Image for the poem all life

all life's amazing journeys

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you
can’t walk, then crawl; but whatever you do, you have to keep
moving forward.”―Martian Luther King Jr.

all life's amazing journeys
   begin and end in silence,
      some burnished in the furnace,
         some silenced soon by violence.
            but in between the moaning
               of navel string detachment,
                  and last rites filled with groaning
                     at casket-lid attachment,
                        come all the ways of travel
                           and destination pathways
                              that zealously unravel
                                 life's flicker or its full blaze:
time's watchfulness of purpose,
or tide's dark winds of surplus;
love's steadfast affirmations,
or hate's recriminations.
some rocket to moon landings
   at supersonic panic,
      some boast their private brandings
         (self-pilot automatic!).
            stretch limos hearse some bodies
               to all-exclusive hideouts,
                  while broken-down jalopies
                     transport some, fuelled by hard doubts.    
                        some drive bikes, some bicycles,
                           scooters zig-zag some forward;
                              some swagger through obstacles
                                 (regression is the right word!).
limpediments restrain some,
whose crutches are their fulcrum;
some in wheelchairs, some static,
whose lives are paralytic.
© Copyright 2023 June 15
by Clyve A. Bowen♫
Written by cabcool
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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