from above

we know you are watching
we know you willing help the ones that needs it
there is enough to give to everyone
there is everything and nothing at the same time
no one really knows what is in the afterlife
no one wants it but threaten it all the time
the beauty of the world was always there
the beauty never fades or completely dies
birth of something then death comes
birth again of something else come around
nothing is ever the same
nothing stays in the same circle of life
no matter what is going to happen
no matter how it happens
it will always come around again
it will forever have faith
either you do not believe or
either you believe
there is something that always helps
there is nothing that stops it from coming
from above they send love and help
from above and from below we are never alone
the Gods are always helping
the Gods will never abandon their flock
the Goddesses will always love everything
the Goddesses are ever present in everything around us
we only have to look to see what they created
we only need to believe with our whole being
Written by LadyMordaci
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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