Image for the poem Pulling At My Heart Strings

Pulling At My Heart Strings

Nice, French Riviera
Kincaid and Shaylynn boarded a two hundred- and ninety-five-foot yacht.      
Geoffrey and three bodyguards followed closely behind.      
Natasha ran up to Shaylynn and Kincaid.      
“So glad you’ve joined us. You look absolutely amazing.”      
“You look gorgeous yourself. Natasha, I would like for you to meet, Kincaid.”      
“From the Livoski family.”      
Kincaid extended his hand.      
Natasha extended hers and clasped his. She was not in a hurry to relinquish the handshake. Natasha slowly dropped her hand, and then turned to face Shaylynn.      
“Shaylynn, why didn’t you tell me you knew this handsome man?”      
“Was I suppose too,” Shaylynn replied.”      
“Come; let me introduce you to some of Monaco elite.”      
Kincaid grabbed Shaylynn’s hand and pulled her back to his side.      
Shaylynn looked up at Kincaid.      
“I will catch up with you momentarily Natasha, I see someone I know.”      
Natasha walked away. She looked back and smiled at Kincaid.      
“She likes you, and that was very ruled of you to involuntarily dismiss my company. I do have to socialize among the public,” Shaylynn whispered.”      
“And we will, starting with those two.”      
Shaylynn pivoted. Bethany and Fernandez circulated and spoke with the attending guests.      
“I will meet you over there; I have to powder my nose.”      
“You need me escort you.”      
“No, now go and mingle.”      
Shaylynn leaned up and kissed Kincaid on his lips.      
Nickelo sat at the bar and nursed his third non-alcoholic beverage. He took one last gulp of his drink and rose from off the barstool. He quietly slipped out of the open reception area.      
Shaylynn opened her purse and took out a tube of lipstick. She touched up her lipstick and recapped it. She dropped it back down inside her purse and closed her purse. Her royal blue cocktail dress defined her hips and breasts with great results. She will have to let Kincaid know; his choice was right on cue.      
Shaylynn turned and walked out the spacious bathroom. She pivoted her head to both sides and walked in the opposite direction. She opened and closed several doors. She opened and looked inside a beautiful, decorated room. Furniture in hues of marvel white and brown illuminated the room. Shaylynn walked inside. She walked over to the wall that held first editions of Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Frost, and some of Mark Twain's earlier editions. She looked out the oval window.      
The twinkling lights from the city skyline casted off the surface of the water.      
Shaylynn went to sit on the bed. She bounced up and down.      
“What would you rate the firmness,” a male voice cut into the silence.      
Shaylynn quickly stood and looked over at the door.      
“Nickelo, I…, I was admiring the craftsmanship, and the decorative tone of this beautiful stateroom.”      
“Not to worry, I was on my own little discovery.”      
Nickelo fingered over the hardback editions. He slowly made his way to where Shaylynn stood.      
“Are you not enjoying the gathering Nickelo?”      
“They are all the same..., well maybe not this time.” Nickelo looked down at Shaylynn’s lips. “You are a very beautiful American woman, Shaylynn Forrester.” Nickelo lifted her hand and kissed it.      
“Thank you, would you like to escort me back to the party.”      
Nickelo sat down on the bed.      
“No rush.”      
“Then I will meet you back at the gathering.”      
Nickelo reached for Shaylynn’s hand and pulled her down on the bed.      
“Tell me about yourself, Shaylynn.” Nickelo scooted closer.      
Nickelo, I have a very jealous man whom I am involved with, and for him to find me in an uncompromising position with you on a bed, will most likely be unacceptable.”      
Nickelo reached out for one of Shaylynn’s curly hair strands.      
“When I hold you in my arms when we dance, it’s as if our bodies are one, made for each other. The passion is in your eyes, the movement of your body, your heart widely beats with mine, not against it when we dance. That is a rarity for two individuals who have never danced to have such unfounded chemistry to one another.”      
Nickelo stroked Shaylynn’s cheek. He leaned over and kissed her lips.      
“You are a sweet whisper; one must hear over-and-over again.” Nickelo kissed the side of Shaylynn’s lips and nudged his lips over her soft skin. He cupped her cheeks and pulled her face forward.      
Shaylynn pulled back.      
“Nickelo, the only thing we have in common is the stage. I am happy with my mate.” She stood. “I will see you at the gathering, and when the curtains go up.” Shaylynn walked out the room. She met Kincaid in the corridor. “I…we”      
Nickelo walked to the door. He straightened up his shirt and smiled down at Shaylynn’s derrière      
“We were exploring the cabin.”      
Kincaid looked at Shaylynn’s smeared lipstick, and then at Nickelo’s smug expressions. He ran pass Shaylynn and drew his fist back.      
“Kincaid no, nothing happ…”      
The heed was too late, Nickelo’s body dropped to the floor.      
Kincaid pivoted to look at Shaylynn.      
“Nothing happened; he kissed me for good luck tomorrow.”      
Shaylynn rushed to where Nickelo laid.      
“Leave him, let’s go!”      
“I can’t just leave him out cold like this; I have to dance with him tomorrow.”      
“You should have thought about the consequences when you let that fuck touch you.”      
“Pardon me; I never allowed no such thing.”      
Nickelo moaned under his breath.      
“See, the fuck is all right.”      
Kincaid grabbed Shaylynn’s hand and practically pulled her down the corridor.      
“Will you slow down, please, you’re hurting my hand.”      
Kincaid angrily marched up the carpeted steps.      
Geoffrey met Kincaid at the helm of the stairs.      
“Is everything all right Mr. Livoski?”      
“Tell everyone to meet me at the car, now dammit!”      
Geoffrey turned in the direction of the reception room.      
“Wait, I have to pay my respects to Madame Ontjoi.”      
“Fuck her!”      
“Will you please lower your voice,” Shaylynn whispered.      
Natasha ran up to Shaylynn.      
“Are you two leaving so soon?”      
Kincaid’s arresting grip on her hand answered that.      
“Shaylynn, we have not taken pictures with the public, or our sponsors.”      
“Yes, I know, and Natasha, please go down in the galley and check on Nickelo, and please tell Madame Ontjoi, that I had a…”      
Kincaid pulled Shaylynn away. She pivoted. “Tell her I had an emergency.”      
Kincaid hurried Shaylynn off the yacht.      
Geoffrey and two of his bodyguards trailed behind.      
No one partook in conversations.      
Kincaid opened the door to the limousine. He shoved Shaylynn inside.      
Kincaid got in and pulled the door out the chauffeur’s hand.      
Shaylynn placed distance between her and Kincaid.      
Kincaid pressed in a silver button.      
“I could use some air.” He looked over at Shaylynn. “You can drop me off at the beach.”      
“Yes sir.”      
Kincaid looked over at Shaylynn.      
“I apologize, Shaylynn.”      
Shaylynn continued to look out the window.      
Too late, this shit is over, as soon as you drop me off at my hotel room she thought.      
She squeezed her hand for circulation.      
Kincaid looked down at Shaylynn slightly flexing her hand.      
Damn, he over-reacted big time he thought, shit.      
The limousine stopped.      
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Kincaid opened the door.      
“Can you walk with me along the beach?”      
Shaylynn turned toward Kincaid.      
“What, if I refuse?”      
Kincaid palmed his cheeks down.      
“All I want to do is return to my hotel room. Your behavior is inexcusable, totally out of character, and something that I refuse to allow, take me back to me hotel room, and after your little boyish tirade, you and I will part ways.”      
Kincaid pulled the door close and faced Shaylynn’s side profile.      
“Can you please have your chauffeur dispose me at my hotel?”      
“I will drop you off at your hotel. I just need a moment to compose myself; the night air usually works for me. If you chose to remain silent, I will respect that, but please just walk with me, Shaylynn.”      
“I will, but please rush this up.”      
Kincaid opened the door and stepped out.      
Shaylynn scooted down the seat.      
Kincaid held his hand out to Shaylynn.      
Shaylynn pushed it away and stepped out the limousine.      
Kincaid closed the door.      
Both walked along the sandy white beach.      
Kincaid removed his suit jacket and flung it over his shoulder. He reached over for Shaylynn’s hand.      
Shaylynn pushed Kincaid’s hand away.      
The water lapping at the shore braced her shoes.      
Shaylynn stopped and took off her shoes.      
Kincaid removed his shoes and then socks. He rolled up his pants.      
“Would you like me to carry those?”      
“No thank you.”      
Kincaid hugged Shaylynn across her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. He hugged her closer to his waist and landed a quick kiss to her forehead.      
Shaylynn hugged Kincaid around his waist and snuggled closer.      
Neither spoke.      
The salty cool water washing over her feet felt so refreshing.      
Kincaid stopped. He dropped his arm from around Shaylynn’s shoulders and faced her.      
“I will never hurt you, Shaylynn, never.”      
“That remains to be seen, not all men hurt physically. Verbally or mental abuse hurts just the same.”      
Shaylynn turned her face and looked away.      
Kincaid slowly turned Shaylynn’s face around. She looked up into his eyes.      
“I would never place my hands on you, I want you to love and respect me, not despise my presence, and yes I apologize for over-reacting. I could not even fathom another man touching you, and I’ll kill any man with my bare hands, if he even thinks about claiming those lips.”      
“Kincaid, you handled the situation in poor taste. Yes, Nickelo kissed me, but I put a stop to it, you have to learn to trust me to respect my decisions.”      
“I know that Shaylynn, but let’s be real here. You were once so-called married to another man, and yet, here we are.”      
“Someone once told me you and I are together by fate.”      
“I admire fate, as long as I’m the man who benefits from it. You are mine, every inch of that body, from every curly strand on your head, to the shape of your feet, and to let another man disrespect me to get a feel, touch, or dammit a kiss, will not be tolerated.”      
Shaylynn took a deep breath.      
“Can you forgive me?”      
“This is too over…”      
Kincaid dropped his socks and shoes and lifted Shaylynn’s hand. He removed her shoes and let them drop to the sand. He gently squeezed her hand and placed it over his cheek.      
“Is your hand, okay?”      
“No damage done.”      
“I am so sorry, Shaylynn, I am a man who admires the beauty in a woman, and yours hits me straight to the heart.”      
Kincaid kissed Shaylynn’s palm. He encircled her waist and pulled her closer. He rested his forehead against hers.      
“I’m really sorry for my rude behavior,” Kincaid whispered. He kissed her lips.      
Shaylynn inched back.      
Kincaid pulled her back into his arms.      
“No, I want to feel what’s mine, what another fuck attempted to take from me. I told you this is only about you and me.”      
Kincaid cupped Shaylynn’s face and kissed her.      
Shaylynn encircled Kincaid waist and inched closer.      
“I love you, Shaylynn; no woman deserves that confession, but you.”      
Kincaid kissed Shaylynn’s bare shoulder blade. He moved one of her straps aside; he slid the other strap off her shoulder.      
Shaylynn lifted her arms out the straps.      
Kincaid pulled Shaylynn’s dress down and kissed her under her chin.      
“Baby, your perfume smells so nice.” He kissed her chin.      
Shaylynn moved her head side-to-side.      
Kincaid dropped his suit jacket to the sand. He slowly pushed Shaylynn’s dress down. He bent down and kissed a breast nipple ever so-gently, ever so slowly.      
Shaylynn wanted to cry out in surrender.      
Kincaid picked Shaylynn up and laid her on his suit jacket.  He pulled her dress down her legs and took it off. He dipped his head down and kissed the top of the thong she had on. He opened her legs and kissed the band. He pulled her thong down her legs and placed it near her dress.      
Shaylynn arched her back. Kincaid unzipped his pants and fished through the slit in his briefs. He took out his erect dick. He made a circular movement with the tip against Shaylynn’s downy hairs.      
“Tell me I’m forgiven; I never want to see your eyes with the look of fear while looking at me again.”      
Kincaid kissed Shaylynn’s stomach. He drew a path with his tongue up her stomach.      
“I love you Kincaid.”      
A tear escaped Shaylynn’s eyes.      
“Tell me you forgive me.”      
“I will forgive you, if this happens...”      
Kincaid covered Shaylynn’s mouth with his.      
Shaylynn linked her arms around Kincaid’s neck.      
“I’m sorry, Shaylynn.”      
Kincaid palmed his manhood and placed it near her vaginal opening.      
Shaylynn pulled Kincaid’s shirt from out the waistband of his pants and quickly unbuttoned it. She linked her arms around his lower back and kissed his chest; she massaged his upper thighs with the soles of feet.      
“Baby, I love you too...”      
Shaylynn pulled Kincaid’s face down and kissed him.      
Kincaid’s manhood crowned the opening of Shaylynn’s pussy.      
“Oh…, Kincaid.”      
If only he knew, she was not fighting to leave this feeling behind.      
Kincaid kissed the side of Shaylynn’s neck.      
“I love you Kincaid.”      
“I love you too, Shaylynn.”      
He held her arms over her head, cupped a breast, and then tapped his tongue over the brownish-bloomed nipple. He suckled around the areola.      
“Oh Kin...”      
Kincaid inched his manhood inside her more.      
Shaylynn palmed Kincaid’s buttocks. She opened her legs wider.      
“Make love to me.”      
Kincaid dropped every inch into the narrow opening and then balanced his body on both palms.      
The sand cushioned his palms.      
Kincaid moved his dick inside Shaylynn’s pussy with starving intentions.      
“Oh Shaylynn...mine, baby...uuh mine.”      
He rested his body on hers and coned the top of her head with his palms.      
Shaylynn suckled the sides of Kincaid’s neck while enjoying the shifting of his lengthen dick inside of her.      
“I love you Kincaid,” Shaylynn cried out.      
“Oh Shaylynn…, shit.”      
Kincaid moved his groin faster.      
Shaylynn moved her pelvis faster.      
Kincaid thrust deeper.      
He moved and then stopped.      
Shaylynn squeezed her vaginal muscles and climaxed.      
“Oooooh Kincaid.” She held him tighter. “Oh yes, that’s a thumper.”      
Kincaid leaned down and kissed her.      
“I love you Shaylynn…” Kincaid thrust forward. He braced his body against hers. “Shaylynn…” His ejaculation charged out and galloped inside of her.      
“Oh Kincaid.”      
Shaylynn wrapped her legs around his pants legs and gyrated.      
 “Oh, Shaylynn.”      
“I love you too, Kincaid.”      
He rested his body on hers.      
She looked up as her body gradually relaxed.      
The sea crashing into the shore added a euphoric sound to her ears.      
A zillion twinkling stars in the sky clouded her vision.      
“This will never happen again, well this part would, but I give you my word, Shaylynn, I will never react like that again.”      
“I hope I can still dance tomorrow.”      
“You will. That puppy face kid is not trying to lose his famed reputation with a punch from a woman’s angry lover. Would you like to return to the yacht to make a brief appearance?”      
Kincaid stuck his tongue inside her ear.      
Shaylynn’s body vibrated.      
“With what you are doing, I think not.”      
“Marry me, Shaylynn. Be only mine.”      
“As long as it is not in Las Vegas.”      
Kincaid inched back.      
“I can make that happen. Baby, I will never display those emotions again, without reasoning first.”      
“I feel that in my heart. Baby, I think we need to get dressed. My tush is wet.”      
“Your pussy is too.”      
“You have a way with words.”      
“Hum, I guess I do, as long as the beautiful woman who lies under me can understand them.”      
“She does, perfectly. Oh, I need to return to my hotel, and get more clothes.”      
“Yes, and close out your reservation, since you will be staying with me.”      
“You have a point there.”      
“You are really a very beautiful woman. I see that puppy faced kid has exquisite taste in a woman.”      
“We are going to pretend the yacht incident never happened.”      
“What yacht?”      
Kincaid leaned down and kissed Shaylynn on her lips.      
“Bethany and Fernandez will be joining us for cocktails and dinner later on.”      
“Does anyone in this beautiful place ever sleep?”      
“During daybreak, however, tonight belongs to Shaylynn and Kincaid.”      
“Okay Kincaid, I swear I felt something crawling under me.”      
“I’ve known bugs to have exquisite taste in women also.”      
Both laughed.      
Kincaid withdrew his dick and inched back. He stood.      
Shaylynn held her hands out.      
Kincaid grabbed both and pulled her to a standing position. He turned her around and wiped several grains of sand from off her legs and hair.      
Both quickly dressed.      
Kincaid and Shaylynn walked the entire beach hand-in-hand.      
At one point, both got into a bout of kicking water on each other before returning to the limousine.      
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
A page ripped out of one of my novels

All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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