Spiritual Warrior
I'd rather be a
clergyman than a warrior
Except warriors aren't forbidden
their pleasures of the flesh.
Clergy must be so peaceful,
Just reading, & writing & praying,
the whole day long,
vows of silence for some,
philosophical, theocratic
discussions for others.
Though warriors, on the other hand
have a close bond to life & death,
testing their mortality each time
they ride into battle.
Either journeying afar,
or protecting one's homeland,
pitting your life against the life of another,
For what you believe is right,
Yet what is right for a warrior
is what your nation
tells you is right,
For one must know how to take orders,
and be an integral piece
on the dynamic chessboard
that is a battlefield.
Yet there is all this
killing & dying & pain &
bloodshed upon the field of battle,
All these people dying for
God & country, God & nation --
And nations using the name of God,
so they may carve up the world
to suit their materialistic needs.
Money & power & glory & bloodshed.
Swords & Knives -- Weapons of
slicing, stabbing, cleaving & running through
Given way to Guns & powder & bullets
Women & sex are Encouraged by
the Armies, As are powders & liquor--
As easy highs & to increase the
testosterone levels of these
manly, butchering, slaughtering -- MEN
Chop chop go the fascist soldiers,
cutting their minds into lines
& borders & boundaries -- becoming hooked
on a system of beautiful dreams &
horrible, patriarchal LIES --
Hate & un-understanding --
Lack of desire to understand
rule both fields of battle --
soldiers & churches
the Greedy Catholic Church &
the Money Grubbing Evangelists--
the false prophets of a new age
as bad or worse than Charlie Manson
or David Koresh --
As the heaven's gate opened --
Who knows -- 40 nutcases left
their bodies & hopped a comet
to a new age -- but left
a world & age behind,
right here & now.
But weather they kissed oblivion,
or rode into the sky --
they are gone & here we are,
awaiting the eternal destiny becoming,
prophecies are made & come into being
While clergymen studied &
prayed to their God --
a soldier died in the blood, sweat, & tears
of a battlefield & choking
on the raised dust & hanging gun smoke,
awaiting fire from behind trenches & trees.
Old priests pray before the altars,
While children kill children for country
Martyrs don't die for
causes anymore
& what good does it do?
The lord of Metal
has millions of sacrifices
at his bloody altars
of greed & corporate corruption
to feed the War Machine
& Babylon's Napalm & Poison Gasses
& biological weapons created by
an Evil Empire
bent on New World Order &
complete & total Domination.
They just have to be sneaky,
& pretend to be the peacekeepers
& Police of the World.
If we can't trust our own police,
Who only protect the RICH,
How can we trust our corrupt system
to police the World?
With so many rich resources
to grab & divide up,
Just as we divide the world
to pit cousin against cousin, to
Divide & conquer the poor, who have
been killing each other for Aeons
& spiritual battles of one of God's people
destroying the rest --
is the true evil!
One people bent on destroying
Another for lack of knowledge of culture & religion
& lack of desire for knowledge of culture & religion.
The concept of "The Word"
being good & holy;
all other Words
as being obviously corrupt & evil &
hellbent sinners following the wrong way.
So much hate & ignorance
have bred generations of spiritual warriors,
heading towards killing & destruction
for a Wrathful God who wants
all Other Religions DEAD.
Yet if God is kind & merciful,
Who is this lord of bloodlust
& Metallic splendor that men pray to mercy for?
Bulldozers run over families & homes --
Crushing the life out of young women's bodies.
Soldiers become terror instilling Gestapo,
When military juntas own a country
All bow down to bullets & the Gun
While Babylon uses this metal
to build our towers into the sky
& our spaceships are swatted down like a fly.
Lightning bolts are still fierce competition &
Hubris is a great & mighty sin.
A true spiritual warrior
spreads the concepts of love, compassion
empathy & divine knowledge & understanding--
We do not hoard the ignorance of the masses &
fill them with hate & close mindedness.
Mob mentality easily feeds into destruction &
slaughter & packaged meat for the masses.
French Revolution guillotines & the screams of joy
as an aristo lost his head,
even if she was a girl of five.
People love to get the bad guys,
& fight against public enemy #1,
When you find out the Rich bourgeoisie swine
have been killing the poor &
using them as part of their assembly line,
The uprising might be just as bloody,
but we cannot lose our morality,
our humanity & basic human truths
that we are All God's children &
the earth is our mother whom we must take care of.
We must not compromise our basic respect
for human life &
the understanding that we all can do good &
love one another,
if we choose the path
of righteousness & human enlightenment
Killing & utter extinction of life
Are the easy part –
Try bearing the weight of said sins
upon your soul -- not just now
But for eternity --
Unless you can find some way
to karmically work off
such travesties over lifetimes,
many Aeons, thousands upon thousands of years.
Generals & Emperors must
suffer eventually in the afterlife,
Unless they are truly just & moral,
Which few rarely are --
What about our own current Emperor,
part of the Bush Family Dynasty,
Sucking the lifeblood of the Earth,
Keeping combustion engines moving
Killing our air & ozone layer --
Exhaust for us all to breathe
Emporer bowing before an Evangalist--
Can ignorance be an excuse
For using God to fight their Wars &
kill more terrorists?-- when
worked to support more
terrorists in the past 100 years than
any other nation, including Britain,
who we are now allied to.
I'd rather be a clergyman
than a warrior--
for how can I use a rifle
to kill a target, who is
a human being , with a past & family?
Mere targets, taking away the
powerful impact of the slaying
of another human being.
And as the targets pile higher
And you find your nation’s a liar,
You cannot take away the weight of the slain
The weight comes crashing down
& some are driven insane,
And all the medals of gold
Cannot buy back your soul.
And though you’ve waded through the mud,
& come clean, now you’re drowning in blood &
the deathcount’s like a flood
& soldiers are chewed up like cud
in the mouth of the Golden Calf,
And we’ve fought for a thousand years and a half,
And what have we gotten,
We’ve merely forgotten – who we are
And what we’re fighting for
What we’re killing for
What we’re dying for
A perfect view of Heaven or Paradise
Vikings fighting for Valhalla
Upon the field of battle
Raping, Looting & pillaging —
Burning villages to the ground
Fighting for the mortal Gods
Odin, Freya & Thor
Wishing for an eternity of
Days filled with battle
& Nights filled with women & drinking—
& What has changed in these Aeons
of death & destruction?
I pray for humanity —
I pray for divine love
& ultimate understanding to
cast away this dark shroud
of lies & deceit
of hate & misunderstanding
other cultures
& we cry & we live & we die—
Death, in the end, the great equalizer
Yet I pray that we might understand &
stop this needless killing & slaughter,
so that an evil god of underworld shall
draw under & drink deeply
Bulldozers & Caterpillars crush completely &
Bodies burn in death pyres to an Evil & corrupt God,
Or a fallen Angel
Ruling lives, for he is the Prince of Lies,
Yet, though we are each
handed our life’s tools —
our path is not merely where we come from,
but the choices we make.
We can choose greed & competition
& patriotism & manifest destiny
if we so choose, because
we are told they are good & just,
but if we truly search for
the truth & the knowledge of our hearts,
We know that consumption is
merely a tool of the greedy,
corrupt Glom system —
It’s all about the choices we make,
Yet we make choices based upon
Our knowledge & belief systems.
Some of us are moral and ethical —
Some follow this word or the other
that his preacher happens to throw out—
Some of us have a friend based, caring system,
While some follow a do it ’cause it feels good
lifestyle, without thought effects from said causes—
Why think about other’s feelings?
because it feels good to you
So we can bow down to
any forces we wish,
be it Science & the Table of Elements,
or money & the Altar of ATMs,
Great Eye of Giza staring back at
each & every one of us.
Some traditions are so
patriarchal and corrupt,
those societies must change
their traditions; there will
be turmoil, unrest & hateful regret__
With good reasons — we have
raped cultures of their
religions & languages, shoving tribes
of children into missionary school,
to worship the “right” God —
Jesus has been so pounded into peoples minds
by annoying missionaries, telling us
we must follow them and their fundamentalist
ways, or else, You’re going to Hell
Missions of conversion to another hateful
Religion aint gonna save anyone’s soul —
So we must let people change their minds
in their own time & soon we will all learn to love.
If I were a clergyman
I would be a preacher of love &
unity & understanding of truths,
universal truths & knowing one’s personal truths;
I wouldn’t stop people from
being who they want to be,
creatively & sexually, as long
as they aren’t hurting the weak, or
making innocents suffer for who they want to be.
No more damning fornicators to Hell
& Gay-bashing & culture bashing, witch burning,
because King James’s Paranoid mind
believed everyone’s against him.
People translate editions of Bibles,
Thousands of years into the future—
The word of God has become
The Word of People —
Who translated it from the voices
in the Heads of Prophets
in the first place
Part One: God has Wrath on all those
but his chosen people
Part Two: A Prophet Messiah is Nailed
to A tree for mercy & forgiveness
for all
Part Three: His followers kill & destroy
in his name & to fulfill destiny of him
& John the divine
The Whore of Babylon
are the Gold & Jewels coveted &
desired by Babylon’s Masses.
Some Say the Love of Money
Is the Root of All Evil —
& sometimes that love
can go the lengths of
imprisoning & destroying the lives
of many other poorer & darker people
So some churches have
sold their souls & collect
profit for grander chapels,
While they support the extermination
of these people, and those people,
because they won’t bow down
and humble themselves before
the correct god, in the correct manner,
or don’t treat their family in
the proper way —
Still slaying
in the name of Justice & the name of God.
Chosen people & Chosen religions
Tarnishing this world into the rust
from the blood of battles & mass slaughter.
We feel so used by God & the Devil,
Yet we use them too — to strike fear,
To terrorize & to conquer in the name of Glory
I’d rather be a
Clergyman than a warrior —
but not from fear
or a lack of sense or honor,
But because I know there
must be a better way,
apart from this slaying and slaughter
I know that I can connect
with the divine in a way
that calls for love,
not hate & Death.
We must all die,
but not in such a vile & despicable way
War & Gore do suit some
as do blood & killing —
We’ll leave it to them, and
let the blood tarnish their souls,
NOT mine, for I’d rather be a
Clergyman than a warrior
I Shall chant my chants
Pray my prayers of love
Bless my people & my tribe,
& Live life to the fullest
as a wandering monk of destiny
A priest of truth, a priest of life,
A priest of love
clergyman than a warrior
Except warriors aren't forbidden
their pleasures of the flesh.
Clergy must be so peaceful,
Just reading, & writing & praying,
the whole day long,
vows of silence for some,
philosophical, theocratic
discussions for others.
Though warriors, on the other hand
have a close bond to life & death,
testing their mortality each time
they ride into battle.
Either journeying afar,
or protecting one's homeland,
pitting your life against the life of another,
For what you believe is right,
Yet what is right for a warrior
is what your nation
tells you is right,
For one must know how to take orders,
and be an integral piece
on the dynamic chessboard
that is a battlefield.
Yet there is all this
killing & dying & pain &
bloodshed upon the field of battle,
All these people dying for
God & country, God & nation --
And nations using the name of God,
so they may carve up the world
to suit their materialistic needs.
Money & power & glory & bloodshed.
Swords & Knives -- Weapons of
slicing, stabbing, cleaving & running through
Given way to Guns & powder & bullets
Women & sex are Encouraged by
the Armies, As are powders & liquor--
As easy highs & to increase the
testosterone levels of these
manly, butchering, slaughtering -- MEN
Chop chop go the fascist soldiers,
cutting their minds into lines
& borders & boundaries -- becoming hooked
on a system of beautiful dreams &
horrible, patriarchal LIES --
Hate & un-understanding --
Lack of desire to understand
rule both fields of battle --
soldiers & churches
the Greedy Catholic Church &
the Money Grubbing Evangelists--
the false prophets of a new age
as bad or worse than Charlie Manson
or David Koresh --
As the heaven's gate opened --
Who knows -- 40 nutcases left
their bodies & hopped a comet
to a new age -- but left
a world & age behind,
right here & now.
But weather they kissed oblivion,
or rode into the sky --
they are gone & here we are,
awaiting the eternal destiny becoming,
prophecies are made & come into being
While clergymen studied &
prayed to their God --
a soldier died in the blood, sweat, & tears
of a battlefield & choking
on the raised dust & hanging gun smoke,
awaiting fire from behind trenches & trees.
Old priests pray before the altars,
While children kill children for country
Martyrs don't die for
causes anymore
& what good does it do?
The lord of Metal
has millions of sacrifices
at his bloody altars
of greed & corporate corruption
to feed the War Machine
& Babylon's Napalm & Poison Gasses
& biological weapons created by
an Evil Empire
bent on New World Order &
complete & total Domination.
They just have to be sneaky,
& pretend to be the peacekeepers
& Police of the World.
If we can't trust our own police,
Who only protect the RICH,
How can we trust our corrupt system
to police the World?
With so many rich resources
to grab & divide up,
Just as we divide the world
to pit cousin against cousin, to
Divide & conquer the poor, who have
been killing each other for Aeons
& spiritual battles of one of God's people
destroying the rest --
is the true evil!
One people bent on destroying
Another for lack of knowledge of culture & religion
& lack of desire for knowledge of culture & religion.
The concept of "The Word"
being good & holy;
all other Words
as being obviously corrupt & evil &
hellbent sinners following the wrong way.
So much hate & ignorance
have bred generations of spiritual warriors,
heading towards killing & destruction
for a Wrathful God who wants
all Other Religions DEAD.
Yet if God is kind & merciful,
Who is this lord of bloodlust
& Metallic splendor that men pray to mercy for?
Bulldozers run over families & homes --
Crushing the life out of young women's bodies.
Soldiers become terror instilling Gestapo,
When military juntas own a country
All bow down to bullets & the Gun
While Babylon uses this metal
to build our towers into the sky
& our spaceships are swatted down like a fly.
Lightning bolts are still fierce competition &
Hubris is a great & mighty sin.
A true spiritual warrior
spreads the concepts of love, compassion
empathy & divine knowledge & understanding--
We do not hoard the ignorance of the masses &
fill them with hate & close mindedness.
Mob mentality easily feeds into destruction &
slaughter & packaged meat for the masses.
French Revolution guillotines & the screams of joy
as an aristo lost his head,
even if she was a girl of five.
People love to get the bad guys,
& fight against public enemy #1,
When you find out the Rich bourgeoisie swine
have been killing the poor &
using them as part of their assembly line,
The uprising might be just as bloody,
but we cannot lose our morality,
our humanity & basic human truths
that we are All God's children &
the earth is our mother whom we must take care of.
We must not compromise our basic respect
for human life &
the understanding that we all can do good &
love one another,
if we choose the path
of righteousness & human enlightenment
Killing & utter extinction of life
Are the easy part –
Try bearing the weight of said sins
upon your soul -- not just now
But for eternity --
Unless you can find some way
to karmically work off
such travesties over lifetimes,
many Aeons, thousands upon thousands of years.
Generals & Emperors must
suffer eventually in the afterlife,
Unless they are truly just & moral,
Which few rarely are --
What about our own current Emperor,
part of the Bush Family Dynasty,
Sucking the lifeblood of the Earth,
Keeping combustion engines moving
Killing our air & ozone layer --
Exhaust for us all to breathe
Emporer bowing before an Evangalist--
Can ignorance be an excuse
For using God to fight their Wars &
kill more terrorists?-- when
worked to support more
terrorists in the past 100 years than
any other nation, including Britain,
who we are now allied to.
I'd rather be a clergyman
than a warrior--
for how can I use a rifle
to kill a target, who is
a human being , with a past & family?
Mere targets, taking away the
powerful impact of the slaying
of another human being.
And as the targets pile higher
And you find your nation’s a liar,
You cannot take away the weight of the slain
The weight comes crashing down
& some are driven insane,
And all the medals of gold
Cannot buy back your soul.
And though you’ve waded through the mud,
& come clean, now you’re drowning in blood &
the deathcount’s like a flood
& soldiers are chewed up like cud
in the mouth of the Golden Calf,
And we’ve fought for a thousand years and a half,
And what have we gotten,
We’ve merely forgotten – who we are
And what we’re fighting for
What we’re killing for
What we’re dying for
A perfect view of Heaven or Paradise
Vikings fighting for Valhalla
Upon the field of battle
Raping, Looting & pillaging —
Burning villages to the ground
Fighting for the mortal Gods
Odin, Freya & Thor
Wishing for an eternity of
Days filled with battle
& Nights filled with women & drinking—
& What has changed in these Aeons
of death & destruction?
I pray for humanity —
I pray for divine love
& ultimate understanding to
cast away this dark shroud
of lies & deceit
of hate & misunderstanding
other cultures
& we cry & we live & we die—
Death, in the end, the great equalizer
Yet I pray that we might understand &
stop this needless killing & slaughter,
so that an evil god of underworld shall
draw under & drink deeply
Bulldozers & Caterpillars crush completely &
Bodies burn in death pyres to an Evil & corrupt God,
Or a fallen Angel
Ruling lives, for he is the Prince of Lies,
Yet, though we are each
handed our life’s tools —
our path is not merely where we come from,
but the choices we make.
We can choose greed & competition
& patriotism & manifest destiny
if we so choose, because
we are told they are good & just,
but if we truly search for
the truth & the knowledge of our hearts,
We know that consumption is
merely a tool of the greedy,
corrupt Glom system —
It’s all about the choices we make,
Yet we make choices based upon
Our knowledge & belief systems.
Some of us are moral and ethical —
Some follow this word or the other
that his preacher happens to throw out—
Some of us have a friend based, caring system,
While some follow a do it ’cause it feels good
lifestyle, without thought effects from said causes—
Why think about other’s feelings?
because it feels good to you
So we can bow down to
any forces we wish,
be it Science & the Table of Elements,
or money & the Altar of ATMs,
Great Eye of Giza staring back at
each & every one of us.
Some traditions are so
patriarchal and corrupt,
those societies must change
their traditions; there will
be turmoil, unrest & hateful regret__
With good reasons — we have
raped cultures of their
religions & languages, shoving tribes
of children into missionary school,
to worship the “right” God —
Jesus has been so pounded into peoples minds
by annoying missionaries, telling us
we must follow them and their fundamentalist
ways, or else, You’re going to Hell
Missions of conversion to another hateful
Religion aint gonna save anyone’s soul —
So we must let people change their minds
in their own time & soon we will all learn to love.
If I were a clergyman
I would be a preacher of love &
unity & understanding of truths,
universal truths & knowing one’s personal truths;
I wouldn’t stop people from
being who they want to be,
creatively & sexually, as long
as they aren’t hurting the weak, or
making innocents suffer for who they want to be.
No more damning fornicators to Hell
& Gay-bashing & culture bashing, witch burning,
because King James’s Paranoid mind
believed everyone’s against him.
People translate editions of Bibles,
Thousands of years into the future—
The word of God has become
The Word of People —
Who translated it from the voices
in the Heads of Prophets
in the first place
Part One: God has Wrath on all those
but his chosen people
Part Two: A Prophet Messiah is Nailed
to A tree for mercy & forgiveness
for all
Part Three: His followers kill & destroy
in his name & to fulfill destiny of him
& John the divine
The Whore of Babylon
are the Gold & Jewels coveted &
desired by Babylon’s Masses.
Some Say the Love of Money
Is the Root of All Evil —
& sometimes that love
can go the lengths of
imprisoning & destroying the lives
of many other poorer & darker people
So some churches have
sold their souls & collect
profit for grander chapels,
While they support the extermination
of these people, and those people,
because they won’t bow down
and humble themselves before
the correct god, in the correct manner,
or don’t treat their family in
the proper way —
Still slaying
in the name of Justice & the name of God.
Chosen people & Chosen religions
Tarnishing this world into the rust
from the blood of battles & mass slaughter.
We feel so used by God & the Devil,
Yet we use them too — to strike fear,
To terrorize & to conquer in the name of Glory
I’d rather be a
Clergyman than a warrior —
but not from fear
or a lack of sense or honor,
But because I know there
must be a better way,
apart from this slaying and slaughter
I know that I can connect
with the divine in a way
that calls for love,
not hate & Death.
We must all die,
but not in such a vile & despicable way
War & Gore do suit some
as do blood & killing —
We’ll leave it to them, and
let the blood tarnish their souls,
NOT mine, for I’d rather be a
Clergyman than a warrior
I Shall chant my chants
Pray my prayers of love
Bless my people & my tribe,
& Live life to the fullest
as a wandering monk of destiny
A priest of truth, a priest of life,
A priest of love
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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