What Beautiful Tangled Webs The Heart Weaves
Two Days Later
Sephora sat in the Banquet Hall. She looked over at the empty chair Sir Pious usually sat in. She looked at King Javiah who returned her eyes. She knew he was responsible for sending Sir Pious away on some expedition in France.
Cardinal Webster leaned down and whispered something in King Javiah’s ear. He remained at the king’s side.
“With great sadness, it has been brought to my attention. The Duke of Cromwell, has been injured defending the honor of this monarch.”
Sephora covered her mouth in dismay.
King Javiah gouged her reaction.
“Please excuse me.”
King Javiah stood, all sitting at the table stood, and bowed to the king.
Sephora stood. She ran after King Javiah. She latched onto his arm.
“Your Majesty, what is this of Sir Pious being injured.”
King Javiah shrugged Sephora’s arm away, and turned to face her.
“It is no concern of yours.”
“I refuse to have a man in my company; who I know has eyes for my future wife.”
“I have eyes for no other than my future king.”
“This shall be proven, once you wed me, tomorrow.”
“Excuse me.”
“We will wed tomorrow. It has already been ordained by your Holiness.”
“It would have been nice had I been consulted.”
King Javiah clasped Sephora’s chin.
“Do know your place. I am the king dammit! This is my monarch! And tomorrow, we will wed! Anything or anyone who comes against me, or attempt to lay claim to my queen would be dealt with swiftly, and then your head rolling from the strike of a Frenchman’s sword.”
King Javiah unclasped Sephora’s chin and stormed away.
Sephora rubbed her chin.
“When will I awaken from this nightmare, please get me back to my life.”
She turned around and bumped into Lady Ann.
“Lady Ann.”
Sephora turned and walked away.
“Not to worry, I will nurse Sir Pious back to health, and he will be most satisfied in my bed.”
Sephora turned to face Lady Ann. She returned to where she stood.
Sephora drew her hand back and smacked her.
“It will be wise to know you are talking to the future Queen of Scotland and England, and that lie you have formed in your head, will never happen, as long as I am queen, now be gone, before that deed I have in store for you happen before you could change your clothes.”
Lady Ann scurried away from Sephora. She looked back at Sephora. One thing she could count on, she will never be queen, or never lay claim to Sir Pious. She has been at this castle for too long not to be entitled to have any man she desired, and if King Javiah was not too suborn in his choosing, she would have him as well.”
Lady Ann lifted her gown, turned, and walked down the quite corridor.
Sephora sat at her mirror. Her Lady-In-Waiting brushed her hair until her curls cuddled around her shoulder blades. Her Lady-In-waiting set the brush down on the vanity stand.
There was a knock at her door.
Please come in.”
King Javiah twisted the doorknob and entered Sephora’s royal apartment.
“Your Majesty.”
Her Lady-In-Waiting bowed, and walked out the adjoined bedchamber. She pulled the door close behind her.
Sephora stood and walked over to the bed. She removed her French silk robe covering, and pulled the covers back.
King Javiah moved Sephora’s curtain of curls aside and kissed the back of her neck. He palmed her breasts and gently squeezed them.
Sephora felt his arousal stationed on her derrière. She pushed his hands down, moved aside, and walked around the bed. She got under the covers.
“Is my future wife displeased with the king?”
She found his eyes.
“I could not be more thrilled with the king.”
King Javiah removed his robe.
Good Lord, his body consumed her with pure lust. She looked down at his manhood in attention.
King Javiah slid under the covers.
Sephora turned her back on him.
King Javiah scooted closer and kissed Sephora’s shoulder blade.
“I am very tired from all the dancing, and drinking. I really could use some sleep.”
“Are you upset with me?”
Sephora turned over on her back.
“I do not appreciate being spoken to in a tone I am not accustomed to from a man.”
“And you will not hear me apologizing for being the man I am.”
Arrogant and handsome she thought.
King Javiah leaned down and kissed Sephora on the lips. He nudged the bride of her nose. “However, I could make it up to you more ways than one,” he whispered in her ear. His tongue journeyed around her earlobe.
Sephora’s entire body vibrated.
“You are not getting off tha...”
King Javiah pampered Sephora’s lips. He lifted his body up, and positioned his sinewy body on top of hers.
“I am smitten with my future queen.”
King Javiah lifted a breast and toppled the nipple. His tongue dined on the blossomed peak.
He kissed her under her neck; he kissed her chin, and then her lips.
Sephora opened her legs wider.
King Javiah’s tongue cruised to the other breast. He obscured the nipple, and suckled it.
Sephora’s pussy damped with every emotion behind the enticement.
“Make love to me, oh please Your Majesty.”
King Javiah slowly inched his head back. His eyes found hers.
“I take it, you are not still chagrined with the king.”
Sephora palmed the sides of King Javiah’s face, and brought it down to hers. She kissed him, she wiggled her tongue inside his mouth.
“Mmm,” King Javiah, groaned against her lips.
King Javiah reached down for his throbbing manhood.
Sephora palmed his hand and steered it inside of her womanhood.
She arched her back. Damn the man’s dick was something not to reckon with. She loved Sir Pious, but here she found her greatest pleasure.
“I love you.”
Those three word snapped her back to reality.
Sephora arched her back. His dick digging inside of her pussy, softened her will to please him, and enticed her body with a will of its own.
King Javiah palmed the mattress. He looked down into Sephora’s eyes. He cannot recall the moment he fell in love with her.
He leaned down and kissed her.
Sephora drugged the sole of her foot up and down the back of King Javiah’s leg. She leaned up and kissed his chest.
“Oh…I need you to love me completely.”
Sephora licked over King Javiah’s nipple.
King Javiah’s erotic movements hungered to please her.
“King…Ja…Javiah, I’m about to cu...”
Sephora held King Javiah around his back, arched her back, and climaxed.
King Javiah banged Sephora’s pussy faster.
He leaned down and licked over her breast. He knocked her insides furiously.
“You’re…hurt…oh baby you’re hurting that pussy.”
Sephora climaxed again. Her earth shattering release sent chills up and down her spine.
“I…love you...” King Javiah grunted the word behind his tumultuous ejaculation. “Oh yes…damn, oh shit oh yes. He closed his eyes, bringing his body movements to a slower pace.
Sephora leaned up and kissed King Javiah all over his chest wall. Her lips trapped some of his chest hairs.
She kissed his inner arm area.
King Javiah laid his body on top of hers.
“I will die for you Sephora. No man has the right to feel physically, emotionally and spiritually content do they?”
Sephora rubbed her palms up and down his sweat drenched back.
“Happiness is a state of mind, and yes, you deserve to be happy with a sexy queen at your side.”
King Javiah inched back.
“It has been brought to my attention that Lady Ann has asked for me to arrange a marriage between her and Sir Pious.”
“As soon as Sir Pious is strong enough.”
“Sir Pious has agreed to this.”
“Yes, we had a meeting this afternoon.”
“Not to worry, I will nurse Sir Pious back to health, and he will be most satisfied in my bed.”
Sephora remained silent.
“Is this news not pleasing to your ears?”
“It has taken me by surprise.”
“That is not an answer.”
“Sir Pious, I am assuming is a man who will marry for love.”
“Well unfortunately, the woman whom he has an obsession with will be getting married to the King of Scotland and future England tomorrow.”
“I may need more convincing Your Majesty.”
“And that I shall do beautiful woman.”
King Javiah kissed Sephora’s lips, and rode the lining to her pussy, pushing her body beyond its physical boundaries.
Sir Pious rubbed over his bandaged arm.
Lady Ann knocked on the door to Sir Pious’ bedchamber.
Sir Pious sat up and propped his back against the pillow.
His Steward was right on time with his opiate pain elixir.
“Come in.”
Lady Ann twisted the doorknob and entered Sir Pious’ bedchamber. She pushed the door close.
“What the fuck are you doing here and in my home?”
“I thought you may need some refreshments to get your strength up.”
“How did you get here?”
“My stagecoach.”
Lady Ann, placed the wicker basket down on the bed.
Damn she looked nothing like Sephora, no sex appeal, very ordinary.
“Have you spoken to the king?”
“Yes, and I will not be entering into the marriage arena anytime soon.”
Lady Ann’s mouth dropped.
“How dare you speak to me in that tone? I am from blood of royalty, and I have the king’s permission, for us to wed.”
Sir Pious leaned forward. His arm throbbed.
Lady Ann rushed around the bed and got on her knees.
“Here let me take a look at that.”
“I do not need a fucking nurse.”
“No, you need a wife; now hold still and quit berating me.”
Lady Ann loosened the bloody bandage from around Sir Pious’ upper arm area.
Her eyes strayed to the many scars plastered over his chest.
“It must have been some battles you’ve won.”
“Every last one of them.”
“Could you please hand me my wicker basket?”
Sir Pious reached over for the wicker basket. He pulled it to him and stationed it on his lap.
Lady Ann lifted it and placed it near Sir Pious’ thigh.
She opened it, and pulled out several First Aid items. She lifted a bottle of salve, opened it, and layered his wound.
Sir Pious looked down at Lady Ann undetected. She is not that bad looking. He looked down at her deflated breasts, smooth cocoa-brown skin toned complexion, and a mouth he just might be provoked to try at its best.
Lady Ann stood.
“There, that should do it. Are you hungry?”
“No, I’ve already been fed.”
“Sir Pious, if it’s Sephora you are waiting for, please don’t. She will be marrying King Javiah tomorrow.”
Sir Pious attempted to lean up.
“I would not be so sure.”
“Men, you know nothing when it comes to a determined man, protecting his pussy. Just admit it; you’ve lost Sephora’s hand in marriage, however, mine is still open. Allow me to love you Sir Pious. I believe our union will be a strong alliance.”
Sir Pious looked at Lady Ann. His eyes swept up and down her body.
Damn, he wanted Sephora with a burning passion, as Lady Ann stated, waiting does not keep the sheets warm at night.
“I will think about what you said.
Lady Ann smiled.
He noticed her teeth were a tad yellowish, compared to Sephora’s, whose teeth were sparkling white.
“Would you like any company in that bed of yours?”
“Only if you stay on your side of the bed.”
Lady Ann placed her hands behind her back and crossed her two fingers.
She lifted the wicker basket, and sat it on the floor. She walked around the bed.
She quickly removed her clothing attire.
Sir Pious inhaled while looking at her darkish-brown skin tone complexion. He leaned forward and looked at her thighs and legs.
He closed his eyes in betrayal. Was it betrayal on Sephora’s behalf, once he saw her having sex with the king?
Sir Pious felt the bed sag under his weight.
She did not even smell flowery like Sephora he thought.
“Would you like to talk?”
Sir Pious leaned over and turned off the light. He slid under the covers.
Lady Ann hissed under her breath. She had to get rid of Sephora, or, she will never have the title of the wife of the Duke of Cromwell.
Fucking bitch she thought.
Lad Ann sunk under the covers.
Wedding of King Javiah and Lady Sephora
Sephora’s Ladies-In-Waiting, settled a crowned wedding veil on top of her head.
Sephora admired the beautiful art work of her white hand-stitched white wedding gown.
The white pearly beads, caught the reflection of sunlight streaming through the castle’s window. Her wedding train was a foot long. She smiled when King Javiah appeared at her doorstep, with a jeweled box in his hand. She palmed the ruby tear-drop necklace her gave her as a wedding present; only after she made him ejaculate in her mouth.
Sephora smiled at the thought, after she did, and scolded him for seeing the bride on her wedding day. King Javiah lifted her, lowered her to the carpet, and made the most passionate love to her any man who truly loves a woman could do.
“Lady Sephora.”
“I’m sorry.”
“We said you look simply beautiful, and the king is getting a very stunning queen, as well as Scotland and England.
“Thank you ladies, I couldn’t have done this alone. Oh, wait a minute.”
Sephora rushed over to her vanity table, and lifted three small jewelry boxes. She returned to where she left her Ladies-In-Waiting.
“Just a little trinket to know, I care for you all.”
She handed each one a jewelry box.
“You may all go and attend to your own needs. I’m fine.”
“Are you sure.”
“Go, I need my Ladies-In-Waiting to look just as gorgeous as the woman whom they assist.”
Each one turned to the other and smiled.
All three scattered out of Sephora’s bedchamber.
St. Mark Cathedral Church
The King’s Private Chapel
The Coronation of Sephora
Following King Javiah’s ceremonial recognition and oath.
King Javiah seated on the Chair of State in the royal box; waited in anticipation for Sephora to make an appearance.
Sephora was nervous as she made her way down the dimly lit corridor. She was getting married, where was her mother, her father? She always dreamed Maxine would be her Maid-of-Honor.
Sephora passed the Seminary. She took a deep breath and walked down the flight of stairs. Her Ladies-In-Waiting met her at the bottom of the red carpeted steps. One of her Ladies-In-Waiting handed her a bouquet of Heather.
“Thank you.”
“You look beautiful, Lady Sephora.”
Each one bowed to her.
“As my Ladies-In-Waiting, you all look ravishing as well.”
Sephora sucked in her abdomen to dispel the butterflies rumpling in her stomach.
I love you King Javiah…she meant Sir Pious, didn’t she?
“Is something wrong Lady Sephora?”
“No I’m fine, thanks.”
Her Ladies-In-Waiting walked behind her footsteps.
Sephora heard raised voices in the Cathedral.
“Mother and father, please forgive me for marrying a man, without your attendance.”
She entered through the doors of the king’s private chapel. She almost lost her footing as she walked down the lengthen aisle. Her eyes glanced around. She almost swallowed her tongue, after she witnessed the smirk on Lady Ann’s face. Her heart sank to see Sir Pious’ hand in hers.
That bitch. She caught Sir Pious’ eyes.
He turned away.
Sephora make her way in front of Archbishop Worley.
King Javiah rose from the Chair of State. He went to stand by Sephora.
Both kneeled.
Archbishop Worley performed the ceremonial rites of joining the two.
Sephora’s head was anointed with holy oil, and then she paid homage. She was lead over to the wooden Stone of Destiny chair before she was crowned as Queen Consort.
After the precession and interchanging of her crown for the Imperial State Crown.
Archbishop Worley handed Sephora the Sceptre and the cross with the Orb.
King Javiah and Queen Sephora made an appearance on the balcony of Cromwell to extend well wishes who all stood in attendance from the outside.
Bells could be heard throughout.
The Great Hall
Sephora sat on the throne alongside her husband. She peered over at King Javiah.
He looked dashing in her king’s ceremonial wedding attire. She was happy she choose to consume her emotions with him. She smiled knowing what waited her under the covers much later.
“Your Majesty, Chancellor from Pembroke,” the Chamberlain annoyed.
“Your Majesty. From my country to the beautiful addition to the monarch, thee lovely Queen Sephora.”
King Javiah bowed.
Sephora smiled and bowed her head in acknowledgement.
The Chancellor held a large box out, he opened it.
A golden-colored jeweled goblet, reflected its light in Sephora’s eyes.
“It’s so beautiful.”
“My queen, and I thank you for your gift on this special occasion.”
King Javiah smiled knowing the Chancellor’s eyes strayed to the perfect bosom of his wife. He reached over, lifted her hand, and kissed it.
“Your Majesty, Queen Sephora.”
The Chancellor bowed, turned, and walked over to the buffet table.
Sephora looked over at clusters of political dignitaries who have taken the time to enjoy the king and her wedding day.
“Will you excuse me, I need to confer with my Ladies-In-Waiting.”
King Javiah smiled at Sephora.
“I’ll ask for the last dance, and then I will meet you under the covers beautiful.”
Sephora stood, and lifted her wedding gown. Her train made a rug as she walked over to the buffet table for a word with her Ladies-In-Waiting. Her presence was intercepted by Sir Pious.
“Should I congratulate the bride?”
“You betrayed me, how dare you flaunt your mistress in my face.”
“You are so beautiful, and if Your Majesty, was not in the fucking corner giving me the eye. I will attempt to show you how chagrined I really am. Dammit, I hope you’re happy.”
“Had I been laying in your bed tonight, I would have been. Sir Pious, please tell me you and Lady Ann, have…have not had any relations.”
“As a matter of fact, we have.”
“I think you need to add a bow, or I will think you are voluntarily disrespecting your queen.”
Lady Ann looked over at Sir Pious, her gaze returned back to Sephora.
“My Queen.”
Lady Ann bowed to Sephora.
“Please leave us.”
Lady Ann walked away. She looked back at Sir Pious and Queen Sephora.
“You will get yours in the end, bitch,” she hissed under her breath.
King Javiah looked over at Sir Pious and Sephora talking.
“Excuse me, Cardinal Webster.”
King Javiah snaked his way through the Great Hall of guests.
“Sir Pious,” King Javiah palmed his shoulder from behind “How nice of you to include your presence in the queen and my wedding festivities.”
King Javiah circled Sephora’s waist from behind and pulled her against his chest.
“Join me for the last dance, and then onto our marriage bed.”
Sephora was lead to the center of the Great Hall.
King Javiah pulled Sephora against the stature of his body.
His palms ever-so slowly, journeyed up and down her back.
Oh yes this is the feeling she craved under the covers.
Sephora inched closer.
King Javiah leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You are very beautiful Queen Sephora.”
Sephora leaned up, as King Javiah leaned his face downward.
Their lips met.
King Javiah held Sephora’s body to his.
Sir Pious slammed his goblet down on the buffet table and stormed out the Great Hall.
Lady Ann placed her goblet down and ran after him.
Sephora did not understand, as to why when she and King Javiah were walking back to the Royal Private Bedchamber; why several men in pursuit, including Sir Pious and Cardinal Webster were following.
Sephora leaned over and whispered to King Javiah, “Why are these men following us?”
“It is considered a customary for selected guests to watch the marriage bed ceremony.”
Both crossed over the threshold of the royal private bedchamber and walked over to the bed.
Sephora look on as the congregation flooded the bedchamber.
“You mean these people are here to watch us.”
“It is tradition.”
King Javiah stood in front of Sephora.
“I love you.”
He lifted her hand and kissed it.
“I love you too.”
“Have faith in this union.”
“I will.”
Sephora looked over at all the observers.
“This is the time, I disrobe my beautiful queen, and allow any man to lust, knowing I will be the only man who climbs between your thighs.”
“Is this the talk I must accustom myself to as your queen?”
King Javiah leaned downward and whispered something in her ear before, sticking the tip of his tongue in her ear canal.
“Oh, yes, I love you to bring that talk into play, Your Majesty.”
King Javiah assisted Sephora out her wedding gown, her hose, and then her shoes. He handed the clothing items to his groomsman.
Sephora shielded her breasts.
King Javiah’s groomsman removed his clothing attire. King Javiah leaned down and kissed Sephora on her lips.
Sir Pious seethed his teeth in anger.
“Make love to me Queen Sephora.”
Sephora stood on her the balls of her feet. She palmed the sides of King Javiah’s face, and kissed him.
King Javiah palmed Sephora’s hips and pulled her into his erection.
“Mmmm,” Sephora moaned.
King Javiah lifted Sephora in his arms and carried her over to the bed. He lain her on it. He disengaged his lips, and then joined her in the bed.
King Javiah opened Sephora thighs. He palmed his manhood and shot it inside her pussy. He captured her lips.
Sephora linked her arms around King Javiah’s neck. She uplifted her pussy, not allowing any thrust of his manhood to be ignored.
“I love you, Queen Sephora.”
King Javiah hammered his manhood inside of her.
Sephora could not catch her breath to keep up with the rapid pace of his manhood piercing farther inside of her, lubricating her pussy with a starvation.
Sir Pious turned his head away during the intimate consummation.
“Her...oh Your Majesty.” Sephora held King Javiah’s body to hers, and climaxed. “Oooo,” Sephora screamed under the battering of his dick penetrating her pussy.
King Javiah laid on top of her, and joined her in the gulf of physical euphoria.
“Uggggg,” King Javiah grunted under his breath. He inched back, palmed Sephora’s face, and kissed her lips.
Cardinal Webster marked the marriage as biding and legal in the constitutional law of Scotland.
Sir Pious rushed out the king’s bedchamber. He rounded the corner and leaned against the wall. He panted heavily under duress. He looked around. He had to get away. He hurried out the castle.
Lady Ann watched Sir Pious rush through the congested gathering and dashed out the door.
“I love you, and this night, may it be filled with many more, and a couple of heirs.”
“I would love a wee barren from you.”
He kissed her forehead.
“And you shall have it, but first, let me have this.”
King Javiah settled Sephora on top of him. He palmed one of her breasts.
“Oh…yes… you…you can have this anytime, handsome.”
Sephora leaned down and kissed the top of King Javiah’s head.
King Javiah held a stiff dick.
Sephora inched up and slid her pussy down on it.
“Oh…yes…yes. My beautiful queen, will keep me satisfied in this lifetime and the next.”‘
Sephora leaned down and latched onto King Javiah’s lips. She moved her pussy up and down, faster, and then slower. She slapped her vaginal walls up and down the length. She sat up and palmed King Javiah’s upper chest area; she flapped her womanhood.
King Javiah kissed a swinging breast. He snagged the other breast nipple in his mouth. He placed the nipple between his fingers, and licked over the brownish bud.
Sephora closed her eyes. Damn he played her body like a fine tuned piano. His love making was like a sweet melody to her physical needs.
“I…lo…love you.”
Sephora’s body caved in. Her climax claimed its presence.
Sephora rolled over. She threw her arm over King Javiah’s stomach.
“Javiah,” She gently shook him. “Are you up?”
King Javiah uttered something in his sleep, and cuddled Sephora closer to his upper torso.
Sephora looked down. His manhood was standing in attention. She went under the covers, and stoked his manhood.
Sephora inched the covers down, and threw one leg over King Javiah’s stomach. She reached down, wrapped her palm around King Javiah’s dick, and slid it up inside her.
King Javiah slowly opened his eyes.
Sephora leaned down and kissed his lips.
“So that you know, I intend to be a dutiful wife, in and out of bed.”
King Javiah palmed Sephora’s derrière and sat up.
“I am pleased my wife has a sexual appetite, which matches mine.”
He palmed the sides of her face, and inched her head forward. He rested his forehead against her forehead.
“I want this alliance between you and me to work. I not only need a dutiful wife, I need a smart and beautiful queen, to represent this monarch in the absence of my presence. Promise me you will uphold that oath to me.”
“I will.”
She kissed him on the nose.
King Javiah inched his head back.
“My God, you are so beautiful, and mine to behold.”
“Then please me, Your Majesty.”
King Javiah kissed Sephora on her lips. His tongue expertly moved across her face. He licked around her lips.
“Mmm, oh…you are a handful...”
He kissed her into silence.
King Javiah held Sephora’s hips and laid back against the pillow, naturally Sephora’s body followed.
Sephora moved her silken folds up and down King Javiah’s erection.
“Oh, you feel so good.”
King Javiah palmed Sephora’s back. He kissed a breast nipple, and then the other. He held the back of her head and pulled her body into his kiss. King Javiah persistently uplifted his groin; Sephora relentlessly banged her pelvis downward.
His tongue swarmed inside her mouth.
“Ummm,” Sephora moaned. She stirred her womanhood.
King Javiah’s head impacted the pillow among each thrust he provided.
Sephora palmed King Javiah’s arms and placed them over his head. She disengaged her mouth from his, and moved her pussy to the tip of his manhood. She pounced on his erection.
“Oh….yes...oh shit,” King Javiah hissed under his skin.
He palmed her hips and assisted her surrendering.
“Oh…shit.” He held her to his groin and ejaculated.
Sephora circled her womanhood.
King Javiah held her closer, and suckled a breast nipple.
Sephora threw her head back.
“Oh… handsome king.”
Her climaxed eased down the flaccid flesh.
Both breathing harkened in the darkness.
“Whew…we are going to have male heirs here in no time, you continue to wake the king up as this.”
“You were the one who started it, Your Majesty.”
Sephora rested her body on top of King Javiah.
He pulled the covers up over them.
“Could I asked Your Majesty something?”
He hugged her closer to his body
“I’m the king of this sovereign, you may.”
“Do you ever think there is something else beyond the stars, the moon?”
“Our creator, yes.”
“Yes, I know that, I was speaking more in terms of…I think we all have soul mates, and we have to live and be reborn again to find that soulmate.”
“Am I your soulmate Queen Sephora of Scotland and England?”
“I’m still weighing my options.”
King Javiah flipped Sephora over.
“I think you may need a little more convincing.”
He kissed her and repeatedly made love to her until he was summoned to the Throne Room for a grievous meeting.
Two Days Later
Sephora sat in the Banquet Hall. She looked over at the empty chair Sir Pious usually sat in. She looked at King Javiah who returned her eyes. She knew he was responsible for sending Sir Pious away on some expedition in France.
Cardinal Webster leaned down and whispered something in King Javiah’s ear. He remained at the king’s side.
“With great sadness, it has been brought to my attention. The Duke of Cromwell, has been injured defending the honor of this monarch.”
Sephora covered her mouth in dismay.
King Javiah gouged her reaction.
“Please excuse me.”
King Javiah stood, all sitting at the table stood, and bowed to the king.
Sephora stood. She ran after King Javiah. She latched onto his arm.
“Your Majesty, what is this of Sir Pious being injured.”
King Javiah shrugged Sephora’s arm away, and turned to face her.
“It is no concern of yours.”
“I refuse to have a man in my company; who I know has eyes for my future wife.”
“I have eyes for no other than my future king.”
“This shall be proven, once you wed me, tomorrow.”
“Excuse me.”
“We will wed tomorrow. It has already been ordained by your Holiness.”
“It would have been nice had I been consulted.”
King Javiah clasped Sephora’s chin.
“Do know your place. I am the king dammit! This is my monarch! And tomorrow, we will wed! Anything or anyone who comes against me, or attempt to lay claim to my queen would be dealt with swiftly, and then your head rolling from the strike of a Frenchman’s sword.”
King Javiah unclasped Sephora’s chin and stormed away.
Sephora rubbed her chin.
“When will I awaken from this nightmare, please get me back to my life.”
She turned around and bumped into Lady Ann.
“Lady Ann.”
Sephora turned and walked away.
“Not to worry, I will nurse Sir Pious back to health, and he will be most satisfied in my bed.”
Sephora turned to face Lady Ann. She returned to where she stood.
Sephora drew her hand back and smacked her.
“It will be wise to know you are talking to the future Queen of Scotland and England, and that lie you have formed in your head, will never happen, as long as I am queen, now be gone, before that deed I have in store for you happen before you could change your clothes.”
Lady Ann scurried away from Sephora. She looked back at Sephora. One thing she could count on, she will never be queen, or never lay claim to Sir Pious. She has been at this castle for too long not to be entitled to have any man she desired, and if King Javiah was not too suborn in his choosing, she would have him as well.”
Lady Ann lifted her gown, turned, and walked down the quite corridor.
Sephora sat at her mirror. Her Lady-In-Waiting brushed her hair until her curls cuddled around her shoulder blades. Her Lady-In-waiting set the brush down on the vanity stand.
There was a knock at her door.
Please come in.”
King Javiah twisted the doorknob and entered Sephora’s royal apartment.
“Your Majesty.”
Her Lady-In-Waiting bowed, and walked out the adjoined bedchamber. She pulled the door close behind her.
Sephora stood and walked over to the bed. She removed her French silk robe covering, and pulled the covers back.
King Javiah moved Sephora’s curtain of curls aside and kissed the back of her neck. He palmed her breasts and gently squeezed them.
Sephora felt his arousal stationed on her derrière. She pushed his hands down, moved aside, and walked around the bed. She got under the covers.
“Is my future wife displeased with the king?”
She found his eyes.
“I could not be more thrilled with the king.”
King Javiah removed his robe.
Good Lord, his body consumed her with pure lust. She looked down at his manhood in attention.
King Javiah slid under the covers.
Sephora turned her back on him.
King Javiah scooted closer and kissed Sephora’s shoulder blade.
“I am very tired from all the dancing, and drinking. I really could use some sleep.”
“Are you upset with me?”
Sephora turned over on her back.
“I do not appreciate being spoken to in a tone I am not accustomed to from a man.”
“And you will not hear me apologizing for being the man I am.”
Arrogant and handsome she thought.
King Javiah leaned down and kissed Sephora on the lips. He nudged the bride of her nose. “However, I could make it up to you more ways than one,” he whispered in her ear. His tongue journeyed around her earlobe.
Sephora’s entire body vibrated.
“You are not getting off tha...”
King Javiah pampered Sephora’s lips. He lifted his body up, and positioned his sinewy body on top of hers.
“I am smitten with my future queen.”
King Javiah lifted a breast and toppled the nipple. His tongue dined on the blossomed peak.
He kissed her under her neck; he kissed her chin, and then her lips.
Sephora opened her legs wider.
King Javiah’s tongue cruised to the other breast. He obscured the nipple, and suckled it.
Sephora’s pussy damped with every emotion behind the enticement.
“Make love to me, oh please Your Majesty.”
King Javiah slowly inched his head back. His eyes found hers.
“I take it, you are not still chagrined with the king.”
Sephora palmed the sides of King Javiah’s face, and brought it down to hers. She kissed him, she wiggled her tongue inside his mouth.
“Mmm,” King Javiah, groaned against her lips.
King Javiah reached down for his throbbing manhood.
Sephora palmed his hand and steered it inside of her womanhood.
She arched her back. Damn the man’s dick was something not to reckon with. She loved Sir Pious, but here she found her greatest pleasure.
“I love you.”
Those three word snapped her back to reality.
Sephora arched her back. His dick digging inside of her pussy, softened her will to please him, and enticed her body with a will of its own.
King Javiah palmed the mattress. He looked down into Sephora’s eyes. He cannot recall the moment he fell in love with her.
He leaned down and kissed her.
Sephora drugged the sole of her foot up and down the back of King Javiah’s leg. She leaned up and kissed his chest.
“Oh…I need you to love me completely.”
Sephora licked over King Javiah’s nipple.
King Javiah’s erotic movements hungered to please her.
“King…Ja…Javiah, I’m about to cu...”
Sephora held King Javiah around his back, arched her back, and climaxed.
King Javiah banged Sephora’s pussy faster.
He leaned down and licked over her breast. He knocked her insides furiously.
“You’re…hurt…oh baby you’re hurting that pussy.”
Sephora climaxed again. Her earth shattering release sent chills up and down her spine.
“I…love you...” King Javiah grunted the word behind his tumultuous ejaculation. “Oh yes…damn, oh shit oh yes. He closed his eyes, bringing his body movements to a slower pace.
Sephora leaned up and kissed King Javiah all over his chest wall. Her lips trapped some of his chest hairs.
She kissed his inner arm area.
King Javiah laid his body on top of hers.
“I will die for you Sephora. No man has the right to feel physically, emotionally and spiritually content do they?”
Sephora rubbed her palms up and down his sweat drenched back.
“Happiness is a state of mind, and yes, you deserve to be happy with a sexy queen at your side.”
King Javiah inched back.
“It has been brought to my attention that Lady Ann has asked for me to arrange a marriage between her and Sir Pious.”
“As soon as Sir Pious is strong enough.”
“Sir Pious has agreed to this.”
“Yes, we had a meeting this afternoon.”
“Not to worry, I will nurse Sir Pious back to health, and he will be most satisfied in my bed.”
Sephora remained silent.
“Is this news not pleasing to your ears?”
“It has taken me by surprise.”
“That is not an answer.”
“Sir Pious, I am assuming is a man who will marry for love.”
“Well unfortunately, the woman whom he has an obsession with will be getting married to the King of Scotland and future England tomorrow.”
“I may need more convincing Your Majesty.”
“And that I shall do beautiful woman.”
King Javiah kissed Sephora’s lips, and rode the lining to her pussy, pushing her body beyond its physical boundaries.
Sir Pious rubbed over his bandaged arm.
Lady Ann knocked on the door to Sir Pious’ bedchamber.
Sir Pious sat up and propped his back against the pillow.
His Steward was right on time with his opiate pain elixir.
“Come in.”
Lady Ann twisted the doorknob and entered Sir Pious’ bedchamber. She pushed the door close.
“What the fuck are you doing here and in my home?”
“I thought you may need some refreshments to get your strength up.”
“How did you get here?”
“My stagecoach.”
Lady Ann, placed the wicker basket down on the bed.
Damn she looked nothing like Sephora, no sex appeal, very ordinary.
“Have you spoken to the king?”
“Yes, and I will not be entering into the marriage arena anytime soon.”
Lady Ann’s mouth dropped.
“How dare you speak to me in that tone? I am from blood of royalty, and I have the king’s permission, for us to wed.”
Sir Pious leaned forward. His arm throbbed.
Lady Ann rushed around the bed and got on her knees.
“Here let me take a look at that.”
“I do not need a fucking nurse.”
“No, you need a wife; now hold still and quit berating me.”
Lady Ann loosened the bloody bandage from around Sir Pious’ upper arm area.
Her eyes strayed to the many scars plastered over his chest.
“It must have been some battles you’ve won.”
“Every last one of them.”
“Could you please hand me my wicker basket?”
Sir Pious reached over for the wicker basket. He pulled it to him and stationed it on his lap.
Lady Ann lifted it and placed it near Sir Pious’ thigh.
She opened it, and pulled out several First Aid items. She lifted a bottle of salve, opened it, and layered his wound.
Sir Pious looked down at Lady Ann undetected. She is not that bad looking. He looked down at her deflated breasts, smooth cocoa-brown skin toned complexion, and a mouth he just might be provoked to try at its best.
Lady Ann stood.
“There, that should do it. Are you hungry?”
“No, I’ve already been fed.”
“Sir Pious, if it’s Sephora you are waiting for, please don’t. She will be marrying King Javiah tomorrow.”
Sir Pious attempted to lean up.
“I would not be so sure.”
“Men, you know nothing when it comes to a determined man, protecting his pussy. Just admit it; you’ve lost Sephora’s hand in marriage, however, mine is still open. Allow me to love you Sir Pious. I believe our union will be a strong alliance.”
Sir Pious looked at Lady Ann. His eyes swept up and down her body.
Damn, he wanted Sephora with a burning passion, as Lady Ann stated, waiting does not keep the sheets warm at night.
“I will think about what you said.
Lady Ann smiled.
He noticed her teeth were a tad yellowish, compared to Sephora’s, whose teeth were sparkling white.
“Would you like any company in that bed of yours?”
“Only if you stay on your side of the bed.”
Lady Ann placed her hands behind her back and crossed her two fingers.
She lifted the wicker basket, and sat it on the floor. She walked around the bed.
She quickly removed her clothing attire.
Sir Pious inhaled while looking at her darkish-brown skin tone complexion. He leaned forward and looked at her thighs and legs.
He closed his eyes in betrayal. Was it betrayal on Sephora’s behalf, once he saw her having sex with the king?
Sir Pious felt the bed sag under his weight.
She did not even smell flowery like Sephora he thought.
“Would you like to talk?”
Sir Pious leaned over and turned off the light. He slid under the covers.
Lady Ann hissed under her breath. She had to get rid of Sephora, or, she will never have the title of the wife of the Duke of Cromwell.
Fucking bitch she thought.
Lad Ann sunk under the covers.
Wedding of King Javiah and Lady Sephora
Sephora’s Ladies-In-Waiting, settled a crowned wedding veil on top of her head.
Sephora admired the beautiful art work of her white hand-stitched white wedding gown.
The white pearly beads, caught the reflection of sunlight streaming through the castle’s window. Her wedding train was a foot long. She smiled when King Javiah appeared at her doorstep, with a jeweled box in his hand. She palmed the ruby tear-drop necklace her gave her as a wedding present; only after she made him ejaculate in her mouth.
Sephora smiled at the thought, after she did, and scolded him for seeing the bride on her wedding day. King Javiah lifted her, lowered her to the carpet, and made the most passionate love to her any man who truly loves a woman could do.
“Lady Sephora.”
“I’m sorry.”
“We said you look simply beautiful, and the king is getting a very stunning queen, as well as Scotland and England.
“Thank you ladies, I couldn’t have done this alone. Oh, wait a minute.”
Sephora rushed over to her vanity table, and lifted three small jewelry boxes. She returned to where she left her Ladies-In-Waiting.
“Just a little trinket to know, I care for you all.”
She handed each one a jewelry box.
“You may all go and attend to your own needs. I’m fine.”
“Are you sure.”
“Go, I need my Ladies-In-Waiting to look just as gorgeous as the woman whom they assist.”
Each one turned to the other and smiled.
All three scattered out of Sephora’s bedchamber.
St. Mark Cathedral Church
The King’s Private Chapel
The Coronation of Sephora
Following King Javiah’s ceremonial recognition and oath.
King Javiah seated on the Chair of State in the royal box; waited in anticipation for Sephora to make an appearance.
Sephora was nervous as she made her way down the dimly lit corridor. She was getting married, where was her mother, her father? She always dreamed Maxine would be her Maid-of-Honor.
Sephora passed the Seminary. She took a deep breath and walked down the flight of stairs. Her Ladies-In-Waiting met her at the bottom of the red carpeted steps. One of her Ladies-In-Waiting handed her a bouquet of Heather.
“Thank you.”
“You look beautiful, Lady Sephora.”
Each one bowed to her.
“As my Ladies-In-Waiting, you all look ravishing as well.”
Sephora sucked in her abdomen to dispel the butterflies rumpling in her stomach.
I love you King Javiah…she meant Sir Pious, didn’t she?
“Is something wrong Lady Sephora?”
“No I’m fine, thanks.”
Her Ladies-In-Waiting walked behind her footsteps.
Sephora heard raised voices in the Cathedral.
“Mother and father, please forgive me for marrying a man, without your attendance.”
She entered through the doors of the king’s private chapel. She almost lost her footing as she walked down the lengthen aisle. Her eyes glanced around. She almost swallowed her tongue, after she witnessed the smirk on Lady Ann’s face. Her heart sank to see Sir Pious’ hand in hers.
That bitch. She caught Sir Pious’ eyes.
He turned away.
Sephora make her way in front of Archbishop Worley.
King Javiah rose from the Chair of State. He went to stand by Sephora.
Both kneeled.
Archbishop Worley performed the ceremonial rites of joining the two.
Sephora’s head was anointed with holy oil, and then she paid homage. She was lead over to the wooden Stone of Destiny chair before she was crowned as Queen Consort.
After the precession and interchanging of her crown for the Imperial State Crown.
Archbishop Worley handed Sephora the Sceptre and the cross with the Orb.
King Javiah and Queen Sephora made an appearance on the balcony of Cromwell to extend well wishes who all stood in attendance from the outside.
Bells could be heard throughout.
The Great Hall
Sephora sat on the throne alongside her husband. She peered over at King Javiah.
He looked dashing in her king’s ceremonial wedding attire. She was happy she choose to consume her emotions with him. She smiled knowing what waited her under the covers much later.
“Your Majesty, Chancellor from Pembroke,” the Chamberlain annoyed.
“Your Majesty. From my country to the beautiful addition to the monarch, thee lovely Queen Sephora.”
King Javiah bowed.
Sephora smiled and bowed her head in acknowledgement.
The Chancellor held a large box out, he opened it.
A golden-colored jeweled goblet, reflected its light in Sephora’s eyes.
“It’s so beautiful.”
“My queen, and I thank you for your gift on this special occasion.”
King Javiah smiled knowing the Chancellor’s eyes strayed to the perfect bosom of his wife. He reached over, lifted her hand, and kissed it.
“Your Majesty, Queen Sephora.”
The Chancellor bowed, turned, and walked over to the buffet table.
Sephora looked over at clusters of political dignitaries who have taken the time to enjoy the king and her wedding day.
“Will you excuse me, I need to confer with my Ladies-In-Waiting.”
King Javiah smiled at Sephora.
“I’ll ask for the last dance, and then I will meet you under the covers beautiful.”
Sephora stood, and lifted her wedding gown. Her train made a rug as she walked over to the buffet table for a word with her Ladies-In-Waiting. Her presence was intercepted by Sir Pious.
“Should I congratulate the bride?”
“You betrayed me, how dare you flaunt your mistress in my face.”
“You are so beautiful, and if Your Majesty, was not in the fucking corner giving me the eye. I will attempt to show you how chagrined I really am. Dammit, I hope you’re happy.”
“Had I been laying in your bed tonight, I would have been. Sir Pious, please tell me you and Lady Ann, have…have not had any relations.”
“As a matter of fact, we have.”
“I think you need to add a bow, or I will think you are voluntarily disrespecting your queen.”
Lady Ann looked over at Sir Pious, her gaze returned back to Sephora.
“My Queen.”
Lady Ann bowed to Sephora.
“Please leave us.”
Lady Ann walked away. She looked back at Sir Pious and Queen Sephora.
“You will get yours in the end, bitch,” she hissed under her breath.
King Javiah looked over at Sir Pious and Sephora talking.
“Excuse me, Cardinal Webster.”
King Javiah snaked his way through the Great Hall of guests.
“Sir Pious,” King Javiah palmed his shoulder from behind “How nice of you to include your presence in the queen and my wedding festivities.”
King Javiah circled Sephora’s waist from behind and pulled her against his chest.
“Join me for the last dance, and then onto our marriage bed.”
Sephora was lead to the center of the Great Hall.
King Javiah pulled Sephora against the stature of his body.
His palms ever-so slowly, journeyed up and down her back.
Oh yes this is the feeling she craved under the covers.
Sephora inched closer.
King Javiah leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You are very beautiful Queen Sephora.”
Sephora leaned up, as King Javiah leaned his face downward.
Their lips met.
King Javiah held Sephora’s body to his.
Sir Pious slammed his goblet down on the buffet table and stormed out the Great Hall.
Lady Ann placed her goblet down and ran after him.
Sephora did not understand, as to why when she and King Javiah were walking back to the Royal Private Bedchamber; why several men in pursuit, including Sir Pious and Cardinal Webster were following.
Sephora leaned over and whispered to King Javiah, “Why are these men following us?”
“It is considered a customary for selected guests to watch the marriage bed ceremony.”
Both crossed over the threshold of the royal private bedchamber and walked over to the bed.
Sephora look on as the congregation flooded the bedchamber.
“You mean these people are here to watch us.”
“It is tradition.”
King Javiah stood in front of Sephora.
“I love you.”
He lifted her hand and kissed it.
“I love you too.”
“Have faith in this union.”
“I will.”
Sephora looked over at all the observers.
“This is the time, I disrobe my beautiful queen, and allow any man to lust, knowing I will be the only man who climbs between your thighs.”
“Is this the talk I must accustom myself to as your queen?”
King Javiah leaned downward and whispered something in her ear before, sticking the tip of his tongue in her ear canal.
“Oh, yes, I love you to bring that talk into play, Your Majesty.”
King Javiah assisted Sephora out her wedding gown, her hose, and then her shoes. He handed the clothing items to his groomsman.
Sephora shielded her breasts.
King Javiah’s groomsman removed his clothing attire. King Javiah leaned down and kissed Sephora on her lips.
Sir Pious seethed his teeth in anger.
“Make love to me Queen Sephora.”
Sephora stood on her the balls of her feet. She palmed the sides of King Javiah’s face, and kissed him.
King Javiah palmed Sephora’s hips and pulled her into his erection.
“Mmmm,” Sephora moaned.
King Javiah lifted Sephora in his arms and carried her over to the bed. He lain her on it. He disengaged his lips, and then joined her in the bed.
King Javiah opened Sephora thighs. He palmed his manhood and shot it inside her pussy. He captured her lips.
Sephora linked her arms around King Javiah’s neck. She uplifted her pussy, not allowing any thrust of his manhood to be ignored.
“I love you, Queen Sephora.”
King Javiah hammered his manhood inside of her.
Sephora could not catch her breath to keep up with the rapid pace of his manhood piercing farther inside of her, lubricating her pussy with a starvation.
Sir Pious turned his head away during the intimate consummation.
“Her...oh Your Majesty.” Sephora held King Javiah’s body to hers, and climaxed. “Oooo,” Sephora screamed under the battering of his dick penetrating her pussy.
King Javiah laid on top of her, and joined her in the gulf of physical euphoria.
“Uggggg,” King Javiah grunted under his breath. He inched back, palmed Sephora’s face, and kissed her lips.
Cardinal Webster marked the marriage as biding and legal in the constitutional law of Scotland.
Sir Pious rushed out the king’s bedchamber. He rounded the corner and leaned against the wall. He panted heavily under duress. He looked around. He had to get away. He hurried out the castle.
Lady Ann watched Sir Pious rush through the congested gathering and dashed out the door.
“I love you, and this night, may it be filled with many more, and a couple of heirs.”
“I would love a wee barren from you.”
He kissed her forehead.
“And you shall have it, but first, let me have this.”
King Javiah settled Sephora on top of him. He palmed one of her breasts.
“Oh…yes… you…you can have this anytime, handsome.”
Sephora leaned down and kissed the top of King Javiah’s head.
King Javiah held a stiff dick.
Sephora inched up and slid her pussy down on it.
“Oh…yes…yes. My beautiful queen, will keep me satisfied in this lifetime and the next.”‘
Sephora leaned down and latched onto King Javiah’s lips. She moved her pussy up and down, faster, and then slower. She slapped her vaginal walls up and down the length. She sat up and palmed King Javiah’s upper chest area; she flapped her womanhood.
King Javiah kissed a swinging breast. He snagged the other breast nipple in his mouth. He placed the nipple between his fingers, and licked over the brownish bud.
Sephora closed her eyes. Damn he played her body like a fine tuned piano. His love making was like a sweet melody to her physical needs.
“I…lo…love you.”
Sephora’s body caved in. Her climax claimed its presence.
Sephora rolled over. She threw her arm over King Javiah’s stomach.
“Javiah,” She gently shook him. “Are you up?”
King Javiah uttered something in his sleep, and cuddled Sephora closer to his upper torso.
Sephora looked down. His manhood was standing in attention. She went under the covers, and stoked his manhood.
Sephora inched the covers down, and threw one leg over King Javiah’s stomach. She reached down, wrapped her palm around King Javiah’s dick, and slid it up inside her.
King Javiah slowly opened his eyes.
Sephora leaned down and kissed his lips.
“So that you know, I intend to be a dutiful wife, in and out of bed.”
King Javiah palmed Sephora’s derrière and sat up.
“I am pleased my wife has a sexual appetite, which matches mine.”
He palmed the sides of her face, and inched her head forward. He rested his forehead against her forehead.
“I want this alliance between you and me to work. I not only need a dutiful wife, I need a smart and beautiful queen, to represent this monarch in the absence of my presence. Promise me you will uphold that oath to me.”
“I will.”
She kissed him on the nose.
King Javiah inched his head back.
“My God, you are so beautiful, and mine to behold.”
“Then please me, Your Majesty.”
King Javiah kissed Sephora on her lips. His tongue expertly moved across her face. He licked around her lips.
“Mmm, oh…you are a handful...”
He kissed her into silence.
King Javiah held Sephora’s hips and laid back against the pillow, naturally Sephora’s body followed.
Sephora moved her silken folds up and down King Javiah’s erection.
“Oh, you feel so good.”
King Javiah palmed Sephora’s back. He kissed a breast nipple, and then the other. He held the back of her head and pulled her body into his kiss. King Javiah persistently uplifted his groin; Sephora relentlessly banged her pelvis downward.
His tongue swarmed inside her mouth.
“Ummm,” Sephora moaned. She stirred her womanhood.
King Javiah’s head impacted the pillow among each thrust he provided.
Sephora palmed King Javiah’s arms and placed them over his head. She disengaged her mouth from his, and moved her pussy to the tip of his manhood. She pounced on his erection.
“Oh….yes...oh shit,” King Javiah hissed under his skin.
He palmed her hips and assisted her surrendering.
“Oh…shit.” He held her to his groin and ejaculated.
Sephora circled her womanhood.
King Javiah held her closer, and suckled a breast nipple.
Sephora threw her head back.
“Oh… handsome king.”
Her climaxed eased down the flaccid flesh.
Both breathing harkened in the darkness.
“Whew…we are going to have male heirs here in no time, you continue to wake the king up as this.”
“You were the one who started it, Your Majesty.”
Sephora rested her body on top of King Javiah.
He pulled the covers up over them.
“Could I asked Your Majesty something?”
He hugged her closer to his body
“I’m the king of this sovereign, you may.”
“Do you ever think there is something else beyond the stars, the moon?”
“Our creator, yes.”
“Yes, I know that, I was speaking more in terms of…I think we all have soul mates, and we have to live and be reborn again to find that soulmate.”
“Am I your soulmate Queen Sephora of Scotland and England?”
“I’m still weighing my options.”
King Javiah flipped Sephora over.
“I think you may need a little more convincing.”
He kissed her and repeatedly made love to her until he was summoned to the Throne Room for a grievous meeting.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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