Image for the poem Suppressed Thoughts

Suppressed Thoughts

Words spoken in anger are just suppressed thoughts
Ones that broke free from their penitentiary's
Like hands on a clock they're verbalizing what time it is
Something that they've been suppressing out of fear

Then in moments of courageousness or craziness they let it rip
Like ink from a ballpoint tip their true feelings begin to drip
Pay attention and stay hip to people's deceptive ways
For having a loving heart doesn't always pay and can bring you pain

So never ignore words just cause one says they didn't mean them
For those thoughts were just treading water until they learned to swim
Amongst sharks in the water like the cops down in Florida
Firing verbal rounds trying to knock you down or destroy ya
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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