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- Edited 16th Mar 2023 7:45pm
16th Dec 2022 11:05pm
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Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
16th Dec 2022 11:39pm
I am so delighted to see that you enjoyed my poem! This is my first time ever creating a visual poem, but it came out quite well I have to say. :)
Re. A Sense of Wonder
16th Dec 2022 11:06pm
Too beautiful ! Like your avatar
I love this
So Much
I love this
So Much


Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
Thank you for the compliment on both my poem and my avatar! The avatar is a photo of me that I took using my webcam quite a while back after I bought this very nice yellow jumpsuit that someone quite dear to me bought for me. I posted the full pics (that is to say the ones of me in that jumpsuit are full body pics not just my face) on DeviantArt, where I put up all of my fashion-related photos amongst other things. I was trying to decide what photo of mine to use for my latest avatar, and this one was just perfect so it's what I ended up going with. I am happy beyond words that you love my poem so much. Many thanks for taking the time to leave such a pleasant, and lovely, comment! *Smiles* :)
Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 00:34am
Sweet. *Smiles* :)


Re. A Sense of Wonder
16th Dec 2022 11:36pm
Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
16th Dec 2022 11:56pm
Hello to you as well, my friend! I am so happy that you loved my poem, and I am smiling quite a bit at the nice compliment also. People do oft tell me that I tend to be a kind person, and they are most definitely not wrong about that! My capacity for loving and caring for others has to be one of my defining traits in life. But as I always say, if every person in the world today valued kindness and compassion over money and power, then the world would at last know a true golden age of joy. :D
Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 00:39am
you're so right lovely one I do value kindness it's hard to find sometimes in a hard are beautiful 💕

Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
I can sense the kindness in you by your kind and sweet words. That the world is indeed such a hard place is why it is a blessing to have people such as yourself in it. Many thanks for the compliment once again, also! It means a lot to me.
Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 3:01am
Oh wow! This is fantastic for your first visual poem like ever. Honey, you did an amazingly amazing job with this one! I love the message too, and the artwork is just beautiful. Super beautiful too! Cuz there's a difference. Then again, you are the best!

Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 3:24am
I'm glad you liked it, sweetie pie! I went through all of my artwork that I have uploaded over on DeviantArt in order to find just the right image for the poem I had in mind to write, and this one was ideal. When I had created it, I actually gave that image the title "A Sense of Wonder", so it right out the gate as if it had been intended to complement this poem. So, I decided to have it do just that! Glad you like how the art looks. I've taken quite nicely to working with 3D-modeled digital art as my visual artistic medium of choice, and I tend to be rather creative with it. Probably why I have so many fans of my artwork on DeviantArt! Lol. Oh Chloe, thanks for such glowing praise of my visual poem! You're super beautiful to me. As well as being the best girl in the whole world! Because you're my girl. ;)
Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 3:31am
Yeah, I saw this one and that other one from your other visual poem over at DeviantArt too! Great art, very nice style to it. That sounds like a really tricky art medium to work in, to me. You ARE incredibly creative! It amazes me just to think of how much you seem to get involved with creativity-wise. You've done poetry, writings, artwork, photography, modeling, video game modding, and you've even written some games and published them yourself! Makes my head spin just thinking of all the stuff you've told me about. I couldn't do all that. I'd have to just do one thing at a time to get really good at it. And even then I'd have to keep my fingers crossed that it turned out okay. You're just super mega talented or something! OMG, you have SO MANY fans over at DeviantArt. I couldn't believe it when I saw how many, you're like a star or celebrity or something over there. Babe, when I praise it it's cuz I mean it! My mom taught me to always tell the truth, so I do. I'm happy that I'm your girl! *Giggle*

Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 3:41am
It is a tricky artistic medium to work with, but I love how it looks when I create a work of art and it comes out looking that realistic and vibrant. There are just some things I can only convey through art, just like there are things I can only convey through poetry and writing. You aren't the first person to say that I get involved with an incredible amount of all manner of different projects and things. When it comes to being a creative person, for me that creativity is going all the time. Often, I have a hard time deciding what I would like to work on next because I have so many ideas and thoughts. I think your poetry is fantastic, Chloe! You stick with writing like you do, and you will only get better with it as time goes on. You know what's funny? In a good way, that is! Someone over on DeviantArt once told me that I am something of a rising star on there. I even used to have a French fashion model who was a friend of mine on there, who I used to give idea to about what comic book characters she would do really great dressing up as for some of her photos. Since that was a theme in a lot of her fashion photography that she posed for. I haven't seen her on there in years though, but it was a cool thing to have met her! Then again, I've met quite a few rather interesting sorts of people over the years. But none of them could ever interest me the way that you do! Then again, you're my pretty magical princess, so it is only to be expected. You mom taught you good, honey. You're the greatest delight in my whole world! ;)
Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 3:48am
Everything about you just gets cooler and cooler to me! What comic book character do you think I'd look great if I got dressed up as? I love comics lots and lots, so if it's not something too obscure I'll probably have heard of it. Marvel, DC, anything mainstream I know about. But I've read some independent stuff too though from time to time.

Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 4:04am
Well, we can't pick Harley Quinn since that's Sibyl's thing. So, if we're sticking within the DC comic books multiverse then I would say that a perfect pick for you would be Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld. In her original comics incarnation, she was a 13-year-old girl who could go into a magical place called the Gemworld where she would have all kinds of incredible adventures. When she was in Gemworld, her body changed and became an adult... but, when she came back to Earth again then she would become a little girl once more. She was like She-Ra to a certain extent, only she was not a warrior and was more of a magical princess. Since I happen to call you my magical princess, it totally fits! She's blonde, but that doesn't mean that you wouldn't make the cutest little brunette Amethyst that there ever was. She also had some very pretty, and sometimes rather sexy looking costumes that would look incredible on you for sure. ;)
Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 4:13am
OMG! I used to LOVE reading those comics. Honestly, I thought that I was the only fan of them. I had to get the back issues, which were super hard to collect, and my mom ended up buying me the whole collection on eBay since it was in the end the ONLY way to get them. I have the newer series of Amethyst in trade paperback too. And a reprinted version of the original series! I always thought she was super cool. I loved her costume styles lots! I could dress like her for you sometime, babe. I happen to own a pair of purple leggings, and a one-piece purple gymnastics leotard, as well as a purple bubble skirt. I have tons and tons of purple jewelry too, so I could do the whole Amethyst thing VERY pretty and nice. I even have a pair of cute purple slippers for my footsies too. Then again I've got stuff in LOTS of colors and styles! My looks as Amethyst would be a bit of a combination of her old look and her newer looks. What do you think of that, honey?

Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 4:15am
I think that will be amazing! How about tomorrow night? I always did think that a brunette Amethyst would be fantastic. And that outfit does sound absolutely perfect! Better than anything I had pictured, actually.
Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 4:17am
You've got it, baby! I'll be your sexy little brunette Princess Amethyst for you, tomorrow night. *Giggle* I love you honey!

Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Dec 2022 4:18am
Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
18th Dec 2022 6:32am
Re. A Sense of Wonder
15th Jan 2023 5:07pm
Re: Re. A Sense of Wonder
17th Jan 2023 9:47pm