
I'm running
but not fast enough

I try harder
but still to no avail

I look behind
someone is chasing me

He has a gun
and is aiming it at me

I turn my head back
feet still moving

I see a wall
blocking my way

I have no where to go
and I can't seem to slow down

Panic runs through my every nerve
but I still don't have control

The wall is coming on fast
I try harder to stop

suddenly as I smack the wall
I jolt awake

I panic more
breathing heavily

I chant to myself
"it was just a dream"

I feel the darkness in my room grow heavier
As I try to calm myself from that feeling

The feeling of helplessness
and the feeling of terror

After a while
I try to sleep again

Just before I drift off I hear
"Round two" whispered in my ear

Written by marina2020 (Rain Woman)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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