters, team and individual performances, and it got even deeper when it came to local sports.  
She seemed genuinely interested in my conversation, and she asked specific questions about my work. But then she said something that got Leroy a strike. She said, "well don't worry about being laid off something will come up." Now why in the hell did he tell these women that I had been laid off. Shit was running through my mind, like was he trying to play himself off as better than me? Was he using me to make himself look good? What the fuck was up with him shooting me down like that, hell I may have wanted to introduce myself as working. But that was nothing now as I excused myself for the bathroom and a break.
I had a nice piss and decided to stop by Erica on the way back. We shared a drink and went out onto the dance floor enjoying a laugh. I told her that I would see her before leaving, just being friendly. I don't know if Erica is married or a lesbian. We never stepped outside of the lines of dancing, drinking, and a few smokes. But I knew that I was always welcomed to return the kiss that followed that punch. But this lady is crazy, and there's absolutely no chance of a relationship. I slid Derek's package into her hand before leaving and going back to Leroy. Hahaha, yeah back to Leroy, we've gotta talk.  
Tiffany and I fell into a groove, she ask who Erica was and I told her only a friend. She complimented me on my dancing and I invited her out onto the floor. She seemed a little unsure but agreed anyways. The songs wasn't to fast so we actually danced and talked for three songs. When we returned to Leroy and Denise, they had agreed to move the party Denise's place. Since Leroy was my transportation of course I was down with their plan.
After telling Erica good night, I joined everyone outside. Leroy and I rode together with the intentions of burning one. But first we discussed him telling about my job situation. This discussion took the entire trip of us following Denise and Tiffany. But we soon pulled into this fancy ass neighborhood and up to an even fancier house. This was Denise's house and both Leroy and myself sat there with mouths hung open
Tiffany had said that they both attended college, but not what for. Whatever it was I hadn't seen it adding up to all of this. Hell Tiffany had said that she was into yoga and I was thinking that her yoga sure wasn't working. To be honest I was getting yoga and aerobics mixed up, don't ask how. As we walked in Denise pointed to a bar and told Leroy to fix a couple of drinks. It was obvious that she was use to giving orders. I was looking and besides being big boned but of these women were beautiful, and obviously successful.  
Denise and Tiffany, both stepped out of their shoes and headed into the kitchen. With a remote Denise turned on the stereo to a local station that was playing the quiet storm. Leroy and I sat at the counter on barstools sipping and watching those two women fixing breakfast. It was obvious that they had performed this ritual before. As they moved about the kitchen like big boned ballerinas preparing fish, grits, sausage, and eggs.
Leroy announced that we were stepping outside to burn that unsmoked blunt. There was a look exchanged between Tiffany and Denise almost as if we were leaving. Denise announced that this was her house and hat we  could smoke in here. But never disrespect and do shit in someone else's home that you don't do in yours. I asked Leroy to lets walk outside and have that smoke. About half way through the blunt Denise came to the door as if looking for us and announced that the food would be ready soon. It was as if she didn't know if we were still out there or not.
The food was great and there was more than enough for everyone. The weed and drinks were kicking in as I asked Tiffany for another dance. Leroy and Denise soon followed us into the darkness of the living room, where the music surrounded everyone putting them into a swaying mood. It was really dim in here, but the darkness brightened things as bodies pressed and hands groped. I looked over at Denise and Leroy, and Leroy was shirtless with Denise having stepped out of her skirt. She was totally confident in herself with no shaming fuckery, this made her even more beautiful.
I suddenly remembered that I was dancing and here with Tiffany. But Tiffany was no slow leak herself as I realized that she had unbuttoned my shirt. I looked down at the top of her head as she kissed and bit all over my chest. She took her hand and rubbed my happy place and all along my thighs. As she ground herself into me, I heard her moan several times. We shared several deep, passionate kisses before she took my hand and lead me to a bedroom right through the living room. The way that Leroy and Denise were undressing they may not make it into a bedroom.
I was lead into the bedroom by Tiffany, who immediate spun around into my arms. The lights were down low and there was only the sound of Tiffany's heavy breathing as we kissed. Tiffany wasn't shy about what she wanted and need from me with a hunger. She did everything except drop my pants as she worked my dick with a fever as we kissed. I finally just decided to drop my pants. But in situations like this I always have two friends that I listen to. Tiffany was spitting in her hand and running her hand up and down my shaft. I cupped both of her ass cheeks and pulled her in close with a lifting motion. She released my dick stepping back back and excusing herself. She stepped into the bathroom and let me there fully extended.  
But this was cool, as I waited for her return I fully undressed. I placed everything right at hand to leave when I was ready. While undressing and stashing my clothes I talked to my two friends. My two friends in times like these are alcohol and weed. Alcohol always speak first and I'm quick to agree with him. But weed thinks shit out, and he usually has a better answer or suggestion. While waiting for Tiffany to return from the bathroom, I started going through my battle plan. At first it was only alcohol and myself having a conversation. He was suggesting as soon as Tiffany emerged from the bathroom, just lock lips with her and pick her ass up and fuck her right there against the bedroom door. As usual I agreed with okay, yeah beat that pussy up like I'm trying to come through the door. Hell we wanted Denise and Leroy with his snitching ass to hear every pounding scream.  
But as usual weed came to the rescue and brought me back to reality. Weed was like, "dude what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you want this to be the last piece of pussy you ever get?" Weed said, I promise if you try to pick this lady up this will be the last piece of pussy you ever get. You may manage a few pain screaming blow jobs, but that is your future." I told alcohol that weed was right and not to try and get me hurt. With a different game plan, I slid out of my shoes and socks. I went over to the bed pulling the covers back and setting up the pillows. As I was heading to the other side of the bed Tiffany exited the bathroom.
Dam, she was wearing a big girl nightie, and I could tell with nothing under it. She had let her hair down long black curly locks cascading over peach colored skin. I forgot that I had already undressed and went back through the motion of removing clothes that weren't there. As we merged it was just as our parting with tongues chasing each other about. Her breast felt great against my skin through her negligee. I allowed her to suck my tongue and explore my mouth, as my hands explored her every mound and crevice. Tiffany's breathing became more erratic, more labored. She ran her hands over my chest and abs with kisses, until she reached her destination. As she slipped me into her mouth, I slipped the straps to her negligee over her shoulder. As it fell to the floor she attempted to take me farther into her mouth.
Tiffany had skills as she spit into her hand adding more lubricant, as she jacked the shaft while sucking on the head. I was in a fucked up position only hold her shoulder and head, rubbing a little breast, fucking high school shit. I was relieved when she grabbed me by the dick and led me over to the bed. It made me feel better seeing the librarian persona peal away. When I met Tiffany her hair was up, with a long sleeved blouse, long skirt, and leather boots. But now without that disguise she was asking to be treated however badly that I chose.
I was feeling my high as I watched her climbing upon the bed, nothing but ass while crawling across it. As I climbed up I could feel myself dragging across the sheets and that feeling was stimulating. I slapped Tiffany across an asscheek as she stopped and rolled over onto the bed. I'm telling you that she wasn't just beautiful, there was something else there. As I lied down beside her, she became as tall as me and our mouths became one. Tiffany began again with her heavy breathing and her hand moving non stop. She pawed at my chest and abs again, while kissing and biting my lips.
She slid to my neck and pecs with hands never stopping as they roamed. Hahaha, she found my happy place again as she licked her way across my abs. Tiffany raised herself onto her knees while licking and kissing my abs, I felt as she slid me into her mouth, mmm. I really think that she was measuring my shit, trying to see how far up on my stomach my dick reached. I ran my hand all over her ass, which without her nightie was still smooth and silky. I liked the feel of her ass and the remembrance of my dick rubbing against the sheets. She must have sensed thisas she began takin me deeper into her throat. I slid my hand up and down all over her ass, asI worked my way lower. Tiffany was definitely no beginner at sucking dick, I got the impression at one time earlier that Tiffany and Denise had definitely slept together. Don't ask why it was just how they acted together, and also it was also as if they were sharing a secret.
But fuck that shit as she played with my head, popping it and tongue the pee hole, the bitch. Tiffany was drench when I finally reached her pussy with my hand, but shewas still two fingers tight. Never judge a woman's pussy by her outward dimensions, you could be passing up some great pussy. Hell the thought of forcing a third finger never entered my mind. It wasn't just the restraint on two fingers, but also the reaction as I finger banged and knuckle dunk while joysticking her clit.  
Tiffany wasn't just sucking and throating, she was breathing hard on it, jacking and massaging my balls. She had a system that was only in her mind, but it was like an oral dance. I mean she sucked my dick so fucking good that I snatched my shit out of her mouth, fucking sucking on my shit like a snickers, milky way, or some fucking candy bar. But Tiffany never even noticed that I snatched my dick out of her mouth. She simply went to work licking my nut sack and sucking my balls. Mmmm, bitch sucked my dick so beautifully that I had to, no I needed to tongue kiss her ass.
I lifted her face back up and to mine, I both of us staring into each other's eyes. She seemed to have a questioning look on her face, maybe about being there before me completely naked. But then again it was something else as if she hadn't expected me to want to see her body. But fuck that shit, we both had ventured to far into this shit to worry about bullshit. Tiffany lowered her face to mine and the kisses were delicious as she lowered herself again besides me. As we kissed, I cupped her breast so that I could alternate between lips and nipples. I lowered my sites farther with sucks and bites on neck, shoulder, and both nipples with aggressive pulls. As her breathing again increased, she threw both legs open wider as if I was taking to long to get there, but I made her wait.
Hahaha, I listened to her breathing for indications as I feasted and tortured her breast. I allowed my hands to roam slowly, with no haste, relaxing her of any self concerns of her tummy. My fingers picked up where they had left off as two fingers entered and come along prodding. Tiffany grabbed and held onto my head as she erupted with a creamy flow. Yes holding my mouth to her breast as we both fed. She was still trembling as I slid off of the bed and on to my knees. I pulled her along, twisting her sideways across the bed as I prepared to feast.
Somehow as I lifted and scooted Tiffany's ass closer to the edge of the bed, she didn't seem so heavy with her pussy coming towards my face. I also realized that I had made a mistake about Tiffany and her own self esteem. Tiffany's skin sliding towards me was like the finest shea butter and with her hair down her curls flowed to her shoulders. She was fucking big boned but fucking gorgeous as hell. I had noticed things while massaging and sucking on her breast. As I ran my hand over her breast, trailing down and over her stomach, I found navel ring and tugged at it with my teeth. As I explored lower now face to face with Tiffany's pussy I could see that she was waxed. My mind said no one with a navel ring and a waxed pussy is ashamed of their body, as I nudged her clit with my nose. I pushed both legs upwards and to my surprise Tiffany took them all the way up on her own. I suddenly remembered the difference between yoga and aerobics, don't ask me why.  
But Tiffany's pussy was mesmerizing, waxed her pussy's color matched her face. I simply couldn't help lip kissing it, slowly ever so slowly I added tongue. It was as if her pussy was kissing me back. I slid two fingers in again and felt her tightness, as I French kissed with her clit. I knuckle dunk and stretched her pussy up to but not inserting three fingers. Mmmm, the cream that Tiffany was producing as I licked off if my fingers and around her clit. She trembled through her stomach and down along her thigh and legs.  
I developed a rhythm as I licked and flicked off of my knuckles and her clit with a pop. Then slam the motherfucking light went went out. Tiffany had both sides of my face clamped in a thigh vise as she came in waves. Once she started coming she squirted in skeets as I continued to feast. But I can't breathe out of a hard dick or out of my asshole. Tiffany kept squirting and clamping down on both sides of my head. I was trapped with my chin her ass crack, and still eating and breathing pussy. But I needed air so I started biting, pinching, and slapping shit.  
I bit her on the pussy and Tiffany nutted again, I could tell by the clamping and shaking. I was fucking fainting, about to pass out, when I had a final call. While going limp I turned my head into her thigh, and at the same time that I bit into her thigh, I jammed three fingers into her asshole. Bam like a jack in the box her thighs sprang open, and like a snapping turtle my head snapped back.  
But bad advice is fucking bad advice, and alcohol convinced me saying,"do that shit again dog." I had memorized the combination and was told to repeat it again. Again I licked, sucked, and popped while knuckle dunking her pussy, and again. Bam the fucking lights went out with Tiffany clamping and grinding my face. I imagined it looking like she was trying to wring my neck with her pussy. As I held onto her thighs I sucked on her pussy until her dam broke again. Tiffany was holding onto my head and trying to drown me in pussy cum. but this time I knew the combination, and as I sucked, and bit, again I slammed three fingers up her asshole.
Tiffany with toes curled and thighs quivering couldn't hear as alcohol told me, "just one more time." I was about to listen when marijuana who's usually laid back started screaming. "What the fucks wrong with you dude are you trying to get a fucking concussion, stop listening to alcohol and let's get some of this lesbian pussy." There it was again now even marijuana thought that Tiffany, but it did matter to me both Tiffany's and Denise's pussies were both top shelf. I decided that after such a pleasant beginning that I should finish in a fashion similar to Denise's. As I picked myself up from my knees and I guided myself between her lips keeping in mind that she's built tight. I watched as my head totally entered, Tiffany gripped the edge of the bed while biting down on her lower lip. I decided while looking into her eyes to become Denise and think what would Denise do as I slid a few more inches into Tiffany.
I held her there by her hips as I slow rolled and short stroked my way deeper. I just lived the sweat on her forehead and upper lip as she moaned and clenched with each orgasm. I found the sounds exciting as I went into a push up position with my hands on the back of her legs. The fucking darkness was taking over as I leaned over and sucked in her tongue. Tiffany was feeding off of my mouth, off of my energy with both hands holding my face. She was squeezing harder and overflowing as I forced way in deeper. If I was myself instead of Denise I would had taken advantage of all the cum flowing through her ass crack.
But Denise is in the darkness and it's so fucking cold there in my mind. The force increases with a measured length, Denise has other plans as she places each hand on a breast. She was manhandling Tiffany's breast and and twisting her nipples, sucking and biting as Tiffany fucked her back. Denise was getting even more aggressive, I felt as she pulled my dick out. I could see her eyes were measuring how much dick wasn't covered in pussy cream, and how much more she could force in.
Denise stepped my right leg between Tiffany's left and lifted up on her right ass cheek. She made Tiffany pull her left leg back upward locking me in there. Shit I felt her licking and biting on Tiffany's right foot as she pushed Tiffany's right leg over towards the pillows. There was nothing but a gaped pussy and a needing asshole. The need was on Denise as she reinserted me with a roughness into Tiffany's gaped and stretched walls.  
There was no need for gentleness with Denise handling my mind and dick. I allowed her to use me as no more than a strap on as she forced my dick in and out. I remembered lowering myself along Tiffany's right leg and taking her big toe into my mouth. As Denise used my dick and body tribing with Tiffany with an aggression, I allowed her to used my mouth to fuck Tiffany's foot.
Tiffany grabbed the back of my thigh and ass cheek with both hands, nails digging in as she held on. I felt Denise forcing more of Tiffany's toes into my mouth, and then nibbling her way back to the big toe. She paused long enough to suck in the entire toe, the with my right hand she reached back and grabbed Tiffany's right breast. As she kneaded it, dragging her nails towards the nipples, she then pinched and twisted Tiffany's nipple. As she nibbled and licked her way towards Tiffany's arch, Denise and I could feel Tiffany quaking through her core.  
There was a mental battle for control and I found myself biting on the sheet and the pillow. I felt Tiffany under me cumming and her pussy sucking on my dick with a fierceness. I could feel myself giving into the demands of her pussy as I tried to pound my way in even farther. As I released I felt my cum merging with Tiffany's and flowing down the crack of her ass.
I raised up and Tiffany crawled out from under me and back up onto the pillows. As I lied down besides her, I wiped the sweat from her forehead, dam she was gorgeous. She snuggled in under me and without speaking I could tell that she was going to sleep. I lied there wiping her forehead and kissing her face until I drifted off also. Sometime later I awoke to find Tiffany's back to me and her sleeping soundly
I find it hard to sleep soundly in a strange house and bed. I woke up early and lied there for a moment getting my bearing. It was just light enough to not need light about the room. This was great because I had a full bladder and I really needed the bathroom. As I made my way to the bathroom I took note of where all of my clothes were. While standing there at the toilet relieving myself I couldn't help but think of Tiffany and Denise. The way that Denise slid all over Tiffany's peach colored skin. The fucking taste of Tiffany in her mouth, dam that lady tasted good. As I stood there I felt my dick rising and pissing even harder. I made up my mind that this was the perfect time for some early morning sex. I was fully extended and thinking of getting up in Tiffany's ass deeper than thighs chafing.
I had an entire game plan as I walked out of the bathroom. I was proud of my man because he didn't mean to take anytime with oral this morning. Just as I came into view of Tiffany there lying on that bed, it felt like I got harder looking at her. That's until she slammed a hammer down on my dick. She let out the loudest and longest fart that I ever heard from a human. Tiffany with her gorgeous self never stirred an inch, but my dick dropped like an anchor. I started picking up and putting on my clothes. There was no way that I was getting back on that bed behind her.  
After dressing I figured that I would ease out and head home. I figured a nice little walk would be the perfect thing for me this morning. But as I came out of the bedroom I heard talking. There was Leroy and Denise sitting in the kitchen, talking and eating again. We all spoke with Denise staring at me, I was offered something to eat and and Leroy asked if I was ready.  I declined both telling Leroy I could make it on my own and thanking Denise for dinner. I told Leroy to stay enjoy himself and to get up with me later in the day, then I set off on my hike.
This was the hike through hell. First, I was in the wrong neighborhood to be walking around. Secondly, I had on the wrong type of shoes for this type of walking. Third, lastly and probably the most important, I came here at night and was getting twisted between the drinks and the weed I seriously under estimated how far I was out. I walked for a bit but ended up stopping at a convenience store and called a friend.  
I decided while waiting that I wasn't angry though, I had met a beautiful and brilliantly woman in Tiffany. I also decided that I wasn't going to see Tiffany again. I really didn't think that  she deserved my type of a relationship. I couldn't help be laugh aloud as I thought back on that fart. If I had been on the back of Tiffany there's no way that she wouldn't had blown me off of that bed. My friend arrived with me still laughing, this is my go to friend anytime any fucking where. He took me home and even brought a good morning blunt.
By the time that I walked across the yard at home I could smell my aunt cooking breakfast. I walked in and was asked if I was eating breakfast, I told my aunt after a shower. I needed a hot shower, some hot food, and my bed for some real sleep. But first I had to make it through the interrogation, also called breakfast. My aunt and uncle have their very own type of breakfast conversation. They want to catch up on everything that has happened and everything that you have heard. If you play the game right with a full stomach you can make it to bed without to much trouble.
I slept most of the day off and on, and then spent a part of it sitting by the window twisting. My aunt and uncle never comes knocking on a day like today, they know that I'm doing something best left unsaid. I eventually came out of the bedroom to some good new. Leroy's cousin, Marcus, had been calling and he needed to talk with me. I called him up and he asked if I had found a job yet. I told him no, and he said that he had a job for me, but it was on the road. I had to be ready the next day, which was Sunday, and we would be gone all week. Marcus assured me that the rooms were paid for, and that we would be roomies. This was his father's company and he had the green light to bring me back on Sunday.
So now with my uncle's dufflebag I started packing for a week away from home. I walked back and forth with my aunt tagging along asking questions, after my announcement of a job out of town. She wanted to know who with, doing what, and a ton of other shit while making sure that I had enough soap, deodorant, and underwear. We stopped had left over spaghetti and I promised to hang out until it was time to leave the next day. While watching retro tv the phone started ringing, it was Leroy. He wanted to know  if Marcus had contacted me, I knew that he knew the answer they were a close family like that. He also wanted to know if I wanted to roll out tonight. I told him that I had tons to do to get ready. He sounded disappointed but said okay he may roll through later and twist one. But I wasn't worried about that happening, he wanted to roll, and he knew that I had already said, "no."
The next morning Marcus was on the phone, he would be here at three to pick me up. I told my auntie and she decided to serve everyone dinner early so that we could eat as a family. Then Leroy called asking if I wanted to roll out and twist one, I declined. I told him that I was spending time with the family until Marcus came. Leroy was acting strange, he said okay, but called twice more before coming by and we twisted one. we talked about the new job, this and that, then he said you didn't leave Tiffany your number. He asked me if I wanted him to give it to her. I asked, "why would you do that and I'm not going to be here?" Leroy said, "true that." But that bastard had a look on his face like he was thinking. I told him that I had to go, shit to do, and that I would see him on Friday
Marcus arrived around three and after a four hour ride we were at the motel and home for now. I found out that a few of the crew members didn't stay here at the motel, they had women locally that they lived with. I moved in with Marcus and now the move was complete. But that just the move, I spent the rest of the week proving to Marcus father that I was the best person for the job. He was surprised several times by things that I had learned on out jobs. By Friday I had gotten word through Marcus that his father was going to pay me more per hour. I had also decided by Friday that I wasn't going home that weekend. I had met a few locals and they had promised to take me out to a few spots.  
By the time that everyone returned on Sunday evening I was rested. Leroy had called starting Friday night, and then Tiffany and Denise had started joining him on the phone. The entire weekend was spent on the phone with them, and explaining over and over why I didn't come home. I noticed that all calls started with him, but soon Tiffany and Denise would take over. The work wasn't hard, I had worked far harder on earlier jobs. But the entire week seemed an assurance that I was coming home on Friday. Around Wednesday Tiffany started calling herself and not going through Leroy, but she had Denise in the background chiming in. The thing about it I didn't mind, they were both smart as hell and with crazy sport's knowledge. But jokingly I asked Tiffany why was Denise always listening in on our conversations. I heard Denise in the background say, "because my girl and I share everything."
I thought off and on about that statement from Wednesday to Friday, payday. when everyone else rolled out heading home this time I was along with them also. Marcus father had brought a fifteen passenger van just to haul the workers back and forth. I was lucky that I was one of the first stops when we got home. There are few things that equal riding four hours with fifteen hard working men. Then as soon as I got into the house my auntie told me that Leroy had been calling. I called him back, and he was just confirming that we were still on for tonight. I told him the usual time, and then waited for the sky to fall from my auntie and uncle. "You just got in, you haven't even eaten dinner, what time will you be home."
I was interrogated all the way up to walking out with Leroy. He was nice enough to already have one twisted and waiting in the car. I told him that I brought something back with me that was better. I twisted one up out of my sack and we smoked on the way to the bar. Leroy agreed and then said let's go back to that club we were at the last time. This was cool with me because the spot was super chill, absolutely no ruckus inside or outside in the parking lot. There was absolutely no loitering, or panhandling at a great club like this.  
As you know Leroy and I had a system. As soon as we're in the club we separate, he goes his way and I go mine. But tonight he turned with me and steered me to the bar by offering buy. I did my usual look around before hitting the bar, where Leroy wanted to sit and drink. I didn't mind sitting at the bar, ladies visit the bar all night coming and going. But Leroy started a discussion about how did I like the job, his family, and what they said about my work and me.  
I saw several beautiful women and spoke a few. But I picked two yellow bones, and one with blonde hair that I intended to speak to later. The good thing was they were traveling as a team, through the process of elimination. I considered the blonde a long shot, but I love a challenge. There was so many tasty morsels in here that it really just didn't matter. Leroy was ordering his second drink and looking around like he was looking for the perfect big bone. When out of nowheres someone tapped me on the shoulder and said, "well hello stranger." I knew without turning that it was Tiffany. I heard Leroy talking to someone and naturally it was Denise. I knew then that it was a setup but to my surprise, I wasn't mad.
Hell even if I would had been angry, as I turned to face Tiffany and that smile, I knew that it would had just melted away. She was just gorgeous as I took her hand and guided her to the stool besides me. Leroy had just ordered himself a second drink, but as soon as Tiffany sat down she ordered a round. I leaned over and and whispered to Leroy, I'm going home tonight. He said that he knew, and then lied that he didn't know how they showed up. I told him it wasn't that, I was happy to see Tiffany, But I had made promises to my family. Now he know show I feel about my family and I'll walk home again if I have to.
Leroy knew this and he spun talking to Denise as I continued talking to Tiffany. We were just synching again, her hand was moving between laughs from my shoulder to my thigh. I told her my situation with tonight and she was good with that. As it turned out she couldn't do anything tonight, she was on her cycle. Dam this was even better because I had said I wasn't going to play with her emotions like that.  Leroy whispered to me that Denise wanted to go back to her place. I asked him why were they still here and hadn't left yet. I found out through Tiffany that Leroy had spent every night with Tiffany since the very first night. He played it cool and said she's Tiffany's ride and I'm your, besides over there we can smoke a little. Enough said posse up and lets get over to Denise's place.
The ride to Denise's was smooth, she led and we followed. I rolled up two and we lit up right then and there with Leroy and myself saving one for later. As we walked inside it was even more obvious that this was a set up. There was an entire meal hot and ready to eat smelling up the entire house. Everyone else headed into the house and into the kitchen, but I stoppedand fiddled with the stereo. Leroy came out of the kitchen and fixed me a drink. He was really enjoying this hot food and a big bone with money. I knew that he still maintained his own place, but Leroy had died and gone to heaven here.
I heard, "you really should try some of this food it's really yummy." I declined but as I looked around there was no way that Denise didn't have a maid. There was absolutely no way that she was cleaning this big ass house alone. I mean everything was freaking sparkling as I sipped and drink. I dipped back outside remembering the second blunt and who comes out but Leroy, no way that he ate that fast. He saw that I was just sparking and he joined in. He asked that I hang around maybe an hour or so and then he would roll me home. I had no problem hanging out it was still early, but I made up my mind that Leroy wasn't driving me there again.
When we walked back into the house Denise and Tiffany with drinks in hand were both dancing to the radio. Leroy again fixed me a drink this one unwanted. I had enough between here and the bar. To throw him off I joined the women in their dance and watched as he sat his drink down. He followed suit by pulling Denise by the hand and starting their very own private dance. This confused me, we were just at a club with music and could had dance the night away.  
But this was cool here, we danced, laughed, and eventually I did drink that last and final drink. Tiffany feeling her drinks wanted to dance a little slower and closer, as the music switched to the quiet storm. She was a great dancer and a smooth conversationalist. We danced, talked, and kissed, dam she was a great kisser. I noticed out of my peripheral that Leroy and Denise had picked out their own area of the living room. I remembered wishing that this wasn't a replay of their last strip tease act.  
This living room was heating up, Tiffany again had unbutton my shirt and was kissing with teeth. I allowed her to press herself again my happy place. I looked over at Leroy and Denise both topless and the front of Denise's bra was unclasped. I saw where Leroy and Denise were headed and didn't want to see Denise's breast in Leroy's mouth. I whispered to Tiffany that I needed to use the bathroom. She grabbed me by the hand and led me to the bedroom that we had shared the first night. As we walked by Denise smiled at Tiffany and looked at me with my shirt opened. She was well aware that her breast were in plain site to both of us. But this was hers, this was her place, her man, and she was enjoying herself.  
As I walked into the room Tiffany continued leading me by the hand into the bathroom. She stood behind me as I took myself out and started relieving myself. I was wondering why she came into the bathroom with me. While in mid stream she stepped closer, reached around and grabbed my dick. She was experienced, she didn't grabbed it with a choking force. She slid her other arm around me and laid her head on my back. She waited until my stream stopped and then she showed that she knew the shaking procedure. She wasn't the first woman to come into the bathroom with me or to hold my dick. But those women I was having sex with later that night. Tiffany had already announced that she was down for the count.  
Just as I was satisfied and and putting myself away, Tiffany tightened her grip. She stepped from behind me while still gripping my dick, smilingly said, "just because I can't have any fun doesn't mean that you can't." She flushed the toilet and place the lid down on it. I released my dick as she started moving her hand back and forth along my shaft. As she sat down, she licked her palms with lots of spittle, and began stroking my dick with alternating hands. She looked up into my eyes as she smiled and lovingly kissed all over the head. I never even realized when she slipped the head into her mouth.  
Tiffany had skills, as she held me in her mouth, she ran her nails along the underside of my shaft and all over my balls. There was swelling and extention as she swallowed more of the shaft. While holding me between her teeth, she reached up undid my belt and pants letting them drop to the floor. I reached down grabbing her by both cheeks as she took me in as far as she could. Mmmm, the gagging sounds ass he bounced me in her throat drooling onto my dick. Both hands flew to the back of my head as the words, "nasty bitch" began turning over in my mind.  
She started doing some shit that I wasn't use to as she grabbed both of my naked asscheeks. She started edging my shit with her mouth and throat. I had both fist in the air, she was building the pressure to blow and she knew it. She ran her nails across my ass checks, and up and down my thighs. I started thinking is this how Denise broke Leroy? Did he underestimate these women because the were big bones? I don't know as Tiffany held me deep into her throat while squeezing my balls, I unloaded. I loved the the pressure as she milked every drop,  poking her tongue in and out of my peepee hole. I clenched my asscheeks as I feed her the last drop
She kissed the head and cleaned me up. I was about to pull my pants and underwear up, but Tiffany asked to let her do it. As she rose from the toilet redoing my pants and belt. I lifted her face and we tongue kissed as I pulled her body against mine. She started breathing heavy and then pushed me away. She said, "I already want to have sex, we had better stop." She said, "besides don't you have to get home?" I agreed as I spanked her on the asscheek and promised that I owed her one.  
I led Tiffany out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom door leading to the living room. I opened the door and right before my eyes was Denise completely naked on top of Leroy. She looked at me and our eyes locked before I shut the door again. I told Tiffany that we needed to wait, that I wasn't sure if they were finished yet. We sat on the bed for about thirty minutes simply talking. I asked Tiffany if she was a nurse? Because of her skills I just thought nurse or medical field. She laughed until there were tears, she never said what she did, but she said that she wasn't a nurse.  
Tiffany got up and went to the door only she walked right through it. She came back about five minutes later and told me that Leroy was ready. I didn't like this feeling of not having my own truck with me. This was the second time that I had ended up ass out hanging with Leroy. The first thing that I saw as I exited the room was Denise. She was walking around in a short kimono robe that she didn't dare bend over in. There was a three way conversation going on and she was the ringleader. Leroy dressed in a big grin and a t-shirt played the roll of waiting for me. I told both ladies good night and we were out of there.
Leroy got me home safely and we smoked the last half of the second blunt on the way. My family was still up and even this late there was a reunion. I ate my dinner that my aunt had prepared. We played catch up and watched a little television. That's until my aunt went into the kitchen and answered the phone. She returned to say that the phone was for me and that it was Leroy. He asked what was up for tomorrow, and I told him hard work. I really needed to spend sometime at home with the family. Leroy said, "you left your sack in the car." I told him that it was intentional. I told him that the sack was his and he thanked me. Then I heard some talking next to the phone, it was Tiffany and Denise wanting to say good night for whatever reason. Good nights were said again with both of them giggling on the phone like teenagers. I hung the phone up and gave Leroy another strike.          
Written by I_IS_ME
Published | Edited 19th May 2024
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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