If I Could

if I could ask just one question it would lead to a million more an they would continue as I walk out that  front door like,
who, am I an where do i belong
an am, I wrong to be filled with so much hate as i'm writing this song
an if I put the lyrics up would you sing along
en why do I gotta call you my mom
why did you have to yell so much
an why were you never home
why did you focus so much on trying to buy my love with all these toys when all I ever wanted was just for you to be home
en I blame so much on you but was it all really me
like why the heck did dad leave
en why can't I look in the mirror an even like me
am I just another lost kid that's gonna run away
why am I so afraid that people won't like me
an why do I struggle so much to let people in, will I ever be able to let down that wall an be me again
n why is it so hard for me to tell the people I care about most that I love them
an why the heck am I so afraid to graduate,
well shoot I can tell you that one cuz its the one place I knew to be safe en im afarid to know what will happen  after I leave that place
so tell me can you answer any of these cuz I Got a hundred more just like these

like what, do i do now
en if i break down in front of you does that mean i'm weak
en will you laugh at me
do i ask for help, en how do i even do that
i'm a poet not heroic but i still feel the weight of the world on my shoulders
can you show me how to move boulders
cuz if i don't get this off my chest it's gonna compress
an cave in my chest
so can i please share with you the rest
where do i go from here
en how do i say goodby to the ones i hold so dear
an why isnt my family here
where did everyone go
en why am i so afraid to ask for help
do you  see me when i cry an if you do why do you just walk on by
why am i so embarrassed to cry
en why can't i just say by
will you take my hand an help me through
do you believe me when i say i'm sorry for anything i did that hurt you
How do i close those page,
En will you take this letter to my grave
This isn't me saying hurray this is me looking for another way
Written by Jenaynayrickard97
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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