Image for the poem He Who Has The Gold Makes The Rules V

He Who Has The Gold Makes The Rules V

Slay Ride Estates

Travis and Darla interacted with several groups of Actors, Actresses, Producers, Writers, Directors, and Agents.

“If another man, touches my woman while talking to her. I will not be held responsible for the outcome.”

“Oh shit, here comes Peter.”

“Dr. Cabaña, how nice to see you again.” Peter leaned over and kissed Darla on her cheek. “Travis.”


“Dr. Cabaña, could I have a private word with you.”

Darla looked at Travis.

“Travis, could you please excuse me.”

“I will be here.”


She squeezed his hand, and walked away with Peter.

Charmaine looked across the room at Travis. She placed her drink down on the bar, and skirted his way.

“I have spoken to your PR, and if you are free, I would really like to arrange a screen test.”

“I think I can fit that into my agenda, however, it will have to be at the end of the month.”

“So long to wait.”

“Peter, I am a Scientist, other than burning the candles at both ends with developing patents, I have mounting projects, which have yet to be completed, and then there’s overseeing and budgeting a Pharmaceutical and Biochemical Lab.”

Peter palmed his chin.

“I did not realize you lead such a busy life, and manage to exuberate this freshness and beauty about yourself.”

“Thank you.”

“I will wait. It appears someone else couldn’t.”

Darla turned around. She saw Travis being led away by Charmaine.

“Travis, this will not take long.”

“Charmaine, we have been through this before. We are over.”

“Are we?”


“Please come to my hotel room, I will make you forget, whatever her name is.”

“Hum, it may be very hard to forget me. You are very persistent, I see.”

Travis and Charmaine turned around.

“Travis, excuse me, Charmaine.” Darla bumped Charmaine, and grabbed onto Travis’ elbow.

“As we were, before I was interrupted, and you were carted away.”

Travis and Darla walked away.

“I thought you got rid of that woman.”

“Which I did. I can’t help it if she got hook on all this caramel, and nutt.”

“Remind me not to follow pursuit. Anyone knows too much of a good thing is bad for you.”

Travis stopped in the middle of the greeting room.

“What do you mean by that statement?”

“I may fly home tomorrow.”

“Can you give me a good reason as to why?”

“Sure, I could give you several.”

“I’m listening.”

Darla took a deep breath.

“The Hollywood scene is not to my liking. I am used to resting in bed on Sunday, walking around and not looking like I materialize out of a magazine twenty-four seven, watching old movies at midnight, making love all through the night.”

“Therefore, after tonight, this movie between you and I is over?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

Travis turned and looked over at Peter. Who was looking at the two.

“What were you and Peter talking about that he had to lure you to the other side of the room.”

“Oh, he wanted me to do a screen test next week.”

“And you naturally declined.”

“Yes, until the end of the month.”

Travis palmed both cheeks, and looked at Darla.

“So you’re thinking about taking on Hollywood?”

“I would like to see if I have what is takes.”

“Are you going to end up in Peter’s bed?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“A question that requires an answer.”

“What kind of woman do you take me for?”

“The kind of woman who sleeps with her fiancé’s cousin, and is a sex addict.”

“That was cruel to say.”

“It’s the truth dammit!”

“Would you lower your voice?”

Travis looked around.

“How dare you throw my past in my face?”

“You did not answer the question. I asked you are you going to sleep with Peter for a part in his movie.”

“You are something else. I was fine in Prague before, I met you, before I stepped into your glass world.”

“It appears you are fitting in quite well.”

“What is the real problem here?”

“No problem on my behalf. What or who you do is yours.”

Darla took a deep breath.

“Would you like a drink ma’am?”


Darla lifted a glass of champagne from off the serving tray.

“Can you bring me a double shot of vodka, no ice?”

“Yes sir.”

The server turned and walked away.

Darla took a sip of her Champagne.

Travis looked down into Darla’s eyes. Was he wrong to assume the worst of her?

“Dr. Cabaña.”

Darla turned around.

“I thought that was you. How are you?”

“I’m sorry...”

“I sat in on one of your lectures at Yale, a year ago.”

“Nice to meet you, I’ve always been fond of anyone who enjoys my lecture.”

“I’ve read your book as well. Very informative.”

“Why thank you.”

“Say I know you’ve probably heard this, but you look like, what’s that actress name....Zia.”

“Yes, that concept has been brought to my attention.”

“Well it was very nice seeing you again, Dr. Cabaña.”

“Thank you, and enjoy your evening.”


The man turned and made a path through the guests.

“I see you have fans.”

“Not on my own accord.”

“Here you are sir.”

Travis lifted his drink from off the serving tray.

“Would you like to dance?”

“No,” Darla said sharply.

“I guess I deserve that.”

“You think.”

Armondo watched Travis and Darla’s verbal exchange. He squeezed his way through the guests.

“Zia, could I speak with you.”

Travis and Darla turned around.

“Her fucking name is not Zia, it is Dr. Cabaña.”

“Could I speak with you?”

“The woman is here with me.”

“You couldn’t hold her attention then, and I’m sure you can’t hold it now.”

Travis drew his hand back. Darla caught it.

“This is not the time, or place. Armondo, my name is Dr. Cabaña.”

“When you kissed me earlier, and let me buy you your favorite lingerie. You never let on you were this person.”

Travis swung his eyes in Darla’s direction.

“I did not have time too.”

“You heard the lady.”

Armondo looked at Darla. He cut his eyes in Travis’ direction.

“Excuse my rudeness, Dr. Cabaña.”

“It was never a problem.”

Armondo looked down at the gown clinging to Darla’s curvaceous hips, and then her marble size breast nipples. He looked into her light-brown eyes, and strayed to her lips.

“You look nice Zia...Dr. Cabana.”

“Thank you.”

“Can you leave us please?”


Armondo looked into Darla’s eyes, and turned around. He walked away. He turned and looked at Darla.

“Are you missing him already?”

Darla turned to face Travis.

“Pardon me.”

“What’s the rush with you leaving?”

“This is too overwhelming for me. I prefer my quiet and tamed lifestyle.”

“I truly doubt the last part.”

“Are you trying to banter with me?”

“I would not waste the time. This is not a relationship.”

“Then why is the vein at your temple throbbing.”

“You wish this news is making me upset.”

“And I suppose it isn’t.”

“I told you women like you come a dime a dozen.”

Darla cocked her head.

“Good, then I will leave you to them, goodnight Travis.”

Darla walked away.

Travis looked around. No one noticed Darla and his heated verbal exchange. He excused himself through the crowd.

Darla walked into the bathroom. She walked over to mirror, and looked at her reflection.

“Have some.”

Darla looked down at the white lines of powder neatly conformed on a compact mirror.”

“No thank you.”

The woman held down one nostril and snorted a line of Coke through a hundred dollar bill up her other nostril.

“Hollywood,” Darla mumbled under her breath

“Pardon me.”

“I said you look nice.”

“Thank you. Hey, aren’t you that actress...Zia.”


Darla walked to the door, opened it, and walked out

Travis turned around.

“Are you all right.”

“Why would I not be?”

Travis placed his hands inside his front pants pockets.

Both stared at each other.

“Would you like to go and get a drink?”

Darla crossed her arms over her chest.

“Strange, you could not find one of those dime a dozen women, oh Charmaine is here, make use of her time.”

Darla brushed past Travis.

He gently pulled her arm back

“I do not want Charmaine.”

Darla looked up into his eyes.

“At this point, you do not know who you wan....”

Travis grabbed Darla around her waist, pulled her into his arms, and took her lips under arrest.

“Uum,” Darla moaned under her breath.

Darla linked her arms around his neck and fought for supremacy with her lips.

Travis’ lips meandered to the side of her neck.

“Oh baby, you taste so good. Let’s go home.”

“Wait...” He kissed her neck. “Trav...Travis this is getting out of hand.”

He kissed her lips again, and then under her chin.

Travis dragged his tongue to Darla’s ear, and stuck the tip inside. He whispered in her ear, “What is getting out of hand?”

Travis kissed the side of her earlobe.

Darla’s body shuddered. She leaned her head to one side. His palms worshipped her body

“This, you, me, your lips, your body.”

“So what are you saying?”

“Let’s say this movie is over.”

Travis hugged her tighter.

“You are trying to reel me in.”

“If you aren’t already, than no. I am only enjoying the time.”

“Then let’s enjoy it.”

“If that’s what you want.”

“Since this is not a relationship, yes.”

“Then lead the way handsome.”

Travis stepped back. He looked down into her eyes.

“You are very stubborn.”

“Who me.”

“Yes, my co-star.”

“Now you found out one of my flaws.”

“I have others also; however, you have to stick around to find them out.”

“That sounds serious. Let me reexamine my options. Stick thank you.”

“Yeah what was I thinking?”

Travis and Darla stared at each other.

“Are you ready?”


Travis grabbed Darla’s hand.

Both returned to the gathering and danced, drunk, mingled, among the guests, and then quietly slipped off the yacht.

“This beach is very beautiful against the backdrop of the full moon, wait a minute.”

Darla reached down and unsnapped her stilettos.

Travis steadied her by her elbow.

“Thank you.”

Darla carried her shoes in one hand. Travis hugged her around her waist.

“You are a very prominent Scientist, I must say.”

“Thank you.”

“We will make a great team.”

“You and me.”

“Of course.”

“That sounds like a relationship Mr. Director.”

He hugged her to his hip. “Yeah what was I thinking?”

The water lapped over her feet.

“Wow that was cold.”

“I know what you mean, my sock is screaming for relief.”

“See, I told you to take them off before we began walking.”

“I guess you are not the only stubborn one.”

“So it seems.”

Travis removed his arm from around Darla’s shoulders, leaned down, and united his shoestrings. He took off his shoes and then his socks. He placed his arm back around Darla’s shoulders.

“You are spectacular Dr. Cabaña. When I first saw you, I really mistook you for an overzealous fan.”

“You didn’t.”

“Yes, I did, until.”

Travis stopped and dropped his arm.  “Until, the night of the white party.”

“Do tell me more.”

“I wanted to find out more about you.”

“And what has a top-rated Director found out about Dr. Darla Cabaña.”

“You are sexy, beautiful, very tough with those emotions of yours, and has the sweetest pussy any man would miss if taken away.”

“For a minute you had me going with the true confession thing.”

“I did have you weak for the moment.”

“Yes, you did.”

“Up ahead, there is a cave.”

“Sounds explorative.”

Travis and Darla entered the cave. She instantly grabbed ahold of his hand.

“Baby, I got you.”

Travis dropped his hand from Darla’s hand and took off his jacket; he dropped it to the sand.

“Care to share the sand with me.”

“I would love to share anything with you.”

“Watch it woman.”

Darla lifted her gown and took a seat. Travis squatted down on the jacket.

Both looked out the mouth of the cave.

“It’s a pity the only time the body truly relaxes is away from the mainstream of our self-created society.”

“Very prolific analogy doctor.”

“Thank you.”

Travis rested on a bent elbow.

“I bet you have plenty of men beating down your door trying to get at you.” Travis lifted a handful of sand and allowed it to escape through his fingers.

“I have left that life behind. No more cheap sex for me.”

“Oh, excuse me. So now you got your eye on a bigger fish.”

Darla found Travis’ eyes.

“I do.”

“Is this brotha aware of this?”

“How do you know it’s a brotha?”

Travis stroked Darla’s cheek. “Because only a brotha would really appreciate the love, comfort, and security of an African American woman.”

“There you go sounding serious on me.”

“What if I was?”

“Clarify yourself.”

“What if I was serious?”

“Is this the time, I laugh, or improvise my surprise.”

“You tell me.”

Travis leaned over, and tilted Darla’s chin, he lightly kissed her on the lips. He scooted closer. He went behind her neck, and unsnapped the rhinestone.

The top of Darla’s gown slouched under her breasts.

Travis leaned down and kissed a breast nipple. He licked up her cleavage.

Darla palmed Travis’ face, and brought his face up to hers. She leaned forward and kissed him. She kissed his nose, his eyes, and then kissed his lips again.

Travis hungrily reciprocated the kiss. He slowly got up and rose over her. Darla’s back found the suit jacket.

“I knew you would be trouble the moment I saw you on the beach.”

“I’m the lickable kind of trouble.”

“Indeed you are.”

Travis licked over Darla’s breast. He covered the nipple, and tinkled it with his tongue. He kissed around the nipple, and palmed the other breast.

“Oh Travis.”

He inched back and pulled her gown down. Travis stood, and unzipped his trousers. He quickly removed his clothes. He got back on the jacket. “Such a hindrance.” He tore Darla’s thong off and threw it into the darkness. He leaned his head down, and road the tip of his tongue up her body. He kissed her lips.

Darla gathered her arms around his neck.

“You smell good enough to eat,” he whispered in her ear.

Travis kissed her earlobe. Darla kissed Travis’ chest. She wrapped her legs around his.

“Let’s just pretend for once we are serious about one another.”

“I can handle that handsome.”

Travis and Darla’s lips met. He kissed the side of her neck.

Darla rubbed the sole of her foot on the back of his thigh. She spiraled her fingers up and down his back.

“Make love to me Travis.”

“Yes baby.”

Her inched back and captured her breast nipple between his lips.

“Oh Travis.”

“Tell me you love me.”


“Tell me.”

He suckled her nipple. He leaned back, and kissed over her flat midriff. He inched lower, and opened her legs.

He inserted his finger inside of her.

“Oh Travis.” Darla’s pelvis moved widely while his finger twisted like a tornado inside her pussy.

Travis leaned on his stomach. He licked over her downy hairs; he withdrew his finger, and anchored his tongue inside.

“, I love you.”

Travis suckled Darla’s clitoris. He palmed her buttocks, and darted her pelvis in his face.

Darla closed her thighs against his face.

“Travis...oooooh. You want...”

Travis’ tongue plowed deeper.

Darla arched her back. She was lost in a tidal wave of physical euphoria.

Her body spasm. “Oh Travis...I’m…oooooo.”

Travis sealed his mouth over her pussy, and swallowed her vaginal secretions.

Darla’s body continued to quiver.

Travis kissed her clitoris; he kissed her downy hairs. The wet path sailed up her stomach. He got on his knees and palmed his manhood; he sunk it inside her vaginal cavity.

“Oh sweet goodness woman.”

“Oh baby, I love you.”

Darla lifted her head. Travis bent his head. They kissed without any breath to spare

Travis moved his thicken manhood inside of her.

Darla’s back returned to the jacket. She encircled Travis’ back and assisted his thrust.

“Oh...Travis, baby, it feels so good.”

“Say you love me Darla dammit....”

Travis’ dick crawled farther.

“Oh...God yes, I...I love you.”

She held him tighter, and climaxed again.


Travis laid on top of her and scaled his thrust inside of her. “Shit.” His ejaculation trembled out. He palmed Darla’s buttocks, and banged his dick inside of her harder.

Darla moved her pelvis.

Travis kissed her neck, and suckled the skin. How is she going to walk away from this? Oh God don’t let her be falling for this man, and admit her submission to her feelings.

Travis kissed Darla on her lips, and nuzzled her nose.

“I don’t want you to go for a screen test with Peter,” Travis rushed out.

“I would love to hear the reason.”

“I do not want you to get caught up.”

“And that’s the real reason.”

“Uum yeah.”

“I will think about it.”

“I do not want you to leave tomorrow.”

“You are on a mission with your wants.”

Travis moved his dick inside her pussy.

“And my needs.”

Darla blushed.

Travis slowly withdrew his dick and rolled over onto his back.

“Are we still pretending, or are we being serious.”

“Being serious beautiful.”

“At least until we put our clothes back on, right.”

“Time waits for no one, not even emotions; rather you are being serious, or pretending.”

“That was eloquently put Mr. Director.”

“Can I hold you?”


Darla scooted on Travis’ chest.

He hugged her to his chest.

“After we get back to Prague, what are your plans?”

“I may fly home, and continue my vacation there.”

“Why not with me in Prague?”

Because, this means something to me.

Travis looked down.

“Knock Knock.”

“I’m here. Travis...I do not know if I can continue with this movie.”

“Are you serious?”


“So you admit you are falling for this brotha.”

“If I am.”

“Then this movie is over.”

“Okay, then I am falling for you.”

Travis did not issue a reply.

“I think it’s getting late.”

Travis lifted up.

Darla fell to the jacket. Travis stood and got dressed.

Darla stood, stepped into her gown, and lifted it up her legs. She clasped it at the neck.

Travis lifted his tuxedo jacket from off the sand, and shook it.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes,” Travis hissed.

“Wait a minute, did I miss something here.”

“Yes, you strayed from the damn script. No feelings, and no relationship, this is all a pretense. Please do not read anything more into this.”

“Let’s rewind here. Wasn’t you the one to say let’s pretend we are being serious.”

“Yes, pretend we are serious.”

“And how do you know I wasn’t. You are a Director, read between the lines.”

“I have, let’s go.”

“Okay Travis, I am confused.”

“We can talk about this later on.”

“No need too. From here on out. No more movie, no more co-star, and you can take me back to Prague to get my things please.”

“We can leave out in the morning.”

Travis grabbed a hold of Darla’s hand.

Both exited the cave.

Travis stole glimpses at Darla in the limousine.

“Have you ever seen the Hollywood walk of fame?”

“No, I’ve seen it only in the movies.”

Darla smiled. Surprisingly something he missed.

Darla looked out the window.

“This town is a majestic illusion.”

Travis looked down at the side of Darla’s thigh.

“Yes it is.”

“How long have you been in California?”


“Such a long time.”

“Therefore, I’ve seen everything you could possible imagine.”

“You live a fascinating life, why aren’t you married yet?”

“I’m not interested in the union of it.”

“I thought I was when I was engaged, but now, I like the life I lead, no commitments, and no hindrances to be just me.”

Travis became quiet.

“Ooh, there is the Hollywood walk of fame. Let’s get out and grab a chili hotdog.”

“In this neighborhood.”

“Oh come on, be adventurous.”

Travis’ hand went to the side button. The window divider dropped.

“England, pull over, and wait.”

“Yes Mr. Slay.”

Darla smiled with her eyes.

His chauffeur pulled over and parked.

Darla leaned over and looked out the window.

“Isn’t this exciting?”

Travis looked down into Darla’s eyes.


“Oh come on now, don’t sound like you are not excited.”

“I’m ecstatic.”

The chauffeur opened the back door.

Travis removed his tuxedo jacket, and bow tie. He threw the items on the seat across from him. He stepped out the limousine. He held his hand out for Darla.

Darla clasped his hand and stepped out.

“England, make sure you follow behind.”

“Yes sir.”

Travis grabbed a hold of Darla’s hand.

“I have always wanted to walk the Boulevard.”

“Well tonight, your dreams have come true.”

“Can you buy me a chili hotdog?”

“If that’s what the lady wants.”

“Yes she does.”

Travis and Darla walked over to an outside hotdog vendor.
“Yes, one…”

“Two chili hot dogs please. I do not want to eat alone.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Darla looked around.

“This is very nice, thank you.”

“Should I buy you that Lobster before we go home?”

“Remember, that movie is over.”

Travis took a deep breath. He palmed his cheeks.

“What do you mean the movie is over?”

Darla leaned over.

“You know, you sleep in your own bed, as I will mine.”

“Here you are ma’am.”

“Thank you.”


He handed Travis his chili hot dog. Travis gave the vendor a ten dollar bill.

“Here is your change sir.”

“Keep it.”

Darla took a bite.

“Very good, thank you.”

The vendor nodded his head.

“Are you ready?”

“No. What do you mean, sleep in my own bed.”

“Would you like me to draw you a picture.”

“I don’t think so. When we go home, there is only one bed we are sleeping in, and that’s ours.”

“Oh now it’s ours.”


Travis grabbed Darla’s free hand.

“You are going to give this old man gray hairs I see.”

“I do not see even one.”

“Good, let’s keep it that way.”

“Okay, I will be nice. We can share the bed, and that’s all.”

Darla turned her head to hide her smirk.

“Oh, I feel a gray hair coming.”

She nudged him.

“You are really funny.”

Travis and Darla walked the entire Boulevard.


“Could you buy me an ice-cream cone?”

“I think I can afford that.”

Travis and Darla walked inside an ice-cream parlor.

Both walked up to the counter.

“Oh my God, there’s Zia.”

Travis and Darla turned around.

A hoard of people ran toward them.

Travis moved in front of Darla.

The two were instantly mobbed by a crowd of adoring fans.

Several held out blank autograph books, t-shirts, and menus for her to sign.

Travis hugged Darla and both moved through the crowd. The manager tried enforcing calmness in his parlor.  He escorted Travis and Darla out the ice-cream parlor, with several fans on their heels.

The chauffeur jumped out the limousine and ran around the vehicle. He opened the back door.

Travis assisted Darla in his limousine, followed by himself.

The chauffeur closed the door, and ran back around the vehicle. He got in, pulled the door close, and sped off.

Several fans followed the limousine, until it rounded the corner.

Travis looked out the back window.

The paparazzi cameras continued to click.

“Are you all right.”

“No, I didn’t get my ice-cream.”

Travis laughed.

“You have a gifted way of looking at things.”

“I could imagine when you and Zia were dating. I can only assume you two never had a minute of privacy, until your doors were closed.”

“A man’s home is not always his castle,” Travis returned.

Darla patted his hand. Her stomach gurgled.

“Are you still hungry?”

“No, pardon me.”

Her stomach gurgled again.

Travis’ stomach gurgled.

“Baby, my stomach is moving.”

“Yeah so is mine.”

Travis pushed the intercom button in the limousine.

“Man, can you step on it.”

“Yes sir.”

“Baby, my stomach hurts.”

“Come here.”

Darla scooted down the seat, and laid on Travis’ chest.

“Baby your stomach is gurgling as well.”

“The wrong way to make it so bad.”

“Maybe the chili hotdogs was a bad idea.”

“Very bad idea.”

Travis rubbed over Darla’s back.

“Can you hold on until we get home.”

“Yes, as long as you know I have the first visit to the bathroom.”

“Ladies before... Shit.”

Travis laid his head against Darla’s head.


Darla snuggled closer to Travis. Travis threw his arm over her hip, and hugged her.

The elevator doors slid open.

Bertha stepped off. She placed the tray on the dresser. She walked over and pulled the curtains aside.

“Close those damn curtains,” Travis barked.

Darla rubbed over Travis’ thigh

“Be nice. Good morning Bertha.”

“Good morning Dr. Cabaña. I thought you and Mr. Slay would like breakfast.”

“That would be nice. Do you need help with anything?”

“No ma’am. It’s a very beautiful today, would you two like to eat on the terrace?”

Darla looked down at Travis.

“Actually you could bring the tray over here. I would make sure this stubborn man at my side consumes it.”

“Thank you.”

Bertha lifted the tray from off the dresser and walked over to the bed.

Darla sat up against the pillows.

Bertha lifted the tray and positioned it over Darla’s lap.

“Thank you Bertha.”

“You’re welcome. Good morning Mr. Slay.”

Travis grumbled something under his breath.

Bertha walked to the elevator, and pushed the down button. The elevator doors opened, she stepped on. The elevators closed.

“Come on baby, you have to eat.”

“My stomach continues to feel queasy.”

“I know, but if you don’t eat, you will get weaker, and I will have to assist you to the restroom again, and to be truthful, we have run out of air freshener.”

“This is your fault, you and your damn chili hotdogs.”

“I know, and I’m sorry. I will make it up to you when you get much stronger.”

“My strength is gone, not my manhood.”

Darla went under the covers, and palmed his flaccid manhood.

“Whatever you say Superman, now please sit up.”

“Just leave me some.”


Travis opened his eyes and rolled onto his side.

“This meal Bertha has prepared is fit for a top-rated Hollywood Director.”

Travis sat up and looked down at the food contents.

“I will have a piece of fruit.”

“That’s a start.”

Darla lifted a piece of dewy melon, and held it up to his mouth.

“Do I need a bib or what?”

“My tongue works.”

Travis smiled. He bite into the fruit, he purposely allowed the juices to slide down his chin.

“You are a bad boy.”

Darla leaned over and licked his chin. She kissed his lips. Travis transferred the melon into Darla’s mouth. She swallowed it.

“That’s what I call sharing.”

She lifted a spoon of yogurt, and fed it to him.

“I like this pamper treatment.”

“I’m sure you do. How is your stomach fairing?”

“I think thee old man is back.”


Travis and Darla consumed everything on the tray.

“Now that was worth waking up too.”

“And I thought I was.”

“Baby, between food and that muscular body of yours, I have to go with...”

Travis lifted Darla’s hand and placed it over his brick-hard manhood.



“I am starving for a piece of meat.”

Travis laughed.

Darla lifted the tray from off her lap, and leaned over. She placed it on the floor.

“Are you sure you can handle all this sweetness at once.”

“I’m a man with a sweet tooth, come here.”

Travis pushed the covers down. Darla straddled his lap.

“Make love to me like we are serious about one another.”

Travis looked up into her eyes.

“Is this with all the sentiments whispered in your ear, the love faces?”

“Yes,” Travis whispered.

Darla leaned down and kissed Travis on his lips. He palmed the sides of her face and rested her forehead against his forehead.

Travis closed his eyes.

“Make love to me Darla, no pretenses.”

Darla inched back and kissed the top of Travis’ forehead. She kissed the side of his neck. “I think I’m falling in love with you Travis.” Tears slid down Darla’s cheeks.

“Shh.” He tenderly kissed her lips. “It’s all right I’m falling too.”

“You mean that.”


Travis cupped the sides of Darla’s face, and kissed her lips. He palmed her breasts, and repeatedly squeezed them.

“You are so beautiful.”

 “Being sick in bed with you for three days; no make-up, and my hair tousled every which way, thank you.”

“I love you for you, not the attributes; however, you still look damn good.”

“You are really working a number on my heart.”

“Well let me see if I can work something else.”

Travis flipped Darla on her back. He looked down into her eyes. He leaned down and kissed her lips. Darla already had her legs open.

Travis palmed his manhood and rolled it over the opening of her womanhood.

“Oh Travis.”

Darla lifted her upper body.

Travis kissed her lips. His dick slid inside her pussy.

Travis bent his head back. “Oh this is why I keep coming back for more.” He drilled his hard flesh inside of her.

Darla wrapped her legs around Travis’ legs, and matched the rhythm of her pelvis against his groin.

Perspiration seeped from Travis’ forehead.

“Tra...oh Travis, you’re hurting...oh baby don’t stop.”

Travis palmed the mattress and jammed his dick farther.

“ it comes.” Travis laid down on Darla, and trapped her lips. He ejaculated. “Oh...shit Darla.”

“Baby, here it...Oh Travis...don’t move I’m cum…cumming. Oh shit don’t stop.” She palmed his face and kissed him deeply.

Both bodies moved to the slicken sensation.

“Damn, you feel so good woman.”

“You are number one in my book.”

Travis inched back.

“You are getting good at this acting. The tears had me convinced. Yes, you are ready for a screen test.”

Darla pushed Travis’ chest back. “Pardon me.”

“If you can act with your emotions, than maybe you should star in one of my movies.”

“What happened to, ‘make love to me Darla, no pretenses?’

“This is a movie remember.”

“Get up!”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“Yes, get up, now!”

Travis withdrew his manhood, and rolled over onto his back.

Darla turned over. She felt cheap and humiliated.

“Did I do something?”


“Then why are you upset.”

“I am not upset, just surprised.”

“Can I hold you?”

“I prefer not.”

“Dammit Darla talk to me.”

“I think we are way past that.”

“I do not do well with riddles.”

Darla turned back around.

“And I detest people who toy with my emotions.”

Travis sat up.

“You knew the game before it began. I never once took advantage of something that was given to me so freely.”

“My time? My emotions? What?”

“Your body.”

Darla clapped.

“You are really something. And the Academy goes to Travis Slay.”

Darla flipped the covers back. She marched over to the dresser, and pulled them open. Travis looked at her intentions. He flipped the covers back and ran around to the other side. He caged her presence against the dresser.

“What do you think you’re doing?”


“Why? Because you could not get your way with me.”

Darla turned around.

“Is that what you really think? Boy, you are a narcissistic person. I am leaving to go back to my life, no scripts, no acting, and not to be mistaken for a woman, you once dated.”

“And that’s the real reason you’re running.”

“I am not running, I am packing. Now excuse me.”

Travis did not move.

“Excuse me.”

Travis placed both palms on the sides of Darla, caging her presence. He looked down into her eyes. “You are putting gray hairs on my head.”

“I do not see none as of yet.”

Darla smiled. Travis looked down at her lips. He leaned in. Darla leaned her head back.

“No more movie Travis. You will have to pick from your dime a...”

Travis kissed her. Darla pushed at his chest.

“No Travis.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He leaned down and kissed her neck. He kissed her earlobe

“Don’t go,” he whispered in her ear. “I happen to like you lying next to me.”


Travis kissed her lips and picked her up.

Darla wrapped her legs around his waist. Travis carried her across the bedroom. He settled her back against the wall.

Both stared at each other.

Travis lifted Darla and palmed his dick. Darla slid down on it.

Help me please Darla thought, she was addicted.

“Do you really think, I want you to take this away from me?” Travis lifted Darla’s hips. She closed her eyes.

“No, open your eyes; I want you to see the man fucking this pussy.”

Darla opened her eyes. She leaned forward, and nipped at Travis’ lips. Travis squeezed her buttocks, and slammed her pelvis against his groin.

“Oh...Tra….” Travis kissed her sentence away.

He lifted her arms above her head, and inched his face downward. He hungrily licked over her nipple, and suckled her skin.

“Oh...” Darla rotated her head sideways. Travis I...”

Travis invaded her pussy faster.

“Oh shit.”

Darla climaxed. Travis lifted her over his head, and brought her pussy down on his mouth. He suckled her climax.

“Travis...” She could not catch her breath

Oh she was lost.

Travis slid Darla down his body. He rushed her to the bed, laid her on it, and stabbed his dick back inside her. He ejaculated the minute his dick swam inside.

Darla climaxed again.

“Oh shit I love this pussy.”

Travis kissed Darla.

She wrapped her legs around his back, and reciprocated the emotions.

Travis planted kisses to her neck. He slowly inched back.

“When we leave out, we leave out together.”

“All right.”

Travis withdrew his manhood and stood. He swaggered. Darla got up quickly, and was at his side.

“I asked if you can you handle all this sweetness.” She looked at the sweat pouring from his forehead. “Baby, I think you overdid it, come here.” Darla helped Travis to the bed. She assisted him in getting in, and threw the covers over him.

Darla walked away.

“Baby, where you going.”

“To the other side.”

“Good, because, I need your warm body right next to mine.”

“I’m there.” She pulled the covers back, and sunk under them. She covered them.

“Can I hold you?”

“What is a good woman for?”

Travis scooted on Darla’s chest, and laid on her breast.

She kissed the top of his head and snuggled him against her body. She heard light snoring a few minutes later.

“You knew the game before it began. I never once took advantage of something that was given to me so freely.”

Now she truly knows the meaning of loving someone, and not for sure if it’s returned. She kissed the top of Travis’ head, and drifted to sleep.

Travis turned on his side and reached out. He opened his eyes. The bedroom was cloaked in darkness. He lifted his head.


No one replied.

Travis sat up and threw the covers back. He ran over to the dresser and pulled a dresser out. His chest rested when he saw her clothes neatly folded inside.

“Handsome, I am too big to hide in there.”

She walked into the bedroom and turned on the lamp.

“Feeling much better.”


“I have a surprise for you.”

Travis smiled. His boyish charm made her blush.

“For this big man you do.”

“Yes, now close your eyes.”

Travis closed his eyes.

Darla walked over to Travis, and got behind him. She covered his eyes, and assisted him out the bedroom into the bathroom.

“Are you ready?”

Travis’ hands went behind himself. He rubbed over her pelvis.


Darla uncovered his eyes.

Travis looked around the bathroom. A forest of candles were lit throughout. He looked at the Crystal bowl of strawberries, and a Crystal bowl of whip cream situated on a stand.

Travis looked down at the Jacuzzi, bubbles shielded the water.

“I thought you could use rejuvenating.”

“Thank you.”

“Please be careful getting in. I advised Bertha to change the bedcovering. In the meantime handsome, your water oasis awaits you.”

Darla held Travis around his waist, and helped him into the Jacuzzi.

He stepped over the rim, the other foot followed. Travis sat back. The jet stream liquefied his muscles.

“Feels good?”

“Baby yes. You are definitely worth it.” He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Aren’t you getting in?”

“No, I’m sorry. Bertha and I prepared a dish for dinner which needs the finishing touches. You enjoy your soak handsome. I will be up in twenty minutes.”

“You sure you do not want to get in on any of this.”

Darla lifted a strawberry, dipped it into the whip cream, and fed it to him.

She kissed his lips.

“I’m sure; now enjoy your peace, because I will be back.”

Darla stood, and walked to the door.

“Dr. Cabaña.”

Darla turned around.


“Thank you.”

“You will.”

She winked at him and closed the door behind her exit.

Travis laid back and relaxed.


“King me.”

“Woman, you are killing me.”

“I told you not to mess with me.”

“Next time, remind me to listen.”

“Mr. Sla...Mr. Slay.” Bertha ran into the study panting. “You...”

“Bertha, take a deep breath and calm down,” Darla added.

Bertha took a deep breath. “Mr. Slay, you have been nominated for an Academy Award, for Best Director for the movie, Pillow Talk.”

“Wait, you directed Pillow Talk.”

“I told you woman this brotha has skills.”

“That is a favorite movie of mine.”

He looked at her and winked.

Travis stood.

“Mr. Slay, your PR Rep is on line three.”


Bertha walked to the door and pulled it close.

Travis walked around his desk.

“I will give you some privacy.”

Darla stood.

“Baby, come here.”

Darla walked around Travis’s desk. He hugged her around her hip, and lifted the telephone receiver. He rested it between his neck and shoulder; he pressed in the hold button.

“Man, you better not be wasting my time with rubbish.”

“I just got off the phone with the voting committee. You are in.”

Travis hugged Darla closer.

“Thanks man. I see another trip between my woman’s thighs is on the menu.”

“Too much info Slay, later man.”


Travis hung up the telephone. He lifted Darla and kissed her. “Yes.” He slid her body down his, and kissed her again.

Darla linked her arms around Travis’ neck.

“Congratulations Mr. Director.”

“This calls for a celebration woman.”

“I am up to that, just as long as no chili hotdogs are involved.”


Both laughed.

Bertha knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Bertha opened the door and peeped inside.

“Dr. Cabaña, you have a call on line three.”

“Thank you.”

Bertha pulled the door close.

“I hope you do not mind I gave my Publicist your telephone number, and had my calls forwarded from my cell phone to your home phone.”

“That’s not a problem.”

“Thank you.”

Darla reached downward and lifted the telephone receiver from off the cradle. She placed it up to her ear, and then took the call off hold.

“This is Dr. Cabaña, can I help you?”

Miami, Florida

“Have you forgotten you have a home in Florida? I had to pull some strings for this telephone number,” Vander breathed into the telephone receiver.

Darla turned her back on Travis.

“How are you?”

“Fine, now that I’ve finally located you.”

“I’m surprised to know how you got this particular telephone number.”

“That is classified information.”

Travis looked at Darla’s turned back. He looked down at her legs. His dick quickly responded.

“When are you coming back to Florida? Baby, I’ve missed you.”

“Is that so?”

“Are you busy?”

“At the moment, yes”

Travis reached over and pressed the speaker button.

“I miss making love to you, baby come home, please.”

Travis snatched the telephone receiver from out Darla’s hand, and placed it up to his ear.

“Listen partner; do not call this fucking number again. If you do, consider yourself arrested for phone harassment.”

Travis slammed the telephone receiver down in the cradle. He looked over at Darla.

“You gave another man my fucking home telephone number.”

“No, and I apologize for that. I do not know how he got my new cell phone.”

Travis crossed his arms over his chest.

“Try the truth, it usually works for me.”

“You were just nominated for an Academy Award, we should be celebrating.”

“I’m not in the mood, and next time, tell your little boyfriend not to call my fucking residence again.”

“I honestly do not know how he came about my new cell phone.”

“Was he your little sexual addiction bedtime buddy? The same bastard who disrespects my home, looking for his pussy.”

“I said...”

“This shit is not forgiven.”

“Can we talk about this later on? I still have to make reservations for us to dine out.”

“Bullshit! Some fuck calls my home aching for my woman, and you just want me to look the other way. Next you will have Peter calling. I do wonder how long it will take him to get under a sex addict’s skirt.”

Darla smacked Travis.

“That’s enough. You are way out of line!”

“I’m going to take drive, later.”

Travis walked to the door and exited his office. That was the last time she saw him.

Miami, Florida

Darla laid in bed. She was too heartbroken to muster any energy to move. She looked over at her cell phone. She has not received a message from Travis, and it has been a week since she returned. Her telephone rang. She reached over and lifted the receiver. She placed it up to her ear.


“Hello dear, I’m calling to see if you would like to join your father and me on an all-expense paid trip to Africa.”

“How exciting, but I have to decline.”

“Are you all right dear?”

“Yes, I have been tired lately.”

“You are not coming down with anything are you.”

“No, I believe my body is still on vacation time.”

“Let’s hope so.”

“Is the trip you and father embarking on medical related?”

“Yes, your father and I have signed on to do some surgeries in some of the impoverished regions in Africa.”

“I’m proud of you two.”

“Thank you, and if you change your mind. We leave out early tomorrow morning.”

“Thanks mother for calling.”

“I love you, and once we return we will all go out for dinner.”

“All right.”

Both hung up the telephone.

Thank goodness, she advised Trina not to let anyone know she returned until the end of the month, and she parked her vehicle in her garage to invade any visitors, especially Vander.

Darla rolled over and closed her eyes.

Slay Ride Estates

“I am so glad you called Travis.”

Travis looked across the dinner table at Charmaine. His heart was not into spending an evening with someone he truly never once felt attracted too, as much as he was chagrined with Darla, he still missed her, and he was still hurt she fled his home without a backwards glance.

“Hopefully, you will escort me to the Academy Awards. I am so thrilled you finally got recognized for your project.”

Travis lifted his glass of wine and took a sip.

“You are so beautiful.”

“Being sick in bed with you for three days, no make-up, and my hair tousled every which way, thank you.”

“I love you for you, not the attributes; however, you still look damn good.”

“You are really working a number on my heart.”

“Well let me see if I can work something else.”

Travis smiled at the memory.

“Did I say something hilarious?”

“You, no.”

“I asked you if I could sleep over your house tonight.”

“I have a trip out the country early in the morning.”

“I could accompany you.”

“Charmaine, the extent of this visit is dinner only.”

“How dare you use and disregard me at a whim.”

Travis leaned forward. “Yes, let’s talk about using someone. You were the one who wanted no strings attached, sex on your terms, and even when I refused, you go behind my back, and lie to Zia that we slept together.”

“Travis, I wanted you.”

“Yes, the word, is wanted. It just occurred to me when I’m with someone you tend to want me more, once, you have my undivided attention,  we not only make each other miserable, but your eyes tend to roam.”

Charmaine lifted her glass of wine and took a sip. She repositioned the glass on the table.

“Such a pity, I passed up the Cannes Film festival to be with you.”

“No one is holding you in that damn chair.”

“Bye Travis.” Charmaine stood. “And so that you know, you will never win that Academy Award. That my sweetheart is for the professionals.” Charmaine walked away from his table.

Travis looked around the restaurant. A woman smiled at him. He took a deep breath. He missed Darla, and her infectious personality.

Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
This is a chapter from one of my many published novels. I will be adding a chapter as time allows.


I will be giving you the Travis' chapters, oh la la, see how a King Hollywood Director takes care of his business on earth.

Picture compliments of Pinterest
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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