On The Loose
Just in case my intellect perplex
I have a mental capacity that exceeds insanity
Having made a complete cipher
On the scales of reality
being born with intent
I was never afraid to commit
Injected with the serum for suicide
I'm veering towards homicide
From an omnipotent vantage point, I see everything from above
Except the murderer hiding in the alcove
Stabbed in the back, spliced from my center of being
I realize I'm bounded to Baal, creator of demons
Ripping the fabric of time to unite
Breaking into my psyche to set my mind right
Previously mentioned I'm bent towards committing
Pacing in the alley to keep from sitting
Slob running down from the corner of my mouth
I've gotta make a sacrifice before Baal takes me out
Baal my main man, major point of contact
But only as long as the bodies are bloody and the train's on track
I've gotta keep my mind focus
To appear from out of no where like hocus pocus
"Slashed his throat
Pulled him back into the alley
Control the adrenaline, get a handle
Take off his clothes, then light the candles"
Perform the proper ritual, before the blood stops flowing
Rip the pockets off, then leave the body showing
Another offering but he's still not satisfied
Says I'm wasting time I've gotta get one worth while
I broke into the church, had to use the back door
Like Satan, the serpent, I slid down the corridor
I know he's here I can smell the Holy Ghost
Only slitting his throat won't even come close
I nailed him off to the pulpit
Then started slicing, and dicing in a mad fit
But not deep enough to kill him, I just want to make him bleed
I get satisfaction out of giving Baal what he needs
I can hear him beg and plead
But it's to late, agony is how I feed
From all the slash I start to tire
Besides he's gotta be alive, so that he can watch the fire
Drenching the building with the fuels of hatred
Instinctively bringing forth a plan been embedded
Being offered as a sacrifice to Baal is what this one dreaded
I had to cut his tongue out because of the crying
It makes me jealous to watch someone else dying
Always them and never me
I can hear the doctors whispering or at least trying
"How's he still living with a severed spine
His arm looks like he lives to pop a vein
And his cerebral fluid has been drained"
But I remember pulling the blade out
Giving Baal's name a shout
Then slitting his throat before before the scream reached his mouth
After passing out
I awoke strapped to a slab
Feeling like a rat in a lab
Repeating Baal's name with six
My pulse picked up quick
The bed rose up off the floor
And the room began to glow
Baal stepped out of the light, and touched my big toe
And I knew without a verbal contract there're certain things I owe
After leaving the church I can't go far though
Just far enough to watch the show
In the alley I feel safe enough for another hit
Pop a vein right quick, then feel Baal pull me down into the pit
In the pit, my mind becomes a blank page
With the heading, "Destructive Psychopath On The Rampage"
Because loyalty to Baal is something that you just can't fake
The thought of another victim makes my eyes bleed and my body shakes
It's worse than a frenzy
It's like being caught between dimensions
In a place where a kiss is a bite
And doing wrong is right
I remembered Baal stepping back into the light
Although I was still strapped, I knew I had the might
But I'm gonna wait, they'll be back
then it'll be my turn to probe and hack
Reminiscing like this takes my high to a new plateau
And I can see the girl whose head I crushed with a car door
In the alley we were supposed to indulge in sin
Share pleasures of the vial again and again
But after one fix, Baal entered the mix
I was supposed to bash her head in with a brick
But she wasn't carrying one in her car
With a blank page in my head, and an imagination just as far
I slammed the needle into her eye
And decided to improvise
But first things first I'm having guest
They want to open my chest and perform more rigorous test
Boy do I have a surprise for you
Seems they don't make straps like they use to
The fear in their eyes
Makes me so high
The room starts to float
With one hand around a scalpel and another around a throat
They were all trying to be first to look into my tomb
But now no one wants to meet their doom
But with Baal holding the door
I can take my time and really soar
Will there ever be a time when there is a demand
For someone who knows how to slice a man into strands
Totally enveloped in the mission at hand, seems I cut myself
Not to worry Baal will take all until there's nothing left
I was worried about an escape
But you'ld be surprised what can be done with a straight face
Walked out like I was an intern
It was so easy I almost made a u-turn
But there's things to do, missions to be accomplished
Baal once said "raw brains is a succulent dish"
But I'm not into cannibalism
Just taking the one thing that I could never give them
Its in me to be creative, continuously devising
New ways for chastising and demising
Those that keep rising or arriving
The wrong place at the wrong time
Is a concept devised
With me in mind
Dedicated to making you perform the three S's
Once the mission's begun never second guessing
Making you scream, shake, and shit
Feeling myself being forced out of the pit
I find myself in front of the most beautiful blaze ever
Seems someones torched a church, how clever
It takes me to that other level
Where skulls are crushed and limbs are severed
I once asked to remain in the pit
In a frame of mind of continuous hit
But Baal objected said, "there was nowhere sit
Besides the world needs more sadistic shit"
More than enough of a reason
For me to return to reality and start pleasing
Kicked out of heaven having ascend back up to earth
I smelt her perfume and it ask to be first
I followed her two blocks
Everyone at the fire seemed to be in shock
No one wanted to celebrate
Not realizing I''m just a part of fate
Because sooner or later it's your turn
You only know how you came, but not how you'll go out
Baal said, "you're here to make life shorter for mere mortals
That try to control the portal"
While staring into one of to many eyes
I can see why Baal was idolized
Being older than time
He's a reason to give the ax a grind
He started me following at a safe distance
"You know how, cut through the alley and jump the fence
It put me ahead of her, but this way
She gets to look death in the face
In this frame of mind I just might give raw brains a taste
As she walks by I can hear her thoughts
Something about the soap and water should've won
That I supposedly fought
Doesn't matter though, becoming no more than her shadow
Continuously closing in as I follow
By the time she realizes she has company
She'll be helping the grass to grow
Finding the place in her back, where the crank should go
I slammed it in really hard, then turned it really slow
Spun her around and clamped on a serious lip lock
The air that she breathe for a scream or a shout is sucked out
The situation is so erotic I nearly straddle her there
Sucking on her lungs harder, while pulling on a fist full of hair
Passers can't help but stare
At two lovers showing that they truly care
But I've gotta get rid of the body
Before the blood collects
Or some fool decides to inspect
Back to the alley is like a natural reflex
Took my time trying to put a hickey on a corpse's neck
Then I slammed her in a garbage bin, never get caught up with sex
Once the body stops moving, the passion is gone
Common sense returns and it's time to move on
Tomorrow I've an appointment with my therapist
Just to let him compare me to other sadist
How can he agree with a world that labels me wrong
When the verdict returns different beat, but the same song
I while worshiping Baal may be consider corrupted
But I'm not dirtying the earth, I'm cleaning it up
Those that fornicate for worldly gain
False prophets that can recite the scripture
But can't bear the pain
Down to those that follow a code that they know is insane
Baal once said, "think of a better waste
For the time that you've spent
And I'll make the voices stop
And the sickness relent
Don't you know your ability to carry out any mission
And your willingness to please
It's a gift within yourself
Sometimes you even scare me"
I start hearing whispers of omnipotence
Soon I'm equaling even surpassing his strength
I cant think of a single reason why I should repent
For in my mind reality is no longer at my beck and call
I'm in a world where everyone's exposed
Here's a few headlines as my tomb close
Nov.28 three homeless suspects arrested
Seems they found a baby's body and decided to test it
When questioned one reportedly said
Since the baby wasn't living
And it being so close to Thanksgiving
A government funded team
Has been assigned to determine how much air we breathe
Seems they've found a way to tax something else we need
It has been determined that without the rain forest
Mankind is doomed
When questioned as to the destruction of so much
Baal said, "to make room"
I have a mental capacity that exceeds insanity
Having made a complete cipher
On the scales of reality
being born with intent
I was never afraid to commit
Injected with the serum for suicide
I'm veering towards homicide
From an omnipotent vantage point, I see everything from above
Except the murderer hiding in the alcove
Stabbed in the back, spliced from my center of being
I realize I'm bounded to Baal, creator of demons
Ripping the fabric of time to unite
Breaking into my psyche to set my mind right
Previously mentioned I'm bent towards committing
Pacing in the alley to keep from sitting
Slob running down from the corner of my mouth
I've gotta make a sacrifice before Baal takes me out
Baal my main man, major point of contact
But only as long as the bodies are bloody and the train's on track
I've gotta keep my mind focus
To appear from out of no where like hocus pocus
"Slashed his throat
Pulled him back into the alley
Control the adrenaline, get a handle
Take off his clothes, then light the candles"
Perform the proper ritual, before the blood stops flowing
Rip the pockets off, then leave the body showing
Another offering but he's still not satisfied
Says I'm wasting time I've gotta get one worth while
I broke into the church, had to use the back door
Like Satan, the serpent, I slid down the corridor
I know he's here I can smell the Holy Ghost
Only slitting his throat won't even come close
I nailed him off to the pulpit
Then started slicing, and dicing in a mad fit
But not deep enough to kill him, I just want to make him bleed
I get satisfaction out of giving Baal what he needs
I can hear him beg and plead
But it's to late, agony is how I feed
From all the slash I start to tire
Besides he's gotta be alive, so that he can watch the fire
Drenching the building with the fuels of hatred
Instinctively bringing forth a plan been embedded
Being offered as a sacrifice to Baal is what this one dreaded
I had to cut his tongue out because of the crying
It makes me jealous to watch someone else dying
Always them and never me
I can hear the doctors whispering or at least trying
"How's he still living with a severed spine
His arm looks like he lives to pop a vein
And his cerebral fluid has been drained"
But I remember pulling the blade out
Giving Baal's name a shout
Then slitting his throat before before the scream reached his mouth
After passing out
I awoke strapped to a slab
Feeling like a rat in a lab
Repeating Baal's name with six
My pulse picked up quick
The bed rose up off the floor
And the room began to glow
Baal stepped out of the light, and touched my big toe
And I knew without a verbal contract there're certain things I owe
After leaving the church I can't go far though
Just far enough to watch the show
In the alley I feel safe enough for another hit
Pop a vein right quick, then feel Baal pull me down into the pit
In the pit, my mind becomes a blank page
With the heading, "Destructive Psychopath On The Rampage"
Because loyalty to Baal is something that you just can't fake
The thought of another victim makes my eyes bleed and my body shakes
It's worse than a frenzy
It's like being caught between dimensions
In a place where a kiss is a bite
And doing wrong is right
I remembered Baal stepping back into the light
Although I was still strapped, I knew I had the might
But I'm gonna wait, they'll be back
then it'll be my turn to probe and hack
Reminiscing like this takes my high to a new plateau
And I can see the girl whose head I crushed with a car door
In the alley we were supposed to indulge in sin
Share pleasures of the vial again and again
But after one fix, Baal entered the mix
I was supposed to bash her head in with a brick
But she wasn't carrying one in her car
With a blank page in my head, and an imagination just as far
I slammed the needle into her eye
And decided to improvise
But first things first I'm having guest
They want to open my chest and perform more rigorous test
Boy do I have a surprise for you
Seems they don't make straps like they use to
The fear in their eyes
Makes me so high
The room starts to float
With one hand around a scalpel and another around a throat
They were all trying to be first to look into my tomb
But now no one wants to meet their doom
But with Baal holding the door
I can take my time and really soar
Will there ever be a time when there is a demand
For someone who knows how to slice a man into strands
Totally enveloped in the mission at hand, seems I cut myself
Not to worry Baal will take all until there's nothing left
I was worried about an escape
But you'ld be surprised what can be done with a straight face
Walked out like I was an intern
It was so easy I almost made a u-turn
But there's things to do, missions to be accomplished
Baal once said "raw brains is a succulent dish"
But I'm not into cannibalism
Just taking the one thing that I could never give them
Its in me to be creative, continuously devising
New ways for chastising and demising
Those that keep rising or arriving
The wrong place at the wrong time
Is a concept devised
With me in mind
Dedicated to making you perform the three S's
Once the mission's begun never second guessing
Making you scream, shake, and shit
Feeling myself being forced out of the pit
I find myself in front of the most beautiful blaze ever
Seems someones torched a church, how clever
It takes me to that other level
Where skulls are crushed and limbs are severed
I once asked to remain in the pit
In a frame of mind of continuous hit
But Baal objected said, "there was nowhere sit
Besides the world needs more sadistic shit"
More than enough of a reason
For me to return to reality and start pleasing
Kicked out of heaven having ascend back up to earth
I smelt her perfume and it ask to be first
I followed her two blocks
Everyone at the fire seemed to be in shock
No one wanted to celebrate
Not realizing I''m just a part of fate
Because sooner or later it's your turn
You only know how you came, but not how you'll go out
Baal said, "you're here to make life shorter for mere mortals
That try to control the portal"
While staring into one of to many eyes
I can see why Baal was idolized
Being older than time
He's a reason to give the ax a grind
He started me following at a safe distance
"You know how, cut through the alley and jump the fence
It put me ahead of her, but this way
She gets to look death in the face
In this frame of mind I just might give raw brains a taste
As she walks by I can hear her thoughts
Something about the soap and water should've won
That I supposedly fought
Doesn't matter though, becoming no more than her shadow
Continuously closing in as I follow
By the time she realizes she has company
She'll be helping the grass to grow
Finding the place in her back, where the crank should go
I slammed it in really hard, then turned it really slow
Spun her around and clamped on a serious lip lock
The air that she breathe for a scream or a shout is sucked out
The situation is so erotic I nearly straddle her there
Sucking on her lungs harder, while pulling on a fist full of hair
Passers can't help but stare
At two lovers showing that they truly care
But I've gotta get rid of the body
Before the blood collects
Or some fool decides to inspect
Back to the alley is like a natural reflex
Took my time trying to put a hickey on a corpse's neck
Then I slammed her in a garbage bin, never get caught up with sex
Once the body stops moving, the passion is gone
Common sense returns and it's time to move on
Tomorrow I've an appointment with my therapist
Just to let him compare me to other sadist
How can he agree with a world that labels me wrong
When the verdict returns different beat, but the same song
I while worshiping Baal may be consider corrupted
But I'm not dirtying the earth, I'm cleaning it up
Those that fornicate for worldly gain
False prophets that can recite the scripture
But can't bear the pain
Down to those that follow a code that they know is insane
Baal once said, "think of a better waste
For the time that you've spent
And I'll make the voices stop
And the sickness relent
Don't you know your ability to carry out any mission
And your willingness to please
It's a gift within yourself
Sometimes you even scare me"
I start hearing whispers of omnipotence
Soon I'm equaling even surpassing his strength
I cant think of a single reason why I should repent
For in my mind reality is no longer at my beck and call
I'm in a world where everyone's exposed
Here's a few headlines as my tomb close
Nov.28 three homeless suspects arrested
Seems they found a baby's body and decided to test it
When questioned one reportedly said
Since the baby wasn't living
And it being so close to Thanksgiving
A government funded team
Has been assigned to determine how much air we breathe
Seems they've found a way to tax something else we need
It has been determined that without the rain forest
Mankind is doomed
When questioned as to the destruction of so much
Baal said, "to make room"
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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