Image for the poem A God-Criminal of the Multiverse

A God-Criminal of the Multiverse

- A God-Criminal of the Multiverse -

   This, was a strange world... and one unknown to he who walked its' fields and shores. It was not, one could rightly ever say, the first such world of its' sort to which this man had been prevailed upon to pay a visit, nor would it be the last to which he would go. But however strange such worlds as these always proved to be, they were always familiar also... as if these worlds were all but echoes in a great cavern or mirror images of one another like imperfect siblings that oft had a thing in common but little else. Oh... and he had been so very many things, on many of these worlds! A thief, a pirate, a rogue and a fool. An outsider and a murderer... a criminal and to some a prophet. For he had developed a following, or sorts, and due to that following there were others who sometimes shared his journeys with him. This was one of those occasions where he was not going the way alone. “So, you have never been to this world prior? Pity! I have, and let me tell you the women here are incredible.” said the dandified fellow who stood at the rogue's side. The rogue looked at his companion and sighed. It was always the same with him... ever women and coin that drove him, exclusively. Never anything more, anything with deeper meaning. This more than anything else was the dandy's fatal failing... he lacked ambition. But he was an excellent sort of guide, if of no use otherwise. He could fight, however! That much, he could do, and had to often. For when his misadventures brought him trouble, he could not always escape a given world in time and had to fight his way out of some truly difficult situations... always his own fault... into which he was thrust. It was not the rogue's desire to bring this fellow along, but on this occasion he was in unknown territory and needed to be aware of any dangers he could not otherwise anticipate. The dandy was dressed a pair of baggy white silk pants that were tucked into a pair of leather boots. Tucked into the pants was a silk blouse with long billowing sleeves that was sky blue in color. About the dandy's waist was a belt made of white leather, with a dagger sheathed at the man's side. The dandy possessed an androgynous sort of beauty to him, and he had a rather light voice that made it uncertain to determine the man's gender in a meaningful way. He referred to himself as a man, however, and spoke of women as certain men oft do. Plus, the rogue had seen his companion naked before and could be certain of his maleness. The dandy had long pale blonde hair that hung like a curtain down to the middle of his back. His hair was kept out of his face by way of a plain silver circlet that he wore about his head. He was beautiful, not handsome, and people always, always mistook him for a young woman. The rogue was somewhat less beautiful in appearance than the dandy. He was shorter than his companion, and had shoulder length hair that was a blue black shade. His hair was cut into a bob, or pageboy, style that complemented well his round face. The dandy was leaner, more slender in build, whereas the rogue had a more average build to him and a bit more muscles to his upper arms and legs. His face, like his companion's, had a feminine quality to it as well, though to a somewhat lesser degree. The rogue had an aquiline nose, small but full lips, rather high, pronounced cheekbones, and grayish blue eyes. The rogue wore a pair of exotic-looking pants in the harem style, long and full with an elegant draping to them. Those were tied at the waist and ankles with drawstring. Tucked into the pants was a silk blouse of the same type that the dandy wore but of a red color. The rogue's pants were black, and he wore a pair of soft red shoes that were sturdy but which felt as comfortable as slippers. Tied about the rogue's waist was a gold sash belt that had some very fine embroidery upon it. About his neck the rogue wore a silver necklace from which hung a pendant in the shape of a small claw holding a round ruby gemstone. The rogue had somewhat pale skin, whereas the dandy's skin although light was not overly pale. The rogue's name was Jathay Alkon, and the name of the dandy who was his companion was Dinval Martemis. The rogue regarded the landscape as it looked before them, and laughed as he said to his companion: “I like women very much... though perhaps I like a different sort than you prefer. In any case, this is where the timed portal dropped us off, so we will not have all the time in the world before it pulls us back to base again. Maybe a month, tops. So whatever it is we can accomplish here, we must do it quickly, take whatever we want... and... try not to get caught.”

   Jathay tried to talk with a lighter tone to his voice than he had once years ago been accustomed to. He did not like how deep his natural voice sounded, and so he took voice lessons to raise it up a bit higher but still well within his normal vocal range so it did not sound strange when he spoke. The deeper voice did not go well with his appearance, but the voice he spoke with now did. Dinval had grown used to it... to this change in the rogue's voice... and he thought it suited his companion quite well. The dandy's dark green eyes darted about as he scanned the landscape from horizon to horizon. He then explained: “Well then! Let us waste no time. I have, as I said, been here before... though not quite in this particular spot. I do see some familiar spots over the hills and across the plains that way.” he said, pointing northeast to a small community that lay nestled there. He then continued: “So if we head in that direction and at least pay a visit to that small town for a bit, I should be able to get us heading in the right direction. That bit, meaning towards a profitable venture that will make us even richer than we already are.” It was a rather cloudy day out, a bit overcast even, and sometime during late summer given how humid the air was and how green the plants and trees appeared to be. “I'd say it was sometime in August, by the look and feel of everything.” Jathay guessed aloud, and the dandy nodded his head in agreement saying: “That would be a fair estimate I would think! So we have until the onset of autumn to complete our work here. That is a bit of luck on our side... it could be worse, we could be stuck here during midwinter.” As they did walk along towards the small town, the rogue chuckled and admitted: “I hate the winter, so aye this is a fortunate turn of events for us indeed.” The town was nearby a stone paved road that ran across all the countryside from one end to another, with smaller roads and paths branching off of it in places. If it had not been such a gloomy looking day out, the countryside would be almost idyllic looking. On a strictly sunny day, it would have been downright beautiful! With tall trees, lush plant life, countless abundant wildflowers in many colors... but on this day it was all cast in muted tones that made everything have a somewhat dreary quality to it. The puddles on the road indicated that it had rained recently. The town... such as tiny communities like this go... was a quaint and peaceful looking place. A sleepy sort of place, one that did not see much in the way of trouble. The buildings were tall, with stone foundations, brick walls, and either wooden or tiled roofs with glass windows. “So, how modern is this world?” asked the rogue to his companion, who explained: “Some elements are late renaissance, some more Victorian... to compare to Earth history. There are some modern elements also, but those are the parts you will notice at first glance. There's always a deeper rabbit hole waiting for people like us to explore, so what you see on the surface is only the beginning.” The people dressed colorfully, a few with a decidedly eastern sort of style, and there were no vehicles only carts and carriages drawn by horses. There were quite a few of what appeared to be outlying farms, and some general stores near the edge of town. A couple of smaller cottages could be seen here and there, but for the most part the buildings were all splendidly designed. It was probably a town of local merchants and businessmen, with the farmlands only existing to allow a more self-sufficient lifestyle for the locals. There was the usual town guardsmen, who were dressed all in long tunics that were dark blue in color, along with matching pants tucked into black leather boots. The guards all carried rifles with bayonets on the ends of them, and wore dark metal conical helmets of sturdy, practical design. The guards appeared quite unfriendly, with every one of them scowling in that particularly angry manner that said they did not like anyone messing with law and order in those parts. In Jathay's line of work, if one could all it proper work, it was always wise to keep an eye on the law in new places one had not been to previously. “How much trouble do they give you?” asked the rogue to his companion indicating that he was referring to the guards. Dinval answered: “Not too much, really... I've always been able to time things so that by the time anything too serious ever came up, it was time to leave this world anyway. All the same, it is like dealing with police anywhere... best not to deal with them at all if one can help it. If we look for trouble, they'll give it. That is why we have to make sure we do not get caught. But that is all part of the risks of our chosen profession.” Jathay understood this well.

   They stopped at a nearby tavern, in which some musicians and singers were entertaining the people in the establishment. The place smelled strongly of incense, flowers, and various kinds of drinks... as well as food. This was due to the incense burners hanging from the rafters, the flowers that sat in pots and in vases in the corners of the tavern's common area, and the fact that this place was well stocked with all manner of drinks, foods, and things as one might expect to discover in a tavern. The barkeep was a tall and muscular woman with a deep but not unfeminine sounding voice, who was dressed in a baggy gray sleeveless wide-legged jumpsuit that was low cut, revealing the big woman's ample cleavage. She had wild, frizzy looking long black hair, and dark eyes as well as a broad smile. She actually recognized the dandy from well across the room and called out to him: “Hey... Dinval! If you want to be squeezing the goods this time, you'd better pay me extra for the pleasure. You're running up a tab with me every time you order a drink, and not because you don't pay for the drinks. You slimy little weasel, you!” That was the signal for Dinval to walk over and get to his usual business of trying to get information from one of the locals. It was always like this with him... always someone he knew, and had a sordid history with. It made Jathay feel a bit uneasy, since sometimes these sorts of situations ended in disaster for everyone involved. “How long until she punches his lights out I wonder?” mused the rogue to himself as he sat down at an empty table to regard the musicians. It was a group of minstrels playing lutes, flutes, and a harp or two whilst a beautiful looking young woman was singing. The woman wore a long flowing dark green gown with very puffy sleeves. The gown was pretty, frilly, and elegant looking. But not less fair, to Jathay's eyes, than the woman wearing it. She was in her late teens, had long black hair tied back in a high ponytail, and had the kind of face that usually one only ever saw in paintings. She had bright blue eyes, full lips, and looked like a noblewoman. But noblewomen did not have to sing for coin... and, as beautiful as the girl appeared to be, she was likely struggling just to get by. The woman was slender and built like a dancer, she was clearly quite active and her singing and dancing was a very energetic sort of performance to watch. Eventually, the music ceased and the girl walked over to another nearby table as empty as the one that Jathay was sitting at. No one sat down to join her so the rogue walked over and so sat across from her, at her table, to ease both of their loneliness. He said to her: “My name is Jathay. I'm new to this town, myself... what is your name, girl?” to which the girl answered: “Lora is my name, and I will tell you my last name when you tell me yours.” So Jathay smiled and said: “My last name, just so you know, is Alkon. Care to tell me yours, after all?” to which Lora answered: “Why not! My last name is Chapel. My full name is Lora Chapel. Ever heard of me?” But the rogue reminded her: “I am new to this place... no, I have not ever heard your name before today.” to which she sighed, frowned, and sank her head down on the table sadly as she admitted: “I know! Believe me, I know. I have been trying hard to make a name for myself, but sadly though the pay is excellent the fame is but little.” This interested the rogue quite a bit, and he inquired: “How excellent does being a singer pay in these parts?” to which she answered: “When you are the only quality act in town, people will pay any price you name to see a performance, if you put on a good enough show, which I always try my best to. Look! How do think I'm able to afford dresses like this? Because I have become absolutely filthy rich doing this. And let us be a bit honest here... it beats whoring myself, which is what I used to do for a living.” The rogue found it a bit difficult to believe that this beautiful young woman who sang like an angel and looked like a noble... ever could have had to resort to selling her body for money. He remarked: “Given how young you are, I would not have associated that sort of profession with you.” She then got a very sad look in her eyes, a haunted look, and she confessed: “Look! I do not even know why I am telling you all this... I guess it is just because I never get to talk to anyone normally outside the bards and dancers I travel with. And they never seem to have time to listen to me! But yes... especially because I was so very much younger when I did it, people paid me well for what I did for them. Shocking? Maybe. But a lot of young girls have to make a living also... and not all of them, discover they have a talent for singing and dancing like I did.”

   Jathay knew that he was old enough to be this girl's father, but he found her attractive and the more he talked with her, the more attractive he found her. Back home, he had a wife who was even younger still. A pretty little girl who was always waiting for him with open arms, a smiling face, and the kind of pure beauty that was rare even on the world where he had found her. The place where Jathay lived was kind of outside the normal boundaries of space and time. When he was there, he did not age, and he had not seen his wife age a day since he brought her there to live. He called her his wife, but their marriage was just a simple exchanging of vows. He had met her whilst on one of his adventures, they fell in love, and the rest was beautiful history. She was twelve years old, and that was how old she was still. There was a quality which Lora had, which reminded Jathay slightly of his wife, even though the two were of totally different appearances and were at markedly different ages. Something about their personalities, a sense of vibrancy, energy, and youthfulness that was something the rogue always found to be attractive. Ever, the dandy had expressed that he did not understand why it was that Jathay preferred young girls to fully grown, adult women. But the answer was a simple one! The child in them called to the child within him and when he was with such girls he felt young again, and able to be his truest self with them. But right now, he had to remind himself that he was on a mission... that he was not trying to romance this girl to whom his heart felt drawn. She stood up just then and extended her hand, saying excitedly: “Come on! Let us go for a walk together, Jathay. Taverns are boring for me when I'm not performing, and since it rained all day yesterday and into this morning I have a great need to stretch my legs. You will make for as good of company for the occasion as any.” The rogue stood up, took her hand, and the two of them... hand in hand... went out for a walk about town, leaving the dandy to whatever trouble he was up to at the moment. Her  hand was soft and felt good to hold, and her perfume... whatever it was... was quite a lovely, intoxicating sort of scent. The pair walked a good ways about the area around the tavern, and it was a while after that when Lora decided it would be fun to head out of town for a bit to walk among the wildflowers. So that is what the two of them decided to do. “So, are you seeing anyone right now?” asked Jathay of his young companion, and the girl answered: “Actually, yes I am and he's a handsome, wonderful man that really, really is helping me to get on my feet in life. Before long, if his job pays him well enough... and if mine keeps paying me as good as it is... we'll be able to get our own manor house, with our own lands, and with servants to wait upon us hand and foot. I have a taste for the finer sorts of things, and now that I've tasted wealth I can't get enough of it. I want more! As much as I can get. So I never have to spread my legs to earn a living again.” She had a spoiled tone to her voice just then that made the rogue realize this girl was nothing at all like his young wife. As a matter of fact, she was the total opposite of her, in ever conceivable way... and as beautiful and highly attractive physically as he still found Lora to be, she was precisely the sort of demanding and perhaps even narcissistic person that he found irritating in the long run. This girl had clearly allowed her personal problems and past traumas in life to drive her down a path of greed and wantonness of a different type. Her every word bespoke of a level of entitlement that Jathay found grating to listen to. She went on and on whilst they walked, and all she talked about was herself and what she wanted, or expected, or planned to get, out of her life. Out of the man who she was clearly using for his money. And he could not take listening to her tirades any longer. He asked her, at length: “So, this man of yours... does he live around here? And, do you, for that matter! I am just curious is all.” to which the girl replied: “Actually, he is a lawyer who works and lives right here in town. Myself, I live in one of the neighboring towns, several miles west of here by way of the north road out of town. I am actually something of a celebrity in my home town, but outside of it no one seems to have ever heard of me. Which is why I am staying here for the month, in order to make a name for myself. But it is just so slow going sometimes! I want a shortcut to fame, myself. Is that truly as wrong as it sounds when I hear myself say it? I just do not know sometimes. I honestly do not!” She seemed conflicted over something just then, and looked genuinely irritated by the thoughts in her mind.

   Jathay then asked her: “So where is it that you are staying here in town, presently? In case I decide to leave you flowers or gifts to show my appreciation for your talents.” The girl then smiled, her eyes just lighting up with glee as she said: “Oh yes! Right. I am staying in a small rustic little cottage that I have purchased on the outskirts. It is only myself there, the rest of those I travel with all have rooms over at the inn across the street from the tavern. In fact, it is just over there.” she said, pointing in the direction that the pair were walking in. The rogue could make out in the distance a tiny house at the edge of some woods and not far from the borders of the farmlands. “Are you sure it is safe for a pretty young thing of such refinement as you seem to be, to be staying alone all by herself in a house in the middle of pretty much nowhere?” asked the rogue. The girl paused a moment, pressed a finger to her lips, and then said excitedly: “Of course it is safe! How would it not be? Around here, everyone knows everyone so there is really not a lot of crime that goes on. And when something does happen, the guards honestly do not mess around. They're on the case before you know it! So sure... I don't worry. I have been staying here for a good while now, and I've actually made that little cottage look almost like home. That is to say, it is filled with all of the comforts that a girl of my standing should have. And yes! You may bring me all the gifts and presents, or flowers, or chocolates, or anything that you can think of really which I may be inclined to like. I do reserve the right to slam the door in your face if I don't like anything you bring me though. That is only fair, after all since I am in the process of becoming a celebrity and you are, let us be honest with one another... nobody.” The rogue wanted to do terrible things to her, on hearing her say that to him, but he decided to bide his time and return with Dinval to rob her cottage of everything they could take from it. He planned to take more than just valuables from her though. She would pay for her rudeness, and pay very dearly at that. He cleared his throat and asked her politely: “So... does your man ever come to visit you out here, or does he remain in town all the time? Just so I do not catch you at any sort of inopportune moment, is all.” She then replied cheerfully: “Oh yes, of course he does! In fact, he will be here with me tonight, so if you've any business with him it will need to wait until tomorrow. He does have normal, regular office hours after all. I will still be accepting gifts though, at any hour really.” Already, the rogue's mind was concocting all manner of terrors to visit upon Lora and her man. He was not an evil man by nature, but when roused to anger Jathay could be sadistically cruel like no other. The young entertainer had called him a nobody... but what he planned to do to her, he was certain the folk of this town would be talking about for years to come. The girl then arrogantly said: “Well, this was a fun walk! But me, I have to get back to the cottage for a while to sort my jewelry and folk my clothes. So... be off with you, and don't make too much of a fuss about it.” She would pay for being so rude to him. It was too much like someone he had suffered at the hands of many years before... someone who had done to him things that he had never been able to forgive. The same arrogance, the same sense of entitlement and the same demanding attitude. That one had scarred him deeply. This one, would comprehend pain! He hurried off back toward the town after giving Lora a look that let her knew beyond all doubting that he despised her utterly. Just as she very clearly despised him, though he had given her no reason to feel that way towards him. But such as her, needed no reasons to treat people poorly. That afternoon, he and Dinval met in the room they purchased at the inn, and they began to plan what they would do next. The rogue told the dandy all about Lora and how she was ridiculously wealthy and likely had stashed all of her money and valuables over at her cottage... which was itself in an all too conveniently isolated place. He mentioned the sort of girl that Lora was, and how rude she had been. “I want her to pay for this! We are not just doing a robbery here, I want to have some fun with the girl, before we are through with her. And I want her man to watch what we do with her, and know he is powerless to stop us.” The rogue did know how terrible he sounded, how evil his words seemed to be. But it was not as if his companion had never heard words like those form him before... likewise, the dandy appeared eager at the prospect of at last getting to enjoy a woman as he agreed to the job almost cheerfully. “We'll do the job tonight, then!”

   They would use the recall signal, after that, to hurry back home and get off of this world before things got too difficult to handle. The cottage was so far out of town, the guards would not hear anyone if they did scream at the top of their lungs. “So, this entitled little bitch... Lora Chapel, you said her name was? She sounds absolutely insufferable. And she is seeing a lawyer on top of it all! This will definitely be a fun night. I've never fucked a celebrity before... I wonder, if their cunts feel any different. I cannot wait to find out!” said Dinval as the two men got everything ready that they would need for the night's dark activities. They each brought a sack with them that would be filled with whatever valuables and money that they could steal from the cottage. Both men brought daggers with them, the rogue tucking his in his sash belt and making sure it was sheathed so he would not slice himself with it by accident. Neither had a need to wear masks or to dress in black since it did not matter whether anyone noticed them or not. It was simple enough to escape the planet and so escape justice once the wicked deeds they planned to do were done. These were not men to be crossed, and they planned to make that known to Lora Chapel and her pet lawyer. The night was dark, the crickets and other night insects and night birds were loud, with a bit of a droning sound to some of the insects... and there was nobody out and about, a the late hour in which the two criminals decided to set forth to commit their latest crime. Jathay led his companion off towards the isolated cottage, his mind set on all the horrors that he planned to visit upon that place. By the time morning came... Lora Chapel would know better than to cross him again. Should his path ever take him back to this part of this world in the future, that is. The cottage had the dim glow of candles in the windows, and lamplight as well. They could see a tall blonde man walking about wearing a long red silk evening robe tied a the waist with a  matching red sash belt. Clearly, the lawyer. Lora could also be seen through the windows, dressed exactly as she had been earlier today, her hair styled immaculately... her face bright and cheerful. She was so beautiful! And yet, her heart was so ugly. The rogue walked up to the cottage's only door, and knocked upon it. The lawyer answered, and immediately the rogue struck him hard in the face, pushing him backwards into the cottage from the doorway. Jathay began to hit and beat the lawyer viciously, knocking the man to his knees whilst Lora rushed out of her nearby bedroom to see what was happening. Seeing this, she screamed... and the rogue ran towards her, slapped her, and covered her mouth whilst he held her right arm behind her back, forcing her to watch what Dinval was doing to her man. Dinval stripped the lawyer of his clothes and used them to tie his wrists as well as his ankles so that the man could not move. The dandy then propped the bound man unto a nearby couch so that he would be forced to witness what was to come next. “Please, whatever the two of you want... we have money, lots of money here... just don't hurt Lora. Not after all she has been through in life!” asked the lawyer in a pleading tone of voice. Dinval smacked him hard across the face and laughed, saying to him: “Oh, we'll be taking everything of value you have, don't worry! But alas, we will be taking her too. And you get to watch us have our way with her. Won't this be fun?” The place was opulent, filled with all manner of beautiful, delicate things from silken curtains to priceless statuettes and art objects of all varieties and sorts. There was nothing there which was not worth some good money, and there was still the matter of finding any money that was there to be found as well. Jathay forced Lora back towards her bedroom, which was the most beautifully decorated bedroom that one could imagine. The cottage was a display of wealth for these people... proof that money could buy them anything even the ability to turn a place like this into a domain fit for royalty to inhabit. The bed was a large queen sized bed, with a soft mattress and silken sheets. It was one of those canopy beds, like certain princesses favored, with gauzy pink draperies. The whole bedchamber was filled with gorgeous things, and the rogue wondered if this girl truly even cared about any of it... or if all she cared about was the status that having such things did convey regarding her. Knowing her sort, it was all about the status. Jathay chuckled evilly, allowing his deeper voice to come through as he spun the girl around and pushed her back unto the bed. The way she fell back unto it, the way the skirts of her gown flew about her... was itself quite arousing, to the rogue.

   He began by pulling the girl's hair out of its' ponytail so it was long and full and wild about her face now. Her hair was quite long when not tied up like that, and it cascaded about her sensually. Then, he began to caress her hair and feel her breasts through the soft fabric of her gown. She was not wearing a bra of any sort, so he could feel her nipples and her breasts perfectly through the clothing's material. It was quite enjoyable, feeling that. The girl was no longer screaming, but she kept saying over and over again: “Oh God, no! Please, please.... please, no.” to the point where she was practically panting that as she said it. But the way she was panting was almost sexual to Jathay, and he intended to have his fun... and to teach this little princess a lesson in manners. The girl's gown was buttoned up modestly to her neck in the front, with delicate looking buttons. The rogue ripped the gown open in the front, and tore it down all the way to Lora's waist. She screamed again as he did this to her, and he squeezed her naked breasts after that. She tried to fight him, and he pulled out his dagger and said unto her: “If you kick or claw at me, or try to push me off of you... I will cut your throat. Do not fight me, girl!” she stopped any sort of resistance after that. He held the dagger in one hand and had it near to her neck so that she was mindful of it, but not close enough to accidentally hurt her. He began to caress and feel her skin where he had exposed it, and he kissed and licked her breasts and nipples. He then dragged her up more on the bed, and struck her across the face so that she appeared somewhat stunned by the violent action. After that, the rogue cut two strips of cloth from the bed canopy's draperies and used them to bind the girl's wrists to both upper ends of the bed, securing them to the bedposts. This way, she would not be able to even try to get away. The rogue kissed her face and licked it in an animal-like manner, and then said to her cruelly: “I will be back in a moment, princess! Don't worry... I will not be long.” she screamed once more, but by then the rogue had left the room. Dinval was busy tormenting the lawyer quite brutally, in ways that only the dandy found amusing. “Come, Dinval! Bring this fool, into the bedroom... so he can watch us defile his girl until we've had our fill of her.” instructed the rogue, who then walked back the bedroom to begin that defilement immediately. Dinval could hear the girl scream once again and smiled wickedly as he dragged the helpless lawyer into the bedroom, where he propped him up in a chair and slapped him as he said in an evil way: “There we are! Now you have the finest view in the house... of your little whore being used by my companion, in a way as only a whore can be.” Jathay was pulling up the girl's skirts, tearing the fabric of the gown as he did so, until the skirts were up to her waist. She had a look of fear and terror on her face, as she faced the prospect that she was about to be violated. Jathay then tore the girl's silky white bloomers down, ripping them off of her as he did so. The dark bushy cleft of the girl's womanhood looked moist and inviting to the rogue... who licked his lips lewdly, as he took off his belt and removed his pants and undergarments. Then, he wedged himself between Lora's legs as he thrust the erect shaft of his manhood into her cunt quite hard, which made her cry out. “Oh God! No, no, oh sweet God no!” she kept panting, but this only made the rogue take her harder and rougher. The rogue was moving up and down on her, in and out of her. He groaned and grunted as he took her, and it made his partner in crime smile... for whilst Dinval watched Jathay rape the beautiful young girl, he did stroke his own hardening member through his pants, which kept him in the mood for when his turn on her was at hand. Lora's legs were spread wide, and all she could do was grind her hips and allow herself to enjoy, as much as she could, this forced intercourse. She found her rapist to be decent looking, and it seemed that he was enjoying himself quite a bit with her. She remembered from her days working at the brothel, that the best way sometimes to deal with a man who liked to treat a woman roughly... was play to his fantasies and make him believe that she was enjoying herself. In that way, she could take back a bit of her own power from him, and possibly have a bit of fun herself out of it. She was getting so into it, in fact, that she was near to orgasm before she realized it. Perhaps it was the way his body rubbed on hers as he fucked her... but she was near to the heights of ecstasy when she did finally reach climax. It made her moan very loudly, which aroused Jathay so much that he did orgasm inside of her quite fully.

   She felt his warmth shooting up into her, and he felt her wetness as he sighed with pleasure before at last withdrawing from her. He kissed her face again, and squeezed her breasts, licking her nipples once more. He caressed her hair, almost lovingly, before climbing off of the bed and saying to Dinval: “Now it is your turn... I've got her nice and wet for you.” Then, the rogue walked off towards the bathroom to clean himself up as he heard the cries and shrieks that Lora made whilst the dandy took his turn raping her. The lawyer had been crying and sobbing the whole time that Jathay had partaken of Lora as he did, and it sounded like he was night to screaming at having to witness her being ravished for a second time. After washing up, the rogue returned to the bedroom where Dinval was tearing all that remained of the girl's clothes off of her whilst he did thrust in and out of her, quite violently. The dandy kept smacking the girl's face and pulling at her hair as he rammed his cock into her and out of her over and over again. In such a hurry was he to orgasm inside of the girl, that he reached his climax and never once so much as excited Lora in any way. She found the experience with Dinval to be more akin to torture... and was not able to derive any pleasure or satisfaction from it whatsoever. She said nothing, however, as he hit and slapped her several more times before climbing off of her and away from the bed. “That felt great!” he exclaimed and rushed off to the bathroom to clean himself. Jathay then realized something about his accomplice. He hated the man, with a passion. Almost as much as he hated the lawyer who by now was a gibbering, shaking wreck of a man. The rogue walked over to the bed, and slipped one of his fingers up into Lora's wetness. He fingered her for a good while, and saw that she enjoyed it. He continued to do this until she did orgasm again, and then he walked over to the lawyer and ran that finger under the man's nose. “Smells good, does she not?” she chuckled and then he proceeded to punch the bound man between his legs, which caused the lawyer to pass out into unconsciousness. The rogue then proceeded to drag the knocked out man back into the living room, where he left him on the couch. Jathay then did return to the bedroom, where for several more hours he enjoyed himself with Lora until he got aroused and erect enough to take her again, which he did. Whilst the rogue once more raped the young girl, the dandy proceeded to rob the place of anything that he could fit into the two sacks. It seemed to him that for Jathay this robbery was less about gaining wealth and all about having his way with that girl. Which suited him just fine, since the girl honestly was just not the dandy's type anyway. Even so, he made the most out of fucking her and couldn't complain about how good it felt to squirt up inside that prissy little slut for all it was worth. Once he filled up the sacks, he left the cottage out the door and began the long trek back to the inn, where he planned to divide up all the loot evenly between the two bags. “If Jathay wants to spend the rest of the night fucking away on that bitch, then fine with me!” he mused to himself about the whole matter, trying his best to not find it irritating. Jathay decided that the lawyer if he lived represented too much of a risk in case of future return trips to this place... and so, he took some time to think about what he planned to do about that man. He decided to kill the bound, unconscious man, and so he walked over to him and cut the man's throat with his dagger, trying to do it in as swift of a motion as was possible. It did not go cleanly, and took several attempts before the man's throat was cut. It took a good while for the lawyer to bleed out and die from this, but perish he did ere long. Then, Jathay did walk outside and with a shovel that he found in one of the cottage's tool cabinets... he made certain that he dug a deep hole in the ground at least twelve feet deep, which took quite a few hours to accomplish. Upon finishing that task, he dragged the dead man's body out to the hole and thew the man in. He had made sure that the hole was wide enough to function as a grave. Then, he returned to the house and did come back out to the grave with a couple of buckets of cement, which he poured down into the grave... until the dead man was covered with it. Once the rogue was satisfied that this had been done, he filled the grave in and at the halfway point added a layer of cement before filling it up the rest of the way with the remaining dirt. He packed the dirt well, and covered the area with twigs, sticks, rocks, leaves and a great many other things so that the ground there would blend in with the ground elsewhere. It was done.

   He cleaned off the dagger, making certain it was no longer covered in any blood... and, he sheathed it back at his belt. He was fully, decently dressed once more, having had his fill of raping Lora Chapel. If he kept at it with her, he worried he might fall in love with her, or maybe she with him. And then what! He had just killed the man she had been using... would she desire revenge perhaps? But he could have... to be honest... fucked her all night. She felt good to him when he took her, and a part of him was almost jealous that he had shared her with Dinval at all. He had a reasonable following back home... and if she wanted to come back with him after all, he had plenty of room for her. He was himself rich and wealthy beyond imagining, having plundered the wealth of countless worlds and time periods. He needed to ask her, he needed to know, if there was a chance that he could be with her after all. He walked over to her bed, and said unto her: “I could untie you now, you know. After that, I could leave you here to a broken life on a miserable world, where you would be alone likely until you find another man to use. And yes, you were using him no matter what you may or may not have convinced yourself of. But me, I am not a man like him! I am probably many times more rich, more wealthy than he... and I could give you all the things you could ever want out of life, and then some. Everything I stole from you today, I could just as easily give you back... if, you come back to my home with me. It is far away from here, and outside of the normal boundaries of space and time. From there, I have gained the wealth of countless worlds, and countless eras of history on all of those worlds. I live like a king, where I come from! And you could be a literal queen at my side. You want fame? I could give you fame undying... and you would never grow old, never lose your beauty, never have to face the prospect of dying one day, or becoming feeble prior to that inevitable end. I have many wives, many queens and princesses whom I love and who love me. I have a devoted following that worships me like a living god. And there is nothing they would not do if I asked them to! Why worry about singing for your fortune whilst fame eludes you? Come with me... and every time you sing henceforth, people will know your name and praise it. Such a life is yours by right, after all! Especially after all you have suffered up until now. As for my associate who hurt you in ways I know that you did not like... I can kill him just as easily as I killed your lawyer. I wanted to when I did witness what he did with you anyway. The man is barbaric! And I apologize to you for both his actions as well as mine. And so, before I untie you... I need to know your decision. Once I leave this world for my home, there is a chance you will never see me again. Since time is as fickle as space more oft than not... and I never know quite where my adventures will take me next.” There was something about that way he spoke to her, that made Lora find his words romantic and sincere. Yes, he had raped her vilely... but he did not treat her like an animal as did the other man who was with him. If he really was a king of some kind... she would never have to suffer such treatment as this, ever again. That thought alone was enough to make her decide quickly. “I will come with you... but I want you to let me watch, while you kill your associate. I rather enjoyed what you did with me, but what he did with me was not enjoyable at all. I want you to make him suffer horribly. He left you here like a coward anyway... some friend! Oh, and I do definitely want to be called a queen. Nothing less... my king.” It was her only chance at some kind of salvation now, to become his queen, to please him. All men were tyrants in their own way... at least with this one, she would have more than any other woman could ever dream of. And, he said that she would never grow old, never die! Was he a god then? That meant she would become a goddess. To a girl like her, there was nothing higher, grander, greater or more desirable. The rogue then cut her free and kissed her passionately on the lips, whispering as he leaned in to do so: “Why be only a queen, if I can make of you a living goddess?” it was as if he could read her mind... and this delighted her greatly. He had her dress herself decently in fresh attire, and waited for her to wash up properly. Then, they did go back to the inn, where Jathay told Dinval that the girl would be coming back home with them once it was time for them to return. The dandy stared at her rudely, a cruel smirk on his face as he said: “Fine with me... as long as I get to give her another poking every once in a while! The slut's growing on me.”

   Jathay then suggested that he and Dinval share a drink together, in order to seal their bargain, and he made false promises that Lora would be his and Dinval's personal whore which the two could use and abuse as much as they wished. However... Jathay and Lora had another plan in mind. Lora had brought a vial of quick acting poison with her, which she had kept in her medicine cabinet back at the cottage. It could kill rodents in seconds, in small doses; but, in large doses it could kill a man within minutes. Just as the drinks were purchased from the innkeeper by Lora and brought back to the room... she did make certain to sneak the poison into Dinval's cup, before handing it to him. Then, both men did clink their cups together and down the wine that the cups contained. Within minutes, Dinval was shaking on the floor, his body wracked by convulsions, seizures, and a severe swelling of the tongue. White foam did gurgle forth from the dandy's mouth, and he gagged loudly and disgustingly as he died. After that, Lora laughed loudly and cheerfully as she kicked the dead man in his face over and over again until it made Dinval's distorted features bleed. “Now this is better!” exclaimed Jathay to her, adding: “As I told you back at the cottage... why watch me kill him for you, when you can kill him yourself, and claim the full satisfaction of having done the deed. You are now avenged, my queen! My goddess. And, you need not worry about being with child, either... a side effect of living outside of space and time is that it changes your physiology so you cannot produce any children. So no offspring of his... will ever live on, in you.” Lora then chuckled somewhat sinister to hear and said in reply: “That is fine with me! I never wanted to have any children anyway... never was the responsible enough type, to deal with having one. So, here is my deal for you now! I go back with you, to wherever it is you come from... and henceforth, on all your adventures I will be coming with you. Anything you steal from whatever world, whatever time period... whatever strikes your fancy... we'll split between us right down the middle. And best of all, you'll never have to worry about sharing any women with me like you had to with him. So I'm a bit more low in the maintenance in that way. Get what I mean?” She was born for this lifestyle, Jathay realized about her. It was a good life that awaited the two of them. He flipped open the panel that was in the palm of his left hand, revealing an implanted control panel therein. There were three flashing indicator lights with three symbols etched on buttons next to each light. The rogue pressed the correct sequence, and the signal did go forth to activate the recall device, which was how he always ended a mission when it was completed before the normal allotted time limit was reached. A voice over a speaker set into the control panel did ask: “So, how many will be returning?” to which Jathay stated: “Only two... myself, and a girl I took a fancy to. Dinval met a bad but deserved end.” The voice on the other end chuckled a bit and said: “That does not honestly surprise me, about Dinval. Very good, then! Two to return. Stay in close proximity to each other, and we'll lock unto you so we can bring you back safe and sound.” On hearing that, Lora did get as close as she could to Jathay, clutching his left arm almost possessively. She smiled, and said unto him as he closed the panel in his hand and latch it shut: “You take that sack, I'll take the other.” and the two of them picked up the loot sacks and held them in their free hands whilst they waited for the recall to activate. Soon, a shimmering light appeared on their exact locations as in an instant they were carried away back to the place that the rogue called home. When they emerged from the shimmering light, they were standing within a magnificent, beautiful palace that existed within a tropical paradise upon an isle that was one of countless islands that sat upon a great sea, the waters of which reached out into so many different realities that it was impossible to know when one set out upon those waters... where one might in the end journey to, ere all was said and done. The palace, was surrounded by a majestic city, and that was one of many which existed on those islands. It was easy, amid such incredible surroundings, for the woman henceforth known as Divine Lora to feel an astounding elation that was only comparable to that sort of ecstasy that one feels in the throes of lovemaking's most climactic moments. This was a place of eternal, endless joys... and immortality was but one of those joys. She could not wait to discover all that this magnificent realm had to offer her! She was a goddess now... and she could live without any limits.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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