
Who else is alone? Emotionally I mean...
I can't help but recall she whom I've seen
One I've confided in time after time
With whom my life stopped on a dime
She left me alone with nothing but thought
Maybe if i was smarter, i wouldn't have bought
Her lies, her fibs, leaving me a broken fragment
Without her my life grows boring, stagnant
I'm hollow, once full I'm now but a shell
breaking apart in this delusion of hell
I know i shouldn't, but I do
I promise you this, I still think of you
Now I can't trust the girls that I meet
I hope you know what you've done to me
Only I can help me now, I can put it to rest
I choose not to, for the times that bring me pain are the best
Written by IDoPoetry
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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