[NaPoWriMo 2024 Collection]: Elysium of Poetry
Most seek poems
in the iris of the earth
because the well of her pupil
is too deep
for ink to survive
They believe
But poetry lives
its life in shadows
between the pages
of forgotten or buried books
tucked in drawers
old envelops
and tombs of the dead
Its scent is distinct:
chrysanthemum, worn leather
lavender and peppermint
we catch its waft
when least expected
Its language is unspoken
infused with deja vu
and carefully tuned
upon the ivory bones
of an ancient spirit
still roaming the Serengeti
seeking its own poetry
from the earth's iris
because it hasn't learned
Poetry has always known us
and was once defined
by our love and pain
an empty yearning
for star maps beyond
these networked veins
It understood
we were humans
needing to mold things
into agreeing with us
It would breathe deeply
and hold space
to keep the peace
over juvenile journal entries
we dubbed poetic verse
But as we grew
we mistook its softness
for a steel wool anchor
that would always
hold us in place
We overlooked
its vulnerable underbelly
of earth and Anubus
its power's proof
against predetermined judgment
and physical ignorance
Rubbing something the wrong way
causes static electricity
over time, a current
constantly rising
to shatter our glass ceiling
Splintering shards from the burn
of fire, fangs, and truth
drawing our blood
across the universe
Because Poetry
has always known us
And now
we who survived
know it too
I once felt as an impostor
through the being
of daily living
There were facets
of myself I had never met
as though cloned
by artificial intelligence
except it didn’t exist yet
A dubious double
with a fractured spirit
leaving my vessel wrecked
in the middle
of a mediocre B movie
But a will can become
an earthquake
splitting open
the foundation
of expansion
from the creative friction
of lingering words
determined to live
When our bones break
they bond even stronger
when wounds heal
our scars are carved
in skin crying out to be seen
Poetry is the sacred bond
fusing broken connections
between language and love
Some things are whispers
fractured beliefs
in need of editing
When we no longer know
what to believe
we become still
allowing time and silence
to formulate
a dimension of desert sky
resembling an empty page
Perhaps the sunset is misspelled
and the clouds
are correctional ink, whiteout
re-creating blank place
for shapes to mutate
A contrarian quest
by ghosts roaming the halls
of our deepest wish
deciphering waltzes
of light across empty rooms
And the burning abyss
resurrecting across winter miles
melting the emptiness
with its grand entry
is none other than Poetry
Beauty is subjective
and perceived imperfection
is no more than warped words
from contorted emotions
at the epicenter of judgment
To see perfection in the broken
discordance of creation
is to feel rhythm in everything
even the lashing chords
of a fluttering voice
emitting a cracked euphony
Its raucous victory chorus
tune of visible wounds
free-falling from the notes
of a quavering release
teeming with belief
despite past rejection
Ridicule is a hot air balloon
climbing upward in time
toward its weathered home
of land-filled doom
But life is grounded
shattered shards of gravity
each a jagged imperfection
containing the beauty
of perfect poetry
Morning is damp and cool
an undulating mass
of wood smoke and ash
escape from a chimney
of blackened rocks
The cloak of dew
through half-skeletal trees
smolders with the scent
of moss and earth
My slug-like prints
leave a glistening trail
across the meadow’s awakening
Breath billows forth as fog
from the moist bog
of my warm body
before reaching the ground
Camellias eye my steps
wisteria petals drift as confetti
contrasting evergreens
with their lavender bodice
Crows communicate from the old oak
signaling one another
awaiting whatever token
my arrival brings their altar
The purpose of this following
as every morning
is to sift for gold
from each magic moment
of sacred space
Until Nature’s voice emerges
within the stanzas of a poem
Breathing into the silence
of unanswered questions
became a kaleidoscope
of mirrors reflecting
daily existence
Tunneled through experience
the patterns continue
eternal recurrence
decades of chapters
bound by age
separated by memory
If we were to discover answers
we’ve diligently sought
within a fallen pomegranate
would we possess the wisdom
beyond our greedy ramparts
to planet its seeds
allow it to mature
rather than devour
the sweetness of its heart
until nothing was left
Or, would we wait, silently
in a deep thicket of thought
allowing the answers
skittish as feral creatures
to approach us by choice
so we could finally learn
nature’s ancient truth:
we exist and perish to sow
the Muse’s garden
so that Poetry survives
for the next generation
Coming up for air
from an earthen meditation
discernment becomes clear
I used to think life unfair
withering disease
nightmare circumstance
minority suffrage
from majority’s inequality
But earth doesn’t exist for us
it barely survives us
from destructive forces
of our toxic choices
What we encounter
is from our own creation
manifesting thought
or karma in the making
whether or not we recollect
what’s been lost
and yet still resonates
through histrionics
The Nile twists
through the Egyptian desert
the Congo swallows its brave
tribes and cities
prehistoric bones gurgle deep
in the quicksand of caves
But all slowly resurrect
their skeletal appearance
carbon-dated with ancestry
refusing to remain hidden
Mighty Lions come
to set the record straight
from the hunter’s crooked victories
We are destined to reformulate
our bygone decisions
repeating our patterns
through different circumstances
to measure the increase of wisdom
Until the scale finally tips
that feathered doom of Ma’at—
our heart engorged, heavy
with the salvation of poetry
The Moon couldn’t’ wait
for night to fall
she came to slake
her thirst mid-afternoon,
wholly prepared to burn
for an olden love
I think of Lady Hawk
and clandestine magic
spells wound between souls
destined to part
until that conjoined spark
Last night
her presence was ash
floating amid darkness
The constellations
carried on
housed infinite stars
Orion, Scorpius
Andromeda, Perseus
Sometimes I think
I mistake blank appearance
to mean absence
But I realize
it’s merely perception
an alteration in vision
at a busy day’s end
It’s still there
in the mind’s eye
that ivory orb of lackluster
her own dark night
of the soul
after having to let go
for decades more
She will fully bloom
despite circumstance
adorned a muse
worshiped by bards
their ink-stained fingers
tattooed with poems
as tokens of love
It comes for all of us
the envoy of Azrael
to dust we return
a harvested cycle
seeding the future
When we resurrect
shall oak and squirrel
Druid of ancient lore
and weathered anthem
recognize us and be glad
Or is our arrival an omen
a black-robed specter
pointing a spindly finger
of gluttony and waste
contaminated by ignorance
Who knows the shape
and size of wisdom
its regenerative light
the trebuchet of evolution
Who can imagine
its non-tangible identity
a mere nothing
more than everything
since the beginning
something wholly attainable
seemingly out of reach
inviting yet distanced
until we work for it
When we do submit
to its kingdom of knowledge
thru studies of enlightenment
the gift is bestowed
Innate and softly received
that bewitchingly fiery
magical spirit of Poetry
Lithes of penetrating light
through vivid imagery
and unconstrained imaginings
become wooded sprites
freely frolicking
within the darkness
of a deep yearning
for real magic
So nimble their pirouettes
in arabesque design
each spirit’s luminescent
otherwise unseen presence
going barely noticed
by hikers and tourists
eager to shop and dine
But those who know
how Dryads lurk, watching
human maneuvers
tread with respect
utilizing reverence
well into the forest
to await the blessing
of their ancient alchemy
and unborn poetry
We inhale happiness
hold it in our lungs
for the fleeting moment
it graces, then released
its dandelion heart
to ride the zypher
Evanescent as a flower
confined in a second’s measure
hosting a pollinating bee
drunk on its florid labyrinth
of purity, resin, and time
Soft as chiffon it drifts
leisurely as a Sunday nap
by its own airy fate
within the breath of spring
seeking the perfect plot
of earth to root
We linger, tarry
until the sun sets
star-ward aspirations
glimmering in irises
like specks of lighting
bugs heralding summer
another season
vanishing too soon
We rise in the morning
to the faintest of memory
asking ourselves. . .
‘What cast those halos
over sleeping vulnerability
tell me. . .
‘Was it Poetry’. . .
It sings water words
and fire songs
tremolos as birds
warbling in the rain
Its rhythm lifts itself
through a tribal ritual
and passage of rite
It’s strength builds
within the height
of its solar eclipse
Growing wider
casting shadows
across the plains
from extended wings
We are oblivious
as foraging squirrels
mining our own territories
or contented fish
swimming listlessly
That Mother bird above us
hovering, waiting
to dive and strike
when least expected
And that’s how it is
this writer’s life
a spectral decent
from an unseen space
Its claws latch
piercing us bloody
til we’re so drunk
with the glory of possibility
we submit willingly—
sacrificing our ego
to be reborn as poetry
We write to remind ourselves
that we are alive
Does it matter
if anyone likes it
or not
if it’s wrong or right
empty or mindful
Life’s labyrinth
of willing wonders
amid a congealed Universe
offer us freedom
of choice
Whether beautiful
or grotesque
excellent or mediocre
we offer the verse
a conduit—
not of but through us
Trust that its newborn
breath enters the palms
of Mother Earth
from this vessel of service
Believe muddy thoughts
stirring the sediment
of our meager intellect
will settle, eventually
before emerging
as a creation
worthy of poetry
There are times a poet
feels so uncompelled
locked in sedentary confines
dreaming of exile
of regeneration
through inspiration
beyond this quicksand
cementing us to shores
we wouldn’t choose
for ourselves
But at high tide
the Muse rolls in
as waves
engulfing us
whispering. . .
‘It’s all a ruse’
This wasteful idling
this endless desiring
All we need do
is pick up the pen
open the keyboard
and allow the truth
to crash over us
Writing is about
opening our hearts to receive
not thinking or performance
it’s allowing Poetry
to take the stage
with its own voice
We paint dreams
on nature’s back
in the form of sonnets
haiku, free verse—
these are the hues
of a poet’s love
We find our own
way, sky above us
earth below
each step
one step closer
if we don’t give up
by letting go
We are not alone
on the Camino de Santiago
between the choice of two:
the first is short: quit
the easiest route
gone too soon
leaving no mark
The second is treacherous
we may think we’ve lost
but moving forward
comes with great reward
for generations to come
We seekers are nuanced
in this uncertain storm
of doubtful downpour
Yet our one commonality
in this whole world
is trusting fearlessly
in the rivulets of poetry
There’s an ache poets suffer
as adults—
a yearning beyond
immeasurable doubt
trying to reconnect
to our inner child
where moments are holy
and love expects nothing
We’re held by grace
and our whole world
is made sober
from natural magic
like a reflection—
a wet shoreline
becoming the sky
the only separation
is that thin line
of sea foam receding
into the water
This becomes our altar
our offering of gratitude
between worlds
when childhood emerges
It’s here we know
the ache will return
it's also where we learn
how to feed it
sandcastles and poems
Like flowering sea grass
in an ocean current
my thoughts are fluid
a continual motion
through daily deposits
of aquatic algae
altering my ego-system
I dream of golden sandbars
in a blue-green ocean
under our yellow luminary
Walking the pathway
of Moonlight
across the water at night
I envision waltzing
through the galaxy
fascinated yet perplexed
at over 300 million planet’s
wondrously diverse inhabitants
Enter a Universal means
of travel, a wormhole
in speechless awe
arriving once and for all
where all Poets belong:
In the heart of the Poem
Life goes on
beyond burnt bridges
or the ebb and flow
of bygone facades
The Past stands tall
yet grows small
against distance
when our minds allow
by letting go
The present flows
into the future
like separate fluids
seamlessly miscible
within one another
One would believe
it was a mountain stream
gurgling through a forest
burbling secrets to us
as it wound past
We may feel swept behind
like silent sin
with a need to repent
its unworthy deed
But even spring flowers
clover and dandelion
entice the bee’s presence
to become drunk
on their essence
Our marbled pages of words
like a photograph
hold wishes and dreams
genuflecting our need
before the golden calf
of Poetry
We’re in the thick of it now
sifting through debris
of dictionaries
rearranging phrases
and syntax
into something legible
Desperate to reflect diamonds
strewn across the Universe
in clusters and solitude
we mine words
from nouns and verbs
remaking each one
into a glinting spark
producing enough fire
to awe-inspire
and jump-start our desire
We decorate meaning
with pieces of us
from an underworld
of uncertainty
hoping its beauty remains
centuries after our internment
This thing, this creation
by our own hands
conceived and sculpted
into a colossus of Poetry
We are mere wordsmiths
awakened by synonyms
echoing across keyboards
spewing from pens
against gale force fatigue
in a perilous search
of buried verse
somewhere within us
equaling a measure of gold
resting amid the Earth
Despite the ominous sight
of the page’s
distorted emptiness
its blank stare unfurling
as a sinister warning
an impostor syndrome
meant to deter us
Yet our compass
is set for true North
Because what we possess
is so much belief
in the Muse’s honeyed presence
to float our blood
above the clefts
that would otherwise
capsize the words
Crackling with electricity
by pure energy
we navigate the treacherous
seas of bare vulnerability
becoming helpless castaways
on the island of Poetry
This island sits firm
beneath our feet
walking its pathway
with intention
We catch a whiff
of inspiration
a song of songs
As Solomon to the beloved
so are we to the Poem
We seek the Oracle
a temple of Muse—
yet nothing she sees
is anything she chose
and nothing she says
or doesn’t say
is for one person alone
Because there’s no secret
key or magic offering
no colored candle
or burning incense
that unlocks creation
in every line of poetry
there is only us—
you and me
Survival isn’t surrender
to the swamps
of serene soliloquy
Even the Lotus
stretches upward
refusing to be buried
in muddy sediment
Dew becomes water
on the elephant leaf
runs freely and dives
off our chins
as we drink
condenses on the skin
gloats over its escape
then evaporates
into no thing
Poets walk on
through a village
nothing is as it seems
There’s a bouquet
of origami roses
without aroma
in the cafe
that will never bow
to the honey bee
It tangibly exists
as a mirage
something real
from a distance
as an oasis
We are upset dreamers
in this silent place
disciplined by the whip
of wrong decisions
made and witnessed
But in the heart of life
there is Poetry
for that we Poets survive
Life is a dark jungle
hiding gifts of danger
behind fresh scents
of wood and pineapple
Owning naught but itself
it is unfettered
by human idealists
swinging their machetes
It merely grows back
retakes its belonging
when man moves on
We poets crawl blindly
through cobwebs and blossoms
risking potential poison
and death from an Earth
we take for granted
We know why our soul
lingers in the underbrush
of possibility’s touch
when given a chance
once a month
Seeking the abducted
moments of inspired verse
we forgo treasure
of silver and gold
meant to sustain us—
materialistic traps
coveted by most
Not us
We Poets don’t mine
for earthly riches
but rise above expectation
Our sustenance is celestial alone:
The exposed breast
of the Full Moon
At dusk, herons glide
just above the river
silence crawls, exquisite
as a flock of light
floating over the surface
The Moon’s soft chiffon
entwined in beams
melts softly like the sun
through forest trees
unerringly silent
Entranced, we witness
the common occurrence
—that’s happened
every day of our lives—
as though the first time
committing the palatte
to memory
cotton candy pink
fading into cobalt blue
there's only so much beauty
you can store in the mind
until drunk on blood orange
and the endless possibility
of pure Poetry
Magic exists
along the uneven path
of mottled light
and hidden truth
in the under-bush
There is a wonder
in not knowing
what lies behind leaves
of dalmatian jasper
and bracken fern
The forest wears a mask
a reflective mirror
to protect its secrets
and there are sentinels
to distract the unworthy—
a red-headed woodpecker
and a cricket keep time
to the song of the tree
a haunting, bitter
and beautiful melody
reverenced communication
a fungal network
of earthen circuitry
dictating volumes
of inspired eco-poetry
to those who listen
and take dictation
It’s godlike on the peak
below wildlife become insects
scuttling across dust
dark as the cleavage
of river
between two mountains
I’m taken hostage
by rogue winds
beating eardrums
of blood in time
with my steps
Here on the ledge
where feet dangle
in rest
a red tailed hawk lands
our eyes meet
for a brief respite
then go separate ways
I gaze skyward
seeking a divine spark
behind the clouds
It scans below
for dying wildlife
to devour
Here I escape
gambling against the odds
and greedy demigods
dealing in war and fraud
I was taught by my dad
to never fold
before I’d lost
give it everything
I’ve got
because there are times
the underdog wins
So I’ve always known
somewhere within me
regardless of disbelief
there was always another Poem
framed in the light I seek
Stars float like dust
becoming a tableau
of mystique
in the hand we’re dealt
We innately know
there is room for change
reshuffle fate
believe in what can be
An ironwood soul
reverencing the Oracle
taking comfort
in all that surrounds
A bone-deep knowing
and shaking fingers
transcribe what fails
to emerge
as spoken words
But on the page
they assume shape
eels of Sumi ink
entwine as seaweed
their message
palpable in feeling
The Universe speaks
through the Earth
from every flower
and bird
cloud to sediment
It transmits our Song
into the form of a Poem
Poets seek authenticity
to breach pretension
creeping as shadows
eclipsing the atmosphere
To grow a glorious poem
without the agony
of its thorns
or fertilized manure
is impossible
and not for the faint of heart
in their darkest of dark
of enigmatic insouciance
Those feigned attempts
at verse by a fragile ego
will always be shattered
by its own ignorance
Truth snuggles in the folds
of frequency, vibrations
reflecting as a mirage
of transcendent understanding
Poetry doesn’t thrash
through thickets of a jungle
as a ravaged lion
diving for our throat
desperate for blood
It emerges from us
fills our senses
with a haunting
until we lack nothing
through the poem
Its specter wanders the earth
silently shining
its light through every thing
Once we were blind
but now we see
from within
Never forget
a literary seed roots
in our chest cavity
waiting to burgeon
A million mad bees
escaping spring’s nest
link our destiny
of porcelain words
to each Universal orb
We are . . .
rogue wildflowers
growing from cement
arm-in-arm with weeds
an ocean of salt water
tempered by rose petals
and innate madness
infinite enigmas
harboring salient secrets
haunting and mysterious
ripe bouquets
of individual aromas
plucking our petals
a jumbled purpose
of arranged notes
composed of silence
utter catastrophes
without need for pardon
or immunity
from our insanity—
We are Poets
without apology
in this
our Elysium of Poetry
Most seek poems
in the iris of the earth
because the well of her pupil
is too deep
for ink to survive
They believe
But poetry lives
its life in shadows
between the pages
of forgotten or buried books
tucked in drawers
old envelops
and tombs of the dead
Its scent is distinct:
chrysanthemum, worn leather
lavender and peppermint
we catch its waft
when least expected
Its language is unspoken
infused with deja vu
and carefully tuned
upon the ivory bones
of an ancient spirit
still roaming the Serengeti
seeking its own poetry
from the earth's iris
because it hasn't learned
Poetry has always known us
and was once defined
by our love and pain
an empty yearning
for star maps beyond
these networked veins
It understood
we were humans
needing to mold things
into agreeing with us
It would breathe deeply
and hold space
to keep the peace
over juvenile journal entries
we dubbed poetic verse
But as we grew
we mistook its softness
for a steel wool anchor
that would always
hold us in place
We overlooked
its vulnerable underbelly
of earth and Anubus
its power's proof
against predetermined judgment
and physical ignorance
Rubbing something the wrong way
causes static electricity
over time, a current
constantly rising
to shatter our glass ceiling
Splintering shards from the burn
of fire, fangs, and truth
drawing our blood
across the universe
Because Poetry
has always known us
And now
we who survived
know it too
I once felt as an impostor
through the being
of daily living
There were facets
of myself I had never met
as though cloned
by artificial intelligence
except it didn’t exist yet
A dubious double
with a fractured spirit
leaving my vessel wrecked
in the middle
of a mediocre B movie
But a will can become
an earthquake
splitting open
the foundation
of expansion
from the creative friction
of lingering words
determined to live
When our bones break
they bond even stronger
when wounds heal
our scars are carved
in skin crying out to be seen
Poetry is the sacred bond
fusing broken connections
between language and love
Some things are whispers
fractured beliefs
in need of editing
When we no longer know
what to believe
we become still
allowing time and silence
to formulate
a dimension of desert sky
resembling an empty page
Perhaps the sunset is misspelled
and the clouds
are correctional ink, whiteout
re-creating blank place
for shapes to mutate
A contrarian quest
by ghosts roaming the halls
of our deepest wish
deciphering waltzes
of light across empty rooms
And the burning abyss
resurrecting across winter miles
melting the emptiness
with its grand entry
is none other than Poetry
Beauty is subjective
and perceived imperfection
is no more than warped words
from contorted emotions
at the epicenter of judgment
To see perfection in the broken
discordance of creation
is to feel rhythm in everything
even the lashing chords
of a fluttering voice
emitting a cracked euphony
Its raucous victory chorus
tune of visible wounds
free-falling from the notes
of a quavering release
teeming with belief
despite past rejection
Ridicule is a hot air balloon
climbing upward in time
toward its weathered home
of land-filled doom
But life is grounded
shattered shards of gravity
each a jagged imperfection
containing the beauty
of perfect poetry
Morning is damp and cool
an undulating mass
of wood smoke and ash
escape from a chimney
of blackened rocks
The cloak of dew
through half-skeletal trees
smolders with the scent
of moss and earth
My slug-like prints
leave a glistening trail
across the meadow’s awakening
Breath billows forth as fog
from the moist bog
of my warm body
before reaching the ground
Camellias eye my steps
wisteria petals drift as confetti
contrasting evergreens
with their lavender bodice
Crows communicate from the old oak
signaling one another
awaiting whatever token
my arrival brings their altar
The purpose of this following
as every morning
is to sift for gold
from each magic moment
of sacred space
Until Nature’s voice emerges
within the stanzas of a poem
Breathing into the silence
of unanswered questions
became a kaleidoscope
of mirrors reflecting
daily existence
Tunneled through experience
the patterns continue
eternal recurrence
decades of chapters
bound by age
separated by memory
If we were to discover answers
we’ve diligently sought
within a fallen pomegranate
would we possess the wisdom
beyond our greedy ramparts
to planet its seeds
allow it to mature
rather than devour
the sweetness of its heart
until nothing was left
Or, would we wait, silently
in a deep thicket of thought
allowing the answers
skittish as feral creatures
to approach us by choice
so we could finally learn
nature’s ancient truth:
we exist and perish to sow
the Muse’s garden
so that Poetry survives
for the next generation
Coming up for air
from an earthen meditation
discernment becomes clear
I used to think life unfair
withering disease
nightmare circumstance
minority suffrage
from majority’s inequality
But earth doesn’t exist for us
it barely survives us
from destructive forces
of our toxic choices
What we encounter
is from our own creation
manifesting thought
or karma in the making
whether or not we recollect
what’s been lost
and yet still resonates
through histrionics
The Nile twists
through the Egyptian desert
the Congo swallows its brave
tribes and cities
prehistoric bones gurgle deep
in the quicksand of caves
But all slowly resurrect
their skeletal appearance
carbon-dated with ancestry
refusing to remain hidden
Mighty Lions come
to set the record straight
from the hunter’s crooked victories
We are destined to reformulate
our bygone decisions
repeating our patterns
through different circumstances
to measure the increase of wisdom
Until the scale finally tips
that feathered doom of Ma’at—
our heart engorged, heavy
with the salvation of poetry
The Moon couldn’t’ wait
for night to fall
she came to slake
her thirst mid-afternoon,
wholly prepared to burn
for an olden love
I think of Lady Hawk
and clandestine magic
spells wound between souls
destined to part
until that conjoined spark
Last night
her presence was ash
floating amid darkness
The constellations
carried on
housed infinite stars
Orion, Scorpius
Andromeda, Perseus
Sometimes I think
I mistake blank appearance
to mean absence
But I realize
it’s merely perception
an alteration in vision
at a busy day’s end
It’s still there
in the mind’s eye
that ivory orb of lackluster
her own dark night
of the soul
after having to let go
for decades more
She will fully bloom
despite circumstance
adorned a muse
worshiped by bards
their ink-stained fingers
tattooed with poems
as tokens of love
It comes for all of us
the envoy of Azrael
to dust we return
a harvested cycle
seeding the future
When we resurrect
shall oak and squirrel
Druid of ancient lore
and weathered anthem
recognize us and be glad
Or is our arrival an omen
a black-robed specter
pointing a spindly finger
of gluttony and waste
contaminated by ignorance
Who knows the shape
and size of wisdom
its regenerative light
the trebuchet of evolution
Who can imagine
its non-tangible identity
a mere nothing
more than everything
since the beginning
something wholly attainable
seemingly out of reach
inviting yet distanced
until we work for it
When we do submit
to its kingdom of knowledge
thru studies of enlightenment
the gift is bestowed
Innate and softly received
that bewitchingly fiery
magical spirit of Poetry
Lithes of penetrating light
through vivid imagery
and unconstrained imaginings
become wooded sprites
freely frolicking
within the darkness
of a deep yearning
for real magic
So nimble their pirouettes
in arabesque design
each spirit’s luminescent
otherwise unseen presence
going barely noticed
by hikers and tourists
eager to shop and dine
But those who know
how Dryads lurk, watching
human maneuvers
tread with respect
utilizing reverence
well into the forest
to await the blessing
of their ancient alchemy
and unborn poetry
We inhale happiness
hold it in our lungs
for the fleeting moment
it graces, then released
its dandelion heart
to ride the zypher
Evanescent as a flower
confined in a second’s measure
hosting a pollinating bee
drunk on its florid labyrinth
of purity, resin, and time
Soft as chiffon it drifts
leisurely as a Sunday nap
by its own airy fate
within the breath of spring
seeking the perfect plot
of earth to root
We linger, tarry
until the sun sets
star-ward aspirations
glimmering in irises
like specks of lighting
bugs heralding summer
another season
vanishing too soon
We rise in the morning
to the faintest of memory
asking ourselves. . .
‘What cast those halos
over sleeping vulnerability
tell me. . .
‘Was it Poetry’. . .
It sings water words
and fire songs
tremolos as birds
warbling in the rain
Its rhythm lifts itself
through a tribal ritual
and passage of rite
It’s strength builds
within the height
of its solar eclipse
Growing wider
casting shadows
across the plains
from extended wings
We are oblivious
as foraging squirrels
mining our own territories
or contented fish
swimming listlessly
That Mother bird above us
hovering, waiting
to dive and strike
when least expected
And that’s how it is
this writer’s life
a spectral decent
from an unseen space
Its claws latch
piercing us bloody
til we’re so drunk
with the glory of possibility
we submit willingly—
sacrificing our ego
to be reborn as poetry
We write to remind ourselves
that we are alive
Does it matter
if anyone likes it
or not
if it’s wrong or right
empty or mindful
Life’s labyrinth
of willing wonders
amid a congealed Universe
offer us freedom
of choice
Whether beautiful
or grotesque
excellent or mediocre
we offer the verse
a conduit—
not of but through us
Trust that its newborn
breath enters the palms
of Mother Earth
from this vessel of service
Believe muddy thoughts
stirring the sediment
of our meager intellect
will settle, eventually
before emerging
as a creation
worthy of poetry
There are times a poet
feels so uncompelled
locked in sedentary confines
dreaming of exile
of regeneration
through inspiration
beyond this quicksand
cementing us to shores
we wouldn’t choose
for ourselves
But at high tide
the Muse rolls in
as waves
engulfing us
whispering. . .
‘It’s all a ruse’
This wasteful idling
this endless desiring
All we need do
is pick up the pen
open the keyboard
and allow the truth
to crash over us
Writing is about
opening our hearts to receive
not thinking or performance
it’s allowing Poetry
to take the stage
with its own voice
We paint dreams
on nature’s back
in the form of sonnets
haiku, free verse—
these are the hues
of a poet’s love
We find our own
way, sky above us
earth below
each step
one step closer
if we don’t give up
by letting go
We are not alone
on the Camino de Santiago
between the choice of two:
the first is short: quit
the easiest route
gone too soon
leaving no mark
The second is treacherous
we may think we’ve lost
but moving forward
comes with great reward
for generations to come
We seekers are nuanced
in this uncertain storm
of doubtful downpour
Yet our one commonality
in this whole world
is trusting fearlessly
in the rivulets of poetry
There’s an ache poets suffer
as adults—
a yearning beyond
immeasurable doubt
trying to reconnect
to our inner child
where moments are holy
and love expects nothing
We’re held by grace
and our whole world
is made sober
from natural magic
like a reflection—
a wet shoreline
becoming the sky
the only separation
is that thin line
of sea foam receding
into the water
This becomes our altar
our offering of gratitude
between worlds
when childhood emerges
It’s here we know
the ache will return
it's also where we learn
how to feed it
sandcastles and poems
Like flowering sea grass
in an ocean current
my thoughts are fluid
a continual motion
through daily deposits
of aquatic algae
altering my ego-system
I dream of golden sandbars
in a blue-green ocean
under our yellow luminary
Walking the pathway
of Moonlight
across the water at night
I envision waltzing
through the galaxy
fascinated yet perplexed
at over 300 million planet’s
wondrously diverse inhabitants
Enter a Universal means
of travel, a wormhole
in speechless awe
arriving once and for all
where all Poets belong:
In the heart of the Poem
Life goes on
beyond burnt bridges
or the ebb and flow
of bygone facades
The Past stands tall
yet grows small
against distance
when our minds allow
by letting go
The present flows
into the future
like separate fluids
seamlessly miscible
within one another
One would believe
it was a mountain stream
gurgling through a forest
burbling secrets to us
as it wound past
We may feel swept behind
like silent sin
with a need to repent
its unworthy deed
But even spring flowers
clover and dandelion
entice the bee’s presence
to become drunk
on their essence
Our marbled pages of words
like a photograph
hold wishes and dreams
genuflecting our need
before the golden calf
of Poetry
We’re in the thick of it now
sifting through debris
of dictionaries
rearranging phrases
and syntax
into something legible
Desperate to reflect diamonds
strewn across the Universe
in clusters and solitude
we mine words
from nouns and verbs
remaking each one
into a glinting spark
producing enough fire
to awe-inspire
and jump-start our desire
We decorate meaning
with pieces of us
from an underworld
of uncertainty
hoping its beauty remains
centuries after our internment
This thing, this creation
by our own hands
conceived and sculpted
into a colossus of Poetry
We are mere wordsmiths
awakened by synonyms
echoing across keyboards
spewing from pens
against gale force fatigue
in a perilous search
of buried verse
somewhere within us
equaling a measure of gold
resting amid the Earth
Despite the ominous sight
of the page’s
distorted emptiness
its blank stare unfurling
as a sinister warning
an impostor syndrome
meant to deter us
Yet our compass
is set for true North
Because what we possess
is so much belief
in the Muse’s honeyed presence
to float our blood
above the clefts
that would otherwise
capsize the words
Crackling with electricity
by pure energy
we navigate the treacherous
seas of bare vulnerability
becoming helpless castaways
on the island of Poetry
This island sits firm
beneath our feet
walking its pathway
with intention
We catch a whiff
of inspiration
a song of songs
As Solomon to the beloved
so are we to the Poem
We seek the Oracle
a temple of Muse—
yet nothing she sees
is anything she chose
and nothing she says
or doesn’t say
is for one person alone
Because there’s no secret
key or magic offering
no colored candle
or burning incense
that unlocks creation
in every line of poetry
there is only us—
you and me
Survival isn’t surrender
to the swamps
of serene soliloquy
Even the Lotus
stretches upward
refusing to be buried
in muddy sediment
Dew becomes water
on the elephant leaf
runs freely and dives
off our chins
as we drink
condenses on the skin
gloats over its escape
then evaporates
into no thing
Poets walk on
through a village
nothing is as it seems
There’s a bouquet
of origami roses
without aroma
in the cafe
that will never bow
to the honey bee
It tangibly exists
as a mirage
something real
from a distance
as an oasis
We are upset dreamers
in this silent place
disciplined by the whip
of wrong decisions
made and witnessed
But in the heart of life
there is Poetry
for that we Poets survive
Life is a dark jungle
hiding gifts of danger
behind fresh scents
of wood and pineapple
Owning naught but itself
it is unfettered
by human idealists
swinging their machetes
It merely grows back
retakes its belonging
when man moves on
We poets crawl blindly
through cobwebs and blossoms
risking potential poison
and death from an Earth
we take for granted
We know why our soul
lingers in the underbrush
of possibility’s touch
when given a chance
once a month
Seeking the abducted
moments of inspired verse
we forgo treasure
of silver and gold
meant to sustain us—
materialistic traps
coveted by most
Not us
We Poets don’t mine
for earthly riches
but rise above expectation
Our sustenance is celestial alone:
The exposed breast
of the Full Moon
At dusk, herons glide
just above the river
silence crawls, exquisite
as a flock of light
floating over the surface
The Moon’s soft chiffon
entwined in beams
melts softly like the sun
through forest trees
unerringly silent
Entranced, we witness
the common occurrence
—that’s happened
every day of our lives—
as though the first time
committing the palatte
to memory
cotton candy pink
fading into cobalt blue
there's only so much beauty
you can store in the mind
until drunk on blood orange
and the endless possibility
of pure Poetry
Magic exists
along the uneven path
of mottled light
and hidden truth
in the under-bush
There is a wonder
in not knowing
what lies behind leaves
of dalmatian jasper
and bracken fern
The forest wears a mask
a reflective mirror
to protect its secrets
and there are sentinels
to distract the unworthy—
a red-headed woodpecker
and a cricket keep time
to the song of the tree
a haunting, bitter
and beautiful melody
reverenced communication
a fungal network
of earthen circuitry
dictating volumes
of inspired eco-poetry
to those who listen
and take dictation
It’s godlike on the peak
below wildlife become insects
scuttling across dust
dark as the cleavage
of river
between two mountains
I’m taken hostage
by rogue winds
beating eardrums
of blood in time
with my steps
Here on the ledge
where feet dangle
in rest
a red tailed hawk lands
our eyes meet
for a brief respite
then go separate ways
I gaze skyward
seeking a divine spark
behind the clouds
It scans below
for dying wildlife
to devour
Here I escape
gambling against the odds
and greedy demigods
dealing in war and fraud
I was taught by my dad
to never fold
before I’d lost
give it everything
I’ve got
because there are times
the underdog wins
So I’ve always known
somewhere within me
regardless of disbelief
there was always another Poem
framed in the light I seek
Stars float like dust
becoming a tableau
of mystique
in the hand we’re dealt
We innately know
there is room for change
reshuffle fate
believe in what can be
An ironwood soul
reverencing the Oracle
taking comfort
in all that surrounds
A bone-deep knowing
and shaking fingers
transcribe what fails
to emerge
as spoken words
But on the page
they assume shape
eels of Sumi ink
entwine as seaweed
their message
palpable in feeling
The Universe speaks
through the Earth
from every flower
and bird
cloud to sediment
It transmits our Song
into the form of a Poem
Poets seek authenticity
to breach pretension
creeping as shadows
eclipsing the atmosphere
To grow a glorious poem
without the agony
of its thorns
or fertilized manure
is impossible
and not for the faint of heart
in their darkest of dark
of enigmatic insouciance
Those feigned attempts
at verse by a fragile ego
will always be shattered
by its own ignorance
Truth snuggles in the folds
of frequency, vibrations
reflecting as a mirage
of transcendent understanding
Poetry doesn’t thrash
through thickets of a jungle
as a ravaged lion
diving for our throat
desperate for blood
It emerges from us
fills our senses
with a haunting
until we lack nothing
through the poem
Its specter wanders the earth
silently shining
its light through every thing
Once we were blind
but now we see
from within
Never forget
a literary seed roots
in our chest cavity
waiting to burgeon
A million mad bees
escaping spring’s nest
link our destiny
of porcelain words
to each Universal orb
We are . . .
rogue wildflowers
growing from cement
arm-in-arm with weeds
an ocean of salt water
tempered by rose petals
and innate madness
infinite enigmas
harboring salient secrets
haunting and mysterious
ripe bouquets
of individual aromas
plucking our petals
a jumbled purpose
of arranged notes
composed of silence
utter catastrophes
without need for pardon
or immunity
from our insanity—
We are Poets
without apology
in this
our Elysium of Poetry
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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