Death can Dance

I have never danced before,
Yet my feet know where to go,
My body spun grasping for more,
I felt as if my skin was almost aglow.

Was it the black lure of his hollow eyes?
Or the fire which spat from his breath?
This was a move I should have revised,
But who can say, they've danced with Death.

A chill crept along my skin,
My completion fading to white,
I felt my body shrinking, stick thin,
For this is a dance, and a fight.

I know I won't win, that is clear to see,
Though I won't give up easily,
As I twirled and spun, oh so freely danced,
He let go of my hand and threw a last glance.

I fell to the floor, my body grew weak,
I know my future is far from bleak.
As I close my eyes, a tear slipping through,
I know there was nothing I could do.
Written by Hearica
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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