Noah Revisited

The Devil was dancing all night
and at dawn God screamed:
It's enough
Why are my churches empty
maybe I'll have to get tough

So he sent down a couple of angels
to spy out the lay of the land
That ought to do it
he thought
a fright will get things in hand

But it was 2000 years
since the last time
divine intervention was used
and his angels came back depressed
by the way the Earth had improved

They got much better music than us
and the girls are sexy as hell
If you knew what they do
without wings
you'd want to be there as well

Now lust is a cardinal sin
God stormed in a fit of despair
I'll show them
some thunder and lightning
to stop all this devil may care

But Satan was one step ahead
His minions were bossing the show
the Earth just got warmer
and warmer
until everything started to glow

I'm afraid it's time for the flood
God screamed to the heavenly host
We used the same tactic before
we can't let
everyone roast

Find me a Noah to save them
and keep a few animals safe
when the waters subside
and the Devil's defied
we can start restoring the faith
Written by Abracadabra
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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