Image for the poem Measure


Everytime I think I had
made it through you're hard
task, there's always my heart
trying to make me do the right
thing like staying and loving you.

Why can't I just say we're
through. We ran in the
race, we fought a good war,
there's just no futrue, with
me in it with you.

Why can't my drain function?
because you're possessing
my thoughts,
 but every beaning
in me want to let loose.

But the heart want's what
it want's and that is you,
my frame without a picture
my past and not my presence.

My old lover you're still
an existence in my world,

You're the littlest piece
that complete my heart,
youre measurement
is the matter of my
love triangle.
Written by tearrapoetry
Published | Edited 3rd Apr 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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