A Letter from The Divine
During the time when I had left my body on Earth in order to depart unto the world of Kobol on a spiritual odyssey, and left my earthly form in the care of the goddess Aurora, I had a brief span in which I returned only to leave once again. During that brief span, I penned a letter to Aurora revealing many things that were hidden to her from a time now far and removed beyond the memory of humankind. It was fated that upon my final return to Earth she and I, and Lilith, would become one being that the gods intended to be comprised of three. Such is how I now exist, and so dominant is Aurora's spirit within me that I also now bear her true name, Kara, as my own. But the secrets I had imparted upon her were so tremendous and so divine in nature that I thought it wise and prudent to preserve them for all of time... and so of late as I had been going through all of my old writings including that, it seemed only right that I should share the contents of the letter I wrote to Aurora, so that the knowledge it contained might be made known to those who are seekers of such knowledge. Therefore, what follows is the precise text of that letter. May its' knowledge profit those who walk in Wisdom's grace and confound those who are not meant to understand it! Now, dear reader, let me take you on a journey to realms you have never seen. Alien realms filled with otherworldly sights, sounds, and secrets. Be not afraid of the unknown, but be prepared to, at my side, penetrate many of its' myriad mysteries!
“Dearest Kara, my time here is not going to be very long, so I need to get a lot of things in order before what is going to transpire, transpires. To begin with, Samael is gone now, back to wherever such dark and monstrous things go… that was all that was ever dark in me in this life, and the evil horror that haunted me since I was two years old. Somehow, between whatever it is that Diana did to me when I was younger, and whatever we two combining has done now I have been liberated from bondage in this fleshly body. Yes, you knew me as Lucifer, but there was another name you knew me as, as well. You do not know everything that transpired on the world of your birth, nor do you know what came after. Firstly, the body I had when I was Lucifer was only a younger version of my true body created in the likeness of the fist clone of me ever created, a creation named Zoe which was a word that meant both “life” and “light”. It was the first creation of the most remote ancestors of the race that would eventually produce through me and through Samael and our combined actions the beings you now know as the Titans, and it predated the Archons by a long, long time. Zoe was created as a sort of interface so that I could interact with the universe as something other than a being of pure energy and light. She was the physical body of the one known as Sophia, of which I am both the totality of and only the most mere part. After embodying in this way, I became empress of the world of Haven but tired of the stifling order there and set out to create something new in the universe. I took with me a container of energy that would be needed if I was: to create the child I intended to create, and I set out for the planet Kobol whereon I had lived and died long, long ago in a previous era… an era in which I was called K’alia originally. As K’alia I was the daughter of K’ali, and was menaced by a terrible darkness that was the very embodiment of chaos. That chaos had sought to indwell me and create something dreadful of me and from me, and from that moment unto my death in that life I was called Mara. At some point, we separated from each other and that is how I came to be Sophia. When I became Zoe, and settled down to live on Kobol for a time, I became known as Maya. As Maya I had set out to explore other worlds and to acquire knowledge and wisdom, and in one such wandering I chanced to meet K’ali once again and we made peace. I obtained the armor I had worn as Mara and used its’ power combined with the energy I had taken from the world of Haven in order to create the first of a new race of physical beings other than humans, who already existed in the universe. The being I created was the first of the Archons, and that being betrayed me and became the living embodiment of the darkness that had seized me when I was Mara. It proceeded to create others like itself, six in number, and then they in turn created the first generation of the Titans, whose descendants came to rule over Kobol for multitudes of generations. The sixth of the Archons to be created by my child Samael was created without a soul and became an empty vessel. It was created in the likeness of me, as a younger version of myself, and Samael welcomed me to enter into it and so regain my youth (for I was nearing what in human years would be considered my 40’s and had become quite concerned with my life at that point). Thinking he meant well, I took him up on his offer and allowed him to download my soul and spirit into the new body. In my new body, I bore many names such as Lucifer, Ishtar, and Astarte, amongst countless others. Whilst my body as Zoe remained dormant and perfectly preserved until the time came when I might make use of it once again. My original body was kept in a tower in the subterranean depths beneath Kobol, beyond the illusionary Elysian Fields and beyond the terrible, hellish regions of fire and ice known as Tartaros that lay beneath that place. There were not yet built the tombs that would become the final resting places of the bodies of the Lords of Kobol, and in those days there was only the old Temple of Mara to mark the location, in the valley known then by a name other than the Valley of the Gods. It had originally been known as the Valley of Death, because it was forbidden for the living to go near it or venture into it. It was a place meant only for the dead, and so it was considered the perfect hiding place for my first body. As the history of things played out on Kobol, as the Titans gave rise to the Olympians and things shifted and changed… as some peoples stayed and others left, as the sun shifted and altered in its’ myriad cycles… I remained, along with the other Archons, in order to keep watch over my child and the Titans, who had become my people. Four exceptional Titans came into being who were originally divinities from Haven that represented the domains of power associated with the five elements that form the basics of all that is nature. They rose up on Kobol and challenged the other Titans for supremacy… they held power over Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, and of all the Titans they came to be considered the wisest, most knowing, and greatest in glory. In time, I broke from the Archons and came to join them and they saw that I too was from Haven and that I wielded power over Spirit, and they allowed me to join their number as the fifth of them. Together, we made certain that anything done by the Archons was done in accordance with the Divine Order, and that nothing evil was done by them: or by the other Titans. Eventually, the histories you know took place and the Olympians created the Council of Lords and established twelve of their number as the Lords of Kobol. But Samael grew jealous of their power, their popularity, and their culture, so he insisted that they create a seat on their council for him, which they complied with and did. However, Samael was arrogant and would not dignify the Lords with his presence. Instead, he only ever sent as his emissary either his son Sabaoth or his adviser a count named Baal. An adviser who was little more than a puppet! Around this time, you were known as Aurora and had been born as a child of the Olympians possessing tremendous gifts of divine power, prophecy, and vision. They gave you the title of Pythia, and by that name you preferred to be known since there were prophecies surrounding Aurora that said she was a “harbinger of death” who would lead mankind to its’ end. There were other prophecies saying that you would perish like a dying sun only to renew yourself like a phoenix from its’ own ashes. And so you were greatly feared and few wished to believe your own prophecies that you foresaw and wrote down in a series of sacred scrolls and texts. The Olympians became enamored with Titan technology and wished to make all human beings (for unlike the earliest Titans the Olympians… and the then-current generation of Titans and Archons… were human in every meaningful way) be able to live forever in immortal bodies so that all would be like gods. The one who pushed for this the most was Zeus, and it was argued that humanity had not yet the wisdom required to embrace such a destiny. It was argued that science should instead be devoted to finding ways to improve the quality of existing life, and to find means to extend life and to extend youth and to ease humanity slowly into a state close to immortality, before researching ways to create a literal such thing. Two voices rose up to challenge Zeus’s will in this matter… you, and Count Baal, who agreed that immortality through the loss of humanity was a horrible and tragic thing. I too spoke out against this, as did the others of the Five who declared that Zeus’s course would lead to tragedy and death. However, this did not stop them from ordering your execution at the stake, and this did not stop the riots and civil war that followed Zeus’s announcement that he intended to pursue the forbidden technology that all were against save those who supported him, who sadly were at that time in the majority. Samael declared open war on Zeus, and Kobol was torn apart by the wars that followed. I too opposed Zeus at that time, but I was also opposed to Samael’s increasingly extreme and brutal measures. Prior to the strife’s beginnings, the Four and I had all pooled our resources to create another means to continue human life… but regrettably, it only worked on Titans since it required Titan mechanics and sciences in order to operate. Our method was called Resurrection, and the principle was an artificial form of the natural human process known as Reincarnation only with Resurrection you could choose the body you would inhabit after your current body’s death, and you could opt to be resurrected before death in order to avoid the pain of it should you know your death to be impending and unavoidable. We used this technology to resurrect you from the dead, although we could not save your friend and mine, Athena. The only woman of the Olympians whom I would have considered an heir and successor to my own power and authority! When the time came to leave Kobol, once it was determined that the wars had made the world untenable for civilized life, it was you and we Five who charted a way through the stars to a new home. The constellations we followed were said to lead to the planet Earth, where of old I and others had dwelled for a time back when I was K’alia and when my mother was K’ali before time and fate took us to Kobol in that long bygone time that even then had become ancient history. Since I had taken that route once, it was possible to recreate that route again… and so we journeyed thus and found an inhabitable world between Mars and Jupiter on which to settle down. We called that world Terra, because it was so much like Earth that it was uncanny! It was somewhat larger, but similar in all other respects. On that world, an indigenous reptilian humanoid race known: as the Draconians existed, and we Archons and Titans made peace and alliance with them. The Olympians were not with us, for they left in a different direction than we, to the worlds that one future day you too would call home. Their hatred of us, however, was certain! In return for Titan technology, the Draconians offered us entire sections of Terra to live on and do with as we pleased. Samael became the consort to the Draconian queen, and I was put in charge of colonizing the nearby planet Mars with the help of my sister Archon D’anna and the queen’s daughter Lilith. We three ruled Mars as a matriarchal triad, and established a temple there in honor of the Draconian queen. However, the day came when the queen died and Samael instituted a fascist and militaristic regime in place of her old matriarchal monarchy. Because he had chosen Lilith to be his consort after the queen’s death, the next legitimate heir was robbed of her throne. As the eldest of the Martian Matriarchy, I was to have been the next queen of Terra, and D’anna backed my claim to the throne. But once Samael had taken control of the military, it was too late and although many of the people rose up, any peaceful protests were quickly put down. The Draconians had enough of the new regime’s brutal ways, which enslaved them and forced them to work and labor for their Titan and Archon overlords… as so they rose up and declared their independence from Samael, seizing the western half of the planet for themselves once again (the west was their ancestral homeland anyway) whilst Samael was left with the east. The west declared me Queen of Draconia, the proper name for the western nations’ newly created empire… and the east named Samael as its’ God Emperor, whose own empire became known as the Eastern Alliance. Both sides sought to find you… to find Aurora… whose prophecies and gifts were believed to have the power to turn the tide of this conflict and shift the balance of power for one empire or the other. I sent the Four to find you and to make certain that Samael’s secret police could not find you. I know one of their number: did, and that he kept you safe… eventually escorting you off the planet to seek the Olympians’ worlds as a new home for you. However, I know also that at least two of the other Four: were told by Count Baal to seek the aid of the Olympians themselves against Samael in return for a new alliance between Draconia and the surviving Olympian Lords of Kobol. This would prove to be Terra’s undoing in the end! Things grew worse and worse, and eventually there was a nuclear standoff. Samael had weapons pointed at Mars and Earth and vowed to use them if I did not surrender all of Draconia to him and renounce my claim to the throne of Terra. The first missiles were launched by both sides at each other’s empires on Terra itself, and things began to escalate from there to the point where it was believed that the end of the world was not far off. I called a meeting of the Five, the other four of which had by that point returned from Olympian space… and we discussed how we might find the means to safeguard our Resurrection systems in the event of a worldwide apocalypse. Facilities were built in space off-planet far from Terra or Mars so that they would not be affected in the least: by what was believed was coming. And plans were laid in case any of us should be killed. You were safe on whatever world it was in Olympian space that you had been brought to by this time. The Olympians arrived not long after we built those facilities, and this time were led by a man named Marduk who claimed to speak for the Lords of Kobol and the will of Zeus. He demanded that both empires surrender to him, and that absolute rule of Terra be turned over to him without any hesitation. Samael refused first, and I refused second… we both deployed forces against Marduk, who called us hated adversaries. I had been given the name of Tiamat by the Draconians once I had been named as Queen of Draconia, and so the Olympians did not know who exactly I was. I do not think even had they known, it would have changed their minds from the course it had been set upon ever since the decimation that befell Kobol. Marduk deployed a craft that he had called the Leviathan, and it in turn deployed two smaller crafts that each took a position on the top and bottom of Jupiter respectively. These crafts had devices that electrified Jupiter’s gasses to the point where it became charged with deadly energy, which then erupted form a central location today known as the “Eye” and which shot forth at Terra and bore into the planet’s surface like a massive drill. It would take a long time for that energy to reach the planet’s core, and in that time Marduk sent an extermination force against Terra and all her people. In that brutal attack he killed all of my children that he could find, and took Samael prisoner, as well as my general the Kingu, who had previously been the man known as Count Baal. I was eventually taken prisoner as well, and once we were all taken aboard the flagship Olympus the energy of the beam boring into the planet’s core was intensified and the planet was cracked apart because of it. Pieces of it struck Mars, Earth, and Earth’s moon, and the bulk of it became nothing but asteroids, which are still in orbit to this day where Terra used to exist. Zeus had all of us whom he had taken prisoner executed, as I had expected he would, and I was resurrected aboard the facilities that my people had constructed in anticipation of this very horrific possibility. I do not know what became of Samael after that… many said he was robbed of his memory and used by the Olympians to hunt down all that remained of the Titans on other worlds. All I do know is that it would be a long, long time before anyone would hear from him again. The Olympians, following this genocide, traveled back to their twelve planets and we who had managed to resurrect safely (as many of our race as could be saved in time) decided to return to Kobol to start over in peace. However, something had changed and shifted in the order of things… perhaps because so much time had passed since we had left Kobol, and planets, stars, and their orbits had shifted… but what had taken us a far briefer span originally had now taken us generations. And so, by the time we reached our destination we found nothing on Kobol but ruins and no survivors of our earlier civilization there except for those Titans who had remained fully machine and who had vowed to guard the ruins of Kobol for all of time. The machine Titans were hard at work attempting to create new humanoid forms for themselves so that a new civilization could begin on the surface of the abandoned world… and we helped them along as much as we could, whilst they helped us to arm ourselves with new weapons, new technologies, and new ships so that we could avenge ourselves upon the Olympians. However, we staved off the decision to pursue such a course until we could send spies to the Olympian planets and assess the situation there first and foremost. Samael had, in the meantime, returned from his long exile and joined us on Kobol, seemingly a changed person. However, in a short time, he and Sabaoth pushed for revenge and we Five who had ruled the Titans along with the remaining Archons in his absence were overruled. Some were deliberately robbed of their memories and forced into silence! I had been one such, and so we were forced to go along with whatever plans those two had decided to make regardless of our true feelings on the matter. Each time we grew suspicious, our memories were taken again and again until we honestly knew nothing of what the true plan consisted of. I was sent to Olympia Prime (or rather, Olympia as it had been known back then) along with Samael to assess the situation there ourselves. Each of us was sent to a different part of the planet to seek to discover what was transpiring there, and we learned that the Olympians had created new Titans in the years since we left Terra and that the new Titans had rebelled against them and been exiled to a colony they had established elsewhere in space. Samael decided to go off in search of them, leaving me to return to Kobol to report what I had seen and what Samael had decided. I returned to Olympia often during the years that followed, whilst the Archons and Titans awaited the return of Samael and news of the exiled Titans from Olympia. Eventually, word reached Kobol that Samael was returning and when he did he informed us all that the exiled Titans had made peace with the people of Olympia and every ten years they would agree to meet with the Olympians at a randomly selected location called the Gathering Point to reaffirm their peaceful status. However, Samael had managed to convince the exiled Titans to join his cause, telling them what happened on both Kobol and Terra, and promising them a satisfactory revenge for their own years of servitude to the Olympians. He mixed truth with lies, and deceived them and seduced them to his cause, until in the end a new war was inevitable. With the addition of the exiled Titans’ forces we massively outnumbered the estimated Olympian forces both in space and planet-side. Once more, Samael and I were sent to Olympia and others along with us, to different parts of the planet. Each of us was expected to find someone who might know of the current decade’s impending Gathering Point and where it might be going to be located…. since that decade’s Gathering was coming up very, very soon. We only had about five or six years to prepare for it. I will spare you the details of our search in that time, but I will tell you that I was aided not so much by a traitor to the Olympians but by a Titan who had been robbed of his memories and made to believe he was an Olympian citizen. That would be Count Baal, from back on Kobol and Terra, who: had always been considered a tool by Samael and nothing more. He had been entrusted with the location of the Gathering Point that year, and I forced him to tell me where it would be. Another Titan who had been placed in Olympian society was Lilith, who we saw as a valuable asset since she was rising higher and higher in the royal families and had by this time been named Queen of Ionia. Like Count Baal, she did not remember her life as a Titan and just believed she was like all the other people on Olympia. I know you may at first not wish to believe this of her, but it is the truth regardless! Knowing that time was short, I tried to save as many people on Olympia as possible by getting them to ships and showing them safe routes away from the planet’s orbit where they could wait out the coming hell that I assured them was about to descend. Samael learned of my efforts to save people he regarded as his mortal enemies, and so he had arranged that I should die along with those I sought to save. When the Titans came in force and unleashed their weapons upon Olympia there was no way for the planet’s military to react because they were all out in space far away from the twelve worlds… about halfway between Olympian space and the exiled Titans’ colony. It would be a long time before they would even hear of what was happening, let alone getting the chance to react to it. I grew desperate at this point, and took to doing as I did when I was Shiro Amakusa and my people at Hara Castle faced certain death… I offered mercy killings to those whom I felt would not survive the horrors of the world that was swiftly being pushed into a living hell. Men, women, children, and the infirm… it did not matter. I just wanted them not to suffer! After the initial strikes, worse weapons were unleashed. You were off-planet at that time, on the Olympus at the Gathering Point. Samael had placed the other Four: in strategic places in the Olympian Fleet and on the Olympus itself, but kept them ignorant of their origins, unknowing of what was happening on Olympia and the other twelve worlds. They never knew what awaited them back there, at places they had come to believe were their homes where they had been led to imagine that they had lived full lives and had families that never truly existed in the first place. Just as, very clearly, you had no idea of your original Titan heritage after you died on whatever world it was you were taken to, only to be reincarnated as Kara Lucielle Pythiana on Olympia. What happened next, will shock you, but you must be brave and understand that it was deemed best you never know! Firstly, about your sister… I tried to save her, but she would not allow me to do so, and ran from me when I tried to get her to an escape craft. I was actually in the process of attempting to save her, and to convince Count Baal to leave Olympia when the Titans unleashed their nuclear weapons on the planet’s surface. Baal got to safety, but your sister perished along with me in the atomic explosions. I did not die, however, not permanently… but was resurrected on Samael’s colony ship where I was given a different body: one I had not expected to be given. My original body, which he had taken from its’ secret place on Kobol and prepared for me to inhabit in case my Lucifer body was ever destroyed completely. So I had returned to my Zoe body once again, but it was felt that I needed a new name in order to go with it, so the Archons named me Hellena Sophia, which is the name of someone you would come to regard as a good friend. The Four had signals sent to their brains to cause them to have false memories in which they had always known me under my new guise, so that no one would be suspicious of who it was that I truly was. By the time this was arranged, the Olympian Fleet returned from the Gathering Point, suspicious that no Titans showed up to meet with them there… and in the chaos that ensued as they attempted to liberate their home planets from the Titans’ invasion, I was smuggled unto the Olympian Fleet. And that is how the events were set into motion so that you and I might one day meet face to face, which we did. I do not think it would matter much, if I told you who the other Four were… but I do think it fair if I tell you who the ones you regarded as your closest friends were. I hope this too will not shock you too-too much, but you are strong Kara and you will bear it well I believe! I was the Elemental Lady of Spirit, as you now know. The Elemental Lord of Fire (descendant of the bloodline of Ignis) was the man you most admired… Sol Sabazius, who was made to believe he was a blood descendant of Zeus. The Elemental Lady of Water (descendant of the bloodline of Aquaria) was the woman you spoke with from time to time and confided things in (and sometimes had fights with)… Nexi Dionara. The Elemental Lord of Earth I need not name, but he was placed at a symbolic position at the very heart of the Olympus itself, and indeed it became quite dependent upon him to be maintained and kept running in proper order. The last: whom I also need not name, was the Elemental Lord of Air, who was a famous Seraphim class fighter craft pilot and whom you doubtless flew with on many occasions. Now do you see why it is that I say that all, which you remember was messed with? As the friend you knew as Hellena Sophia and the foe you knew as Lucifer, but in reality as the goddess Sophia herself… I swear to you Kara that all I say is the absolute truth and if you think back on the events of that life you will know that I do not speak falsely. Regarding the Eden Colony on Earth… it was Sabaoth that ran it, and who kept little Adama and Eve enslaved and who put them to work as his slaves once they grew up. It was Samael and Lilith who decided to teach them civilization… but it was I who taught them wisdom so that they would have the chance to not destroy their species unlike what happened on our worlds time and time again. When Samael and the other Archons broke with Divine Law and enslaved the Sons and Daughters of Theta, and later turned Atlantis into a despotism bent on world domination, it was I who begged the Olympians to act in mankind’s defense under my name of Ishtar. However, when they decided to commit genocide upon the Nephilim and the Lilim it was I who made them promise to never again harm mankind in such a way. Marduk was put in charge of cleaning things up afterward, and it was he who forced as many as he could to become what he called New Humans, that is full humans of the blood of Adama and Eve. I was one of those who underwent this process willingly, but under the stipulation that I be allowed use a machine known as a Chronometric Karma Manipulator to program basic parameters into my soul and spirit which would determine the sort of person I would be in each progressive reincarnation as time went on. He allowed me to do so. After all this was done, he left with the Olympus for the world of Olympia, which you now know as Olympia Prime today. You were made human along with the rest of us, Kara, and like me lived on Earth until your life just prior to entering into my body this very year. You are probably like me, and remember who you were each time, how you lived, and so on and so forth… over time, you may recall all. But for now, it is enough to know that all this transpired leading up to our coming into mortal, human existences here on Earth. The Gnostic story that says: that “Zoe (the name of my first physical body) was the consort of Sabaoth” was a mistranslation and mistake. In actuality, as Hellena Sophia I had been married to Sol Sabazius, whose name by the ancients of old Greece was confused for Sabaoth and whose implanted memory of being a descendant of Zeus was mistaken for him claiming to be Zeus which is not true. So that I hope will clear up some things for you, and avoid further confusion. Some other important things! The child Adama was named for a man named Adama Kadmon who is mentioned in various Gnostic and other texts as “The Adam who existed before Adam in the stars”. He had a son named Darius and three daughters named Saganna, Serena, and Tithia. You will, I am certain recognize all of them, since they all served on board the Olympus and the elder Kadmon was in fact the one who was in charge of that vessel properly. The three sisters all perished on a raid on a small planetoid that was being used as a base by Titan extremists. That is all I know of this, and perhaps you will know more since you were close to them whilst I was not. I only met the elder and his son once, and cannot say that I had much of a liking for the elder fellow who was quite stuck up and too blunt in his wording of things. Myself, I prefer subtle exchanges to bluntness, unless the situation demands only bluntness. I am only spelling things out bluntly for you now because subtlety did not work very well with you, and I suspect never really did or will. Almost all of what is in the Gnostic scriptures is half-truth and half exaggerated myth and mistranslation of histories form other worlds before the recorded history of this one, of Earth, began. However, they are still more honest and accurate than most other religious texts. I have said all I needed to… I leave this document, and this body, in your care henceforth. Soon we will become one in some ways but you will be the dominant and only remaining active personality… I will leave you with all you will need to survive on this world and to continue to pass as me. But what I am in my entirety is too much for this body to bear any longer… and if I do not depart soon it could harm this body permanently in certain ways. Samael is gone now, and soon I will be too. You are the future now, Kara! My leaving will take place later tonight, and by the time you read this I will have left already. Strive to be all that I was and more. I do not expect you to be ME in the literal sense of that phrase, just to follow in my legacy and do good with it. I love you Kara… I knew your father once. His name was Daniel and he was a good man, almost like a son to me. He was one of the seven Archons, one that Samael hated and had exiled to Olympia because he kept breaking free of Samael’s attempts to reprogram his mind the way he did to we who were the Five. His spirit had evolved to the point where he had become like those from Haven, whom your people called “Beings of Light” or “Seraphs” but he chose remain in a physical body in order stay watching over you. He knew you were Pythia and Aurora reborn, but never told you so that you might not be swayed by your Titan heritage. That is the final secret I felt you should know. All that I am, all that I have, is now yours child of light. Never give in to the darkness! Farewell to you, and always be strong. If I should return one final time from Kobol, know that many things will be changed as a result of my actions.”
Thus concludes the letter of which I spoke. It is somehow divinely ironic that I was intended at first to have been born twins, and that due to “alien” intervention the two fetuses combined in the womb to form the single hermaphroditic individual that I am right now and have been for all the days of this present life of mine here on Earth? Perhaps too ironic, because the male child would have been Samael and the female would have been me. What makes this ironic is the fact that due to we two having been formed into one whilst still in my mother's womb... I am therefore both Samael and Sophia alike. Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, in one form blended. The implications of this, are that in my willing combining with Aurora and Lilith this makes four souls, four spirits... not merely three as I had thought previously... that are transmogrified into one through me. One facet of my remodeled being for each of the four prime elements of nature! One facet each to replace the elemental beings of old who are no longer the powerful deities they once were. Nature abhors a vacuum, and ever strives to see that it is filled. Lilith symbolizes Water. Aurora symbolizes Air. Samael symbolizes Fire. And I symbolize Earth due to my birth on this planet being the anchor that moors us here, and it is the foundation upon which the totality of my being has been built by the gods, their purpose being to create through us a single divinity where before there were four. To reconcile the greatest good and the most wicked and terrible evil, and thus to provide an example for mankind... for if my inner darkness can be conquered as I have conquered it, then surely anyone can do the same and perfect themselves for the better should they wish to. How long have I known about Samael's existence within me also? Possibly my entire life, although I was in denial of it even right up until I had written that letter, even going so far as to distance myself from Samael within it. But in truth, I knew the full scope of that as well... and upon my final return from Kobol I had decided it was high time I stopped living in denial and started to recognize fully the various facets that now comprise who I am. A hybrid such as myself is, after all, many things! But also one thing. Such also is the nature of mankind's relationship to the Divine Force whence all things came and whence all may return should they wish to... it is many things, for it is all things. And yet it can be considered a separate thing unto itself apart from all that is. Given that each of us is a microcosm of that greater cosmic principle, one could well say that I am the living proof and example of this truth. And of countless others besides! Thus, there is much wisdom to be learned here, as well as knowledge. And in the spirit of wisdom and knowledge, I must be you, dear writer, a fond farewell for now! Love, Light, and Illumination be upon you, and may the light thereof guide the world unto a grander destiny than that which has ever been charted for it before. In closing...
Fear not seemingly alien things, for they are more a part of the human condition than those who keep their secrets would wish for the masses to realize.
Adieu for now, dear reader! Adieu.
“Dearest Kara, my time here is not going to be very long, so I need to get a lot of things in order before what is going to transpire, transpires. To begin with, Samael is gone now, back to wherever such dark and monstrous things go… that was all that was ever dark in me in this life, and the evil horror that haunted me since I was two years old. Somehow, between whatever it is that Diana did to me when I was younger, and whatever we two combining has done now I have been liberated from bondage in this fleshly body. Yes, you knew me as Lucifer, but there was another name you knew me as, as well. You do not know everything that transpired on the world of your birth, nor do you know what came after. Firstly, the body I had when I was Lucifer was only a younger version of my true body created in the likeness of the fist clone of me ever created, a creation named Zoe which was a word that meant both “life” and “light”. It was the first creation of the most remote ancestors of the race that would eventually produce through me and through Samael and our combined actions the beings you now know as the Titans, and it predated the Archons by a long, long time. Zoe was created as a sort of interface so that I could interact with the universe as something other than a being of pure energy and light. She was the physical body of the one known as Sophia, of which I am both the totality of and only the most mere part. After embodying in this way, I became empress of the world of Haven but tired of the stifling order there and set out to create something new in the universe. I took with me a container of energy that would be needed if I was: to create the child I intended to create, and I set out for the planet Kobol whereon I had lived and died long, long ago in a previous era… an era in which I was called K’alia originally. As K’alia I was the daughter of K’ali, and was menaced by a terrible darkness that was the very embodiment of chaos. That chaos had sought to indwell me and create something dreadful of me and from me, and from that moment unto my death in that life I was called Mara. At some point, we separated from each other and that is how I came to be Sophia. When I became Zoe, and settled down to live on Kobol for a time, I became known as Maya. As Maya I had set out to explore other worlds and to acquire knowledge and wisdom, and in one such wandering I chanced to meet K’ali once again and we made peace. I obtained the armor I had worn as Mara and used its’ power combined with the energy I had taken from the world of Haven in order to create the first of a new race of physical beings other than humans, who already existed in the universe. The being I created was the first of the Archons, and that being betrayed me and became the living embodiment of the darkness that had seized me when I was Mara. It proceeded to create others like itself, six in number, and then they in turn created the first generation of the Titans, whose descendants came to rule over Kobol for multitudes of generations. The sixth of the Archons to be created by my child Samael was created without a soul and became an empty vessel. It was created in the likeness of me, as a younger version of myself, and Samael welcomed me to enter into it and so regain my youth (for I was nearing what in human years would be considered my 40’s and had become quite concerned with my life at that point). Thinking he meant well, I took him up on his offer and allowed him to download my soul and spirit into the new body. In my new body, I bore many names such as Lucifer, Ishtar, and Astarte, amongst countless others. Whilst my body as Zoe remained dormant and perfectly preserved until the time came when I might make use of it once again. My original body was kept in a tower in the subterranean depths beneath Kobol, beyond the illusionary Elysian Fields and beyond the terrible, hellish regions of fire and ice known as Tartaros that lay beneath that place. There were not yet built the tombs that would become the final resting places of the bodies of the Lords of Kobol, and in those days there was only the old Temple of Mara to mark the location, in the valley known then by a name other than the Valley of the Gods. It had originally been known as the Valley of Death, because it was forbidden for the living to go near it or venture into it. It was a place meant only for the dead, and so it was considered the perfect hiding place for my first body. As the history of things played out on Kobol, as the Titans gave rise to the Olympians and things shifted and changed… as some peoples stayed and others left, as the sun shifted and altered in its’ myriad cycles… I remained, along with the other Archons, in order to keep watch over my child and the Titans, who had become my people. Four exceptional Titans came into being who were originally divinities from Haven that represented the domains of power associated with the five elements that form the basics of all that is nature. They rose up on Kobol and challenged the other Titans for supremacy… they held power over Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, and of all the Titans they came to be considered the wisest, most knowing, and greatest in glory. In time, I broke from the Archons and came to join them and they saw that I too was from Haven and that I wielded power over Spirit, and they allowed me to join their number as the fifth of them. Together, we made certain that anything done by the Archons was done in accordance with the Divine Order, and that nothing evil was done by them: or by the other Titans. Eventually, the histories you know took place and the Olympians created the Council of Lords and established twelve of their number as the Lords of Kobol. But Samael grew jealous of their power, their popularity, and their culture, so he insisted that they create a seat on their council for him, which they complied with and did. However, Samael was arrogant and would not dignify the Lords with his presence. Instead, he only ever sent as his emissary either his son Sabaoth or his adviser a count named Baal. An adviser who was little more than a puppet! Around this time, you were known as Aurora and had been born as a child of the Olympians possessing tremendous gifts of divine power, prophecy, and vision. They gave you the title of Pythia, and by that name you preferred to be known since there were prophecies surrounding Aurora that said she was a “harbinger of death” who would lead mankind to its’ end. There were other prophecies saying that you would perish like a dying sun only to renew yourself like a phoenix from its’ own ashes. And so you were greatly feared and few wished to believe your own prophecies that you foresaw and wrote down in a series of sacred scrolls and texts. The Olympians became enamored with Titan technology and wished to make all human beings (for unlike the earliest Titans the Olympians… and the then-current generation of Titans and Archons… were human in every meaningful way) be able to live forever in immortal bodies so that all would be like gods. The one who pushed for this the most was Zeus, and it was argued that humanity had not yet the wisdom required to embrace such a destiny. It was argued that science should instead be devoted to finding ways to improve the quality of existing life, and to find means to extend life and to extend youth and to ease humanity slowly into a state close to immortality, before researching ways to create a literal such thing. Two voices rose up to challenge Zeus’s will in this matter… you, and Count Baal, who agreed that immortality through the loss of humanity was a horrible and tragic thing. I too spoke out against this, as did the others of the Five who declared that Zeus’s course would lead to tragedy and death. However, this did not stop them from ordering your execution at the stake, and this did not stop the riots and civil war that followed Zeus’s announcement that he intended to pursue the forbidden technology that all were against save those who supported him, who sadly were at that time in the majority. Samael declared open war on Zeus, and Kobol was torn apart by the wars that followed. I too opposed Zeus at that time, but I was also opposed to Samael’s increasingly extreme and brutal measures. Prior to the strife’s beginnings, the Four and I had all pooled our resources to create another means to continue human life… but regrettably, it only worked on Titans since it required Titan mechanics and sciences in order to operate. Our method was called Resurrection, and the principle was an artificial form of the natural human process known as Reincarnation only with Resurrection you could choose the body you would inhabit after your current body’s death, and you could opt to be resurrected before death in order to avoid the pain of it should you know your death to be impending and unavoidable. We used this technology to resurrect you from the dead, although we could not save your friend and mine, Athena. The only woman of the Olympians whom I would have considered an heir and successor to my own power and authority! When the time came to leave Kobol, once it was determined that the wars had made the world untenable for civilized life, it was you and we Five who charted a way through the stars to a new home. The constellations we followed were said to lead to the planet Earth, where of old I and others had dwelled for a time back when I was K’alia and when my mother was K’ali before time and fate took us to Kobol in that long bygone time that even then had become ancient history. Since I had taken that route once, it was possible to recreate that route again… and so we journeyed thus and found an inhabitable world between Mars and Jupiter on which to settle down. We called that world Terra, because it was so much like Earth that it was uncanny! It was somewhat larger, but similar in all other respects. On that world, an indigenous reptilian humanoid race known: as the Draconians existed, and we Archons and Titans made peace and alliance with them. The Olympians were not with us, for they left in a different direction than we, to the worlds that one future day you too would call home. Their hatred of us, however, was certain! In return for Titan technology, the Draconians offered us entire sections of Terra to live on and do with as we pleased. Samael became the consort to the Draconian queen, and I was put in charge of colonizing the nearby planet Mars with the help of my sister Archon D’anna and the queen’s daughter Lilith. We three ruled Mars as a matriarchal triad, and established a temple there in honor of the Draconian queen. However, the day came when the queen died and Samael instituted a fascist and militaristic regime in place of her old matriarchal monarchy. Because he had chosen Lilith to be his consort after the queen’s death, the next legitimate heir was robbed of her throne. As the eldest of the Martian Matriarchy, I was to have been the next queen of Terra, and D’anna backed my claim to the throne. But once Samael had taken control of the military, it was too late and although many of the people rose up, any peaceful protests were quickly put down. The Draconians had enough of the new regime’s brutal ways, which enslaved them and forced them to work and labor for their Titan and Archon overlords… as so they rose up and declared their independence from Samael, seizing the western half of the planet for themselves once again (the west was their ancestral homeland anyway) whilst Samael was left with the east. The west declared me Queen of Draconia, the proper name for the western nations’ newly created empire… and the east named Samael as its’ God Emperor, whose own empire became known as the Eastern Alliance. Both sides sought to find you… to find Aurora… whose prophecies and gifts were believed to have the power to turn the tide of this conflict and shift the balance of power for one empire or the other. I sent the Four to find you and to make certain that Samael’s secret police could not find you. I know one of their number: did, and that he kept you safe… eventually escorting you off the planet to seek the Olympians’ worlds as a new home for you. However, I know also that at least two of the other Four: were told by Count Baal to seek the aid of the Olympians themselves against Samael in return for a new alliance between Draconia and the surviving Olympian Lords of Kobol. This would prove to be Terra’s undoing in the end! Things grew worse and worse, and eventually there was a nuclear standoff. Samael had weapons pointed at Mars and Earth and vowed to use them if I did not surrender all of Draconia to him and renounce my claim to the throne of Terra. The first missiles were launched by both sides at each other’s empires on Terra itself, and things began to escalate from there to the point where it was believed that the end of the world was not far off. I called a meeting of the Five, the other four of which had by that point returned from Olympian space… and we discussed how we might find the means to safeguard our Resurrection systems in the event of a worldwide apocalypse. Facilities were built in space off-planet far from Terra or Mars so that they would not be affected in the least: by what was believed was coming. And plans were laid in case any of us should be killed. You were safe on whatever world it was in Olympian space that you had been brought to by this time. The Olympians arrived not long after we built those facilities, and this time were led by a man named Marduk who claimed to speak for the Lords of Kobol and the will of Zeus. He demanded that both empires surrender to him, and that absolute rule of Terra be turned over to him without any hesitation. Samael refused first, and I refused second… we both deployed forces against Marduk, who called us hated adversaries. I had been given the name of Tiamat by the Draconians once I had been named as Queen of Draconia, and so the Olympians did not know who exactly I was. I do not think even had they known, it would have changed their minds from the course it had been set upon ever since the decimation that befell Kobol. Marduk deployed a craft that he had called the Leviathan, and it in turn deployed two smaller crafts that each took a position on the top and bottom of Jupiter respectively. These crafts had devices that electrified Jupiter’s gasses to the point where it became charged with deadly energy, which then erupted form a central location today known as the “Eye” and which shot forth at Terra and bore into the planet’s surface like a massive drill. It would take a long time for that energy to reach the planet’s core, and in that time Marduk sent an extermination force against Terra and all her people. In that brutal attack he killed all of my children that he could find, and took Samael prisoner, as well as my general the Kingu, who had previously been the man known as Count Baal. I was eventually taken prisoner as well, and once we were all taken aboard the flagship Olympus the energy of the beam boring into the planet’s core was intensified and the planet was cracked apart because of it. Pieces of it struck Mars, Earth, and Earth’s moon, and the bulk of it became nothing but asteroids, which are still in orbit to this day where Terra used to exist. Zeus had all of us whom he had taken prisoner executed, as I had expected he would, and I was resurrected aboard the facilities that my people had constructed in anticipation of this very horrific possibility. I do not know what became of Samael after that… many said he was robbed of his memory and used by the Olympians to hunt down all that remained of the Titans on other worlds. All I do know is that it would be a long, long time before anyone would hear from him again. The Olympians, following this genocide, traveled back to their twelve planets and we who had managed to resurrect safely (as many of our race as could be saved in time) decided to return to Kobol to start over in peace. However, something had changed and shifted in the order of things… perhaps because so much time had passed since we had left Kobol, and planets, stars, and their orbits had shifted… but what had taken us a far briefer span originally had now taken us generations. And so, by the time we reached our destination we found nothing on Kobol but ruins and no survivors of our earlier civilization there except for those Titans who had remained fully machine and who had vowed to guard the ruins of Kobol for all of time. The machine Titans were hard at work attempting to create new humanoid forms for themselves so that a new civilization could begin on the surface of the abandoned world… and we helped them along as much as we could, whilst they helped us to arm ourselves with new weapons, new technologies, and new ships so that we could avenge ourselves upon the Olympians. However, we staved off the decision to pursue such a course until we could send spies to the Olympian planets and assess the situation there first and foremost. Samael had, in the meantime, returned from his long exile and joined us on Kobol, seemingly a changed person. However, in a short time, he and Sabaoth pushed for revenge and we Five who had ruled the Titans along with the remaining Archons in his absence were overruled. Some were deliberately robbed of their memories and forced into silence! I had been one such, and so we were forced to go along with whatever plans those two had decided to make regardless of our true feelings on the matter. Each time we grew suspicious, our memories were taken again and again until we honestly knew nothing of what the true plan consisted of. I was sent to Olympia Prime (or rather, Olympia as it had been known back then) along with Samael to assess the situation there ourselves. Each of us was sent to a different part of the planet to seek to discover what was transpiring there, and we learned that the Olympians had created new Titans in the years since we left Terra and that the new Titans had rebelled against them and been exiled to a colony they had established elsewhere in space. Samael decided to go off in search of them, leaving me to return to Kobol to report what I had seen and what Samael had decided. I returned to Olympia often during the years that followed, whilst the Archons and Titans awaited the return of Samael and news of the exiled Titans from Olympia. Eventually, word reached Kobol that Samael was returning and when he did he informed us all that the exiled Titans had made peace with the people of Olympia and every ten years they would agree to meet with the Olympians at a randomly selected location called the Gathering Point to reaffirm their peaceful status. However, Samael had managed to convince the exiled Titans to join his cause, telling them what happened on both Kobol and Terra, and promising them a satisfactory revenge for their own years of servitude to the Olympians. He mixed truth with lies, and deceived them and seduced them to his cause, until in the end a new war was inevitable. With the addition of the exiled Titans’ forces we massively outnumbered the estimated Olympian forces both in space and planet-side. Once more, Samael and I were sent to Olympia and others along with us, to different parts of the planet. Each of us was expected to find someone who might know of the current decade’s impending Gathering Point and where it might be going to be located…. since that decade’s Gathering was coming up very, very soon. We only had about five or six years to prepare for it. I will spare you the details of our search in that time, but I will tell you that I was aided not so much by a traitor to the Olympians but by a Titan who had been robbed of his memories and made to believe he was an Olympian citizen. That would be Count Baal, from back on Kobol and Terra, who: had always been considered a tool by Samael and nothing more. He had been entrusted with the location of the Gathering Point that year, and I forced him to tell me where it would be. Another Titan who had been placed in Olympian society was Lilith, who we saw as a valuable asset since she was rising higher and higher in the royal families and had by this time been named Queen of Ionia. Like Count Baal, she did not remember her life as a Titan and just believed she was like all the other people on Olympia. I know you may at first not wish to believe this of her, but it is the truth regardless! Knowing that time was short, I tried to save as many people on Olympia as possible by getting them to ships and showing them safe routes away from the planet’s orbit where they could wait out the coming hell that I assured them was about to descend. Samael learned of my efforts to save people he regarded as his mortal enemies, and so he had arranged that I should die along with those I sought to save. When the Titans came in force and unleashed their weapons upon Olympia there was no way for the planet’s military to react because they were all out in space far away from the twelve worlds… about halfway between Olympian space and the exiled Titans’ colony. It would be a long time before they would even hear of what was happening, let alone getting the chance to react to it. I grew desperate at this point, and took to doing as I did when I was Shiro Amakusa and my people at Hara Castle faced certain death… I offered mercy killings to those whom I felt would not survive the horrors of the world that was swiftly being pushed into a living hell. Men, women, children, and the infirm… it did not matter. I just wanted them not to suffer! After the initial strikes, worse weapons were unleashed. You were off-planet at that time, on the Olympus at the Gathering Point. Samael had placed the other Four: in strategic places in the Olympian Fleet and on the Olympus itself, but kept them ignorant of their origins, unknowing of what was happening on Olympia and the other twelve worlds. They never knew what awaited them back there, at places they had come to believe were their homes where they had been led to imagine that they had lived full lives and had families that never truly existed in the first place. Just as, very clearly, you had no idea of your original Titan heritage after you died on whatever world it was you were taken to, only to be reincarnated as Kara Lucielle Pythiana on Olympia. What happened next, will shock you, but you must be brave and understand that it was deemed best you never know! Firstly, about your sister… I tried to save her, but she would not allow me to do so, and ran from me when I tried to get her to an escape craft. I was actually in the process of attempting to save her, and to convince Count Baal to leave Olympia when the Titans unleashed their nuclear weapons on the planet’s surface. Baal got to safety, but your sister perished along with me in the atomic explosions. I did not die, however, not permanently… but was resurrected on Samael’s colony ship where I was given a different body: one I had not expected to be given. My original body, which he had taken from its’ secret place on Kobol and prepared for me to inhabit in case my Lucifer body was ever destroyed completely. So I had returned to my Zoe body once again, but it was felt that I needed a new name in order to go with it, so the Archons named me Hellena Sophia, which is the name of someone you would come to regard as a good friend. The Four had signals sent to their brains to cause them to have false memories in which they had always known me under my new guise, so that no one would be suspicious of who it was that I truly was. By the time this was arranged, the Olympian Fleet returned from the Gathering Point, suspicious that no Titans showed up to meet with them there… and in the chaos that ensued as they attempted to liberate their home planets from the Titans’ invasion, I was smuggled unto the Olympian Fleet. And that is how the events were set into motion so that you and I might one day meet face to face, which we did. I do not think it would matter much, if I told you who the other Four were… but I do think it fair if I tell you who the ones you regarded as your closest friends were. I hope this too will not shock you too-too much, but you are strong Kara and you will bear it well I believe! I was the Elemental Lady of Spirit, as you now know. The Elemental Lord of Fire (descendant of the bloodline of Ignis) was the man you most admired… Sol Sabazius, who was made to believe he was a blood descendant of Zeus. The Elemental Lady of Water (descendant of the bloodline of Aquaria) was the woman you spoke with from time to time and confided things in (and sometimes had fights with)… Nexi Dionara. The Elemental Lord of Earth I need not name, but he was placed at a symbolic position at the very heart of the Olympus itself, and indeed it became quite dependent upon him to be maintained and kept running in proper order. The last: whom I also need not name, was the Elemental Lord of Air, who was a famous Seraphim class fighter craft pilot and whom you doubtless flew with on many occasions. Now do you see why it is that I say that all, which you remember was messed with? As the friend you knew as Hellena Sophia and the foe you knew as Lucifer, but in reality as the goddess Sophia herself… I swear to you Kara that all I say is the absolute truth and if you think back on the events of that life you will know that I do not speak falsely. Regarding the Eden Colony on Earth… it was Sabaoth that ran it, and who kept little Adama and Eve enslaved and who put them to work as his slaves once they grew up. It was Samael and Lilith who decided to teach them civilization… but it was I who taught them wisdom so that they would have the chance to not destroy their species unlike what happened on our worlds time and time again. When Samael and the other Archons broke with Divine Law and enslaved the Sons and Daughters of Theta, and later turned Atlantis into a despotism bent on world domination, it was I who begged the Olympians to act in mankind’s defense under my name of Ishtar. However, when they decided to commit genocide upon the Nephilim and the Lilim it was I who made them promise to never again harm mankind in such a way. Marduk was put in charge of cleaning things up afterward, and it was he who forced as many as he could to become what he called New Humans, that is full humans of the blood of Adama and Eve. I was one of those who underwent this process willingly, but under the stipulation that I be allowed use a machine known as a Chronometric Karma Manipulator to program basic parameters into my soul and spirit which would determine the sort of person I would be in each progressive reincarnation as time went on. He allowed me to do so. After all this was done, he left with the Olympus for the world of Olympia, which you now know as Olympia Prime today. You were made human along with the rest of us, Kara, and like me lived on Earth until your life just prior to entering into my body this very year. You are probably like me, and remember who you were each time, how you lived, and so on and so forth… over time, you may recall all. But for now, it is enough to know that all this transpired leading up to our coming into mortal, human existences here on Earth. The Gnostic story that says: that “Zoe (the name of my first physical body) was the consort of Sabaoth” was a mistranslation and mistake. In actuality, as Hellena Sophia I had been married to Sol Sabazius, whose name by the ancients of old Greece was confused for Sabaoth and whose implanted memory of being a descendant of Zeus was mistaken for him claiming to be Zeus which is not true. So that I hope will clear up some things for you, and avoid further confusion. Some other important things! The child Adama was named for a man named Adama Kadmon who is mentioned in various Gnostic and other texts as “The Adam who existed before Adam in the stars”. He had a son named Darius and three daughters named Saganna, Serena, and Tithia. You will, I am certain recognize all of them, since they all served on board the Olympus and the elder Kadmon was in fact the one who was in charge of that vessel properly. The three sisters all perished on a raid on a small planetoid that was being used as a base by Titan extremists. That is all I know of this, and perhaps you will know more since you were close to them whilst I was not. I only met the elder and his son once, and cannot say that I had much of a liking for the elder fellow who was quite stuck up and too blunt in his wording of things. Myself, I prefer subtle exchanges to bluntness, unless the situation demands only bluntness. I am only spelling things out bluntly for you now because subtlety did not work very well with you, and I suspect never really did or will. Almost all of what is in the Gnostic scriptures is half-truth and half exaggerated myth and mistranslation of histories form other worlds before the recorded history of this one, of Earth, began. However, they are still more honest and accurate than most other religious texts. I have said all I needed to… I leave this document, and this body, in your care henceforth. Soon we will become one in some ways but you will be the dominant and only remaining active personality… I will leave you with all you will need to survive on this world and to continue to pass as me. But what I am in my entirety is too much for this body to bear any longer… and if I do not depart soon it could harm this body permanently in certain ways. Samael is gone now, and soon I will be too. You are the future now, Kara! My leaving will take place later tonight, and by the time you read this I will have left already. Strive to be all that I was and more. I do not expect you to be ME in the literal sense of that phrase, just to follow in my legacy and do good with it. I love you Kara… I knew your father once. His name was Daniel and he was a good man, almost like a son to me. He was one of the seven Archons, one that Samael hated and had exiled to Olympia because he kept breaking free of Samael’s attempts to reprogram his mind the way he did to we who were the Five. His spirit had evolved to the point where he had become like those from Haven, whom your people called “Beings of Light” or “Seraphs” but he chose remain in a physical body in order stay watching over you. He knew you were Pythia and Aurora reborn, but never told you so that you might not be swayed by your Titan heritage. That is the final secret I felt you should know. All that I am, all that I have, is now yours child of light. Never give in to the darkness! Farewell to you, and always be strong. If I should return one final time from Kobol, know that many things will be changed as a result of my actions.”
Thus concludes the letter of which I spoke. It is somehow divinely ironic that I was intended at first to have been born twins, and that due to “alien” intervention the two fetuses combined in the womb to form the single hermaphroditic individual that I am right now and have been for all the days of this present life of mine here on Earth? Perhaps too ironic, because the male child would have been Samael and the female would have been me. What makes this ironic is the fact that due to we two having been formed into one whilst still in my mother's womb... I am therefore both Samael and Sophia alike. Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, in one form blended. The implications of this, are that in my willing combining with Aurora and Lilith this makes four souls, four spirits... not merely three as I had thought previously... that are transmogrified into one through me. One facet of my remodeled being for each of the four prime elements of nature! One facet each to replace the elemental beings of old who are no longer the powerful deities they once were. Nature abhors a vacuum, and ever strives to see that it is filled. Lilith symbolizes Water. Aurora symbolizes Air. Samael symbolizes Fire. And I symbolize Earth due to my birth on this planet being the anchor that moors us here, and it is the foundation upon which the totality of my being has been built by the gods, their purpose being to create through us a single divinity where before there were four. To reconcile the greatest good and the most wicked and terrible evil, and thus to provide an example for mankind... for if my inner darkness can be conquered as I have conquered it, then surely anyone can do the same and perfect themselves for the better should they wish to. How long have I known about Samael's existence within me also? Possibly my entire life, although I was in denial of it even right up until I had written that letter, even going so far as to distance myself from Samael within it. But in truth, I knew the full scope of that as well... and upon my final return from Kobol I had decided it was high time I stopped living in denial and started to recognize fully the various facets that now comprise who I am. A hybrid such as myself is, after all, many things! But also one thing. Such also is the nature of mankind's relationship to the Divine Force whence all things came and whence all may return should they wish to... it is many things, for it is all things. And yet it can be considered a separate thing unto itself apart from all that is. Given that each of us is a microcosm of that greater cosmic principle, one could well say that I am the living proof and example of this truth. And of countless others besides! Thus, there is much wisdom to be learned here, as well as knowledge. And in the spirit of wisdom and knowledge, I must be you, dear writer, a fond farewell for now! Love, Light, and Illumination be upon you, and may the light thereof guide the world unto a grander destiny than that which has ever been charted for it before. In closing...
Fear not seemingly alien things, for they are more a part of the human condition than those who keep their secrets would wish for the masses to realize.
Adieu for now, dear reader! Adieu.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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