Summer love

It starts with a kiss,
From a gentle summer breeze,
Bringing goose bumps,
To delicate, bronze arms,
The scent of flowers,
Inspire her lust,
Words are not needed,
As her blouse comes loose,
To display bare breasts,
She guides me to the ground,
To where we will love,
A bed of fresh grass,
Disturbed by our ardour,
Sending butterflies chasing,
In their own lustful pursuits,
Dark, full, lips,
Steal my breath,
Her form so gentle,
Sat astride me,
That kiss lasts forever,
But is over too quick,
As nimble, soft hands pull my shirt,
The sun warms my chest,
Till her small torso,
Pressed close to mine,
Casts me in even greater warmth,
We pause,
Sounds of bird calls,
And one another's breath,
The feel of grass,
And pounding of hearts,
Our own perfection,
We break the silence,
In removing our remaining clothes,
She comes back astride me,
Naked as nature,
Bright as the sun,
Beauty beyond compare,
She guides me into her,
And shocks as I roll her over,
I take her,
And she smiles,
Her love and her lust,
Captured in that perfect moment,
The summer sun,
Warming our skins,
As we heed natures call,
And become one.
Written by Rjm
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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