a bland sunday

A bland Sunday
Today, on an otherwise boring Sunday, I drove to the place on earth where I was truly happy
It is a place along the coat that has mild rainfall in winters in summers a mild breeze keeps the place cool
My job when I lived in Paradise was to make wooden clogs, with leather uppers, but I made the clog itself
by insisting they come in so I can measure their face
In the beginning, there were people who thought I might have a foot fetish but when my clogs appeared measured exactly to the feet of the wearer, I could do no harm
When my work as a cobbler was done, I had much time on my hands, I used to walk into the village named
Flick talking to the friendly dwellers who were matey
but didn't care what happened in the outside world
I thought I had been walking along the road for 4567
time I have the right to ask what the hell, am I doing here?
The leader of this paradise set me free so I could be annoying to more people before my job as a cobbler
Where of use again
Written by oskar
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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