Filthy Claws

The charred remains of the forgotten  
lie in self-manufactured graves  
tell them, tell them there's still  
h o p e  
fucking hell.  
For you, too? Is there  
hope for me...?
Gone are the days  
hope rose like the sun and  
set on my skin  
Tell him you love him  
you'll never know when  
it'll be the last time
He doesn't love me  
not really, he's after flesh  
and brittle bones he can  
play the flute on.  
My death song  
the national anthem  
Nationalist slogans  
Praising the  
dead, the cold, the  
I am nothing  
the embers in his eyes  
glow for another  
I'm just  
E a s y  
a simple fuck  
who will simply forgive  
& forget.  
I do not worship  
at any alters  
My head never  
bows let alone  
in the  
direction of Mecca  
Don't tell your family  
Atheism is an unwritten rule  
but don't you dare actually  
say the word
Say please and thank you  
pray before and after every meal
If God was real,  
here are the things he  
wouldn't have given me:  
★ A disability  
★ Hunger  
★Knowledge of the world  
How do you tell someone  
you're not what they  
prayed you'd be because  
you've been preyed on before  
You do not have the strength of a cayote  
You have a dying whisper for a heart  
You have hate that scratches poetic  
epithets into your brittle bones.  
Your differences make you beautiful...  
Your differences make you... you  
Liar. Liar.  
You stand naked  
irradiated by pain  
but you want me  
to see myself as  
w o r t h y?
How much do your lies cost  
my pockets are empty  
my throat full of curses  
my existence a curse in itself.  
But.. you could have it worse?  
Always a but  
never allowing me to claim  
my own misery, my own pain  
my own struggle...  
Don't let it strangle you...  
Oh, but it has,  
It always had its filthy claws  
around my neck  
as I age,  
the hold tightens  
I beg it to rip my throat out  
piss on it  
It does neither.  
My condition is a masochist  
enjoying the sight of pure helplessness  
as I wade through heavy waters..  
a c  t u a l l y  
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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