Monologue of a ghost

Endless hours of merciless haranguing
raging ducts and rising voices
staging a temporary protest
at infrastructural collapse
as a stretcher gets wheeled out
by hopeless hopefuls-
frenzied and disorganized

chaotic traffic-blaring horns-
centuries of seconds-
oceans of sweat drops-
souls being corroded
by acid time

Finally the friendly smell of disinfectant
and death and the familiar deafening silence
with a thousand or so stored breaths
and characteristic paper work otherwise called
‘Organizational Procedures’
time having been expanded in the maximum curvature
everything seems faraway-galactic

Concrete and conditioned space finally is gifted
after necessary ‘arrangements’

Tubes go in
exhilarating oxygen gets pumped in
life force is fed
life sap starts being circulated-
the drama unfolds

Efforts start to show-
furtive glimpses taken by aproned demigods
hope starts to dwindle collectively at a stretch
being shown otherwise-from years of perfection
The greatest parody of highest magnitude
at play-fools at large


Crushing hope and crashing organism
supported by noiseless machinery
and practiced deftness
of dexterous doyens
of physiology-

Suppressed smiles and unmoving predicament
followed by plump ladies with dark circles-
‘All-in-whites’ habitual beings
always hibernating & carrying out orders
from their higher gods

(Like us all)

Time flies in fluid atavism
as energy savers illuminate the drab space
curious, apathetic eyes scan you
at your most vulnerable-
the pulp on display
as you try to pull yourself together-
(A soul cognizant with conscious effort)
in synchronized master stroke-Tortoise shell
teleported in a flash
silent murmurs of forced prayers
false promises of extravagance make curtain calls
stubbles appear
lachrymal glands swell and burst
and optimism floats in the air
coexisting with suspended belief
three feet above ground—an imperceptible quicksand
medicine and surgery and religion and science
at work
in tandem-hands folded
Lips sealed, mechanical-
situational hazards, occupational demands
(Boisterous laughter)

Time moves swifter
than the clock exhibits—
grotesque manifestation of human impatience
Innumerable hugs and
continual long distance phone calls and
optimal use of available resources-
all but unaided tendency

Electronic cash
still heavy from intercellular friction
changes hands faster
than the ophthalmologist could register

Generic antibiotics and imported placebos-all at work
Injected venom-inflated sternum-disobedient rectum

An eye sore
A litmus test for infamous human endurance
full of stench and shrieks-
all you try to unsuccessfully avoid
focusing your wandering eyes
on your very own kin
fermenting your earthly ties
the very essence of your challenged relationship

thoughts originating randomly
emotions running amuck
fulfilling vacuum exploding inside you-

An endless black hole

of hopelessness-helplessness
only you would know and suffer

While others around you
as ignorant as you
pretend to comprehend

And the qualified care takers pat
on your drooped back

All you could think of would start and stop at you
Your loss-your grief-your tears-your fears

And the accusing stare would burn the dazzling deity
who-after a life of mild productivity to wishful thinking
suddenly appears dull and soulless-
just another bright hued statuette

And then the lifeline drops flat
a piercing static that grows louder
unchanging, unmoving silence with
the constant, prolonged beep
(Such vice like grip)

The doctor leaves the room
The nurse follows suit
Another statistical data
Time to prepare-
move the new departure out
and make place for the new entrant
with sky high aspirations of
a continued life of blessed suffering
which would be tried to bought
(Everything has a price-death and life, both)
with years of accumulated interest on fixed deposits

while you lose your consciousness
unable to process the result
crashing onto the granite floor
in a heap of startled flesh-
being held by hands
which belong to men with more resilience
or more nonchalance?

Curtain call
Show‘s over

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Written by Whitewand6
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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