What Do the 2 Great Judgments; (1)Noah's Flood,(2)The Judgment by Fire Have In Common?

(1)Noah's Flood in Genesis 6-9 (in the Law of Moses) is actually quite mythological.    
(No wonder the Christian Gospel separates itself from the Law of Moses when it says,    
"The Law was given by Moses, but ..TRUTH came by Jesus Christ"(John.1.17).    
The HISTORICAL basis for Noah's Flood is the flooding of the Black Sea around 5,540 BC.    
If you deduct the northern half of today's Black Sea, you have the size of that sea before the flood.    
Presumptively,the refugees from that northern area fled southward to the Iraq region,    
bringing their tale of Judgment by God via a world-wide flood with them.    
(Since Abraham the Hebrew patriarch came from Iraq to Canaan,    
That would explain the transmission of that story down to Moses' time.)    
But my point is this: Noah's flood was actually Russia's flood, for the Black Sea lies in Russia.    
Likewise, the Judgment by Fire(2 Peter 3.3-13) will come in the form of RUSSIAN nuclear warheads/fireballs.    
So, what both Judgment Days have in common is the RUSSIAN aspect, both revolve around Russia!!    
PS:For more information on the ancient Black Sea Flood, google "Black Sea Flood."    
Professors William Ryan and Walter Pitman have devoted years to studying that flood,    
They've nailed down the facts quite convincingly in their book, written about 20 years ago.    
But the videos on YouTube are much more recent than that.    
Apparently the Mediterranean Sea poured into the waiting basin    
of the Black Sea over something like a 30 year period,causing it to double in size.    
How could that local flood become the basis for the "global' flood(Genesis 7-8)?    
Well, it was world-wide in that it covered "the world" as the survivors had known it.    
PPS: as for the "Judgment by fire," that lies ahead,    
the evidence that Russia will be God's instrument goes like this:    
(a)we read that the Roman empire that covered Western Europe(Daniel 7.7)    
(b)will be restored - the "Fourth Beast" will come again(Daniel 7.8; Revelation17.8-11).    
It comes when ten Catholic nations("10 horns") (plus other nations in Europe)    
are invaded - as "another horn comes up among them" (Daniel 7.8).    
(Daniel 7.7 is set in ancient times; whereas Dan 7.8 is set in our time).    
But any Russian invasion of Europe HAS to be accompanied by what?    
preemptive attack on the USA,defender of Europe, without a doubt !!    
PPS: You may be saying, "How could a good God let full scale nuclear war occur?"    
Let me answer like this:First, it won't be full-scale. For only one side will unload.    
Our warheads will be bombed in their underground silos.    
our bombers will be bombed in their hangars.    
A third of our subs will be sunk in their ports.    
Warheads fired from our subs will be shot down by Russia's ABM system.    
(It's NATIONWIDE,which is totally illegal, a violation of the 1972/3 ABM Treaty).    
Second, the same God who let the Nazi Holocaust happen    
Will certainly - CERTAINLY - let the nuclear version follow it.    
For when God's "Chosen" squanders the blessing God has given us,    
You should expect the punishment to be out of all proportion.    
If you don't realize that America is God's Chosen,    
that just shows how far we have fallen.  
Why do I say "ten CATHOLIC nations"?    
The "ten horns" in Daniel 7.7 actually apply to the time of Dan 7.8.
They show up in the Book of Revelation, which is  
largely an explanation of Daniel 7.8, the action verse.
Rev 12.3 is set in the first century, notice the horns lack crowns.
They aren't independent nations.(Rev 12.3 goes with Dan 7.7.)
But by the time of Rev 13.1; Dan 7.8 the 10 horns wear crowns.
The Roman empire is gone, replaced by 10 nations.
But that empire split up into many more than just 10 nations,
More like 30 or so sovereign nations.
But only 10 nations are focused on.
Of the 30+ nations, some went Greek Orthodox, many Islamic.
So the 10 horns/nations are those which remain with Rome  
in the post empire period,namely the Papal Rome era.
For we see the 10 horns that are with the 7 heads in Rev 12.3
are still with the 7 heads in the later period, the Papal Rome period(Rev 13.1).
What are these "7 heads"? They are the "7 hills upon which the Woman sits...
The Woman is that great city which rules over the kings of the Earth"(Rev 17.9,18),namely Papal Rome.
(At least during the Middle Ages, it could be said that Rome did "rule over the kings of the Earth.").
Anyway, because the 10 horns remain with Rome(the 7 heads which = 7 hills)  
into the papal period,we can say assuredly, "the 10 horns [which] are 10 kings"(Dan 7.24)  
are by extension 10 nations, 10 CATHOLIC nations in particular. OK ??
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 5th Feb 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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