Image for the poem Old Top Knot

Old Top Knot

Old Top Knot
By Michael McManus

In Durham City, an old chap did reside,
His top knot perched high, impossible to hide.
With hair so thin, it seemed almost a prank,
But he flaunted that knot, like a captain his plank.

As folks passed him by, they couldn't help but stare,
At the audacious style of his thinning hair.
Whispers and giggles followed him around,
Yet he grinned right back, with a mischievous sound.

When the wind picked up, oh what a sight to behold,
His knot swayed and wobbled, like a story untold.
But he held his ground, unshaken and stout,
Saying, "Life's too short to worry about hair falling out!"
Written by Kilronanmac (Michael McManus)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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