The Antichrist and the Great Whore CANNOT Be the Same Thing - Like the SDA Church Claims !!!

"The Little Horn" will "COME UP AMONG THEM" (the 10 horns) with great violence.
For  "uprooting 3 of them" here conveys violence, as in military attack (Dan.7.8).
"Come up among" is what you do when you are INVADING a nation.
Or in this case, 10 nations !!! You see??!! Now we see that when this invasion  by Russia takes place, the Great Whore church gets "burned" "in a single hour"(Revelation 18.10,17,19).
This = Russia bombing  Rome.
For "Babylon" is code for Rome, especially PAPAL Rome (1st Peter 5.13).
My point here is that the Antichrist and the Papacy are NOT one, they are enemies !!!
Just because the papacy is bad, THAT doesnt make it the Antichrist - like the misguided ("blind") SDA Adventists believe !!!
How shameful it is that the ONE church dedicated to studying and focusing on the Second Coming (which is what "Advent" in Adventist means) - how ironic that that Church is woefully benighted, walking around in a dark dungeon in terms of its eschatology !!!
 I have no problem with SDA people STARTing with childish ideas, but when they HOLD ON TO THEM - that is what upsets me so much.
Grow up, SDA folks !!!
Remember 1 Corinthians 13.11 - " put away CHILDISH things."
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
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