
It's all a twisted fairytale.

everyone thought the princess

Could do no wrong.

She struggled with the lies,

But only because she thought it for the better,

And in her little world none of it was wrong.

"Love knows no bounds!" she told herself and her peers,

But in this kingdom the king's rule triumphs.

The king sees this all as a rebellion,

A way to fight back.

only problem is,

When he implies his punishment,

He doesn't see his darling princess breaking down.

He's shattered and torn her heart,

More than she has his.

Being the king though

He has no need to see what's wrong with her.

He doesn't care.

Now isn't that wrong,

Just a twisted fairytale.
Written by DreamDeamon (Tiffany Viray)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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