Image for the poem A Twist Of A Vampire’s Fate XV

A Twist Of A Vampire’s Fate XV

We Have Tonight
Lente & Cafea
Bucharest, Romania

Naynina walked out the ladies’ restroom. She peered closer at the man sitting near Mimi.
Naynina fingered the curls layering one side of her shoulder blade. Her footsteps guided her back over to the table.

Vacome stood upon Naynina’s arrival.

“Good evening beautiful.”
“Good evening.”
“I was telling this young woman she looked too gorgeous to be dining alone. She advised me her time is already engaged, by another beautiful woman.”

Naynina smiled behind Vacome’s flattery.

“This has got to be fate. I suppose to have taken you out to dinner. But since I did not receive an address. Destiny has placed you at my feet.”

On my knees handsome if you’re worth it.

Vacome smiled behind Naynina’s wicked thoughts. He leaned forward, closest to ear, “Oh, I will be worth it, the points is, are you.”
The side of his cheek glazed hers.

Vacome inched back. He dipped his hands inside his front pants pocket and found Naynina’s eyes.

Mimi you have a bad case of the stomach cramps and you will excuse yourself, with a clear understanding to leave Naynina alone in my company.

Naynina cleared her throat.

“You seem to know my name, and I apologize, I never got yours.”
“My name name is Sebestyn.”

Naynina extender her hand out.

Vacome lifted Naynina’s hand and kissed it. He slowly allowed it to drop.

Naynina turned to face Mimi.

“This is my female companion for tonight.”
“Yes, we’ve been introduced.”
“Silly me, yes you have.”
Mimi held her stomach.
“Naynina, I do not feel so well. I think, I will take a raincheck on dinner this evening.”
“I have the rental outside. Are you okay to walk out with me?”
“I prefer that you stay and enjoy your meal.”
“But I am your transportation for this evening.”
“I will take a taxicab back to the hotel.”
“You will do no such thing.”
“Why don’t you allow your friend to take the rental? And I will see you home safely.”

Naynina’s eyes darted over to Vacome.

“We came together.”
“Naynina, I insist you stay. I could use a hot bath and rest.”
“I will be fine.”
Naynina sighed to herself.
“Okay then.”

Naynina slid her purse off her shoulder and opened it. She lifted the key to the rental and closed her purse back. She set her purse on the white tablecloth.

“Mimi, are you sure about his? I was the one who dragged you here.”
“Yes, I will go back to the hotel, and call my boyfriend for dirtier talking.”
Vacome cleared his throat.
“If you get outside and change your mind. Call me, you have my cell phone.”
“Yes I do, now please enjoy evening.”

Mimi stood. She lifted her purse from off the empty seat.

“Oh, here you are.”

Mimi reached for the key.
Naynina retracted it.

“Are you sure you do not want me to tag along with you.”
“You’re embarrassing me in front of this handsome looking guy.”
Naynina looked at the amused look on Vacome’s face.
“I wouldn’t want to do that.”

Naynina handed Mimi the car keys.

“I will see you much later, and do not stay out too late.”
“Okay Fairy Godmother.”

Mimi walked away from the table.

Naynina looked at Vacome’s side profile. He was so damn handsome. His hair was wavy and cut short to his head. His goatee and beard blending so smoothly into handsome facial features. His eyes were fathomless in size and a deep midnight black.

“Umm,” Naynina accidentally let escape.
“My sentiments exactly, Naynina. Can I interest you in joining me for dinner?”

Vacome walked around the table and pulled the chair back for Naynina.

Naynina looked up.

“Thank you.”

Vacome walked around the table. He unbuttoned his suit jacket, held his tie back, and sat.

“You look simply beautiful.”
“Thank you, my dinner companion has surely improved.”

Naynina winked at Vacome.

The waiter returned to their table. He arched his eyebrows at Vacome’s appearance.

“Are you two ready to order.”
“Yes, I will have the Lobster Tail.”

Naynina lifted the menu from off the table. She handed it to the waiter.

“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome man.”

Vacome saw the waiter staring at Naynina’s marble size breast nipples. He cleared his throat.

“I would like the Duck and your best bottle of vintage wine.”
“I’m sorry. Yes the Duck, bottle of wine.”

The waiter lifted Vacome’s menu from off the table. He placed it under his arm along with the first one and walked away from the table.

“Tell me about yourself Naynina.”
“I am a student here for three weeks in Romania.”
“Business or pleasure.”
“That’s a new concept.”

His voice sounded familiar. A voice somewhere in time she was for sure she have heard or responded too.

“I need an excuse to hold you in my arms. Therefore, can I have this dance?”
“There isn’t any music playing.”

Vacome held his hand under the table and snapped them.

Everything suspended in time. Nothing moved.
Music floated around their existence.

“We have music now.”

Vacome stood and walked around the table. He held his hand out.

Naynina clasped her hand in Vacome’s hand and stood.
Vacome pulled Naynina into his arms. He pulled her closer.

Naynina wrapped her arms around Vacome’s neck

On the Wings of Love played from the ceiling.

Umm his body chemistry smelled refreshing.

Sighisoara, Romania

“Naynina,” a voice whispered in her ear. “Speak to me.”

Dracon squeezed the locket in his palm.

Lente & Cafea
Bucharest, Romania

“Yes. I’m here.”

Naynina lifted her head from off Vacome’s chest.

Vacome looked down into Naynina’s eyes.

“I’m sorry.”
“I thought I heard you whisper my name.”

Shit if he didn’t whispered in her ear, then who? Fuck Dracon?

Vacome leaned his face down and kissed Naynina on her lips.

Naynina relaxed her lips against Vacome’s lips.

Vacome released his lips from off Naynina’s lips. He leaned in and smelled her.

“You smell so feminine for the taking.”
“If that’s a compliment I’m sold.”
“How about we go back to my place.”
“I’m sorry, I have Mimi’s welfare to think about.”
“We could go and check in on her. I really would like to spend some time with you. I would like to get to know you much better.”
“Through the course of dinner. I will think about it.”
“Fair enough.”

Both disengaged their presence.
Vacome snapped his two fingers. He heard noises surrounding them.

“For a minute I heard nothing but silence.” Naynina looked around at the bustling of the staff in the intimate restaurant. “Could you excuse me, I would like to check in on Mimi.”
“This is very nice.”

Vacome lifted the locket from out the pit of Naynina’s cleavage.

Sighisoara, Romania

Dracon opened his eyes. He placed the locket down on his desk.

“Lente & Cafea in Bucharest, Romania. Mordecai,” Dracon hollered from his study.

Mordecai appeared at the threshold of Dracon’s study.

“You called Master?”
“I need you to take care of things here until my return.”
“Is everything all right Master?”
“It is now.”
“I suppose that smile is the sole reward of you locating Miss. Polanski.”

Dracon got a flash of Naynina. He felt the hovering presence of another man.

“I need to go and quickly.”

Lente & Cafea
Bucharest, Romania

“I found this during a dig years ago. It gives me comfort.”
“May I.”

Vacome opened the locket.  He arched his eyebrows at the picture of Dracon.

“Is this someone you know?”

Vacome held Naynina eyes.

“This picture was already embedded in this locket.”

“I see.”

Vacome let the chain go. He rubbed his two fingers together.

The clap on the back of Naynina’s locket unlinked; the chain slowly dropped in the cleavage of Naynina’s bosom, before sliding to the floor. Vacome concealed the locket with the bottom of his shoe. He kicked it behind himself.

“I will be right back.”

Vacome bent his head down and tenderly kissed Naynina on her lips. He inched his face back.

“I’m here to stay.”

Naynina walked to the front of the restaurant foyer.

“Darn it, my purse.”

Naynina turned and returned to her table. She saw Vacome lifting her locket from off the carpet.

“I forgot my purse. Ooh, my locket. I never could imagine it will escape my neck.”

Naynina lifted her locket from out Vacome’s hand.

“Thank you.”

Shit Vacome thought.

Naynina lifted her purse from off the table. She opened it and dropped her locket inside. She removed her cell phone, slid it up, and then pressed in the number to the hotel room; she placed her cell phone up to her ear.

You will get a busy signal, throughout the night.

“Hum, it’s busy, maybe that dirty talking she has going on with her boyfriend. Is heavy than I thought.”

Naynina slid her cell phone close and dropped it back inside her purse. She closed it and placed it on the table.

“It looks like our food have arrived.”

Vacome pulled the chair back for Naynina.
Naynina took a seat.

“Thank you.”
“Through the night I am banking on it.”
“You may have a willing partner.”

Vacome reclaimed his seat.

The waiter wheeled a three-tier silver cart over to the table. He lifted two covered dishes. He placed Naynina’s plate in front of her. He then placed Vacome’s plate in front of him. He simultaneously lifted the silver tops and placed them both on the trolley. He placed the ice bucket with a vintage bottle of wine stacked on a bed of ice-chips in the center of the table. He lifted the bottle of wine and poured the contents into the first glass, followed by the other. He placed the half-empty wine bottle back inside the icy depths.

“Would you two like anything else.”
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“Yes you are ma’am. I mean certainly.” The waiter turned to Vacome. “And you sir.”
“I’m cool man.”

The waiter looked at Naynina’s breasts again, turned, and pushed the cart away from the table.

“It appears you have an avid fan.”
“I thought you knew.”

Naynina winked at him.

“You are really something special, Miss. Naynina.”
“I suppose you will let me know how special I am much later on.”
“I will not disappoint you.”
“I will hold you to that.”

Both lifted their eating utensils.

Naynina began to consume her portions on her plate.

Vacome’s plate sat undisturbed.
“Are you not going to eat?”
“I’ve already eaten.”
“Then why did you order something.”
“To get next to you. I will just amuse myself watching you eat, before I get the urge to feed.”
“Suit yourself.”

Both laughed.

Bucharest, Romania

Dracon stood on the top of the Sky Tower. He looked out over the city. He sniffed the air. He jumped into mind air. Transforming himself into a bat. He soared over the city of Bucharest. The aura of Naynina’s smell assaulted his nostrils. He circled the Lente & Cafea Restaurant.

Dracon swooped down. His feet met concrete. He looked around the alley behind the restaurant. He looked at the back alley door to the restaurant. He walked over to the door and twisted the doorknob. He looked at the small crack under the door. Dracon stepped back.

The fine mist of his being dipped under the door. His presence sailed through the restaurant.

The Head Chef looked down at a white stream of mist traveling throughout the kitchen. He looked around to make sure nothing was burning.

“How did fog get in here? Everyone check your burners. We have a house full of seated patrons for any broiled tasting food. And someone open the door, quickly.”

One of the chefs ran over to the door and opened it.

Dracon floated over to the men’s bathroom. He entered under the door. The fog swirled around his shoes traveling upward as it slowly transformed him back into human form. Dracon straightened his tie. He opened the bathroom door and walked out. He sniffed the air as he stopped near the maître’d.

“Can I help you sir?”
“Yes, I am here to join friends for the evening.”
“The name of the party.”
“Naynina Polanski.”

The maître’d scanned the listing for the seated patrons.

“Sir, would you like me to alert your guest of your presence.”
“No, I believe I could handle everything from here.”

Dracon angrily marched into the dining room. He scanned the darkened interior of the intimate restaurant. Dracon palmed his goatee down.

That backstabbing son of a bitch he thought.

Dracon walked up to Naynina’s table.
Naynina saw Dracon walking toward her table.

Vacome sensed someone’s presence. He twisted in his chair. He stood.

“I’m sure your punk ass brother will be just as surprise to know you are having a clandestine rendezvous with the woman whose hands he is trying to win.”
“You two know each other?”
“Not personally, and do not care too.”

Dracon turned angry eyes to Naynina.

Naynina swarmed at the discomfort.

“Naynina get your purse. We are out of here.”
“Excuse me Professor Constantine. I do not know how you came to find me, but as you can see, I am in the company of someone.”
“Yes, someone who forgot to tell you his brother is also vying for your hand.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I will leave this lying bastard to tell you, isn’t that right Vacome.”
“Who is Vacome?”
“You really are trying to steal my woman.”
“Dammit she is not your woman.” Vacome stood. “You need to get a clue. Naynina pledged her love to me.”
“Not that feud shit again.” Dracon stepped in front of Vacome’s face. “This woman goes home with me. You do not have your little brothers to protect you against me.”

Vacome stepped back.


Both men turned to face Naynina.
Naynina was gone.

Vacome turned to leave.

Dracon flashed around Vacome’s presence. He blocked his forward progress.

“The next time you are seen with Naynina, I will kill you and deal with the Authority personally.”

“Naynina will share my bed. It’s in her destiny. She will come to me on her own free will.”

Vacome stepped back and walked away from Dracon.

Dracon looked around the restaurant. He quickly escaped the interior confinements.

Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
This is a chapter from one of my many published novels. I will be adding a chapter as fitting to celebrate life in general

This is Chapter Fifteen of Chapter Twenty or more
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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