As I Die

Oh, divine darkness
conquer me now
Banish all light
from my grave-robbed tomb of a long dead soul

Oh sky, sickened with greif
pale in all your glory
Bleed not tears unjust
for an unworthy soul basking in self-loathing

The moon bitter sweet
above yonder in its crescent slumber
Hung like the many ropes in gallows
haunting my sleep so sweetly kindly

Oh, restless waters drown me softly
and rinse away the filth of this life
Oceans of tears spill from the sky
Oh, why must you cry as I shyly die?
Written by Thedeadinme
Author's Note
An oldie...from a darker time in my life
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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