GAY MARRIAGE: An Overlooked Aspect of the Issue

In rebutting a position opposite your own,    
you are supposed to resort to "the slippery slope."    
I mean, you are supposed to say  A will lead to B,    
Which will lead to C, etc, etc.    
Things will snowball out of control.    
But the Conservative opponents of Gay Marriage    
neglected to resort to the slippery slope,    
as far as I can tell from what the newspapers report.    
I'm talking about the lawyers who argued that case    
before the Supreme Court back in 2015.    
But I'm also including the commentators, pundits    
on the radio talk shows and columnists in newspapers.    
What they did was to say that redefining marriage    
would open the door to plural marriages, polygamy,    
marriage between man and beast, etc,    
closing with the comment, "Where will it end?".    
As if that was all they could think of !!    
Nobody -- no one at all -- raised the issue of the potential    
surge in the PERCENTAGE of the public that will be open to    
same sex relationships - if Gay Marriage were to be legalized.    
The percentage of gays and bisexuals in the USA is something like 2 to 5%.    
But that could easily snowball into 10% then 20% then 40%.    
In fact the sky is the limit, the potential is unlimited !!    
how can it be possible that the sages, the bards, the conservative intelligentia    
who have their own radio talk shows or who write columns in the papers,    
How can this aspect of the Gay Marriage debate not occur to them ??    
But why do i say that the percentage could change so drastically?    
First reason: legalizing gay marriage and removing the stigma    
in the news and entertainment media - which industries function    
as a quasi church (moral authority)for a large segment of the population -    
would remove the main thing that has kept people away from gay sex.    
In short, its largely been peer pressure.    
Second reason: We can assume safely that people masturbate regularly    
and think of it as natural, acceptable or at worst a minor offense.    
This means that they commonly have a positive view of their own sexual anatomy,    
especially during the times actually spent indulging themselves in self-gratification.    
To get to the point, if  a male (or female) goes from liking auto-eroticism to loving it,    
your love of the particular sex organ that belongs to you may logically expand    
to loving that TYPE of sex organ, that organ jn a generic sense.    
Love for one penis (your own) can easily become love of THE penis.    
This is an example of what's called inductive reasoning,    
going from the particular to the general.    
Lets say you go as a tourist to France.    
They treat you well, you come back praising the French.    
Yet you've only met a handful of them.    
Your mind takes 10 people and uses that experience to expand the results to cover all Frenchmen - or at least the French in general.  
"I love the French," you end up saying.  
Here's another example of inductive reasoning.  
You eat pizza for the first time. falling in love with the first slice !!    
Well, what's going to be your attitude toward the second slice?    
Half-way positive? No, it will be totally positive, OK??  
You take the first slice and use it to judge any additional ones.  
Ditto with your own sex organ.    
Theoretically, if you're obsessed with it, it would be only logical    
for you to be attracted to copies of that same organ.  
And all it is is "inductive reasoning," if I may be so presumptuous  
as to act as if I know what i'm talking about.  
I know of no one who is saying what I'm saying on this subject.  
So I hope that my explanation makes converts of lots of people.  
Yes, I think legalizing gay marriage is NOT the the step forward    
that people think it is, nor at worst a minor mistake..    
Rather homosexuality is so powerful that society is threatened.  
But only if, like, 20% or 30% and definitely if even 50% of the population    
were to become gay or, more realistically, bi-sexual.  
How would people's behavior change for the worse    
if 50% of society were gay or bi-sexual ??
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 2nd Feb 2017
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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