Image for the poem Tacoma girl

Tacoma girl

she’s an odd combination of all the women
I have loved & the ones I never will, she
licks across my belly & cuts her tongue.

my skin is rawhide & my agony is the icestorm that froze
hell, my voice sounds like broken glass in a blender so she
says don’t speak, just kiss me,

I kiss her deep, my tongue drills all the way down to her
saint joan heart & I taste the rancid malaise of old lies,
trinkets that were tossed like streetcar tokens by other men
who did her raw & rough before I found her, & all it took was
a glance & cheap compliments about the sunlight in her hair
& the water lilies floating in her eyes, ‘cause she’s easy like
that, so easy you could call her sally,

high fashion glamour doll, ex-cheerleader, with her aesthetics
of simple romance, like the implausible film where the
brokedown scarred up half-hero half-rapist gets the girl, or the
bohemian dynamics of cantos & coffee,

so when the church choir sings sail on silvery moon she wants
my number & kinda chirps how she’s afraid to say, you know,
yeah that, & I would run away maybe, she lays her heavy cargo
on me when we’re supposed to be kissing gdnite, so I have to
make like I care when all I want to do is get laid before the shop
steward calls in my markers,

then when she gets all weepy like a sparrow dying in the snow,
I backpeddle to my caveman logistics, I tell her how I must hurt
her to satisfy my fix for a rockabilly ride down a lazy river, which
is so sparse in my life & which I crave like dope, like a whiskey
bottle that never runs dry, even though I savvy how she is a gentle
woman who’s learned just enough of hatred & one day she will
hate me just as much…

cry me a river baby
I need your tears to wash away my pain…

(Art: Andre de Dienes)

Written by JohnFeddeler
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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