Curiosity Killed The Cat
“Yes, do I know you?”
Ragan peered closer. Shit. He was the same man who she encountered in Las Vegas.
What the fuck was he doing here, and in New Orleans she thought?
“I think you’ve made a mistake.”
Ragan stepped out the line and ran toward the exit door.
Sterling turned and ran after her. He grabbed her around her upper arm.
Ragan stopped, but did not turn around.
“I thought you were arrested and sitting in a jail cell, and what’s with the wig?”
“If you do not let my arm go. I will scream.”
“Not a bad idea. Now, when did you get released?”
Ragan looked around the restaurant.
People were starting to stare. She turned to face Sterling.
“Could we talk outside, I do not want to alert the authorities of my presence.”
Thurgood walked up to Ragan and Sterling.
“You’re not trying to skip out and leave me with the bill are you?”
“Thurgood meet Nadia.”
Sterling snatched the wig off Ragan’s head. Her shoulder length curls rested on her shoulders.
“No, the woman who was arrested this morning should be held in custody.”
“Uhh, my attorney got me out after I posted bail. I really need to get back to my hotel room, please.”
Thurgood looked at Sterling.
“Sterling, I need to speak with you.”
“Nadia, I will be right back. Then we will go back to my hotel room, and talk. I need answers.”
Sterling leaned over and slowly kissed Ragan on her lips. He cupped the back of her head and lengthened the kiss.
Ragan held in the bile tumbling in the pit of her stomach.
Sterling stepped back. He looked at Ragan from head to toe. He looked down at her mouth. Where was the fervor he feasted from off her lips? He noticed her almond-shaped grayish-colored eyes, held no passion.
“Baby, I’ll be right back.”
“Okay, I’ll just wait for you outside.”
“And do not wander off.”
“I won’t.” Ragan smiled at Sterling.
Damn the man was too handsome for the woman who was trying to impersonate her she thought.
Ragan walked to the exit door, and hurried out the restaurant.
Sterling joined Thurgood near the restaurant entrance.
“What is it man?”
“Sterling, something doesn’t sit too well.”
“Come again.”
“When have you known the law to release a high-profile serial criminal? A criminal who have murdered eight government officials?”
Sterling rubbed his palm over his crown.
“Thurgood, the woman who you just saw is the woman who I have been referring to as Nadia.”
“Are you sure?”
“All right.”
“You and I need to ask her some questions pertaining to the murders. Then she and I can move on to better things.”
“You mean the bed.”
“The floor if it’s closer.”
“We, here at Channel 4 News interrupt this program to bring you information on the apprehension of the serial killer, Miss. Rajeen Nadia Whitlow.”
Sterling and Thurgood walked over to the bar.
The barmaid turned up the volume on the television.
“We bring you the latest news report. We have learned that the New Orleans accused serial killer, Rajeen Nadia Whitlow, will be extradited back to Nevada, as early as this afternoon. There, she will face additional criminal charges of murder. Some, as we know involve several government officials.”
The sky-cam aerial shot showed Nadia being led out in handcuffs to a white tinted police van.
“We will update you with any new developments.”
Sterling and Thurgood looked at each other, and then looked at the exit door.
Both ran to the door.
Sterling ran out to the parking lot. He looked around.
The woman was gone.
“Sterling, there’s two of them.”
“Yes and my mind tells me the authorities have the wrong woman in custody.”
“DNA. That’s what we need.”
“How? Shit.”
“Calm down and let’s think.”
“Now you’re thinking with your mind, and not your dick.”
Sterling and Thurgood ran back into the restaurant.
“Senator Bhindi, have the wheels been put into motion?”
“Yes, after today. You, Senator Pike, Senator McKenna, my aide, and I can breathe a sigh of relief.” Senator Bhindi glanced down at his watch. “I expect to receive a report, within the next hour or so.”
“I will breathe that sigh of relief, after I have read the headlines. In as much, I expect results, and no fucking slip-ups this time.”
“And you shall have results. For now, just keep your cool.”
“Any ideas where she may have stashed that black book.”
“Not to worry. A dead woman can’t talk.”
Senator Bhindi and Senator Klossterman laughed.
“I will call you once the deed has been completed.”
“I will await that call. I will contact the others and advise everyone to remain composed.”
“You do that.”
Senator Bhindi slammed the telephone receiver down in the cradle.
“Mr. Huntington, I think these VHS tapes will exonerate Nadia.”
“I never knew Ragan was into this sort of kinkiness.”
PJ, Sammie, and Jonathon viewed over fifty tapes of Ragan’s sexual trysts.
“Sammie, I would like you to hold a press conference. With the people involved in some of these tapes. I’m sure it will steer this investigation in another direction.”
Sammie’s Blackberry vibrated. He removed it from out the side pocket of his suit jacket, slid it open, and placed it up to his ear.
“This is Sammie.”
“I thought you may be interested to know that your client was just extradited back to Nevada.”
“Why the fuck wasn’t I contacted.”
“Didn’t think it was necessary.”
“You fuck. I hope your sorry ass has a good attorney.”
“I am the law, and I do not take kindly to a coon telling me how to run my Police Department,” Chief Hansin grumbled into the telephone receiver, and then hung up the telephone.
Sammie slid his Blackberry close.
“We hold the press conference this afternoon. I hope that fuck Chief Hansin, can explain his involvement with a serial killer, and why his dirty ass is caught on tape fucking an underage minor. Sick mothafucka.”
“What the fuck is going on Sammie?”
“Nadia was extradited back to Nevada.”
“And no one happen to contact you.”
“As you can see I’m here, hell no I wasn’t contacted.”
“Shit.” Jonathon slammed his hand down on the glass table. “I say, we have the press conference right here. PJ, bring me the telephone.”
“Sure boss.”
PJ walked out the kitchen.
“Lieutenant Haines, I owe you on this one. The information that you faxed me will place Nadia on the other side of the law.”
“Oh shit, have you heard?
“Heard what?”
“Dr. Ambrose, Nadia is being extradited back to Las Vegas.”
“Yes, I’ve been informed. I am confident she will be released, after I confirm some important aspects about these murders.”
“If you need any help in any other way, call me.”
“No doubt, and thanks man, you’ve done some great leg work.”
“Good luck man, and keep this shit on the DL, later.”
Sterling hung up the telephone.
“I’ve got the alleged DNA report on Nadia from the crime scene.”
“Yes, and I have the DNA report on the woman who claims she is Nadia.”
Sterling took a deep breath.
“Let’s do this.”
Thurgood lifted the DNA report and a criminal docket on Ragan. Sterling lifted the faxed DNA report that Lieutenant Haines provided him on Nadia.
Each man silently read over his report.
“Hum,” Thurgood stated. He flipped over the report and read the undetermined criminal profile on Nadia. Thurgood walked back to his desk and took a seat.
Sterling walked over to Thurgood’s desk and took a seat across from him.
Thurgood looked up.
“Trade off.”
Sterling handed Thurgood his report.
Thurgood handed Sterling the two reports on Ragan.
Sterling read over the information. He flipped the page over.
“Well, what conclusion has a scholar from Dartmouth College of Medicine arrived at?”
“Good conclusion, however, you must now convince a jury of that. In addition, does Nadia know she has a twin?”
“That I’m not sure of.”
“My suggestion is for you to fly back to Las Vegas, and hold a press conference. The information you have in your possession is a turning point in this investigation. Just make sure you can back up any additional assumptions the press may ask you to clarify, or prove.”
“Man, this is all I need.”
Someone pounded on the door.
“Dr. Brooks, Dr. Brooks.” His secretary repeatedly pounded on the door.
Thurgood stood and ran to the door. He opened it.
“Yes, what is it?”
“There is a press conference about the murders on television.”
Sterling and Thurgood ran out into the reception area.
Several employees stood in front of the television.
“Dr. Brooks, the accuser’s attorney is due to speak in regards to some clue findings about the killer.”
Sterling looked at Thurgood’s secretary. His secretary looked at Dr. Brooks.
“Sorry sir.
“Good afternoon everyone. My name is Sammie Baguette; I am the attorney who will be representing Rajeen Nadia Whitlow. As everyone may have heard. My client, Miss. Rajeen Nadia Whitlow, has been arrested and charged with the grisly murders in Louisiana, and will face additional charges in the state of Nevada, and possibly Mississippi. As Miss. Whitlow’s attorney, I am here to advise the American people there has been a miscarriage of justice portrayed in regards to my client. I have substantial evidence that places my client elsewhere, other than at any of the crime scenes. In addition, I believe this is part of an elaborate conspiracy to frame my client for a congressional cover-up.”
Everyone in attendance began to whisper.
A news reporter stood.
“Mr. Baguette, can you please specify your agenda for this press conference in regards to the accused.”
“Yes, I have evidence in the form of over one hundred VHS tapes that clearly places some of Washington D.C. senators, several government officials, the rich and elite, and law enforcement members, in uncompromising positions, with a woman name Ragan Nadine Hemmingway, a dominatrix, who by the evidence is favorably into Sadomasochism, the real killer.”
“Mr. Baguette, you expect us all to believe you have in your possession criminating evidence on some of Washington D.C.s key officials, law enforcement members, and according to you, the rich and elite, having engaging relations with this woman, who the law has named a serial killer in the state of Louisiana, and in the state of Nevada, and as you stated, possibly in the state of Mississippi.”
“I don’t care what the fuck you believe. These tapes are explicit, degrading, and demoralizing, and in some instances, criminal. This scandalous conspiracy is the beginning of Sexgate. Copies have been mailed to Channel 4 News, the Las Vegas Times Newspaper, my client’s place of employment, and Extra. I appreciate if the law would direct their investigation to a woman name Ragan Nadine Hemmingway. She is a deranged woman, who looks the splitting image of my client.”
Several reporters stood.
“Sammie, who brought forth this information.” “Sammie, tell us more about the woman who was found here hours ago.” “Sammie, what is Mr. Huntington’s involvement with the accused.”
“No answers will be returned at this time. You all have been given your assignment. I suggest you do the homework.”
“Sammie, what is your objective in holding this press conference.”
“I thought it was obvious in inviting you here. I would like my client set free, and the real killer brought to justice. The real killer is in the state of Louisiana, and in the New Orleans area.”
“Yes, and she just got arrested.”
“And you call yourself, a top reporter.”
Everyone within the room looked over at the male reporter.
The male reporter sat back down.
“This conference is over.”
The station went to a commercial break.
“I guess you heard that.”
“Dammit, we all did.”
“Senator Bhindi, I swear, if I go down, you will join that bitch on a meat wagon.”
“You heard that nigger. They have the wrong woman, which means, she never had the tapes.”
“Yes, but the nigger told the American people he has tapes of government officials in...”
“I say the nigger is bluffing. If they do not have the right person, what makes you so sure they have the tapes?”
Senator Klossterman thought about what Senator Bhindi stated.
“Just to be certain. I say call the assignment off.”
“You know how this shit works. No contact after that, and no names.”
“Well dammit, if he goes through with the fucking hit. We have blood on our hands, and will raise suspicion even more. I told you things got out of hand the last time.”
“You only get what you pay for, and I can’t be held responsible, because the man was a Jap. Furthermore, it appears you had no qualms with the arrangements.”
“Of course not, I have order deadlines, clients with specific needs, and money at my dispose. It’s cheaper healthcare at the expense of well-paid participants, wouldn’t you say?”
“Tell that to your constituents, who can’t afford such lucrative healthcare, and have to live with the pain and suffering waiting on a damn list.”
“Yes, and also tell that to the delay of the healthcare bill reform sitting in Congress, waiting to be passed.”
Senator Bhindi laughed.
“Healthcare reform is legal. Organ harvesting, and selling is not.”
“Only if you get caught. In addition, I had to let my contacts know the organs were fresh.”
“By paying Ragan to sexual torture the fuck, and then butchering his body.”
“Yes, at least the Jap came and went at the same time, and as I recall, you, your gay lover, and me also. Moreover, shut the fuck up. You speak too fluently on the wire.”
“My apologies.”
Senator Klossterman slammed the telephone receiver down in Senator Bhindi’s ear.
Manuel, Dale, and Eric stood around the television.
“I told you Nadia is innocent. Eric, I need all the information on this woman name Ragan Nadine Hemmingway.”
“You got it Mr. Addison.”
Eric walked to his desk.
“Manuel, I think I need to be at the Police Station to cover Nadia’s extradition.”
“Hopefully, she will not have to place...”
A mail carrier walked up to Manuel and Dale.
“Are you a Mr...?” The mail carrier looked down at the name on the brown package. “A Mr. Manuel Addison?”
“I need you to sign right here sir.”
The mail carrier handed Manuel the slate board.
Manuel signed the certified receipt and handed the slate board back to the mail carrier.
The mail carrier handed Manuel a brown wrapped package, turned, and walked away.
Manuel walked back to his office.
Dale lagged behind.
“Close the door.”
Dale closed the door.
Manuel walked around his desk and took a seat. He ripped the brown paper from off the package and lifted the top off a square box. He sat the top aside, and looked down at a row of neatly aligned VHS tapes.
Manuel lifted the first VHS tape and handed it to Dale.
“Put this in the VCR.”
Dale walked to the television stand, and pushed the VHS tape inside the recorder. He turned on the television and then the VCR. He walked back to Manuel’s desk and took a seat across from him.
“Well Sterling, it appears everyone is on the same page. This woman who is the real killer is still out there.”
“Yes, but the woman I dig is out there also. Say, who was the man who held the press conference?”
“You heard like me, her attorney.”
“No not him, I’m talking about the man who stood to his right.”
“Not a clue.”
“Thurgood, you have to call a press conference.”
“Correction, we have to hold a press conference. We can say it was a joint effort to compare DNA on this case.”
“I’m for that.”
“Good, then I’ll have my secretary to draft a press conference release. While we’re waiting, you and I can sit here and compare notes until we have a mutual reason, as to who, why, what, and when theory.”
“Why are we still talking?”
Thurgood stood and walked over to a gray file cabinet. He slid the drawer out and removed a marked file. He closed the cabinet drawer, and walked back to where Sterling sat.
Thurgood tossed the file on the desk and took a seat.
“Are you sure you’re up to this?”
“Open the file my good friend. I have a woman out there, who I was just starting to smell.”
“All right then.”
Thurgood opened the file and removed several crime scene photographs and DNA reports. He closed the file and set it aside.
Sterling lifted the reports on the victims and began to read over them. He placed them back down on the desk.
“Can I use your telephone? I need for my assistant to fax me several of the victim’s DNA analysis reports I have performed autopsies on concerning the Las Vegas murders.”
Thurgood slid the telephone base across his desk.
Sterling lifted the telephone receiver from out the cradle and placed it up to his ear. He dialed his place of employment.
“Yes, do I know you?”
Ragan peered closer. Shit. He was the same man who she encountered in Las Vegas.
What the fuck was he doing here, and in New Orleans she thought?
“I think you’ve made a mistake.”
Ragan stepped out the line and ran toward the exit door.
Sterling turned and ran after her. He grabbed her around her upper arm.
Ragan stopped, but did not turn around.
“I thought you were arrested and sitting in a jail cell, and what’s with the wig?”
“If you do not let my arm go. I will scream.”
“Not a bad idea. Now, when did you get released?”
Ragan looked around the restaurant.
People were starting to stare. She turned to face Sterling.
“Could we talk outside, I do not want to alert the authorities of my presence.”
Thurgood walked up to Ragan and Sterling.
“You’re not trying to skip out and leave me with the bill are you?”
“Thurgood meet Nadia.”
Sterling snatched the wig off Ragan’s head. Her shoulder length curls rested on her shoulders.
“No, the woman who was arrested this morning should be held in custody.”
“Uhh, my attorney got me out after I posted bail. I really need to get back to my hotel room, please.”
Thurgood looked at Sterling.
“Sterling, I need to speak with you.”
“Nadia, I will be right back. Then we will go back to my hotel room, and talk. I need answers.”
Sterling leaned over and slowly kissed Ragan on her lips. He cupped the back of her head and lengthened the kiss.
Ragan held in the bile tumbling in the pit of her stomach.
Sterling stepped back. He looked at Ragan from head to toe. He looked down at her mouth. Where was the fervor he feasted from off her lips? He noticed her almond-shaped grayish-colored eyes, held no passion.
“Baby, I’ll be right back.”
“Okay, I’ll just wait for you outside.”
“And do not wander off.”
“I won’t.” Ragan smiled at Sterling.
Damn the man was too handsome for the woman who was trying to impersonate her she thought.
Ragan walked to the exit door, and hurried out the restaurant.
Sterling joined Thurgood near the restaurant entrance.
“What is it man?”
“Sterling, something doesn’t sit too well.”
“Come again.”
“When have you known the law to release a high-profile serial criminal? A criminal who have murdered eight government officials?”
Sterling rubbed his palm over his crown.
“Thurgood, the woman who you just saw is the woman who I have been referring to as Nadia.”
“Are you sure?”
“All right.”
“You and I need to ask her some questions pertaining to the murders. Then she and I can move on to better things.”
“You mean the bed.”
“The floor if it’s closer.”
“We, here at Channel 4 News interrupt this program to bring you information on the apprehension of the serial killer, Miss. Rajeen Nadia Whitlow.”
Sterling and Thurgood walked over to the bar.
The barmaid turned up the volume on the television.
“We bring you the latest news report. We have learned that the New Orleans accused serial killer, Rajeen Nadia Whitlow, will be extradited back to Nevada, as early as this afternoon. There, she will face additional criminal charges of murder. Some, as we know involve several government officials.”
The sky-cam aerial shot showed Nadia being led out in handcuffs to a white tinted police van.
“We will update you with any new developments.”
Sterling and Thurgood looked at each other, and then looked at the exit door.
Both ran to the door.
Sterling ran out to the parking lot. He looked around.
The woman was gone.
“Sterling, there’s two of them.”
“Yes and my mind tells me the authorities have the wrong woman in custody.”
“DNA. That’s what we need.”
“How? Shit.”
“Calm down and let’s think.”
“Now you’re thinking with your mind, and not your dick.”
Sterling and Thurgood ran back into the restaurant.
“Senator Bhindi, have the wheels been put into motion?”
“Yes, after today. You, Senator Pike, Senator McKenna, my aide, and I can breathe a sigh of relief.” Senator Bhindi glanced down at his watch. “I expect to receive a report, within the next hour or so.”
“I will breathe that sigh of relief, after I have read the headlines. In as much, I expect results, and no fucking slip-ups this time.”
“And you shall have results. For now, just keep your cool.”
“Any ideas where she may have stashed that black book.”
“Not to worry. A dead woman can’t talk.”
Senator Bhindi and Senator Klossterman laughed.
“I will call you once the deed has been completed.”
“I will await that call. I will contact the others and advise everyone to remain composed.”
“You do that.”
Senator Bhindi slammed the telephone receiver down in the cradle.
“Mr. Huntington, I think these VHS tapes will exonerate Nadia.”
“I never knew Ragan was into this sort of kinkiness.”
PJ, Sammie, and Jonathon viewed over fifty tapes of Ragan’s sexual trysts.
“Sammie, I would like you to hold a press conference. With the people involved in some of these tapes. I’m sure it will steer this investigation in another direction.”
Sammie’s Blackberry vibrated. He removed it from out the side pocket of his suit jacket, slid it open, and placed it up to his ear.
“This is Sammie.”
“I thought you may be interested to know that your client was just extradited back to Nevada.”
“Why the fuck wasn’t I contacted.”
“Didn’t think it was necessary.”
“You fuck. I hope your sorry ass has a good attorney.”
“I am the law, and I do not take kindly to a coon telling me how to run my Police Department,” Chief Hansin grumbled into the telephone receiver, and then hung up the telephone.
Sammie slid his Blackberry close.
“We hold the press conference this afternoon. I hope that fuck Chief Hansin, can explain his involvement with a serial killer, and why his dirty ass is caught on tape fucking an underage minor. Sick mothafucka.”
“What the fuck is going on Sammie?”
“Nadia was extradited back to Nevada.”
“And no one happen to contact you.”
“As you can see I’m here, hell no I wasn’t contacted.”
“Shit.” Jonathon slammed his hand down on the glass table. “I say, we have the press conference right here. PJ, bring me the telephone.”
“Sure boss.”
PJ walked out the kitchen.
“Lieutenant Haines, I owe you on this one. The information that you faxed me will place Nadia on the other side of the law.”
“Oh shit, have you heard?
“Heard what?”
“Dr. Ambrose, Nadia is being extradited back to Las Vegas.”
“Yes, I’ve been informed. I am confident she will be released, after I confirm some important aspects about these murders.”
“If you need any help in any other way, call me.”
“No doubt, and thanks man, you’ve done some great leg work.”
“Good luck man, and keep this shit on the DL, later.”
Sterling hung up the telephone.
“I’ve got the alleged DNA report on Nadia from the crime scene.”
“Yes, and I have the DNA report on the woman who claims she is Nadia.”
Sterling took a deep breath.
“Let’s do this.”
Thurgood lifted the DNA report and a criminal docket on Ragan. Sterling lifted the faxed DNA report that Lieutenant Haines provided him on Nadia.
Each man silently read over his report.
“Hum,” Thurgood stated. He flipped over the report and read the undetermined criminal profile on Nadia. Thurgood walked back to his desk and took a seat.
Sterling walked over to Thurgood’s desk and took a seat across from him.
Thurgood looked up.
“Trade off.”
Sterling handed Thurgood his report.
Thurgood handed Sterling the two reports on Ragan.
Sterling read over the information. He flipped the page over.
“Well, what conclusion has a scholar from Dartmouth College of Medicine arrived at?”
“Good conclusion, however, you must now convince a jury of that. In addition, does Nadia know she has a twin?”
“That I’m not sure of.”
“My suggestion is for you to fly back to Las Vegas, and hold a press conference. The information you have in your possession is a turning point in this investigation. Just make sure you can back up any additional assumptions the press may ask you to clarify, or prove.”
“Man, this is all I need.”
Someone pounded on the door.
“Dr. Brooks, Dr. Brooks.” His secretary repeatedly pounded on the door.
Thurgood stood and ran to the door. He opened it.
“Yes, what is it?”
“There is a press conference about the murders on television.”
Sterling and Thurgood ran out into the reception area.
Several employees stood in front of the television.
“Dr. Brooks, the accuser’s attorney is due to speak in regards to some clue findings about the killer.”
Sterling looked at Thurgood’s secretary. His secretary looked at Dr. Brooks.
“Sorry sir.
“Good afternoon everyone. My name is Sammie Baguette; I am the attorney who will be representing Rajeen Nadia Whitlow. As everyone may have heard. My client, Miss. Rajeen Nadia Whitlow, has been arrested and charged with the grisly murders in Louisiana, and will face additional charges in the state of Nevada, and possibly Mississippi. As Miss. Whitlow’s attorney, I am here to advise the American people there has been a miscarriage of justice portrayed in regards to my client. I have substantial evidence that places my client elsewhere, other than at any of the crime scenes. In addition, I believe this is part of an elaborate conspiracy to frame my client for a congressional cover-up.”
Everyone in attendance began to whisper.
A news reporter stood.
“Mr. Baguette, can you please specify your agenda for this press conference in regards to the accused.”
“Yes, I have evidence in the form of over one hundred VHS tapes that clearly places some of Washington D.C. senators, several government officials, the rich and elite, and law enforcement members, in uncompromising positions, with a woman name Ragan Nadine Hemmingway, a dominatrix, who by the evidence is favorably into Sadomasochism, the real killer.”
“Mr. Baguette, you expect us all to believe you have in your possession criminating evidence on some of Washington D.C.s key officials, law enforcement members, and according to you, the rich and elite, having engaging relations with this woman, who the law has named a serial killer in the state of Louisiana, and in the state of Nevada, and as you stated, possibly in the state of Mississippi.”
“I don’t care what the fuck you believe. These tapes are explicit, degrading, and demoralizing, and in some instances, criminal. This scandalous conspiracy is the beginning of Sexgate. Copies have been mailed to Channel 4 News, the Las Vegas Times Newspaper, my client’s place of employment, and Extra. I appreciate if the law would direct their investigation to a woman name Ragan Nadine Hemmingway. She is a deranged woman, who looks the splitting image of my client.”
Several reporters stood.
“Sammie, who brought forth this information.” “Sammie, tell us more about the woman who was found here hours ago.” “Sammie, what is Mr. Huntington’s involvement with the accused.”
“No answers will be returned at this time. You all have been given your assignment. I suggest you do the homework.”
“Sammie, what is your objective in holding this press conference.”
“I thought it was obvious in inviting you here. I would like my client set free, and the real killer brought to justice. The real killer is in the state of Louisiana, and in the New Orleans area.”
“Yes, and she just got arrested.”
“And you call yourself, a top reporter.”
Everyone within the room looked over at the male reporter.
The male reporter sat back down.
“This conference is over.”
The station went to a commercial break.
“I guess you heard that.”
“Dammit, we all did.”
“Senator Bhindi, I swear, if I go down, you will join that bitch on a meat wagon.”
“You heard that nigger. They have the wrong woman, which means, she never had the tapes.”
“Yes, but the nigger told the American people he has tapes of government officials in...”
“I say the nigger is bluffing. If they do not have the right person, what makes you so sure they have the tapes?”
Senator Klossterman thought about what Senator Bhindi stated.
“Just to be certain. I say call the assignment off.”
“You know how this shit works. No contact after that, and no names.”
“Well dammit, if he goes through with the fucking hit. We have blood on our hands, and will raise suspicion even more. I told you things got out of hand the last time.”
“You only get what you pay for, and I can’t be held responsible, because the man was a Jap. Furthermore, it appears you had no qualms with the arrangements.”
“Of course not, I have order deadlines, clients with specific needs, and money at my dispose. It’s cheaper healthcare at the expense of well-paid participants, wouldn’t you say?”
“Tell that to your constituents, who can’t afford such lucrative healthcare, and have to live with the pain and suffering waiting on a damn list.”
“Yes, and also tell that to the delay of the healthcare bill reform sitting in Congress, waiting to be passed.”
Senator Bhindi laughed.
“Healthcare reform is legal. Organ harvesting, and selling is not.”
“Only if you get caught. In addition, I had to let my contacts know the organs were fresh.”
“By paying Ragan to sexual torture the fuck, and then butchering his body.”
“Yes, at least the Jap came and went at the same time, and as I recall, you, your gay lover, and me also. Moreover, shut the fuck up. You speak too fluently on the wire.”
“My apologies.”
Senator Klossterman slammed the telephone receiver down in Senator Bhindi’s ear.
Manuel, Dale, and Eric stood around the television.
“I told you Nadia is innocent. Eric, I need all the information on this woman name Ragan Nadine Hemmingway.”
“You got it Mr. Addison.”
Eric walked to his desk.
“Manuel, I think I need to be at the Police Station to cover Nadia’s extradition.”
“Hopefully, she will not have to place...”
A mail carrier walked up to Manuel and Dale.
“Are you a Mr...?” The mail carrier looked down at the name on the brown package. “A Mr. Manuel Addison?”
“I need you to sign right here sir.”
The mail carrier handed Manuel the slate board.
Manuel signed the certified receipt and handed the slate board back to the mail carrier.
The mail carrier handed Manuel a brown wrapped package, turned, and walked away.
Manuel walked back to his office.
Dale lagged behind.
“Close the door.”
Dale closed the door.
Manuel walked around his desk and took a seat. He ripped the brown paper from off the package and lifted the top off a square box. He sat the top aside, and looked down at a row of neatly aligned VHS tapes.
Manuel lifted the first VHS tape and handed it to Dale.
“Put this in the VCR.”
Dale walked to the television stand, and pushed the VHS tape inside the recorder. He turned on the television and then the VCR. He walked back to Manuel’s desk and took a seat across from him.
“Well Sterling, it appears everyone is on the same page. This woman who is the real killer is still out there.”
“Yes, but the woman I dig is out there also. Say, who was the man who held the press conference?”
“You heard like me, her attorney.”
“No not him, I’m talking about the man who stood to his right.”
“Not a clue.”
“Thurgood, you have to call a press conference.”
“Correction, we have to hold a press conference. We can say it was a joint effort to compare DNA on this case.”
“I’m for that.”
“Good, then I’ll have my secretary to draft a press conference release. While we’re waiting, you and I can sit here and compare notes until we have a mutual reason, as to who, why, what, and when theory.”
“Why are we still talking?”
Thurgood stood and walked over to a gray file cabinet. He slid the drawer out and removed a marked file. He closed the cabinet drawer, and walked back to where Sterling sat.
Thurgood tossed the file on the desk and took a seat.
“Are you sure you’re up to this?”
“Open the file my good friend. I have a woman out there, who I was just starting to smell.”
“All right then.”
Thurgood opened the file and removed several crime scene photographs and DNA reports. He closed the file and set it aside.
Sterling lifted the reports on the victims and began to read over them. He placed them back down on the desk.
“Can I use your telephone? I need for my assistant to fax me several of the victim’s DNA analysis reports I have performed autopsies on concerning the Las Vegas murders.”
Thurgood slid the telephone base across his desk.
Sterling lifted the telephone receiver from out the cradle and placed it up to his ear. He dialed his place of employment.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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