Loves of Mine

Poetry is written to display our passion
The longing of our hearts and the goal of our mission
Yet in all the time I have been painting with words
I have yet to mention a love in my world
So in order to rectify such a heinous mistake
I will speak about it now with no further delay
Please indulge for a few moments, never too long
As I go about now to set right what was wrong

I remember the first, for I saw them on screen
A tale of four teenage brothers who were all half shell and green
Before long they were followed by the Autobots’s war
And I played with their toys, a cool transforming car
Ghostbusters, dinosaurs, and astronauts too
I loved all my fictions to shuttles that flew
Before long my interests turned to heroes from the page
Comic panel to panel at just ten years of age
Mighty mutants fought for good alongside webbed warriors
I entertained iron men and found supreme sorcerers
Then a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away
Took over my life that some remember to this day
The search for magical dragon balls became a big hit
Dice games with dragons in pursuit of a crit hit
I found love in Middle Earth where the fellowship was
And came round again to a comic book buzz
Now as an adult I collect all nerd things
Adding to my collection past just the One Ring
I read about the boy who lived and his battle against you know who
I came in on the modern resurgence of the tales of Dr. Who
Avengers and X-men have gone to movie screens
Now it’s culturally cool to wear a nerd shirt and be seen
I am well versed in the world of all that is geeky
From Joss Whedon and Buffy to the CW and trekkies

From just a boyhood passion on now to pop culture
I can’t help but sit back and enjoy all the wonder
Where you can talk with anyone about who is the best Batman
To the latest podcast of the filmmaker Smith, Kevin
So if you look at your passion no matter the label
Always be proud to love it be it real or a fable
We all have our loves in the things we enjoy
That remind us that feeling we had as a boy

So say we all
Written by ReflectionOfMe
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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