Image for the poem Finding Inspiration in the Silence

Finding Inspiration in the Silence

Numbness grips my heart and soul,
A silence so deafening, a black hole.
I know the truth, the lies, the game,
But my words are lost, my inspiration tamed.

Motivation seems to have fled,
Leaving behind an empty bed.
I try to write, to create a new,
But the words won't come, the magic askew.

It's not about her, but me,
The point of doing it, hard to see.
I know the power is inside,
But finding it, a bumpy ride.

I'll take a breath, a moment to feel,
The pain, the hurt, and let it heal.
For sometimes it's okay to not create,
To sit in stillness, to contemplate.

But one day soon, the words will flow,
The inspiration, a radiant glow.
For I am strong, I am enough,
And this numbness, just a temporary bluff.

I'll keep moving forward, with confidence and trust,
In myself, my heart, and the universe.
For even in the silence, the magic remains,
And the words, the inspiration, will return again.
Written by ms_kitty_lagniappe (Ms K)
Author's Note
Numbness may grip our hearts and souls, but it's okay to sit in stillness and contemplate. Sometimes, the inspiration and the words don't flow easily, but we must trust that they will return in their own time. In the silence, there is still magic, and with confidence and trust, we can keep moving forward towards brighter days..
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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