Plants arnt drugs

It grows naturally
You can plant it hint the word plant
It's an herb like mint
It can help with headaches it helps with pain
People die from drugs
Nobody has died from smoking
You can put laws up saying we can't smoke
But we find ways
Why can't you just make it legal
Oh wait I know Bc our governments stupid
We need to legalize weed
I mean I know a lot of ppl who smoke including me
We have never done anythinf wrong
It helps with my headaches
Or if I'm bored
But still it's not a bad thing
And all those ppl saying it's bad and kills your brain cells
No it doesn't
It has property's to cure cancer but it's illegal
Chemo is FDA approved but yet it's poisoning people if you don't beleive it look it up
I'm tired of fighting the legalize weed battle
It's not hurting anything
Just fucking do it already
But if not oh well it doesn't matter to me I'm still smoking
And I'm still growing
Written by Britney456 (Brittany Dupre)
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