Miss misery

I've been standing on the edge as long as I can remember
Lived in chaos feeling paranoia

my hands sweaty
 always on the trigger

I have so many triggers
One wrong move and you'll wished you never
Then You'll cry me a river

This depression feels like a fever
I'm sick and cold then I'm heated
Then I'm hopeless choking on tomorrow

Anxiety creeps in bringing me more sorrow
Will I make it by
Will I see the future

I count the scars
Riddling my veins
There constant reminders of a life full of pain

From when I was lost in the darkness
And with a small slip
I would be back home again
The only place I've ever known
The only one who's never left

The darkness wraps around me like a comfortable sheet
Accepting me like I'd never left her

She whispers in my ear something I can't forget
“You're mine forever and you'll always come back “

It's something I should accept
It's where I belong
buried in Ash covered by night
There's no place for me in the light
I'm better off here
In the darkness off night

Written by Cosmonaut-x
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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