Anxiety and panic disorder

Sometimes life gets hard and you don't know what to do,
All you want is to feel normal and be back to the old you,
Hate waking in a morning for the hard day that lays ahead,
Hate going to sleep at night just wishing myself dead,
No more worrying of going out no anxiety attacks to stop you,
No more pain and suffering daily bo more heart ache to go through,
Im fed up of living in fear the negativity sweats and shakes,
And fed u that when i wake is the moment my heart breaks,
I always let people down a thing iv never done,
Depression and anxiety rules me something i cant seem to overcome,
I cant even sleep out at night its way of my comfort zone,
Cant even go on a holiday when im to afraid to be away from home,
Im no longer the strong old me who didnt give a fuck,
Id still stand my ground with anyone but anxiety has me stuck,
Your free to stand and judge me for the things that i dont do,
Just know that its so hard for me at times I'm there for you,
Iv been dragged through life abuse drugs and beer,
Iv tried taking my life so the pain wasnt here,
so please do not judge me walk in my shoes just for a week,
I guarantee that you'll feel beaten and you've no words left to speak,
I was always bubbly and happy but now lifes gone to shit,
Been fighting so very long is it time for me to quit,
Anxiety and depression are serious they take the good life you had,
Make u feel your not strong enough to beat it and leave you so very sad.....
Written by addictedhelp (lonely-soul)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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