Image for the poem "Music Box"

"Music Box"

Jerk to a halt,
the seatbelt choking the heart.
Morning beams in her hair,
the soft curls that they are.
Laughter bubbling and billowing out,
did I ever tell you how beautiful you were?
The curves and marks of your body,
more perfect than the lines I carve onto my own.
Red and blue lights catch up to us,
warning us not to go any further than this.
We have to stop at the red light,
we can't do this.

It's expected and that's why we mustn't.

Sitting up one night on a bed of steel,
scarlett plummeting down my leg from words unheard.
"I ♥ U" split open on my skin,
I wished I never said those words to her.
But I couldn't hide from those wandering green eyes,
guessing no one ever could.
Ran sore fingers through thin hair,
poor girl suffering in her own guilt beyond her years.
Pain etched in black lungs,
red spotted on the breath she breathes.

That's one thing I would never say to you.

It's always easier to let a bird go than to keep it trapped inside this gold cage, watching it for it's chirping and high owned songs. Itching the already red skin away from that parasite, that monster inside of me, eating me from the inside, speaking and mumbling behind the slippery organs and layers of fat only I see.
My feet stumble.
Trip and tumble.
Give me some room to land.
Fake it better.
sky rocketing side effects.

Is there a doctor in the house?
I might need someone to help me,
help me pick all this blood from the floor.
No, no, I didn't cut myself (not this time).
I ripped my heart out,
so I can never feel the ache of you ever, ever again.

Getting closer.
And closer.

the light.
It's getting closer.
And . . .
The cold is inviting.
The fear,
the dark,
it's all returning.
That's something I say with a chilling smile.

[Lost connection]
Written by Whispered_Words (DRooney)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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