Image for the poem Not Giving A Fuck

Not Giving A Fuck

So you are black or your white
You are Hispanic or you are Asian
You are an alien from the planet Thaaar@#gh
I couldn’t give a fuck!

You can be a Christian or a Muslim
You can be a Buddhist or a Hindu
A crazy from the West-borough Baptist Church
I don’t give a fuck!

You can be Male or Female, Gender Fluid
Transsexual, Homosexual, Heterosexual
You can be an anything-goes Try-sexual
I have no more fuck to give

You can be a Conservative or a Liberal
A Socialist, a communist, an Independent
A lunatic anarchist’s hope for a Utopia
Again I don’t give a fuck!

You can stick your naughty bits
In anyone's naughty bits with permission
You can have sex on your own daily
I couldn’t give a fuck

The planet needs a reboot
Before The raging seas of a Race War
Before yet more bloody crusades
Before the death of the west
Turns into a China of the east
Let's stop identity politics
Let's stop all the hate
Let's stop all the historical grief
And claims for reparations or revenge

We need to relearn what it's like to be human
The human race is one race all out of Africa
We need to be colour blind keeping our ideologies to ourselves
We must practice honesty and mutual respect: Regardless
We must learn to love everyone - no exceptions
We must practice targeted and random acts of kindness
It could be so much better, we can be so much better
All it takes is a little effort to change ourselves

I am not long for this world
I have earned the right to say
I have no more fucks to give
Or I don’t or couldn’t give a fuck
But when I say I don’t give a fuck
I really mean that is a caring way
I care about humankind and its future
But I am so tired of how they behave
Towards each other, it's so tiresome
And I am truly not optimistic
Humanity in the west stands together
On the precipice, the cliff edge
The question is will we all jump

Frankly I wont be here, thankfully
So I really don’t give a Fuck!
The choice is yours
No longer mine
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
Author's Note
David Macleod (c)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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